|  | 12530 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7036/CRISPR%20Illustrations_4square_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 1:01 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This illustration shows, in simplified terms, how the CRISPR-Cas9 system can be used as a gene-editing tool. <Br><Br>Frame 1 shows the two components of the CRISPR system: a strong cutting device (an enzyme called Cas9 that can cut through a double strand of DNA), and a finely tuned targeting device (a small strand of RNA programmed to look for a specific DNA sequence). <Br><Br>In frame 2, the CRISPR machine locates the target DNA sequence once inserted into a cell. <Br><Br>In frame 3, the Cas9 enzyme cuts both strands of the DNA. <Br><Br>Frame 4 shows a repaired DNA strand with new genetic material that researchers can introduce, which the cell automatically incorporates into the gap when it repairs the broken DNA. <Br><Br>For an explanation and overview of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, see the <a href=" http://www.ibiology.org/ibiomagazine/jennifer-doudna-genome-engineering-with-crispr-cas9-birth-of-a-breakthrough-technology.html">iBiology video</a>. <Br><Br>Download the individual frames: <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6465">Frame 1</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6486">Frame 2</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6487">Frame 3</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6488">Frame 4</a>. | | | CRISPR%20Illustrations_4square.png | CRISPR%20Illustrations_4square_S.jpg | CRISPR%20Illustrations_4square_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR%20Illustrations_4square_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12506 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7023/Dynein%20thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Dynein moving along microtubules | No | Video | Active | 5/20/2024 9:55 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Dynein (green) is a motor protein that “walks” along microtubules (red, part of the cytoskeleton) and carries its cargo along with it. This video was captured through fluorescence microscopy. | | | TIRF_motility_movie%20(2).mp4 | | |  | | |  | Dynein%20thumbnail.png |
|  | 12503 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7022/Cellular%20radios.png'></DIV> | Single-cell “radios” | No | Video | Active | 5/6/2024 9:17 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Individual cells are color-coded based on their identity and signaling activity using a protein circuit technology developed by the Coyle Lab. Just as a radio allows you to listen to an individual frequency, this technology allows researchers to tune into the specific “radio station” of each cell through genetically encoded proteins from a bacterial system called MinDE. The proteins generate an oscillating fluorescent signal that transmits information about cell shape, state, and identity that can be decoded using digital signal processing tools originally designed for telecommunications. The approach allows researchers to look at the dynamics of a single cell in the presence of many other cells. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=7021">7021</a>. | | | Cellular%20Radios.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Cellular%20radios.png |
|  | 12498 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7021/Cellular%20Radios%20Image_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Single-cell “radios” | No | Photograph | Active | 5/6/2024 9:14 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Individual cells are color-coded based on their identity and signaling activity using a protein circuit technology developed by the Coyle Lab. Just as a radio allows you to listen to an individual frequency, this technology allows researchers to tune into the specific “radio station” of each cell through genetically encoded proteins from a bacterial system called MinDE. The proteins generate an oscillating fluorescent signal that transmits information about cell shape, state, and identity that can be decoded using digital signal processing tools originally designed for telecommunications. The approach allows researchers to look at the dynamics of a single cell in the presence of many other cells. <Br><Br> Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=7022">7022</a>. | | | Cellular%20Radios%20Image.tif | Cellular%20Radios%20Image_S.jpg | Cellular%20Radios%20Image_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cellular%20Radios%20Image_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12478 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7020/10.%20juvenile%20light%20organ%20with%20GFP%20crypt_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial symbionts colonizing the crypts of a juvenile Hawaiian bobtail squid light organ | No | Photograph | Active | 4/15/2024 8:39 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 10.%20juvenile%20light%20organ%20with%20GFP%20crypt.tif | 10.%20juvenile%20light%20organ%20with%20GFP%20crypt_S.jpg | 10.%20juvenile%20light%20organ%20with%20GFP%20crypt_M.jpg |  | | |  | 10.%20juvenile%20light%20organ%20with%20GFP%20crypt_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12469 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7019/9.%20Aggregate%20above%20pores_cropped_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial cells aggregated above a light-organ pore of the Hawaiian bobtail squid | No | Photograph | Active | 4/12/2024 9:10 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria, Euprymna scolopes | 9.%20Aggregate%20above%20pores_cropped.jpg | 9.%20Aggregate%20above%20pores_cropped_S.jpg | 9.%20Aggregate%20above%20pores_cropped_M.jpg |  | | |  | 9.%20Aggregate%20above%20pores_cropped_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12468 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7018/8.%20Light%20organ%20with%20symbiont%20aggregates_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial cells aggregating above the light organ of the Hawaiian bobtail squid | No | Photograph | Active | 4/12/2024 9:09 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 8.%20Light%20organ%20with%20symbiont%20aggregates.jpg | 8.%20Light%20organ%20with%20symbiont%20aggregates_S.jpg | 8.%20Light%20organ%20with%20symbiont%20aggregates_M.jpg |  | | |  | 8.%20Light%20organ%20with%20symbiont%20aggregates_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12463 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7017/7.%20Multicolored%20juvenile%20light%20organ_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | The nascent juvenile light organ of the Hawaiian bobtail squid | No | Photograph | Active | 4/12/2024 9:07 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 7.%20Multicolored%20juvenile%20light%20organ.jpg | 7.%20Multicolored%20juvenile%20light%20organ_S.jpg | 7.%20Multicolored%20juvenile%20light%20organ_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7.%20Multicolored%20juvenile%20light%20organ_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12458 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7016/6.%20Blue%20light%20organ_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Pores on the surface of the Hawaiian bobtail squid light organ | No | Photograph | Active | 4/12/2024 9:06 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 6.%20Blue%20light%20organ.tif | 6.%20Blue%20light%20organ_S.jpg | 6.%20Blue%20light%20organ_M.jpg |  | | |  | 6.%20Blue%20light%20organ_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12453 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7015/5.%20Bottleneck%20closeup_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial cells migrating through the tissues of the squid light organ | No | Photograph | Active | 4/12/2024 9:02 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <em>Vibrio fischeri</em> cells (~ 2 mm), labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP), passing through a very narrow bottleneck in the tissues (red) of the Hawaiian bobtail squid, <em>Euprymna scolopes</em>, on the way to the crypts where the symbiont population resides. This image was taken using a confocal fluorescence microscope. | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 5.%20Bottleneck%20closeup.tif | 5.%20Bottleneck%20closeup_S.jpg | 5.%20Bottleneck%20closeup_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5.%20Bottleneck%20closeup_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12434 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7014/4.%20Flagellated%20symbionts_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Flagellated bacterial cells | No | Photograph | Active | 4/5/2024 4:05 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <em>Vibrio fischeri</em> (2 mm in length) is the exclusive symbiotic partner of the Hawaiian bobtail squid, <em>Euprymna scolopes</em>. After this bacterium uses its flagella to swim from the seawater into the light organ of a newly hatched juvenile, it colonizes the host and loses the appendages. This image was taken using a scanning electron microscope. | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria, flagellum | 4.%20Flagellated%20symbionts.jpg | 4.%20Flagellated%20symbionts_S.jpg | 4.%20Flagellated%20symbionts_M.jpg |  | | |  | 4.%20Flagellated%20symbionts_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12428 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7013/3.%20Adult%20squid_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | An adult Hawaiian bobtail squid | No | Photograph | Active | 4/5/2024 4:00 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | An adult female Hawaiian bobtail squid, <em>Euprymna scolopes</em>, with its mantle cavity exposed from the underside. Some internal organs are visible, including the two lobes of the light organ that contains bioluminescent bacteria, <em>Vibrio fischeri</em>. The light organ includes accessory tissues like an ink sac (black) that serves as a shutter, and a silvery reflector that directs the light out of the underside of the animal. | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism | 3.%20Adult%20squid.jpg | 3.%20Adult%20squid_S.jpg | 3.%20Adult%20squid_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3.%20Adult%20squid_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12425 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7012/11.%20Burying%20Squid.PNG'></DIV> | Adult Hawaiian bobtail squid burying in the sand | No | Video | Active | 4/5/2024 3:56 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism, bacteria | 11.%20Adult%20squid%20burying.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 11.%20Burying%20Squid.PNG |
|  | 12420 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7011/2.%20Adult%20in%20hand_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Hawaiian bobtail squid | No | Photograph | Active | 4/5/2024 3:54 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism | 2.%20Adult%20in%20hand.jpg | 2.%20Adult%20in%20hand_S.jpg | 2.%20Adult%20in%20hand_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2.%20Adult%20in%20hand_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12415 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7010/1.%20Adult%20and%20juveniles_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Adult and juvenile Hawaiian bobtail squids | No | Photograph | Active | 4/5/2024 3:52 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | symbiont, symbiotic, bioluminescent, research organism | 1.%20Adult%20and%20juveniles.jpg | 1.%20Adult%20and%20juveniles_S.jpg | 1.%20Adult%20and%20juveniles_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1.%20Adult%20and%20juveniles_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12410 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7009/hungryhungrymacs_bond_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Hungry, hungry macrophages | No | Photograph | Active | 11/25/2024 1:30 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Macrophages (green) are the professional eaters of our immune system. They are constantly surveilling our tissues for targets—such as bacteria, dead cells, or even cancer—and clearing them before they can cause harm. In this image, researchers were testing how macrophages responded to different molecules that were attached to silica beads (magenta) coated with a lipid bilayer to mimic a cell membrane. <Br><Br>Find more information on this image in the <em>NIH Director’s Blog</em> post <a href=" https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2023/08/22/how-to-feed-a-macrophage/">"How to Feed a Macrophage."</a> | | white blood cells, purple | hungryhungrymacs_bond.jpg | hungryhungrymacs_bond_S.jpg | hungryhungrymacs_bond_M.jpg |  | | |  | hungryhungrymacs_bond_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12399 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7004/bcr-abl_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Protein kinases as cancer chemotherapy targets | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 4:07 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Protein kinases—enzymes that add phosphate groups to molecules—are cancer chemotherapy targets because they play significant roles in almost all aspects of cell function, are tightly regulated, and contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases if any alterations to their regulation occur. Genetic abnormalities affecting the c-Abl tyrosine kinase are linked to chronic myelogenous leukemia, a cancer of immature cells in the bone marrow. In the noncancerous form of the protein, binding of a myristoyl group to the kinase domain inhibits the activity of the protein until it is needed (top left shows the inactive form, top right shows the open and active form). The cancerous variant of the protein, called Bcr-Abl, lacks this autoinhibitory myristoyl group and is continually active (bottom). ATP is shown in green bound in the active site of the kinase. <Br><Br> Find these in the RCSB Protein Data Bank: <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1OPL">c-Abl tyrosine kinase and regulatory domains</a> (PDB entry 1OPL) and <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1ZZP">F-actin binding domain</a> (PDB entry 1ZZP). | | CML | bcr-abl.tif | bcr-abl_S.jpg | bcr-abl_M.jpg |  | | |  | bcr-abl_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12394 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7003/catalase-diversity_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Catalase diversity | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2024 9:17 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Catalases are some of the most efficient enzymes found in cells. Each catalase molecule can decompose millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules every second—working as an antioxidant to protect cells from the dangerous form of reactive oxygen. Different cells build different types of catalases. The human catalase that protects our red blood cells, shown on the left from PDB entry <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1QQW">1QQW</a>, is composed of four identical subunits and uses a heme/iron group to perform the reaction. Many bacteria scavenge hydrogen peroxide with a larger catalase, shown in the center from PDB entry <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1IPH">1IPH</a>, that uses a similar arrangement of iron and heme. Other bacteria protect themselves with an entirely different catalase that uses manganese ions instead of heme, as shown at the right from PDB entry <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1JKU">1JKU</a>. | | | catalase-diversity.tif | catalase-diversity_S.jpg | catalase-diversity_M.jpg |  | | |  | catalase-diversity_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12389 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7002/ZAR1%20Resistosome_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Plant resistosome | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 3:50 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The research organism <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em> forms a large molecular machine called a resistosome to fight off infections. This illustration shows the top and side views of the fully-formed resistosome assembly (PDB entry <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6J5T">6J5T</a>), composed of different proteins including one the plant uses as a decoy, PBL2 (dark blue), that gets uridylylated to begin the process of building the resistosome (uridylyl groups in magenta). Other proteins include RSK1 (turquoise) and ZAR1 (green) subunits. The ends of the ZAR1 subunits (yellow) form a funnel-like protrusion on one side of the assembly (seen in the side view). The funnel can carry out the critical protective function of the resistosome by inserting itself into the cell membrane to form a pore, which leads to a localized programmed cell death. The death of the infected cell helps protect the rest of the plant. | | | ZAR1%20Resistosome.tif | ZAR1%20Resistosome_S.jpg | ZAR1%20Resistosome_M.jpg |  | | |  | ZAR1%20Resistosome_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12384 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7001/HDAC_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Histone deacetylases | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 3:39 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human genome contains much of the information needed for every cell in the body to function. However, different types of cells often need different types of information. Access to DNA is controlled, in part, by how tightly it’s wrapped around proteins called histones to form nucleosomes. The complex shown here, from yeast cells (PDB entry <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6Z6P">6Z6P</a>), includes several histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes (green and blue) bound to a nucleosome (histone proteins in red; DNA in yellow). The yeast HDAC enzymes are similar to the human enzymes. Two enzymes form a V-shaped clamp (green) that holds the other others, a dimer of the Hda1 enzymes (blue). In this assembly, Hda1 is activated and positioned to remove acetyl groups from histone tails. | | | HDAC.tiff | HDAC_S.jpg | HDAC_M.jpg |  | | |  | HDAC_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12379 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/7000/Plastic-eating%20Enzymes_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Plastic-eating enzymes | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2024 8:57 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | PETase enzyme degrades polyester plastic (polyethylene terephthalate, or PET) into monohydroxyethyl terephthalate (MHET). Then, MHETase enzyme degrades MHET into its constituents ethylene glycol (EG) and terephthalic acid (TPA). <Br><Br> Find these in the RCSB Protein Data Bank: <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/5XH3"> PET hydrolase</a> (PDB entry 5XH3) and <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6QGA">MHETase</a> (PDB entry 6QGA). | | | Plastic-eating%20Enzymes.tif | Plastic-eating%20Enzymes_S.jpg | Plastic-eating%20Enzymes_M.jpg |  | | |  | Plastic-eating%20Enzymes_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12374 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6999/hiv-enzymes_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | HIV enzyme | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2024 8:44 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | These images model the molecular structures of three enzymes with critical roles in the life cycle of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). At the top, reverse transcriptase (orange) creates a DNA copy (yellow) of the virus's RNA genome (blue). In the middle image, integrase (magenta) inserts this DNA copy in the DNA genome (green) of the infected cell. At the bottom, much later in the viral life cycle, protease (turquoise) chops up a chain of HIV structural protein (purple) to generate the building blocks for making new viruses. See these enzymes in action on PDB 101’s video <a href=" https://pdb101.rcsb.org/learn/videos/a-molecular-view-of-hiv-therapy"> A Molecular View of HIV Therapy</a>. | | | hiv-enzymes.tiff | hiv-enzymes_S.jpg | hiv-enzymes_M.jpg |  | | |  | hiv-enzymes_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12369 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6998/zika-virus_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Zika virus | No | Illustration | Active | 2/2/2024 4:01 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Zika virus is shown in cross section at center left. On the outside, it includes envelope protein (red) and membrane protein (magenta) embedded in a lipid membrane (light purple). Inside, the RNA genome (yellow) is associated with capsid proteins (orange). The viruses are shown interacting with receptors on the cell surface (green) and are surrounded by blood plasma molecules at the top. | | | zika-virus.tiff | zika-virus_S.jpg | zika-virus_M.jpg |  | | |  | zika-virus_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12364 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6997/shiga-pstalk-large_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Shiga toxin | No | Illustration | Active | 2/13/2024 3:28 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <em>E. coli</em> bacteria normally live harmlessly in our intestines, but some cause disease by making toxins. One of these toxins, called Shiga toxin (green), inactivates host ribosomes (purple) by mimicking their normal binding partners, the EF-Tu elongation factor (red) complexed with Phe-tRNAPhe (orange). <Br><Br> Find these in the RCSB Protein Data Bank: <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/7U6V">Shiga toxin 2</a> (PDB entry 7U6V) and <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1TTT">Phe-tRNA</a> (PDB entry 1TTT). <Br><Br> More information about this work can be found in the <em>J. Biol. Chem.</em> paper <a href=" https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(22)01238-8/fulltext">"Cryo-EM structure of Shiga toxin 2 in complex with the native ribosomal P-stalk reveals residues involved in the binding interaction"</a> by Kulczyk et. al. | | Escherichia coli | shiga-pstalk-large.tif | shiga-pstalk-large_S.jpg | shiga-pstalk-large_M.jpg |  | | |  | shiga-pstalk-large_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12359 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6996/231-Measles_Virus_Proteins-measles_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Measles virus proteins | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 3:34 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | 231-Measles_Virus_Proteins-measles.tif | 231-Measles_Virus_Proteins-measles_S.jpg | 231-Measles_Virus_Proteins-measles_M.jpg |  | | |  | 231-Measles_Virus_Proteins-measles_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12354 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6995/measles_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Measles virus | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 3:28 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A cross section of the measles virus in which six proteins work together to infect cells. The measles virus is extremely infectious; 9 out of 10 people exposed will contract the disease. Fortunately, an effective vaccine protects against infection. <Br><Br> For a zoomed-in look at the six important proteins, see <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6996">Measles Virus Proteins</a>. | | | measles.tif | measles_S.jpg | measles_M.jpg |  | | |  | measles_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12349 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6994/respiratory-droplet_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Respiratory droplet | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2024 10:48 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This painting shows a cross section of a small respiratory droplet, like the ones that are thought to transmit SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus is shown in pink, and the droplet is also filled with molecules that are present in the respiratory tract, including mucins (green), pulmonary surfactant proteins and lipids (blue), and antibodies (tan). | | | respiratory-droplet.tif | respiratory-droplet_S.jpg | respiratory-droplet_M.jpg |  | | |  | respiratory-droplet_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12344 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6993/RNA%20Polymerase_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | RNA polymerase | No | Illustration | Active | 2/2/2024 3:58 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | RNA polymerase (purple) is a complex enzyme at the heart of transcription. During this process, the enzyme unwinds the DNA double helix and uses one strand (darker orange) as a template to create the single-stranded messenger RNA (green), later used by ribosomes for protein synthesis. <Br><Br> From the <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/1i6h">RNA polymerase II elongation complex of <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em></a> (PDB entry 1I6H) as seen in PDB-101's <a href=" https://pdb101.rcsb.org/learn/videos/what-is-a-protein-video">What is a Protein?</a> video. | | | RNA%20Polymerase.tif | RNA%20Polymerase_S.jpg | RNA%20Polymerase_M.jpg |  | | |  | RNA%20Polymerase_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12339 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6992/Glutamatergic%20Synapse_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Molecular view of glutamatergic synapse | No | Illustration | Active | 2/12/2024 1:42 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This illustration highlights spherical pre-synaptic vesicles that carry the neurotransmitter glutamate. The presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are shown with proteins relevant for transmitting and modulating the neuronal signal. <Br><Br> PDB 101’s <a href=" https://pdb101.rcsb.org/learn/videos/opioids-and-pain-signaling">Opioids and Pain Signaling video</a> explains how glutamatergic synapses are involved in the process of pain signaling. | | | Glutamatergic%20Synapse.tif | Glutamatergic%20Synapse_S.jpg | Glutamatergic%20Synapse_M.jpg |  | | |  | Glutamatergic%20Synapse_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12334 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6991/SARS-CoV-2%20Nucleocapsid%20Dimer_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid dimer | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2024 8:50 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | In SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, nucleocapsid is a complex molecule with many functional parts. One section folds into an RNA-binding domain, with a groove that grips a short segment of the viral genomic RNA. Another section folds into a dimerization domain that brings two nucleocapsid molecules together. The rest of the protein is intrinsically disordered, forming tails at each end of the protein chain and a flexible linker that connects the two structured domains. These disordered regions assist with RNA binding and orchestrate association of nucleocapsid dimers into larger assemblies that package the RNA in the small space inside virions. Nucleocapsid is in magenta and purple, and short RNA strands are in yellow. <Br><Br> Find these in the RCSB Protein Data Bank: <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/7ACT">RNA-binding domain</a> (PDB entry 7ACT) and <a href=" https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6WJI">Dimerization domain</a> (PDB entry 6WJI). | | COVID | SARS-CoV-2%20Nucleocapsid%20Dimer.tif | SARS-CoV-2%20Nucleocapsid%20Dimer_S.jpg | SARS-CoV-2%20Nucleocapsid%20Dimer_M.jpg |  | | |  | SARS-CoV-2%20Nucleocapsid%20Dimer_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12306 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6986/Breast%20Cancer%20Cells.png'></DIV> | Breast cancer cells change migration phenotypes | No | Video | Active | 1/26/2024 10:52 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Cancer cells can change their migration phenotype, which includes their shape and the way that they move to invade different tissues. This movie shows breast cancer cells forming a tumor spheroid—a 3D ball of cancer cells—and invading the surrounding tissue. Images were taken using a laser scanning confocal microscope, and artificial intelligence (AI) models were used to segment and classify the images by migration phenotype. On the right side of the video, each phenotype is represented by a different color, as recognized by the AI program based on identifiable characteristics of those phenotypes. The movie demonstrates how cancer cells can use different migration modes during growth and metastasis—the spreading of cancer cells within the body. | | | Combined_middlegray.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Breast%20Cancer%20Cells.png |
|  | 12294 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6985/%234%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly brain responds to adipokines | No | Photograph | Active | 12/19/2023 4:06 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | nerve cells | %234%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat.tif | %234%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_S.jpg | %234%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_M.jpg |  | | |  | %234%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12293 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6984/%233%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly starvation leads to adipokine accumulation | No | Photograph | Active | 12/19/2023 2:20 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | %233%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat.jpg | %233%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_S.jpg | %233%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_M.jpg |  | | |  | %233%20Fed%20vs%20Stv%20Drosophila%20fat_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12288 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6983/2%20thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Genetic mosaicism in fruit flies | No | Photograph | Active | 12/19/2023 2:15 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | %232%20Clonal%20analysis%20-%20Atg8KD_NIGMS.tif | %232%20Clonal%20analysis%20-%20Atg8KD_NIGMS_S.jpg | %232%20Clonal%20analysis%20-%20Atg8KD_NIGMS_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2%20thumbnail.png |
|  | 12283 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6982/%231_Dilp%20ApoII_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Insulin production and fat sensing in fruit flies | No | Photograph | Active | 12/19/2023 2:12 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | fruit fly, nerve cells | %231_Dilp%20ApoII.tif | %231_Dilp%20ApoII_S.jpg | %231_Dilp%20ApoII_M.jpg |  | | |  | %231_Dilp%20ApoII_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12209 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6971/Snowflake%20Yeast%203_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Snowflake yeast | No | Photograph | Active | 7/17/2023 12:45 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Research organisms, model organisms, saccharomyces cerevisiae, nucleus | Snowflake%20Yeast%203.png | Snowflake%20Yeast%203_S.jpg | Snowflake%20Yeast%203_M.jpg |  | | |  | Snowflake%20Yeast%203_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12200 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6970/Snowflake%20Yeast%202_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Snowflake yeast | No | Photograph | Active | 11/15/2023 8:15 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Research organisms, model organisms, saccharomyces cerevisiae | Snowflake%20Yeast%202.png | Snowflake%20Yeast%202_S.jpg | Snowflake%20Yeast%202_M.jpg |  | | |  | Snowflake%20Yeast%202_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12199 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6969/Snowflake%20Yeast%201_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Snowflake yeast | No | Photograph | Active | 2/6/2023 9:03 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Research organisms, model organisms, saccharomyces cerevisiae, balloons | Snowflake%20Yeast%201.png | Snowflake%20Yeast%201_S.jpg | Snowflake%20Yeast%201_M.jpg |  | | |  | Snowflake%20Yeast%201_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12191 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6968/Regenerating%20Lizard%20Tail_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Regenerating lizard tail | No | Photograph | Active | 1/30/2023 11:49 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The interior of a regenerating lizard tail 14 days after the original tail was amputated. Cell nuclei (blue), proliferating cells (green), cartilage (red), and muscle (white) have been visualized with immunofluorescence staining. | | reptiles, research organisms, regeneration | Regenerating%20Lizard%20Tail.tif | Regenerating%20Lizard%20Tail_S.jpg | Regenerating%20Lizard%20Tail_M.jpg |  | | |  | Regenerating%20Lizard%20Tail_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12190 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6967/Multinucleated%20Cell%20Thumbnail.PNG'></DIV> | Multinucleated cancer cell | No | Video | Active | 4/28/2023 3:34 PM | Rose, Juli (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A cancer cell with three nuclei, shown in turquoise. The abnormal number of nuclei indicates that the cell failed to go through cell division, probably more than once. Mitochondria are shown in yellow, and a protein of the cell’s cytoskeleton appears in red. This video was captured using a confocal microscope. | | nucleus, mitosis | A%20Multinucleated%20Canc%20Cell.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Multinucleated%20Cell%20Thumbnail.PNG |
|  | 12189 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6966/Dying%20Melanoma%20Cells%20Thumbnail.PNG'></DIV> | Dying melanoma cells | No | Video | Active | 1/27/2023 4:56 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Melanoma (skin cancer) cells undergoing programmed cell death, also called apoptosis. This process was triggered by raising the pH of the medium that the cells were growing in. Melanoma in people cannot be treated by raising pH because that would also kill healthy cells. This video was taken using a differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope. | | | Dying%20Melanoma%20Cancer%20Cells.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Dying%20Melanoma%20Cells%20Thumbnail.PNG |
|  | 12183 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6965/Dividing%20Cell%20Thumbnail.PNG'></DIV> | Dividing cell | No | Video | Active | 1/27/2023 4:51 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | As this cell was undergoing cell division, it was imaged with two microscopy techniques: differential interference contrast (DIC) and confocal. The DIC view appears in blue and shows the entire cell. The confocal view appears in pink and shows the chromosomes. | | mitosis, dna, genome | A%20Dividing%20Cell.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Dividing%20Cell%20Thumbnail.PNG |
|  | 12181 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6964/A%20Crawling%20Cell_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Crawling cell | No | Photograph | Active | 1/27/2023 4:48 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crawling cell with DNA shown in blue and actin filaments, which are a major component of the cytoskeleton, visible in pink. Actin filaments help enable cells to crawl. This image was captured using structured illumination microscopy. | | | A%20Crawling%20Cell.jpg | A%20Crawling%20Cell_S.jpg | A%20Crawling%20Cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | A%20Crawling%20Cell_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12172 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6963/Celegans%20in%20Fungus%20Image.PNG'></DIV> | C. elegans trapped by carnivorous fungus | No | Video | Active | 1/27/2023 4:47 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Real-time footage of <em>Caenorhabditis elegans</em>, a tiny roundworm, trapped by a carnivorous fungus, <em>Arthrobotrys dactyloides</em>. This fungus makes ring traps in response to the presence of <em>C. elegans</em>. When a worm enters a ring, the trap rapidly constricts so that the worm cannot move away, and the fungus then consumes the worm. The size of the imaged area is 0.7mm x 0.9mm. <Br><Br> This video was obtained with a polychromatic polarizing microscope (PPM) in white light that shows the polychromatic birefringent image with hue corresponding to the slow axis orientation. More information about PPM can be found in the <em>Scientific Reports</em> paper <a href=" https://www.nature.com/articles/srep17340/">“Polychromatic Polarization Microscope: Bringing Colors to a Colorless World”</a> by Shribak. | | research organism, model organism, nematode, fungi | Celegans%20in%20Fungus%20Video.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Celegans%20in%20Fungus%20Image.PNG |
|  | 12173 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6962/Trigonium_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Trigonium diatom | No | Photograph | Active | 1/27/2023 4:46 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A <em>Trigonium</em> diatom imaged by a quantitative orientation-independent differential interference contrast (OI-DIC) microscope. Diatoms are single-celled photosynthetic algae with mineralized cell walls that contain silica and provide protection and support. These organisms form an important part of the plankton at the base of the marine and freshwater food chains. The width of this image is 90 μm. <Br><Br> More information about the microscopy that produced this image can be found in the <em>Journal of Microscopy</em> paper <a href=" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jmi.12682/">“An Orientation-Independent DIC Microscope Allows High Resolution Imaging of Epithelial Cell Migration and Wound Healing in a Cnidarian Model”</a> by Malamy and Shribak. | | unicellular, microscopic | Trigonium.png | Trigonium_S.jpg | Trigonium_M.jpg |  | | |  | Trigonium_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12166 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6961/Celegans%20Image%20Showing%20Organs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | C. elegans showing internal structures | No | Photograph | Active | 1/30/2023 9:23 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | An image of <em>Caenorhabditis elegans</em>, a tiny roundworm, showing internal structures including the intestine, pharynx, and body wall muscle. <em>C. elegans</em> is one of the simplest organisms with a nervous system. Scientists use it to study nervous system development, among other things. This image was captured with a quantitative orientation-independent differential interference contrast (OI-DIC) microscope. The scale bar is 100 µm. <Br><Br> More information about the microscopy that produced this image can be found in the <em>Journal of Microscopy</em> paper <a href=" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jmi.12682/">“An Orientation-Independent DIC Microscope Allows High Resolution Imaging of Epithelial Cell Migration and Wound Healing in a Cnidarian Model”</a> by Malamy and Shribak. | | research organism, model organism, nematode | Celegans%20Image%20Showing%20Organs.tif | Celegans%20Image%20Showing%20Organs_S.jpg | Celegans%20Image%20Showing%20Organs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Celegans%20Image%20Showing%20Organs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12264 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6934/Zebrafish%20Head_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish head vasculature | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 3:29 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A zebrafish head with blood vessels shown in purple. Researchers often study zebrafish because they share many genes with humans, grow and reproduce quickly, and have see-through eggs and embryos, which make it easy to study early stages of development. <Br><Br> This image was captured using a light sheet microscope. <Br><Br> Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6933">6933</a>. | | research organisms, model organisms | Zebrafish%20Head.tif | Zebrafish%20Head_S.jpg | Zebrafish%20Head_M.jpg |  | | |  | Zebrafish%20Head_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12261 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6933/ZebrafishThumbnail.PNG'></DIV> | Zebrafish head vasculature | No | Video | Active | 3/28/2023 3:28 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Various views of a zebrafish head with blood vessels shown in purple. Researchers often study zebrafish because they share many genes with humans, grow and reproduce quickly, and have see-through eggs and embryos, which make it easy to study early stages of development. <Br><Br> This video was captured using a light sheet microscope. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6934">6934</a>. | | research organisms, model organisms | Zebrafish.mp4 | | |  | | |  | ZebrafishThumbnail.PNG |
|  | 12256 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6932/Purple%20Axolotl_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Axolotl | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 3:22 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | An axolotl—a type of salamander—that has been genetically modified so that its developing nervous system glows purple and its Schwann cell nuclei appear light blue. Schwann cells insulate and provide nutrients to peripheral nerve cells. Researchers often study axolotls for their extensive regenerative abilities. They can regrow tails, limbs, spinal cords, brains, and more. The researcher who took this image focuses on the role of the peripheral nervous system during limb regeneration. <Br><Br> This image was captured using a stereo microscope. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6927">6927</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6928">6928</a>. | | research organisms, salamanders, amphibians | Purple%20Axolotl.png | Purple%20Axolotl_S.jpg | Purple%20Axolotl_M.jpg |  | | |  | Purple%20Axolotl_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12253 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6931/MouseBrainThumbnail.PNG'></DIV> | Mouse brain | No | Video | Active | 3/28/2023 3:25 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | research organisms, model organisms, nerve cells | Mouse%20Brain%20Video.mp4 | | |  | | |  | MouseBrainThumbnail.PNG |
|  | 12248 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6930/Mouse%20Brain_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse brain | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 3:24 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | research organisms, model organisms, nerve cells | Mouse%20Brain.png | Mouse%20Brain_S.jpg | Mouse%20Brain_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mouse%20Brain_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12243 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6929/Green%20Mouse%20Brain_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse brain | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 3:24 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | research organisms, model organisms, nerve cells | Green%20Mouse%20Brain.tif | Green%20Mouse%20Brain_S.jpg | Green%20Mouse%20Brain_M.jpg |  | | |  | Green%20Mouse%20Brain_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12238 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6928/Multiple%20Axolotls_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Axolotls showing nervous system components | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 4:07 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Axolotls—a type of salamander—that have been genetically modified so that various parts of their nervous systems glow purple and green. Researchers often study axolotls for their extensive regenerative abilities. They can regrow tails, limbs, spinal cords, brains, and more. The researcher who took this image focuses on the role of the peripheral nervous system during limb regeneration. <Br><Br> This image was captured using a stereo microscope. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6927">6927</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6932">6932</a>. | | research organisms, salamanders, amphibians | Multiple%20Axolotls.png | Multiple%20Axolotls_S.jpg | Multiple%20Axolotls_M.jpg |  | | |  | Multiple%20Axolotls_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 12233 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6927/Axolotl%20Nervous%20System_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Axolotl showing nervous system | No | Photograph | Active | 3/28/2023 3:20 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The head of an axolotl—a type of salamander—that has been genetically modified so that its developing nervous system glows purple and its Schwann cell nuclei appear light blue. Schwann cells insulate and provide nutrients to peripheral nerve cells. Researchers often study axolotls for their extensive regenerative abilities. They can regrow tails, limbs, spinal cords, brains, and more. The researcher who took this image focuses on the role of the peripheral nervous system during limb regeneration. <Br><Br> This image was captured using a light sheet microscope. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6928">6928</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6932">6932</a>. | | research organisms, salamanders, amphibians | Axolotl%20Nervous%20System.tif | Axolotl%20Nervous%20System_S.jpg | Axolotl%20Nervous%20System_M.jpg |  | | |  | Axolotl%20Nervous%20System_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8761 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6903/baby%20squid%20still.png'></DIV> | Young squids | No | Video | Active | 1/5/2024 8:57 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Real-time movie of young squids. Squids are often used as research organisms due to having the largest nervous system of any invertebrate, complex behaviors like instantaneous camouflage, and other unique traits. <Br><Br>This video was taken with polychromatic polarization microscope, as described in the <em>Scientific Reports</em> paper <a href=" https://www.nature.com/articles/srep17340/">“Polychromatic Polarization Microscope: Bringing Colors to a Colorless World”</a> by Shribak. The color is generated by interaction of white polarized light with the squid’s transparent soft tissue. The tissue works as a living tunable spectral filter, and the transmission band depends on the molecular orientation. When the young squid is moving, the tissue orientation changes, and its color shifts accordingly. | | Cephalopods | babysquids.mp4 | | |  | | |  | baby%20squid%20still.png |
|  | 8746 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6902/Fourth%20of%20July_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Arachnoidiscus diatom | No | Photograph | Active | 7/13/2022 4:00 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | An <em> Arachnoidiscus</em> diatom with a diameter of 190µm. Diatoms are microscopic algae that have cell walls made of silica, which is the strongest known biological material relative to its density. In <em> Arachnoidiscus</em>, the cell wall is a radially symmetric pillbox-like shell composed of overlapping halves that contain intricate and delicate patterns. Sometimes, <em> Arachnoidiscus</em> is called “a wheel of glass.” <Br><Br> This image was taken with the orientation-independent differential interference contrast microscope.
| | red and blue round structure that looks like a ferris wheel, fireworks, Independence Day | Fourth%20of%20July.jpg | Fourth%20of%20July_S.jpg | Fourth%20of%20July_M.jpg |  | | |  | Fourth%20of%20July_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8741 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6901/Brain%20Slice_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse brain slice showing nerve cells | No | Photograph | Active | 6/30/2022 8:16 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A 20-µm thick section of mouse midbrain. The nerve cells are transparent and weren’t stained. Instead, the color is generated by interaction of white polarized light with the molecules in the cells and indicates their orientation. <Br><Br>The image was obtained with a polychromatic polarizing microscope that shows the polychromatic birefringent image with hue corresponding to the slow axis orientation. More information about the microscopy that produced this image can be found in the <em>Scientific Reports</em> paper <a href=" https://www.nature.com/articles/srep17340/">“Polychromatic Polarization Microscope: Bringing Colors to a Colorless World”</a> by Shribak. | | blue, red, green, pink, neurons | Brain%20Slice.jpg | Brain%20Slice_S.jpg | Brain%20Slice_M.jpg |  | | |  | Brain%20Slice_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8731 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6899/Circular%20Lamellipodia%20still.png'></DIV> | Epithelial cell migration | No | Video | Active | 6/30/2022 12:45 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | High-resolution time lapse of epithelial (skin) cell migration and wound healing. It shows an image taken every 13 seconds over the course of almost 14 minutes. The images were captured with quantitative orientation-independent differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope (left) and a conventional DIC microscope (right). <Br><Br>More information about the research that produced this video can be found in the <em>Journal of Microscopy</em> paper <a href=" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jmi.12682/">“An Orientation-Independent DIC Microscope Allows High Resolution Imaging of Epithelial Cell Migration and Wound Healing in a Cnidarian Model”</a> by Malamy and Shribak. | | cell movement, heal cells | circularlamellipodia.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Circular%20Lamellipodia%20still.png |
|  | 8728 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6898/Crane%20Fly%20Still.png'></DIV> | Crane fly spermatocyte undergoing meiosis | No | Video | Active | 6/30/2022 12:43 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A crane fly spermatocyte during metaphase of meiosis-I, a step in the production of sperm. A meiotic spindle pulls apart three pairs of autosomal chromosomes, along with a sex chromosome on the right. Tubular mitochondria surround the spindle and chromosomes. This video was captured with quantitative orientation-independent differential interference contrast and is a time lapse showing a 1-second image taken every 30 seconds over the course of 30 minutes. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this video can be found in the <em>J. Biomed Opt.</em> paper <a href=" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2302836/">“Orientation-Independent Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Microscopy and Its Combination with Orientation-Independent Polarization System”</a> by Shribak et. al. | | cell division | CraneFlymovie.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Crane%20Fly%20Still.png |
|  | 8723 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6897/Zebrafish_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 6/30/2022 8:03 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A zebrafish embryo showing its natural colors. Zebrafish have see-through eggs and embryos, making them ideal research organisms for studying the earliest stages of development. This image was taken in transmitted light under a polychromatic polarizing microscope. | | blue, line, circle | Zebrafish.tif | Zebrafish_S.jpg | Zebrafish_M.jpg |  | | |  | Zebrafish_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8713 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6893/Tenocyte_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Chromatin in human tenocyte | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2023 4:31 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Tenocyte.png | Tenocyte_S.jpg | Tenocyte_M.jpg |  | | |  | Tenocyte_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8708 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6892/MicrotubulesandTau_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubules and tau aggregates | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2023 4:31 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Cytoskeleton | MicrotubulesandTau.png | MicrotubulesandTau_S.jpg | MicrotubulesandTau_M.jpg |  | | |  | MicrotubulesandTau_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8703 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6891/MicrotubulesinMonkeyCells_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubules in African green monkey cells | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2022 12:10 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Cytoskeleton | MicrotubulesinMonkeyCells.png | MicrotubulesinMonkeyCells_S.jpg | MicrotubulesinMonkeyCells_M.jpg |  | | |  | MicrotubulesinMonkeyCells_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8697 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6890/Microtubules_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubules in hippocampal neurons | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2023 4:30 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Cytoskeleton, nerve cell | Microtubules.png | Microtubules_S.jpg | Microtubules_M.jpg |  | | |  | Microtubules_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8692 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6889/Lysosomes_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Lysosomes and microtubules | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2023 4:32 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Cytoskeleton | Lysosomes.tif | Lysosomes_S.jpg | Lysosomes_M.jpg |  | | |  | Lysosomes_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8687 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6888/Fibroblast3_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Chromatin in human fibroblast | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2022 12:01 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Fibroblast3.png | Fibroblast3_S.jpg | Fibroblast3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Fibroblast3_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8682 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6887/Fibroblast2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Chromatin in human fibroblast | No | Photograph | Active | 4/4/2022 11:59 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Fibroblast2.png | Fibroblast2_S.jpg | Fibroblast2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Fibroblast2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8678 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6886/CellMigrationScreenshot.PNG'></DIV> | Neutrophil-like cells migrating in a microfluidic chip | No | Video | Active | 4/1/2022 4:13 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Neutrophil-like cells (blue) in a microfluidic chip preferentially migrating toward LTB4 over fMLP. A neutrophil is a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system and helps the body fight infection. Both LTB4 and fMLP are molecules involved in immune response. Microfluidic chips are small devices containing microscopic channels, and they are used in a range of applications, from basic research on cells to pathogen detection. The scale bar in this video is 500μm. | | Chemotaxis, microfluidics, cell migration, immunology, sepsis | CellMigration.mp4 | | |  | | |  | CellMigrationScreenshot.PNG |
|  | 8666 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6851/HimastatinStill.PNG'></DIV> | Himastatin, 360-degree view | No | Video | Active | 3/7/2022 4:12 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | antibiotics, bacteria | Movassaghi-Himastatin360.mp4 | | |  | | |  | HimastatinStill.PNG |
|  | 8661 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6850/HimastatinWithBacteria_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Himastatin and bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 3/7/2022 4:11 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A model of the molecule himastatin overlaid on an image of <em>Bacillus subtilis bacteria</em>. Scientists first isolated himastatin from the bacterium <em>Streptomyces himastatinicus</em>, and the molecule shows antibiotic activity. The researchers who created this image developed a new, more concise way to synthesize himastatin so it can be studied more easily. They also tested the effects of himastatin and derivatives of the molecule on <em>B. subtilis</em>. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this image can be found in the <em>Science</em> paper <a href=" https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm6509">“Total synthesis of himastatin”</a> by D’Angelo et al. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6848">6848</a> and video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6851">6851</a>. | | antibiotics | HimastatinWithBacteria.PNG | HimastatinWithBacteria_S.jpg | HimastatinWithBacteria_M.jpg |  | | |  | HimastatinWithBacteria_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8656 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6848/Movassaghi-HimastatinMol_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Himastatin | No | Illustration | Active | 3/7/2022 4:09 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | antibiotics, bacteria | Movassaghi-HimastatinMol.png | Movassaghi-HimastatinMol_S.jpg | Movassaghi-HimastatinMol_M.jpg |  | | |  | Movassaghi-HimastatinMol_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8614 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6811/6811_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly egg chamber | No | Photograph | Active | 2/18/2022 1:32 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Oocytes, research organisms | 6811.tif | 6811_S.jpg | 6811_M.jpg |  | | |  | 6811_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8609 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6810/Fruit%20fly%20ovarioles_6810_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly ovarioles | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 10:51 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Three fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>) ovarioles (yellow, blue, and magenta) with egg cells visible inside them. Ovarioles are tubes in the reproductive systems of female insects. Egg cells form at one end of an ovariole and complete their development as they reach the other end, as shown in the yellow wild-type ovariole. This process requires an important protein that is missing in the blue and magenta ovarioles. This image was created using confocal microscopy. <Br><Br> More information on the research that produced this image can be found in the <em> Current Biology</em> paper <a href=" https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(21)00669-2?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982221006692%3Fshowall%3Dtrue">“Gatekeeper function for Short stop at the ring canals of the <em>Drosophila</em> ovary”</a> by Lu et al. | | Oocytes, oogenesis, research organisms | Fruit%20fly%20ovarioles_6810.tif | Fruit%20fly%20ovarioles_6810_S.jpg | Fruit%20fly%20ovarioles_6810_M.jpg |  | | |  | Fruit%20fly%20ovarioles_6810_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8604 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6809/Drosophila%20ooplasmic%20streaming_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly egg ooplasmic streaming | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 10:52 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Two fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>) egg cells, one on each side of the central black line. The colorful swirls show the circular movement of cytoplasm—called ooplasmic streaming—that occurs in late egg cell development in wild-type (right) and mutant (left) oocytes. This image was captured using confocal microscopy. <Br><Br> More information on the research that produced this image can be found in the <em>Journal of Cell Biology</em> paper <a href=" https://rupress.org/jcb/article/217/10/3497/120275/Ooplasmic-flow-cooperates-with-transport-and">“Ooplasmic flow cooperates with transport and anchorage in <em>Drosophila</em> oocyte posterior determination”</a> by Lu et al. | | Oocytes, oogenesis, research organisms | Drosophila%20ooplasmic%20streaming%20with%20Staufen-SunTag%20particles%20in%20myoV%20mutant%20(left)%20and%20wildtype%20(right)%20oocytes.tif | Drosophila%20ooplasmic%20streaming_S.jpg | Drosophila%20ooplasmic%20streaming%20with%20Staufen-SunTag%20particles%20in%20myoV%20mutant%20(left)%20and%20wildtype%20(right)%20oocytes_M.jpg |  | | |  | Drosophila%20ooplasmic%20streaming_T.jpg |
|  | 8599 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6808/Drosophila%203rd%20instar%20larval%20brain%20expressing%20neuronal%20tubulin-Wen%20Lu%20and%20Vladimir%20I.%20Gelfand_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly larvae brains showing tubulin | No | Photograph | Active | 1/20/2022 2:49 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Two fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>) larvae brains with neurons expressing fluorescently tagged tubulin protein. Tubulin makes up strong, hollow fibers called microtubules that play important roles in neuron growth and migration during brain development. This image was captured using confocal microscopy, and the color indicates the position of the neurons within the brain. | | Nerve cells, research organisms, confocal laser scanning microscope | Drosophila%203rd%20instar%20larval%20brain%20expressing%20neuronal%20tubulin-Wen%20Lu%20and%20Vladimir%20I.%20Gelfand.tif | Drosophila%203rd%20instar%20larval%20brain%20expressing%20neuronal%20tubulin-Wen%20Lu%20and%20Vladimir%20I.%20Gelfand_S.jpg | Drosophila%203rd%20instar%20larval%20brain%20expressing%20neuronal%20tubulin-Wen%20Lu%20and%20Vladimir%20I.%20Gelfand_M.jpg |  | | |  | Drosophila%203rd%20instar%20larval%20brain%20expressing%20neuronal%20tubulin-Wen%20Lu%20and%20Vladimir%20I.%20Gelfand_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8594 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6807/6807_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly ovaries | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 10:54 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Ovary, research organisms | 6807.jpg | 6807_S.jpg | 6807_M.jpg |  | | |  | 6807_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8589 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6806/Wild-type%20and%20mutant%20fruit%20fly%20ovaries_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Wild-type and mutant fruit fly ovaries | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 10:55 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | The two large, central, round shapes are ovaries from a typical fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>). The small butterfly-like structures surrounding them are fruit fly ovaries where researchers suppressed the expression of a gene that controls microtubule polymerization and is necessary for normal development. This image was captured using a confocal laser scanning microscope. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6807">6807</a>. | | Ovary, research organisms | Wild-type%20and%20mutant%20fruit%20fly%20ovaries.tif | Wild-type%20and%20mutant%20fruit%20fly%20ovaries_S.jpg | Wild-type%20and%20mutant%20fruit%20fly%20ovaries_M.jpg |  | | |  | Wild-type%20and%20mutant%20fruit%20fly%20ovaries_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8586 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6805/Staats%20staph%20aureus%20aggregates.png'></DIV> | Staphylococcus aureus aggregating upon contact with synovial fluid | No | Video | Active | 10/18/2023 10:58 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria (green) grouping together upon contact with synovial fluid—a viscous substance found in joints. The formation of groups can help protect the bacteria from immune system defenses and from antibiotics, increasing the likelihood of an infection. This video is a 1-hour time lapse and was captured using a confocal laser scanning microscope. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this video can be found in the <em>Journal of Bacteriology</em> paper <a href=" https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jb.00451-22">"<em>In Vitro</em> Staphylococcal Aggregate Morphology and Protection from Antibiotics Are Dependent on Distinct Mechanisms Arising from Postsurgical Joint Components and Fluid Motion"</a> by Staats et al. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6803">6803</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6804">6804</a>. | | bacterium | Staats%20staph%20aureus%20aggregates%20movie-H.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Staats%20staph%20aureus%20aggregates.png |
|  | 8581 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6804/S.%20aureus%20in%20the%20porous%20coating%20of%20a%20femoral%20stem_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Staphylococcus aureus in the porous coating of a femoral hip stem | No | Photograph | Active | 10/18/2023 10:56 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria (blue) on the porous coating of a femoral hip stem used in hip replacement surgery. The relatively rough surface of an implant is a favorable environment for bacteria to attach and grow. This can lead to the development of biofilms, which can cause infections. The researchers who took this image are working to understand where biofilms are likely to develop. This knowledge could support the prevention and treatment of infections. A scanning electron microscope was used to capture this image. <Br><Br>More information on the research that produced this image can be found in the <em>Antibiotics</em> paper<a href=" https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/10/8/889"> "Free-floating aggregate and single-cell-initiated biofilms of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>" </a>by Gupta et al. <Br><Br>Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6803">6803</a> and video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6805">6805</a>. | | Electron microscopy, SEM, bacterium, pink, blue | S.%20aureus%20in%20the%20porous%20coating%20of%20a%20femoral%20stem.tif | S.%20aureus%20in%20the%20porous%20coating%20of%20a%20femoral%20stem_S.jpg | S.%20aureus%20in%20the%20porous%20coating%20of%20a%20femoral%20stem_M.jpg |  | | |  | S.%20aureus%20in%20the%20porous%20coating%20of%20a%20femoral%20stem_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8575 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6803/SF%20Aggregates%20on%20patterned%20surfaces-blue_green_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Staphylococcus aureus aggregates on microstructured titanium surface | No | Photograph | Active | 10/18/2023 10:58 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Groups of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria (blue) attached to a microstructured titanium surface (green) that mimics an orthopedic implant used in joint replacement. The attachment of pre-formed groups of bacteria may lead to infections because the groups can tolerate antibiotics and evade the immune system. This image was captured using a scanning electron microscope. <Br><Br>More information on the research that produced this image can be found in the <em>Antibiotics</em> paper<a href=" https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6382/10/8/889"> "Free-floating aggregate and single-cell-initiated biofilms of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>" </a>by Gupta et al. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6804">6804</a> and video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6805">6805</a>. | | Electron microscopy, SEM, bacterium, blue, green | SF%20Aggregates%20on%20patterned%20surfaces-blue_green.tif | SF%20Aggregates%20on%20patterned%20surfaces-blue_green_S.jpg | SF%20Aggregates%20on%20patterned%20surfaces-blue_green_M.jpg |  | | |  | SF%20Aggregates%20on%20patterned%20surfaces-blue_green_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8570 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6802/Antibiotic-Surviving%20Colonies_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Antibiotic-surviving bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 10/18/2023 10:59 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Colonies of bacteria growing despite high concentrations of antibiotics. These colonies are visible both by eye, as seen on the left, and by bioluminescence imaging, as seen on the right. The bioluminescent color indicates the metabolic activity of these bacteria, with their red centers indicating high metabolism. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this image can be found in the <em> Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy</em> paper <a href=" https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/AAC.00623-20">“Novel aminoglycoside-tolerant phoenix colony variants of <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em>”</a> by Sindeldecker et al. | | Antibiotic resistance, antibiotic resistant, bacterium | Antibiotic-Surviving%20Colonies.tif | Antibiotic-Surviving%20Colonies_S.jpg | Antibiotic-Surviving%20Colonies_M.jpg |  | | |  | Antibiotic-Surviving%20Colonies_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8567 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6801/Macrophage%20activation.png'></DIV> | “Two-faced” Janus particle activating a macrophage | No | Video | Active | 8/18/2023 8:40 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A macrophage—a type of immune cell that engulfs invaders—“eats” and is activated by a “two-faced” Janus particle. The particle is called “two-faced” because each of its two hemispheres is coated with a different type of molecule, shown here in red and cyan. During macrophage activation, a transcription factor tagged with a green fluorescence protein (NF-κB) gradually moves from the cell’s cytoplasm into its nucleus and causes DNA transcription. The distribution of molecules on “two-faced” Janus particles can be altered to control the activation of immune cells. Details on this “geometric manipulation” strategy can be found in the <em> Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> paper <a href=" https://www.pnas.org/content/116/50/25106.long">"Geometrical reorganization of Dectin-1 and TLR2 on single phagosomes alters their synergistic immune signaling" </a> by Li et al. and the <em> Scientific Reports</em> paper<a href=" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-92910-9"> "Spatial organization of FcγR and TLR2/1 on phagosome membranes differentially regulates their synergistic and inhibitory receptor crosstalk"</a> by Li et al. This video was captured using epi-fluorescence microscopy. <Br><Br>Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6800">6800</a>. | | White blood cell, immune system, NF-kappaB, NF-KB, TLR-2 | Macrophage%20activation-H.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Macrophage%20activation.png |
|  | 8564 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6800/Magnetic%20particle%20switch%20for%20T%20cell%20activation.png'></DIV> | Magnetic Janus particle activating a T cell | No | Video | Active | 8/17/2023 1:23 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A Janus particle being used to activate a T cell, a type of immune cell. A Janus particle is a specialized microparticle with different physical properties on its surface, and this one is coated with nickel on one hemisphere and anti-CD3 antibodies (light blue) on the other. The nickel enables the Janus particle to be moved using a magnet, and the antibodies bind to the T cell and activate it. The T cell in this video was loaded with calcium-sensitive dye to visualize calcium influx, which indicates activation. The intensity of calcium influx was color coded so that warmer color indicates higher intensity. Being able to control Janus particles with simple magnets is a step toward controlling individual cells’ activities without complex magnetic devices.<Br><Br> More details can be found in the <em> Angewandte Chemie </em> paper <a href=" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/anie.201601211">“Remote control of T cell activation using magnetic Janus particles”</a> by Lee et al. This video was captured using epi-fluorescence microscopy. <Br><Br>Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6801">6801</a>. | | Immune system | Magnetic%20particle%20switch%20for%20T%20cell%20activation-H.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Magnetic%20particle%20switch%20for%20T%20cell%20activation.png |
|  | 8561 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6799/Phagosome.png'></DIV> | Phagosome in macrophage cell | No | Video | Active | 8/18/2023 8:41 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A sensor particle being engulfed by a macrophage—an immune cell—and encapsuled in a compartment called a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with lysosomes—another type of compartment. The left video shows snowman-shaped sensor particles with fluorescent green nanoparticle “heads” and “bodies” colored red by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-donor fluorophores. The middle video visualizes light blue FRET signals that are only generated when the “snowman” sensor—the FRET-donor—fuses with the lysosomes, which are loaded with FRET-acceptors. The right video combines the other two. The videos were captured using epi-fluorescence microscopy. <Br><Br> More details can be found in the paper <a href=" https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.04.438376v1">“Transport motility of phagosomes on actin and microtubules regulates timing and kinetics of their maturation” </a> by Yu et al. | | Immune system | Phagosome-H.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Phagosome.png |
|  | 8548 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6798/YeastCells8_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells with nuclear envelopes and tubulin | No | Photograph | Active | 7/17/2023 1:07 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Nuclei, research organisms, pink, mitosis | YeastCells8.tif | YeastCells8_M.jpg | YeastCells8_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells8_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8543 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6797/YeastCells7_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells with accumulated cell wall material | No | Photograph | Active | 7/17/2023 1:08 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Research organisms, purple, pink, mitosis
| YeastCells7.jpg | YeastCells7_S.jpg | YeastCells7_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells7_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8541 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6796/YeastCells6-T.PNG'></DIV> | Dividing yeast cells with spindle pole bodies and contractile rings | No | Video | Active | 1/21/2022 10:59 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Mitosis, research organisms | pombe6-L.mp4 | | |  | | |  | YeastCells6-T.PNG |
|  | 8539 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6795/YeastCells5-T.png'></DIV> | Dividing yeast cells with nuclear envelopes and spindle pole bodies | No | Video | Active | 7/17/2023 1:08 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Nucleus, nuclei, mitosis, research organisms | YeastCells5-L.mp4 | | |  | | |  | YeastCells5-T.png |
|  | 8533 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6794/YeastCells4_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells with Fimbrin Fim1 | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 11:00 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Mitosis, research organisms, purple, cross-linking | YeastCells4.jpg | YeastCells4_S.jpg | YeastCells4_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells4_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8528 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6793/YeastCells3_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells with endocytic actin patches | No | Photograph | Active | 7/17/2023 1:08 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Mitosis, research organisms | YeastCells3.tif | YeastCells3_S.jpg | YeastCells3_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells3_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8523 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6792/YeastCells2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells with nuclei and contractile rings | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 11:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Nucleus, mitosis, research organisms | YeastCells2.tif | YeastCells2_S.jpg | YeastCells2_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8518 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6791/YeastCells1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells entering mitosis | No | Photograph | Active | 1/21/2022 11:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Research organisms | YeastCells1.tif | YeastCells1_M.jpg | YeastCells1_M.jpg |  | | |  | YeastCells1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8514 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6790/CellDiv-Death-Thumb.PNG'></DIV> | Cell division and cell death | No | Video | Active | 12/27/2021 11:57 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Two cells over a 2-hour period. The one on the bottom left goes through programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis. The one on the top right goes through cell division, also called mitosis. This video was captured using a confocal microscope. | | microscopy | DNA%20cell%20death%20and%20division-L.mp4 | | |  | | |  | CellDiv-Death-Thumb.PNG |
|  | 8509 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6789/Two%20mouse%20fibroblast%20cells_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Two mouse fibroblast cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/27/2021 11:20 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Two mouse fibroblasts, one of the most common types of cells in mammalian connective tissue. They play a key role in wound healing and tissue repair. This image was captured using structured illumination microscopy. | | Mice, SIM, research organism | Two%20mouse%20fibroblast%20cells.jpg | Two%20mouse%20fibroblast%20cells_S.jpg | Two%20mouse%20fibroblast%20cells_M.jpg |  | | |  | Two%20mouse%20fibroblast%20cells_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8501 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6788/ITC_MitoMeio_layout%20(1)_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis and meiosis compared-labeled | No | Illustration | Active | 1/21/2022 11:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Meiosis is used to make sperm and egg cells. During meiosis, a cell's chromosomes are copied once, but the cell divides twice. During mitosis, the chromosomes are copied once, and the cell divides once. For simplicity, cells are illustrated with only three pairs of chromosomes.<Br><Br> See image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1333">1333</a> for an unlabeled version of this illustration. | | Alt text: On the left, a cell goes through the stages of mitosis to split into two cells that each have two sets of chromosomes. On the right, a cell goes through the phases of meiosis to divide into four cells that each have a single set of chromosomes. | ITC_MitoMeio_layout%20(1).jpg | ITC_MitoMeio_layout%20(1)_S.jpg | ITC_MitoMeio_layout%20(1)_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_MitoMeio_layout%20(1)_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8483 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6781/MouseBrainVideo_Thumb.png'></DIV> | Video of Calling Cards in a mouse brain | No | Video | Active | 7/17/2023 12:43 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | The green spots in this mouse brain are cells labeled with Calling Cards, a technology that records molecular events in brain cells as they mature. Understanding these processes during healthy development can guide further research into what goes wrong in cases of neuropsychiatric disorders. Also fluorescently labeled in this video are neurons (red) and nuclei (blue). Calling Cards and its application are described in the <em>Cell</em> paper “<a href=https:// www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009286742030814X>Self-Reporting Transposons Enable Simultaneous Readout of Gene Expression and Transcription Factor Binding in Single Cells</a>” by Moudgil et al.; and the <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> paper “<a href=https:// www.pnas.org/content/117/18/10003>A viral toolkit for recording transcription factor–DNA interactions in live mouse tissues</a>” by Cammack et al. This video was created for the <em>NIH Director’s Blog</em> post <a href=https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/08/24/the-amazing-brain-tracking-molecular-events-with-calling-cards-in-the-living-brain>The Amazing Brain: Tracking Molecular Events with Calling Cards</a>. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6780>6780</a>. | | nerve cells, neuroscience | mouse-brain-2-720_mp4_hd.mp4 | | |  | | |  | MouseBrainVideo_Thumb.png |
|  | 8477 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6780/AllenYen_mousebrain_slidescan_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Calling Cards in a mouse brain | No | Photograph | Active | 7/17/2023 12:43 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | The green spots in this mouse brain are cells labeled with Calling Cards, a technology that records molecular events in brain cells as they mature. Understanding these processes during healthy development can guide further research into what goes wrong in cases of neuropsychiatric disorders. Also fluorescently labeled in this image are neurons (red) and nuclei (blue). Calling Cards and its application are described in the <em>Cell</em> paper “<a href=https:// www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009286742030814X>Self-Reporting Transposons Enable Simultaneous Readout of Gene Expression and Transcription Factor Binding in Single Cells</a>” by Moudgil et al.; and the <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> paper “<a href=https:// www.pnas.org/content/117/18/10003>A viral toolkit for recording transcription factor–DNA interactions in live mouse tissues</a>” by Cammack et al. The technology was also featured in the <em>NIH Director’s Blog</em> post <a href=https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/08/24/the-amazing-brain-tracking-molecular-events-with-calling-cards-in-the-living-brain/>The Amazing Brain: Tracking Molecular Events with Calling Cards</a>. <Br><Br> Related to video <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6781>6781</a>. | | nerve cells, neuroscience | AllenYen_mousebrain_slidescan.jpg | AllenYen_mousebrain_slidescan_S.jpg | AllenYen_mousebrain_slidescan_M.jpg |  | | |  | AllenYen_mousebrain_slidescan_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8470 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6779/BrainWave_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Brain waves of a patient anesthetized with propofol | No | Illustration | Active | 8/24/2021 12:39 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A representation of a patient’s brain waves after receiving the anesthetic propofol. All anesthetics create brain wave changes that vary depending on the patient’s age and the type and dose of anesthetic used. These changes are visible in raw electroencephalogram (EEG) readings, but they’re easier to interpret using a spectrogram where the signals are broken down by time (x-axis), frequency (y-axis), and power (color scale). This spectrogram shows the changes in brain waves before, during, and after propofol-induced anesthesia. The patient is unconscious from minute 5, upon propofol administration, through minute 69 (change in power and frequency). But, between minutes 35 and 48, the patient fell into a profound state of unconsciousness (disappearance of dark red oscillations between 8 to 12 Hz), which required the anesthesiologist to adjust the rate of propofol administration. The propofol was stopped at minute 62 and the patient woke up around minute 69. | | Anesthesia | BrainWave.jpg | BrainWave_S.jpg | BrainWave_M.jpg |  | | |  | BrainWave_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8468 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6777/EMCVideo_Thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Human endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein complex | No | Video | Active | 12/6/2021 3:02 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A 3D model of the human endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein complex (EMC) that identifies its nine essential subunits. The EMC plays an important role in making membrane proteins, which are essential for all cellular processes. This is the first atomic-level depiction of the EMC. Its structure was obtained using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. | | ER, cryo-EM | EMC_NIGMSVideoGallery-Lg.mp4 | | |  | | |  | EMCVideo_Thumbnail.png |
|  | 8465 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6776/ZebrafishCellTracking_Thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Tracking cells in a gastrulating zebrafish embryo | No | Video | Active | 9/10/2021 1:01 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | During development, a zebrafish embryo is transformed from a ball of cells into a recognizable body plan by sweeping convergence and extension cell movements. This process is called gastrulation. Each line in this video represents the movement of a single zebrafish embryo cell over the course of 3 hours. The video was created using time-lapse confocal microscopy. Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6775>6775</a>. | | Research organisms, microscope | ZebrafishCellTracking.mp4 | | |  | | |  | ZebrafishCellTracking_Thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8460 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6775/ZebrafishCellTracking_T.jpg'></DIV> | Tracking embryonic zebrafish cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/10/2021 1:00 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | To better understand cell movements in developing embryos, researchers isolated cells from early zebrafish embryos and grew them as clusters. Provided with the right signals, the clusters replicated some cell movements seen in intact embryos. Each line in this image depicts the movement of a single cell. The image was created using time-lapse confocal microscopy. Related to video <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6776>6776</a>. | | Research organisms, microscope | ZebrafishCellTracking%20(1).tif | ZebrafishCellTracking_M.jpg | ZebrafishCellTracking_M.jpg |  | | |  | ZebrafishCellTracking_T.jpg |
|  | 8455 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6774/ER_Abnormalities2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Endoplasmic reticulum abnormalities 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/9/2021 2:17 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Human cells with the gene that codes for the protein FIT2 deleted. After an experimental intervention, they are expressing a nonfunctional version of FIT2, shown in green. The lack of functional FIT2 affected the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the nonfunctional protein clustered in ER membrane aggregates, seen as large bright-green spots. Lipid droplets are shown in red, and the nucleus is visible in gray. This image was captured using a confocal microscope. Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6773>6773</a>. | | Abnormality, microscopy, homeostasis, lipids | ER_Abnormalities2.tiff | ER_Abnormalities2_S.jpg | ER_Abnormalities2_M.jpg |  | | |  | ER_Abnormalities2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8450 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6773/ER_Abnormalities_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Endoplasmic reticulum abnormalities | No | Photograph | Active | 9/9/2021 2:03 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Human cells with the gene that codes for the protein FIT2 deleted. Green indicates an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein. The lack of FIT2 affected the structure of the ER and caused the resident protein to cluster in ER membrane aggregates, seen as large, bright-green spots. Red shows where the degradation of cell parts—called autophagy—is taking place, and the nucleus is visible in blue. This image was captured using a confocal microscope. Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6774>6774</a>. | | Abnormality, microscopy, homeostasis | ER_Abnormalities.tif | ER_Abnormalities_S.jpg | ER_Abnormalities_M.jpg |  | | |  | ER_Abnormalities_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8442 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6772/Composite_1_Hmg1gfp_2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells responding to a glucose shortage | No | Photograph | Active | 6/27/2021 9:51 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These yeast cells were exposed to a glucose (sugar) shortage. This caused the cells to compartmentalize HMGCR (green)—an enzyme involved in making cholesterol—to a patch on the nuclear envelope next to the vacuole/lysosome (purple). This process enhanced HMGCR activity and helped the yeast adapt to the glucose shortage. Researchers hope that understanding how yeast regulate cholesterol could ultimately lead to new ways to treat high cholesterol in people. This image was captured using a fluorescence microscope. | | | Composite_1_Hmg1gfp_2.png | Composite_1_Hmg1gfp_2_L.jpg | Composite_1_Hmg1gfp_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Composite_1_Hmg1gfp_2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8440 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6771/MosquitoLarvae_VideoStill.PNG'></DIV> | Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae | No | Video | Active | 4/28/2023 3:19 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Mosquito larvae with genes edited by CRISPR swimming in water. This species of mosquito, <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em>, can transmit West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and avian malaria, among other diseases. The researchers who took this video optimized the gene-editing tool CRISPR for <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> that could ultimately help stop the mosquitoes from spreading pathogens. The work is described in the <em>Nature Communications</em> paper "<a href=https:// www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23239-0>Optimized CRISPR tools and site-directed transgenesis towards gene drive development in <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> mosquitoes</a>" by Feng et al. Related to images <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6769>6769</a> and <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6770>6770</a>. | | Insects, bugs, larva | MVI_5178_Trimmed_720p.mov | | |  | | |  | MosquitoLarvae_VideoStill.PNG |
|  | 8435 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6770/Group-MosquitoLarvae_3_1200x675px_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Group of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae | No | Photograph | Active | 7/6/2021 3:00 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Mosquito larvae with genes edited by CRISPR. This species of mosquito, <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em>, can transmit West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and avian malaria, among other diseases. The researchers who took this image developed a gene-editing toolkit for <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> that could ultimately help stop the mosquitoes from spreading pathogens. The work is described in the <em>Nature Communications</em> paper "<a href=https:// www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23239-0>Optimized CRISPR tools and site-directed transgenesis towards gene drive development in <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> mosquitoes</a>" by Feng et al. Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6769>6769</a> and video <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6771>6771</a>. | | Insects, bugs | Group-MosquitoLarvae_3_1200x675px.tif | Group-MosquitoLarvae_3_1200x675px_S.jpg | Group-MosquitoLarvae_3_1200x675px_M.jpg |  | | |  | Group-MosquitoLarvae_3_1200x675px_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8430 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6769/MosquitoLarva_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larva | No | Photograph | Active | 7/6/2021 3:00 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A mosquito larva with genes edited by CRISPR. The red-orange glow is a fluorescent protein used to track the edits. This species of mosquito, <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em>, can transmit West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and avian malaria, among other diseases. The researchers who took this image developed a gene-editing toolkit for <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> that could ultimately help stop the mosquitoes from spreading pathogens. The work is described in the <em>Nature Communications</em> paper "<a href=https:// www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23239-0>Optimized CRISPR tools and site-directed transgenesis towards gene drive development in <em>Culex quinquefasciatus</em> mosquitoes</a>" by Feng et al. Related to image <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6770>6770</a> and video <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6771>6771</a>. | | Insects, bugs, larvae | MosquitoLarva.tif | MosquitoLarva_S.jpg | MosquitoLarva_M.jpg |  | | |  | MosquitoLarva_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8422 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6768/5w0p_assembly-T.jpeg'></DIV> | Rhodopsin bound to visual arrestin | No | Illustration | Active | 6/27/2021 3:16 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Rhodopsin is a pigment in the rod cells of the retina (back of the eye). It is extremely light-sensitive, supporting vision in low-light conditions. Here, it is attached to arrestin, a protein that sends signals in the body. This structure was determined using an X-ray free electron laser. | | ribbon diagram | 5w0p_assembly-1%20(1).jpeg | 5w0p_assembly-1_L.jpg | 5w0p_assembly-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5w0p_assembly-T.jpeg |
|  | 8403 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6767/Space-fillingModelCCD-1_t.png'></DIV> | Space-filling model of a cefotaxime-CCD-1 complex | No | Illustration | Active | 5/16/2022 11:26 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | CCD-1 is an enzyme produced by the bacterium <em>Clostridioides difficile</em> that helps it resist antibiotics. Using X-ray crystallography, researchers determined the structure of a complex between CCD-1 and the antibiotic cefotaxime (purple, yellow, and blue molecule). The structure revealed that CCD-1 provides extensive hydrogen bonding (shown as dotted lines) and stabilization of the antibiotic in the active site, leading to efficient degradation of the antibiotic. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6764">6764</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6765">6765</a>, and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6766">6766</a>. | | Xray, resistance | Space-fillingModelCCD-1.png | Space-fillingModelCCD-1_L.jpg | Space-fillingModelCCD-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Space-fillingModelCCD-1_t.png |
|  | 8394 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6766/RibbonDiagramCCD-1_T.png'></DIV> | Ribbon diagram of a cefotaxime-CCD-1 complex | No | Illustration | Active | 5/16/2022 11:24 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | CCD-1 is an enzyme produced by the bacterium <em>Clostridioides difficile</em> that helps it resist antibiotics. Using X-ray crystallography, researchers determined the structure of a CCD-1 molecule and a molecule of the antibiotic cefotaxime bound together. The structure revealed that CCD-1 provides extensive hydrogen bonding and stabilization of the antibiotic in the active site, leading to efficient degradation of the antibiotic. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6764">6764</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6765">6765</a>, and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6767">6767</a>. | | Xray, resistance | RibbonDiagramCCD-1.png | RibbonDiagramCCD-1_L.jpg | RibbonDiagramCCD-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | RibbonDiagramCCD-1_T.png |
|  | 8391 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6765/XrayDiffraction-T.png'></DIV> | X-ray diffraction pattern from a crystallized cefotaxime-CCD-1 complex | No | Photograph | Active | 5/16/2022 11:26 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | CCD-1 is an enzyme produced by the bacterium <em>Clostridioides difficile</em> that helps it resist antibiotics. Researchers crystallized complexes where a CCD-1 molecule and a molecule of the antibiotic cefotaxime were bound together. Then, they shot X-rays at the complexes to determine their structure—a process known as X-ray crystallography. This image shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of a complex. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6764">6764</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6766">6766</a>, and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6767">6767</a>. | | Xray, resistance | XrayDiffraction.png | XrayDiffraction_L.jpg | XrayDiffraction_M.jpg |  | | |  | XrayDiffraction-T.png |
|  | 8388 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6764/CrystalCCD-1-T.png'></DIV> | Crystals of CCD-1 in complex with cefotaxime | No | Photograph | Active | 5/16/2022 11:26 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | CCD-1 is an enzyme produced by the bacterium <em>Clostridioides difficile</em> that helps it resist antibiotics. Here, researchers crystallized bound pairs of CCD-1 molecules and molecules of the antibiotic cefotaxime. This enabled their structure to be studied using X-ray crystallography. <Br><Br> Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6765">6765</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6766">6766</a>, and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=6767">6767</a>. | | Xray, resistance | CrystalCCD-1.png | | |  | | |  | CrystalCCD-1-T.png |
|  | 8382 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6762/5ejx_assembly-1.jpeg'></DIV> | CCP enzyme | No | Illustration | Active | 6/23/2021 9:54 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The enzyme CCP is found in the mitochondria of baker’s yeast. Scientists study the chemical reactions that CCP triggers, which involve a water molecule, iron, and oxygen. This structure was determined using an X-ray free electron laser. | | Ribbon diagram, protein | 5ejx_assembly-T.jpeg | | |  | | |  | 5ejx_assembly-1.jpeg |
|  | 8377 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6756/IGB%20Tagged%20Bees%20Robinson%20Lab_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Honeybees marked with paint | No | Photograph | Active | 4/6/2021 12:32 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Researchers doing behavioral experiments with honeybees sometimes use paint or enamel to give individual bees distinguishing marks. The elaborate social structure and impressive learning and navigation abilities of bees make them good models for behavioral and neurobiological research. Since the sequencing of the honeybee genome, published in 2006, bees have been used increasingly for research into the molecular basis for social interaction and other complex behaviors. | | Research organisms, insects | IGB%20Tagged%20Bees%20Robinson%20Lab.jpg | IGB%20Tagged%20Bees%20Robinson%20Lab_S.jpg | IGB%20Tagged%20Bees%20Robinson%20Lab_M.jpg |  | | |  | IGB%20Tagged%20Bees%20Robinson%20Lab_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8372 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6755/IGB%20Bee%20Brain%20Robinson%20Lab_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Honeybee brain | No | Photograph | Active | 9/23/2021 11:05 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Insect brains, like the honeybee brain shown here, are very different in shape from human brains. Despite that, bee and human brains have a lot in common, including many of the genes and neurochemicals they rely on in order to function. The bright-green spots in this image indicate the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase, an enzyme that allows the brain to produce dopamine. Dopamine is involved in many important functions, such as the ability to experience pleasure. This image was captured using confocal microscopy. | | | IGB%20Bee%20Brain%20Robinson%20Lab.jpg | IGB%20Bee%20Brain%20Robinson%20Lab_S.jpg | IGB%20Bee%20Brain%20Robinson%20Lab_M.jpg |  | | |  | IGB%20Bee%20Brain%20Robinson%20Lab_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8336 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6754/fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly nurse cells transporting their contents during egg development | No | Video | Active | 7/20/2021 11:43 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In many animals, the egg cell develops alongside sister cells. These sister cells are called nurse cells in the fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>), and their job is to “nurse” an immature egg cell, or oocyte. Toward the end of oocyte development, the nurse cells transfer all their contents into the oocyte in a process called nurse cell dumping. This video captures this transfer, showing significant shape changes on the part of the nurse cells (blue), which are powered by wavelike activity of the protein myosin (red). Researchers created the video using a confocal laser scanning microscope. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6753">6753</a>. | | Oogenesis | Fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell%20video%20(1).mp4 | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_S.jpg | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8327 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6753/fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly nurse cells during egg development | No | Photograph | Active | 7/20/2021 11:09 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In many animals, the egg cell develops alongside sister cells. These sister cells are called nurse cells in the fruit fly (<em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>), and their job is to “nurse” an immature egg cell, or oocyte. Toward the end of oocyte development, the nurse cells transfer all their contents into the oocyte in a process called nurse cell dumping. This process involves significant shape changes on the part of the nurse cells (blue), which are powered by wavelike activity of the protein myosin (red). This image was captured using a confocal laser scanning microscope. Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6754">6754</a>. | | Oogenesis | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs.jpg | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_S.jpg | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | fruit%20fly%20nurse%20cell_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8322 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6752/Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%202_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Petri dish | No | Photograph | Active | 3/24/2021 12:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The white circle in this image is a Petri dish, named for its inventor, Julius Richard Petri. These dishes are one of the most common pieces of equipment in biology labs, where researchers use them to grow cells. | | | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%202_2.24.2021.jpeg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%202_2.24.2021_S.jpg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%202_2.24.2021_M.jpg |  | | |  | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%202_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8317 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6751/Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%203_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Petri dish containing C. elegans | No | Photograph | Active | 3/24/2021 1:46 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This Petri dish contains microscopic roundworms called <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>. Researchers used these particular worms to study how <i>C. elegans</i> senses the color of light in its environment. | | | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%203_2.24.2021.jpeg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%203_2.24.2021_S.jpg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%203_2.24.2021_M.jpg |  | | |  | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%203_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8312 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6750/Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%201_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | C. elegans with blue and yellow lights in the background | No | Photograph | Active | 3/24/2021 1:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These microscopic roundworms, called <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>, lack eyes and the opsin proteins used by visual systems to detect colors. However, researchers found that the worms can still sense the color of light in a way that enables them to avoid pigmented toxins made by bacteria. This image was captured using a stereo microscope. | | | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%201_2.24.2021.jpg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%201_2.24.2021_S.jpg | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%201_2.24.2021_M.jpg |  | | |  | Ghosh%20et%20al_SciPak%20multimedia%201_2.24.2021_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8215 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6748/PRs%20retinal%20organoid%20og_large_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Human retinal organoid | No | Photograph | Active | 3/18/2021 10:46 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A replica of a human retina grown from stem cells. It shows rod photoreceptors (nerve cells responsible for dark vision) in green and red/green cones (nerve cells responsible for red and green color vision) in red. The cell nuclei are stained blue. This image was captured using a confocal microscope. | | Eye, neurons | PRs%20retinal%20organoid%20og_large.jpg | PRs%20retinal%20organoid%20og_large_S.jpg | PRs%20retinal%20organoid%20og_large_M.jpg |  | | |  | PRs%20retinal%20organoid%20og_large_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8189 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6661/stiched_fish_blending_high_contrast_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish embryo showing vasculature | No | Photograph | Active | 3/15/2021 10:12 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A zebrafish embryo. The blue areas are cell bodies, the green lines are blood vessels, and the red glow is blood. This image was created by stitching together five individual images captured with a hyperspectral multipoint confocal fluorescence microscope that was developed at the Eliceiri Lab. | | | stiched_fish_blending_high_contrast.png | stiched_fish_blending_high_contrast_S.jpg | stiched_fish_blending_high_contrast_M.jpg |  | | |  | stiched_fish_blending_high_contrast_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8183 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6625/RNA_Folding%20-%20Copy_Moment2.jpg'></DIV> | RNA folding in action | No | Video | Active | 3/8/2021 11:54 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | An RNA molecule dynamically refolds itself as it is being synthesized. When the RNA is short, it ties itself into a “knot” (dark purple). For this domain to slip its knot, about 5 seconds into the video, another newly forming region (fuchsia) wiggles down to gain a “toehold.” About 9 seconds in, the temporarily knotted domain untangles and unwinds. Finally, at about 23 seconds, the strand starts to be reconfigured into the shape it needs to do its job in the cell. | | Ribonucleic acid, 3D folding, R2D2, Reconstructing RNA Dynamics from Data | RNA_Folding.mp4 | | |  | | |  | RNA_Folding%20-%20Copy_Moment2.jpg |
|  | 8143 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6614/CR_Brain_Spanish_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Los ritmos circadianos y el núcleo supraquiasmático | No | Illustration | Active | 12/6/2023 11:12 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Los ritmos circadianos son cambios físicos, mentales y de comportamiento que siguen un ciclo de 24 horas. Los ritmos circadianos se ven influenciados por la luz y están regulados por el núcleo supraquiasmático del cerebro, a veces denominado el reloj principal. <Br><Br> Vea <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6613">6613</a> para la versión en inglés de esta infografía. | | hipotálamo | CR_Brain_Spanish.jpg | CR_Brain_Spanish_S.jpg | CR_Brain_Spanish_M.jpg |  | | |  | CR_Brain_Spanish_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8138 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6613/CR_BrainSIZED_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Circadian rhythms and the SCN | No | Illustration | Active | 2/16/2021 10:13 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | hypothalamus | CR_BrainSIZED.jpg | CR_BrainSIZED_S.jpg | CR_BrainSIZED_M.jpg |  | | |  | CR_BrainSIZED_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8133 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6612/CR_TimelineSPANISH_Opt3%20SPANISH_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Ciclo circadiano de un adolescente típico | No | Illustration | Active | 12/6/2023 11:07 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Los ritmos circadianos son cambios físicos, mentales y conductuales que siguen un ciclo de 24 horas. Los ritmos circadianos típicos conducen a un nivel alto de energía durante la mitad del día (de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m.) y un bajón por la tarde. De noche, los ritmos circadianos hacen que la hormona melatonina aumente, lo que hace que la persona se sienta somnolienta. <Br><Br> Vea <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6611">6611</a> para la versión en inglés de esta infografía. | | reloj interno, temperatura corporal, energía | CR_TimelineSPANISH_Opt3%20SPANISH.jpg | CR_TimelineSPANISH_Opt3%20SPANISH_S.jpg | CR_TimelineSPANISH_Opt3%20SPANISH_M.jpg |  | | |  | CR_TimelineSPANISH_Opt3%20SPANISH_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8128 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6611/CR_TeenTimeline_Opt3B_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Average teen circadian cycle | No | Illustration | Active | 1/5/2024 11:54 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | internal clock, body temperature, energy | CR_TeenTimeline_Opt3B.jpg | CR_TeenTimeline_Opt3B_S.jpg | CR_TeenTimeline_Opt3B_M.jpg |  | | |  | CR_TeenTimeline_Opt3B_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8113 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6609/Figure2.jpg'></DIV> | 3D reconstruction of the Golgi apparatus in a pancreas cell | No | Video | Active | 2/3/2021 10:31 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Researchers used cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) to capture images of a rat pancreas cell that were then compiled and color-coded to produce a 3D reconstruction. Visible features include the folded sacs of the Golgi apparatus (copper), transport vesicles (medium-sized dark-blue circles), microtubules (neon-green rods), a mitochondria membrane (pink), ribosomes (small pale-yellow circles), endoplasmic reticulum (aqua), and lysosomes (large yellowish-green circles). See <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6606">6606</a> for a still image from the video. | | Organelles, Golgi body | Supplementary%20Video2%20(2).mp4 | | |  | | |  | Figure2.jpg |
|  | 8108 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6608/Figure3A_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-ET cross-section of a rat pancreas cell | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2021 10:35 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | On the left, a cross-section slice of a rat pancreas cell captured using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). On the right, a 3D, color-coded version of the image highlighting cell structures. Visible features include microtubules (neon-green rods), ribosomes (small yellow circles), and vesicles (dark-blue circles). These features are surrounded by the partially visible endoplasmic reticulum (light blue). The black line at the bottom right of the left image represents 200 nm. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6607">6607</a>. | | Organelles | Figure3A.jpg | Figure3A_S.jpg | Figure3A_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure3A_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8103 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6607/Figure3B_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-ET cell cross-section visualizing insulin vesicles | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2021 10:34 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | On the left, a cross-section slice of a rat pancreas cell captured using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). On the right, a color-coded, 3D version of the image highlighting cell structures. Visible features include insulin vesicles (purple rings), insulin crystals (gray circles), microtubules (green rods), ribosomes (small yellow circles). The black line at the bottom right of the left image represents 200 nm. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6608">6608</a>. | | Organelles | Figure3B.jpg | Figure3B_S.jpg | Figure3B_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure3B_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8098 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6606/Figure2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-ET cross-section of the Golgi apparatus | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2021 11:27 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | On the left, a cross-section slice of a rat pancreas cell captured using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). On the right, a 3D, color-coded version of the image highlighting cell structures. Visible features include the folded sacs of the Golgi apparatus (copper), transport vesicles (medium-sized dark-blue circles), microtubules (neon green), ribosomes (small pale-yellow circles), and lysosomes (large yellowish-green circles). Black line (bottom right of the left image) represents 200 nm. This image is a still from video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6609">6609</a>. | | Organelles, Golgi body | Figure2.jpg | Figure2_S.jpg | Figure2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8093 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6605/SXT%20cell_mod_1280px%20teal_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Soft X-ray tomography of a pancreatic beta cell | No | Illustration | Active | 2/2/2021 11:31 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A color-coded, 3D model of a rat pancreatic β cell. This type of cell produces insulin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar. Visible are mitochondria (pink), insulin vesicles (yellow), the nucleus (dark blue), and the plasma membrane (teal). This model was created based on soft X-ray tomography (SXT) images. | | pancreas, diabetes | SXT%20cell_mod_1280px%20teal.jpg | SXT%20cell_mod_1280px%20teal_S.jpg | SXT%20cell_mod_1280px%20teal_M.jpg |  | | |  | SXT%20cell_mod_1280px%20teal_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8037 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6604/Enzyme2LactaseV3circularPartial_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Enzyme reaction | No | Illustration | Active | 1/28/2021 7:24 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by reducing the amount of energy needed for the reactions. The substrate (lactose) binds to the active site of the enzyme (lactase) and is converted into products (sugars). | | enzyme-substrate complex | Enzyme2LactaseV3circularPartial.jpg | Enzyme2LactaseV3circularPartial_S.jpg | Enzyme2LactaseV3circularPartial_M.jpg |  | | |  | Enzyme2LactaseV3circularPartial_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8032 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6603/AminoAcidtoProteinV2dec28-01_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Protein formation | No | Illustration | Inactive | 7/28/2021 1:59 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Proteins are 3D structures made up of smaller units. DNA is transcribed to RNA, which in turn is translated into amino acids. Amino acids form a protein strand, which has sections of corkscrew-like coils, called alpha helices, and other sections that fold flat, called beta sheets. The protein then goes through complex folding to produce the 3D structure. | | alpha helix, primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure | AminoAcidtoProteinV2dec28-01.png | AminoAcidtoProteinV2dec28-01_S.jpg | AminoAcidtoProteinV2dec28-01_M.jpg |  | | |  | AminoAcidtoProteinV2dec28-01_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8014 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6602/immune%20cell%20acid%20destroys%20bacterial%20proteins_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | See how immune cell acid destroys bacterial proteins | No | Video | Active | 1/27/2021 12:36 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This animation shows the effect of exposure to hypochlorous acid, which is found in certain types of immune cells, on bacterial proteins. The proteins unfold and stick to one another, leading to cell death. | | | See%20How%20Immune%20Cell%20Acid%20Destroys%20Bacterial%20Proteins.mp4 | | See%20How%20Immune%20Cell%20Acid%20Destroys%20Bacterial%20Proteins.mp4 |  | | |  | immune%20cell%20acid%20destroys%20bacterial%20proteins_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8011 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6601/atomic-level%20structure%20of%20HIV%20capsid_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Atomic-level structure of the HIV capsid | No | Video | Active | 11/14/2023 8:23 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This animation shows atoms of the HIV capsid, the shell that encloses the virus's genetic material. Scientists determined the exact structure of the capsid using a variety of imaging techniques and analyses. They then entered this data into a supercomputer to produce this image. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3477">3477</a>. | | | Atomic-Level%20Structure%20of%20the%20HIV%20Capsid.mp4 | | Atomic-Level%20Structure%20of%20the%20HIV%20Capsid.mp4 |  | | |  | atomic-level%20structure%20of%20HIV%20capsid_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 8001 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6598/leg%20muscle%20simulation_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Simulation of leg muscles moving | No | Video | Active | 1/28/2021 3:07 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | When we walk, muscles and nerves interact in intricate ways. This simulation, which is based on data from a six-foot-tall man, shows these interactions. | | | Simulation%20of%20Leg%20Muscles%20Moving.mp4 | | Simulation%20of%20Leg%20Muscles%20Moving.mp4 |  | | |  | leg%20muscle%20simulation_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7997 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6597/PathwaysBacteriaVirus_video.jpg'></DIV> | Pathways – Bacteria vs. Viruses: What's the Difference? | No | Video | Active | 9/12/2022 11:13 AM | Rose, Juli (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Pathways_%20Bacteria%20vs.%20Viruses_%20What%27s%20the%20Difference_.mp4 | | |  | | |  | PathwaysBacteriaVirus_video.jpg |
|  | 7765 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6593/img6_cheng_confocal_nuc_t76_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs 6 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:39 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img6_cheng_confocal_nuc_t76.jpg | img6_cheng_confocal_nuc_t76_S.jpg | img6_cheng_confocal_nuc_t76_M.jpg |  | | |  | img6_cheng_confocal_nuc_t76_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7760 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6592/img5_cheng_confocal_nuc_t40_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs 5 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:38 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img5_cheng_confocal_nuc_t40.jpg | img5_cheng_confocal_nuc_t40_S.jpg | img5_cheng_confocal_nuc_t40_M.jpg |  | | |  | img5_cheng_confocal_nuc_t40_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7755 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6591/img4_cheng_confocal_nuc_t27_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs 4 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:37 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img4_cheng_confocal_nuc_t27.jpg | img4_cheng_confocal_nuc_t27_S.jpg | img4_cheng_confocal_nuc_t27_M.jpg |  | | |  | img4_cheng_confocal_nuc_t27_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7753 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6590/Screenshot%20(4).png'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments emerging from scrambled frog eggs 4 | No | Video | Active | 9/14/2020 11:16 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | video4_cheng_confocal_nuc.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Screenshot%20(4).png |
|  | 7751 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6589/Screenshot%20(3).png'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments emerging from scrambled frog eggs 3 | No | Video | Active | 9/13/2020 11:28 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | video3_cheng_epifluo_ertub.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Screenshot%20(3).png |
|  | 7749 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6588/Screenshot%20(2).png'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments emerging from scrambled frog eggs 2 | No | Video | Active | 9/13/2020 11:27 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | video2_cheng_epifluo_16npu.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Screenshot%20(2).png |
|  | 7747 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6587/Screenshot%20(1).png'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments emerging from scrambled frog eggs | No | Video | Active | 9/13/2020 11:26 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | video1_cheng_epifluo_160npu.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Screenshot%20(1).png |
|  | 7742 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6586/img3_cheng_epi_pos6_t119_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs 3 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:23 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img3_cheng_epi_pos6_t119.jpg | img3_cheng_epi_pos6_t119_S.jpg | img3_cheng_epi_pos6_t119_M.jpg |  | | |  | img3_cheng_epi_pos6_t119_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7737 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6585/img2_cheng_epi_pos4_t090_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:22 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img2_cheng_epi_pos4_t090.jpg | img2_cheng_epi_pos4_t090_S.jpg | img2_cheng_epi_pos4_t090_M.jpg |  | | |  | img2_cheng_epi_pos4_t090_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7732 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6584/img1_cheng_epi_pos2_t093_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cell-like compartments from frog eggs | No | Photograph | Active | 9/13/2020 11:20 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | img1_cheng_epi_pos2_t093.jpg | img1_cheng_epi_pos2_t093_S.jpg | img1_cheng_epi_pos2_t093_M.jpg |  | | |  | img1_cheng_epi_pos2_t093_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7727 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6583/WormCloseUp_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Closeup of fluorescent C. elegans showing muscle and ribosomal protein | No | Photograph | Active | 3/19/2021 4:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | WormCloseUp.jpg | WormCloseUp_S.jpg | WormCloseUp_M.jpg |  | | |  | WormCloseUp_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7722 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6582/ThreeWorms_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Group of fluorescent C. elegans showing muscle and ribosomal protein | No | Photograph | Active | 3/19/2021 4:20 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | ThreeWorms.jpg | ThreeWorms_S.jpg | ThreeWorms_M.jpg |  | | |  | ThreeWorms_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7708 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6581/SingleWorm_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fluorescent C. elegans showing muscle and ribosomal protein | No | Photograph | Active | 3/19/2021 4:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | SingleWorm.jpg | SingleWorm_S.jpg | SingleWorm_M.jpg |  | | |  | SingleWorm_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7703 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6580/NanowireImage_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial nanowire model | No | Illustration | Active | 8/17/2020 11:44 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A model of a <i>Geobacter sulfurreducens</i> nanowire created from cryo-electron microscopy images. The bacterium conducts electricity through these nanowires, which are made up of protein and iron-containing molecules. | | | NanowireImage.jpg | NanowireImage_S.jpg | NanowireImage_M.jpg |  | | |  | NanowireImage_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7698 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6579/SerotininReceptor2_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Full-length serotonin receptor (ion channel) | No | Illustration | Active | 8/10/2020 8:09 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A 3D reconstruction, created using cryo-electron microscopy, of an ion channel known as the full-length serotonin receptor in complex with the antinausea drug granisetron (orange). Ion channels are proteins in cell membranes that help regulate many processes. | | | SerotininReceptor2.jpg | SerotininReceptor2_S.jpg | SerotininReceptor2_M.jpg |  | | |  | SerotininReceptor2_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7693 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6578/TR%20Initiation%20(003)_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial ribosome assembly | No | Illustration | Active | 8/10/2020 8:06 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | 3D reconstructions of two stages in the assembly of the bacterial ribosome created from time-resolved cryo-electron microscopy images. Ribosomes translate genetic instructions into proteins. | | | TR%20Initiation%20(003).jpg | TR%20Initiation%20(003)_S.jpg | TR%20Initiation%20(003)_M.jpg |  | | |  | TR%20Initiation%20(003)_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7688 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6577/TRP%20Channel_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Transient receptor potential channel TRPV5 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/10/2020 7:36 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A 3D reconstruction of a transient receptor potential channel called TRPV5 that was created based on cryo-electron microscopy images. TRPV5 is primarily found in kidney cells and is essential for reabsorbing calcium into the blood. | | | TRP%20Channel.jpg | TRP%20Channel_S.jpg | TRP%20Channel_M.jpg |  | | |  | TRP%20Channel_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7683 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6573/NuclearLamina_3views_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Nuclear Lamina – Three Views | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 10:20 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | nucleus | NuclearLamina_3views_300dpi.jpg | NuclearLamina_3views_300dpi_S.jpg | NuclearLamina_3views_300dpi_M.jpg |  | | |  | NuclearLamina_3views_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7678 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6572/NuclearLamina_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Nuclear Lamina | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 10:20 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The 3D single-molecule super-resolution reconstruction of the entire nuclear lamina in a HeLa cell was acquired using the TILT3D platform. TILT3D combines a tilted light sheet with point-spread function (PSF) engineering to provide a flexible imaging platform for 3D single-molecule super-resolution imaging in mammalian cells. <br> See <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6573">6573</a> for 3 seperate views of this structure.<br> | | nucleus | NuclearLamina_300dpi.jpg | NuclearLamina_300dpi_S.jpg | NuclearLamina_300dpi_M.jpg |  | | |  | NuclearLamina_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7673 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6571/ActinFilamentImage_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Actin filaments bundled around the dynamin helical polymer | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 10:21 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Multiple actin filaments (magenta) are organized around a dynamin helical polymer (rainbow colored) in this model derived from cryo-electron tomography. By bundling actin, dynamin increases the strength of a cell’s skeleton and plays a role in cell-cell fusion, a process involved in conception, development, and regeneration. | | cryo-ET cytoskeleton protein | ActinFilamentImage_300dpi.jpg | ActinFilamentImage_72dpi.jpg | ActinFilamentImage_150dpi.jpg |  | | |  | ActinFilamentImage_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7670 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6570/Riley_GFP_Competition_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Stress Response in Cells | No | Video | Active | 2/16/2021 3:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Two highly stressed osteosarcoma cells are shown with a set of green droplet-like structures followed by a second set of magenta droplets. These droplets are composed of fluorescently labeled stress-response proteins, either G3BP or UBQLN2 (Ubiquilin-2). Each protein is undergoing a fascinating process, called phase separation, in which a non-membrane bound compartment of the cytoplasm emerges with a distinct environment from the surrounding cytoplasm. Subsequently, the proteins fuse with like proteins to form larger droplets, in much the same way that raindrops merge on a car’s windshield. | | | Riley_GFP_Competition.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Riley_GFP_Competition_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7666 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6569/cryo_em_caulobacter_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-electron tomography of a Caulobacter bacterium | No | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 10:22 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | 3D image of <i>Caulobacter</i> bacterium with various components highlighted: cell membranes (red and blue), protein shell (green), protein factories known as ribosomes (yellow), and storage granules (orange). | | cryo-ET bacteria | cryo_em_caulobacter_sidebyside_sv_final.mp4 | | |  | | |  | cryo_em_caulobacter_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7662 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6568/Figure_2_72dpi.png'></DIV> | Correlative imaging by annotation with single molecules (CIASM) process | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 10:22 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These images illustrate a technique combining cryo-electron tomography and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy called correlative imaging by annotation with single molecules (CIASM). CIASM enables researchers to identify small structures and individual molecules in cells that they couldn’t using older techniques. | | cryo-ET | Figure_2_300dpi.png | Figure_2_72dpi.png | Figure_2_150dpi.png |  | | |  | Figure_2_72dpi.png |
|  | 11791 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6562/actin-moviegif2%20(1).gif'></DIV> | Drosophila (fruit fly) myosin 1D motility assay | No | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 10:23 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Actin gliding powered by myosin 1D. Note the counterclockwise motion of the gliding actin filaments. | | protein | actin-moviegif2%20(2).gif | actin-moviegif2%20(1)_S.jpg | actin-moviegif2%20(1)_M.jpg |  | | |  | actin-moviegif2%20(1).gif |
|  | 7652 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6557/Q1190217rgb1_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Floral pattern in a mixture of two bacterial species, Acinetobacter baylyi and Escherichia coli, grown on a semi-solid agar for 24 hours | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 3:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Q1190217rgb1_HIghRes.JPG | Q1190217rgb1_LowRes.JPG | Q1190217rgb1_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | Q1190217rgb1_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7647 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6556/Fig1A_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Floral pattern in a mixture of two bacterial species, Acinetobacter baylyi and Escherichia coli, grown on a semi-solid agar for 72 hour | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 3:20 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Fig1A_HIghRes.JPG | Fig1A_LowRes.JPG | Fig1A_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | Fig1A_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7642 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6555/AnEspec2a_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Floral pattern in a mixture of two bacterial species, Acinetobacter baylyi and Escherichia coli, grown on a semi-solid agar for 48 hours (photo 2) | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 3:15 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | AnEspec2a_HIghRes.JPG | AnEspec2a_LowRes.JPG | AnEspec2a_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | AnEspec2a_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7637 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6553/v_1200_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Floral pattern in a mixture of two bacterial species, Acinetobacter baylyi and Escherichia coli, grown on a semi-solid agar for 48 hours (photo 1) | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 3:13 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | v_1200_HIghRes.JPG | v_1200_LowRes.JPG | v_1200_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | v_1200_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7634 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6551/What-is-Sepsis-Spanish_THUMB.jpg'></DIV> | ¿Qué es la sepsis? (Sepsis Infographic) | No | Illustration | Active | 1/5/2024 11:52 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | La sepsis o septicemia es la respuesta fulminante y extrema del cuerpo a una infección. En los Estados Unidos, más de 1.7 millones de personas contraen sepsis cada año. Sin un tratamiento rápido, la sepsis puede provocar daño de los tejidos, insuficiencia orgánica y muerte. El NIGMS apoya a muchos investigadores en su trabajo para mejorar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la sepsis. <Br><Br>Vea <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6536">6536</a> para la versión en inglés de esta infografía. | | | What-is-Sepsis-Spanish.pdf | | |  | | |  | What-is-Sepsis-Spanish_THUMB.jpg |
|  | 7631 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6550/Flower-like%20patterns_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Time-lapse video of floral pattern in a mixture of two bacterial species, Acinetobacter baylyi and Escherichia coli, grown on a semi-solid agar for 24 hours | No | Video | Active | 12/21/2020 3:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Flower-like%20patterns.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Flower-like%20patterns_thumb.jpg |
|  | 7627 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6549/Brown_FalconieriVisuals_Axoneme_Watermark_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | The Structure of Cilia’s Doublet Microtubules | No | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 10:27 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cilia (cilium in singular) are complex molecular machines found on many of our cells. One component of cilia is the doublet microtubule, a major part of cilia’s skeletons that give them support and shape. This animated video illustrates the structure of doublet microtubules, which contain 451 protein chains that were mapped using cryo-electron microscopy. Image can be found here <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6548"> 6548. </a> | | cryo-EM cytoskeleton organelle | Brown_FalconieriVisuals_Axoneme_Watermark.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Brown_FalconieriVisuals_Axoneme_Watermark_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 7622 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6548/18046_Axoneme_Still_Watermark_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Partial Model of a Cilium’s Doublet Microtubule | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 10:28 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cilia (cilium in singular) are complex molecular machines found on many of our cells. One component of cilia is the doublet microtubule, a major part of cilia’s skeletons that give them support and shape. This animated image is a partial model of a doublet microtubule’s structure based on cryo-electron microscopy images. Video can be found here <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6549"> 6549. </a> | | cryo-EM cytoskeleton organelle | 18046_Axoneme_Still_Watermark_HIghRes.JPG | 18046_Axoneme_Still_Watermark_LowRes.JPG | 18046_Axoneme_Still_Watermark_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | 18046_Axoneme_Still_Watermark_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7617 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6547/UBXD8-VCP%20delta3_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Cell Nucleus and Lipid Droplets | No | Photograph | Active | 7/27/2022 10:47 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A cell nucleus (blue) surrounded by lipid droplets (yellow). Exogenously expressed, S-tagged UBXD8 (green) recruits endogenous p97/VCP (red) to the surface of lipid droplets in oleate-treated HeLa cells. Nucleus stained with DAPI. | | organelle lipids | UBXD8-VCP%20delta3_HIghRes.JPG | UBXD8-VCP%20delta3_LowRes.JPG | UBXD8-VCP%20delta3_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | UBXD8-VCP%20delta3_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7603 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6541/WhatsTheConnection_1280x720.jpg'></DIV> | Pathways: What's the Connection? | Different Jobs in a Science Lab | No | Video | Active | 8/9/2024 3:45 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Whats%20the%20Connection_%20Pathways_.mp4 | | |  | | |  | WhatsTheConnection_1280x720.jpg |
|  | 7600 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6540/WhyScientistsStudyCells_1280x720.jpg'></DIV> | Pathways: What is It? | Why Scientists Study Cells | No | Video | Active | 12/4/2020 10:01 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Pathways-%20What%20is%20It_%20_%20Why%20Scientists%20Study%20Cells.mp4 | | |  | | |  | WhyScientistsStudyCells_1280x720.jpg |
|  | 7597 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6539/WhatIsBasicScience_1280x720.jpg'></DIV> | Pathways: What is Basic Science? | No | Video | Active | 12/4/2020 10:06 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Pathways-%20What%20is%20Basic%20Science_.mp4 | | |  | | |  | WhatIsBasicScience_1280x720.jpg |
|  | 7594 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6538/FascinatingCellsResearchOrganisms_1280x720.jpg'></DIV> | Pathways: The Fascinating Cells of Research Organisms | No | Video | Active | 12/4/2020 10:05 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Pathways-%20The%20Fascinating%20Cells%20of%20Research%20Organisms.mp4 | | |  | | |  | FascinatingCellsResearchOrganisms_1280x720.jpg |
|  | 7588 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6536/Sepsis_Thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Sepsis Infographic | No | Illustration | Active | 8/7/2024 12:31 AM | Lopez, Jorge (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Sepsis | What-is-Sepsis.pdf | | |  | | |  | Sepsis_Thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7581 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6535/Kupffer_cell_in_liver-1_NCMIR_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Kupffer cell residing in the liver | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 2:51 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | macrophage immune cell | Kupffer_cell_in_liver-1_NCMIR_highres.jpg | Kupffer_cell_in_liver-1_NCMIR_lowres.jpg | Kupffer_cell_in_liver-1_NCMIR_medres.jpg |  | | |  | Kupffer_cell_in_liver-1_NCMIR_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7576 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6534/The_Three_Pharingos_16colored_Thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mosaicism in C. elegans (White Background) | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 2:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In the worm <i>C. elegans</i>, double-stranded RNA made in neurons can silence matching genes in a variety of cell types through the transport of RNA between cells. The head region of three worms that were genetically modified to express a fluorescent protein were imaged and the images were color-coded based on depth. The worm on the left lacks neuronal double-stranded RNA and thus every cell is fluorescent. In the middle worm, the expression of the fluorescent protein is silenced by neuronal double-stranded RNA and thus most cells are not fluorescent. The worm on the right lacks an enzyme that amplifies RNA for silencing. Surprisingly, the identities of the cells that depend on this enzyme for gene silencing are unpredictable. As a result, worms of identical genotype are nevertheless random mosaics for how the function of gene silencing is carried out. For more, see <a href=" https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/47/19/10059/5563947">journal article</a> and <a href=" https://umdrightnow.umd.edu/news/umd-scientists-discover-hidden-differences-may-help-cells-evade-drug-therapy">press release.</a> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6532">6532</a>. | | | The_Three_Pharingos_16colored_highres.jpg | The_Three_Pharingos_16colored_LowRes.jpg | The_Three_Pharingos_16colored_MidRes.jpg |  | | |  | The_Three_Pharingos_16colored_Thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7571 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6532/The_Three_Pharingos_4_flipped_Thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mosaicism in C. elegans (Black Background) | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 2:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In the worm <i>C. elegans</i>, double-stranded RNA made in neurons can silence matching genes in a variety of cell types through the transport of RNA between cells. The head region of three worms that were genetically modified to express a fluorescent protein were imaged and the images were color-coded based on depth. The worm on the left lacks neuronal double-stranded RNA and thus every cell is fluorescent. In the middle worm, the expression of the fluorescent protein is silenced by neuronal double-stranded RNA and thus most cells are not fluorescent. The worm on the right lacks an enzyme that amplifies RNA for silencing. Surprisingly, the identities of the cells that depend on this enzyme for gene silencing are unpredictable. As a result, worms of identical genotype are nevertheless random mosaics for how the function of gene silencing is carried out. For more, see <a href=" https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/47/19/10059/5563947">journal article</a> and <a href=" https://umdrightnow.umd.edu/news/umd-scientists-discover-hidden-differences-may-help-cells-evade-drug-therapy">press release.</a> Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6534">6534</a>. | | | The_Three_Pharingos_4_flipped_HighRes.jpg | The_Three_Pharingos_4_flipped_LowRes.jpg | The_Three_Pharingos_4_flipped_MedRes.jpg |  | | |  | The_Three_Pharingos_4_flipped_Thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7554 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6522/Fly%20ovaries-1_STAT-Actin-DAPI-Rogers1-option%201_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly ovary | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:09 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In this image of a stained fruit fly ovary, the ovary is packed with immature eggs (with DNA stained blue). The cytoskeleton (in pink) is a collection of fibers that gives a cell shape and support. The signal-transmitting molecules like STAT (in yellow) are common to reproductive processes in humans. Researchers used this image to show molecular staining and high-resolution imaging techniques to students. | | drosophila | Fly%20ovaries-1_STAT-Actin-DAPI-Rogers1-option%201.JPG | Fly%20ovaries-1_STAT-Actin-DAPI-Rogers1-option%201_S.jpg | Fly%20ovaries-1_STAT-Actin-DAPI-Rogers1-option%201_M.jpg |  | | |  | Fly%20ovaries-1_STAT-Actin-DAPI-Rogers1-option%201_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7549 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6521/NYC%20Skyline,%20FASEB%20winner_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Yeast art depicting the New York City skyline | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:10 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This skyline of New York City was created by “printing” nanodroplets containing yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) onto a large plate. Each dot is a separate yeast colony. As the colonies grew, a picture emerged, creating art. To make the different colors shown here, yeast strains were genetically engineered to produce pigments naturally made by bacteria, fungi, and sea creatures such as coral and sea anemones. Using genes from other organisms to make biological compounds paves the way toward harnessing yeast in the production of other useful molecules, from food to fuels and drugs. | | | NYC%20Skyline,%20FASEB%20winner_HIghRes.JPG | NYC%20Skyline,%20FASEB%20winner_LowRes.JPG | NYC%20Skyline,%20FASEB%20winner_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | NYC%20Skyline,%20FASEB%20winner_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7544 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6520/9%20Dividing%20Cancer%20Cell_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | HeLa cell undergoing division into two daughter cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 2:39 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Here, a human HeLa cell (a type of immortal cell line used in laboratory experiments) is undergoing cell division. They come from cervical cancer cells that were obtained in 1951 from Henrietta Lacks, a patient at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The final stage of division, called cytokinesis, occurs after the genomes—shown in yellow—have split into two new daughter cells. The myosin II is a motor protein shown in blue, and the actin filaments, which are types of protein that support cell structure, are shown in red. Read more about <a href=" https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2013/08/07/hela-cells-a-new-chapter-in-an-enduring-story/">NIH and the Lacks family</a>. | | mitosis chromosomes | 9%20Dividing%20Cancer%20Cell_HIghRes.JPG | 9%20Dividing%20Cancer%20Cell_LowRes.JPG | 9%20Dividing%20Cancer%20Cell_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | 9%20Dividing%20Cancer%20Cell_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7539 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6519/Fibroblast%20Division_Thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Human fibroblast undergoing cell division | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:11 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | During cell division, cells physically divide after separating their genetic material to create two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. This process is important so that new cells can grow and develop. In this image, a human fibroblast cell—a type of connective tissue cell that plays a key role in wound healing and tissue repair—is dividing into two daughter cells. A cell protein called actin appears gray, the myosin II (part of the family of motor proteins responsible for muscle contractions) appears green, and DNA appears magenta. | | mitosis | Fibroblast%20Division_HIghRes.JPG | Fibroblast%20Division_LowRes.JPG | Fibroblast%20Division_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | Fibroblast%20Division_Thumb.JPG |
|  | 7534 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6518/Scott%20Chimileski%20biofilm-Thumnail.jpg'></DIV> | Biofilm formed by a pathogen | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:12 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A biofilm is a highly organized community of microorganisms that develops naturally on certain surfaces. These communities are common in natural environments and generally do not pose any danger to humans. Many microbes in biofilms have a positive impact on the planet and our societies. Biofilms can be helpful in treatment of wastewater, for example. This dime-sized biofilm, however, was formed by the opportunistic pathogen <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>. Under some conditions, this bacterium can infect wounds that are caused by severe burns. The bacterial cells release a variety of materials to form an extracellular matrix, which is stained red in this photograph. The matrix holds the biofilm together and protects the bacteria from antibiotics and the immune system. | | | Scott%20Chimileski%202_PA_4K_HIghRes.JPG | Scott%20Chimileski%202_PA_4K_LowRes.JPG | Scott%20Chimileski%202_PA_4K_MedRes.JPG |  | | |  | Scott%20Chimileski%20biofilm-Thumnail.jpg |
|  | 7532 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6507/'></DIV> | HIV animation | Yes | Video | Inactive | 12/21/2020 2:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | How does HIV infection occur? This molecular animation depicts the process of how HIV infects a T cell and transforms the cell into a viral factory. Completed in collaboration with dozens of HIV researchers across the United States, this film is part of the Science of HIV project (scienceofHIV.org), with support from the CHEETAH Center at the University of Utah (cheetah.biochem.utah.edu/) and the NIGMS. Please feel free to download and share this animation, and visit the Science of HIV website (scienceofHIV.org) for more information. To view a version of this animation with narration, see: vimeo.com/260291607/5bcaf19961
| | AIDS | | | |  | | |  | |
|  | 7521 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6503/HIRES-Flower%20formation%20Elliot%20Meyerowitz2019_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Arabidopsis Thaliana: Flowers Spring to Life | No | Photograph | Active | 10/7/2021 1:50 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image capture shows how a single gene, STM, plays a starring role in plant development. This gene acts like a molecular fountain of youth, keeping cells ever-young until it’s time to grow up and commit to making flowers and other plant parts. Because of its ease of use and low cost, <i>Arabidopsis</i> is a favorite model for scientists to learn the basic principles driving tissue growth and regrowth for humans as well as the beautiful plants outside your window. Image captured from video Watch Flowers Spring to Life, featured in the <a href=" https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2019/04/25/watch-flowers-spring-to-life/">NIH Director's Blog: Watch Flowers Spring to Life.</a> | | Arabidopsis thaliana; Flowers; Spring; Spring to Life | HIRES-Flower%20formation%20Elliot%20Meyerowitz2019.jpg | HIRES-Flower%20formation%20Elliot%20Meyerowitz2019_S.jpg | MedRES-Flower%20formation%20Elliot%20Meyerowitz2019.jpg |  | | |  | HIRES-Flower%20formation%20Elliot%20Meyerowitz2019_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7262 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6489/CRISPR_Frame_5_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration Frame 5 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/21/2020 12:37 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | CRISPR_Frame_5.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_5_S.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_5_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_Frame_5_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 7254 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6488/CRISPR_Frame_4_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration Frame 4 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 11:47 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | CRISPR_Frame_4.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_4_S.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_4_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_Frame_4_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 7247 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6487/CRISPR_Frame_3_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration Frame 3 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 11:43 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | CRISPR_Frame_3.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_3_S.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_3_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_Frame_3_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 7240 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6486/CRISPR_Frame_2_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration Frame 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 11:45 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | CRISPR_Frame_2.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_2_S.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_Frame_2_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 7099 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6465/CRISPR_Frame_1_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR Illustration Frame 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 11:44 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | CRISPR | CRISPR_Frame_1.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_1_S.jpg | CRISPR_Frame_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_Frame_1_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 7048 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6389/Red%20and%20white%20blood%20cells%20in%20lung_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Red and white blood cells in the lung | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2020 2:41 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | red blood cells; white blood cells; lung cells; red and white blood cells in lung | Red%20and%20white%20blood%20cells%20in%20lung.jpg | Red%20and%20white%20blood%20cells%20in%20lung_S.jpg | Red%20and%20white%20blood%20cells%20in%20lung_M.jpg |  | | |  | Red%20and%20white%20blood%20cells%20in%20lung_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7049 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6388/E.%20coli_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | E. Coli | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 12:16 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | E. Coli Escherichia coli bacteria | E.%20coli.jpg | E.%20coli_S.jpg | E.%20coli_M.jpg |  | | |  | E.%20coli_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 7047 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6387/Blood%20clot_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Blood Clot | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 12:16 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | blood clot red blood cells erythrocytes | Blood%20clot.jpg | Blood%20clot_S.jpg | Blood%20clot_M.jpg |  | | |  | Blood%20clot_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6998 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6356/Flu%20virus%202%20Amaro_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | H1N1 Influenza Virus | No | Illustration | Active | 11/1/2021 10:30 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | H1N1 Influenza virus Flu hemagluttinin neuraminidase glycoproteins Snowflake | Flu%20virus%202%20Amaro.png | Flu%20virus%202%20Amaro_S.jpg | Flu%20virus%202%20Amaro_M.jpg |  | | |  | Flu%20virus%202%20Amaro_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6997 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6355/Flu%20virus%201%20Amaro_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | H1N1 Influenza Virus | No | Illustration | Active | 11/12/2024 11:17 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | CellPack image of the H1N1 influenza virus, with hemagglutinin and neuraminidase glycoproteins in green and red, respectively, on the outer envelope (white); matrix protein in gray, and ribonucleoprotein particles inside the virus in red and green. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6356">6356</a>. | | H1N1 influenza virus CellPack hemagluttinin neuraminidase glycoproteins Flu Snowflake | Flu%20virus%201%20Amaro.png | Flu%20virus%201%20Amaro_S.jpg | Flu%20virus%201%20Amaro_M.jpg |  | | |  | Flu%20virus%201%20Amaro_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6996 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6353/ATP%20Synthase%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | ATP Synthase | No | Illustration | Active | 8/10/2022 11:38 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Atomic model of the membrane region of the mitochondrial ATP synthase built into a cryo-EM map at 3.6 Å resolution. ATP synthase is the primary producer of ATP in aerobic cells. Drugs that inhibit the bacterial ATP synthase, but not the human mitochondrial enzyme, can serve as antibiotics. This therapeutic approach was successfully demonstrated with the bedaquiline, an ATP synthase inhibitor now used in the treatment of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis. <Br><Br>More information about this structure can be found in the <em>Science</em> paper <a href=" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29074581/">”Atomic model for the dimeric F0 region of mitochondrial ATP synthase”</a> by Guo et. al. | | ATP Synthase mitochondria tuberculosis bedaquiline atomic model antibiotic cryo-EM TB cryo-electron microscopy adenosine triphosphate | ATP%20Synthase%20NRAMM.jpg | ATP%20Synthase%20NRAMM_S.jpg | ATP%20Synthase%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | ATP%20Synthase%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6995 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6352/CRISPR%202%20of%202%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR surveillance complex | No | Illustration | Active | 12/21/2020 12:09 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows how the CRISPR surveillance complex is disabled by two copies of anti-CRISPR protein AcrF1 (red) and one AcrF2 (light green). These anti-CRISPRs block access to the CRISPR RNA (green tube) preventing the surveillance complex from scanning and targeting invading viral DNA for destruction. | | CRISPR Anti-CRISPR viral DNA gene editing | CRISPR%202%20of%202%20NRAMM.jpg | CRISPR%202%20of%202%20NRAMM_S.jpg | CRISPR%202%20of%202%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR%202%20of%202%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6993 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6351/CRISPR%201%20of%202%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR | No | Illustration | Active | 12/21/2020 12:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | RNA incorporated into the CRISPR surveillance complex is positioned to scan across foreign DNA. Cryo-EM density from a 3Å reconstruction is shown as a yellow mesh. | | CRISPR cryo-EM RNA DNA gene editing cryo-electron microscopy | CRISPR%201%20of%202%20NRAMM.jpg | CRISPR%201%20of%202%20NRAMM_S.jpg | CRISPR%201%20of%202%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR%201%20of%202%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6994 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6350/Aldolase%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Aldolase | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 12:07 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | 2.5Å resolution reconstruction of rabbit muscle aldolase collected on a FEI/Thermo Fisher Titan Krios with energy filter and image corrector.
| | Rabbit muscle cryo-TEM enzyme cryo-transmission electron microscopy | Aldolase%20NRAMM.jpg | Aldolase%20NRAMM_S.jpg | Aldolase%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | Aldolase%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6991 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6347/Human%20Adenovirus%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Human Adenovirus | No | Illustration | Active | 12/21/2020 12:06 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cryo-EM structure of human adenovirus D26 (HAdV-D26) at near atomic resolution (3.7 Å), determined in collaboration with the NRAMM facility*. In difference to archetype HAdV-C5, the HAdV-D26 is a low seroprevalent viral vector, which is being used to generate Ebola virus vaccines.
| | Human Adenovirus DNA Cryo-EM cryo-electron microscopy | Human%20Adenovirus%20NRAMM.jpg | Human%20Adenovirus%20NRAMM_S.jpg | Human%20Adenovirus%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | Human%20Adenovirus%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6992 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6346/Instasome%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Intasome | No | Illustration | Active | 12/21/2020 12:05 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Salk researchers captured the structure of a protein complex called an intasome (center) that lets viruses similar to HIV establish permanent infection in their hosts. The intasome hijacks host genomic material, DNA (white) and histones (beige), and irreversibly inserts viral DNA (blue). The image was created by Jamie Simon and Dmitry Lyumkis. Work that led to the 3D map was published in: Ballandras-Colas A, Brown M, Cook NJ, Dewdney TG, Demeler B, Cherepanov P, Lyumkis D, & Engelman AN. (2016). Cryo-EM reveals a novel octameric integrase structure for ?-retroviral intasome function. Nature, 530(7590), 358—361
| | retrovirus HIV instasome DNA cryo-electron microscopy | Instasome%20NRAMM.jpg | Instasome%20NRAMM_S.jpg | Instasome%20NRAMM_M.jpg |  | | |  | Instasome%20NRAMM_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6989 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/6344/drosophila%20image_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Drosophila | No | Photograph | Active | 12/21/2020 12:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Two adult fruit flies (Drosophila) | | fruit fly drosophila | drosophila%20image.jpg | drosophila%20image_S.jpg | drosophila%20image_M.jpg |  | | |  | drosophila%20image_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6953 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5896/Image%20for%20Stetten%20poster%202017%2018x12_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Stetten Lecture 2017poster image | No | Illustration | Active | 11/1/2021 10:34 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image is featured on the poster for Dr. Rommie Amaro's 2017 Stetten Lecture. It depicts a detailed physical model of an influenza virus, incorporating information from several structural data sources. The small molecules around the virus are sialic acid molecules. The virus binds to and cleaves sialic acid as it enters and exits host cells. Researchers are building these highly detailed molecular scale models of different biomedical systems and then “bringing them to life” with physics-based methods, either molecular or Brownian dynamics simulations, to understand the structural dynamics of the systems and their complex interactions with drug or substrate molecules. | | Influenza Stetten Lecture Virus model | Image%20for%20Stetten%20poster%202017%2018x12.tif | Image%20for%20Stetten%20poster%202017%2018x12_S.jpg | Image%20for%20Stetten%20poster%202017%2018x12_M.jpg |  | | |  | Image%20for%20Stetten%20poster%202017%2018x12_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6952 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5895/bioluminescent%20microcentrifuge%20tubes_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bioluminescence in a Tube | No | Photograph | Active | 3/1/2021 2:16 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | bioluminescense luciferin luciferase | bioluminescent%20microcentrifuge%20tubes.jpg | bioluminescent%20microcentrifuge%20tubes_S.jpg | bioluminescent%20microcentrifuge%20tubes_M.jpg |  | | |  | bioluminescent%20microcentrifuge%20tubes_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6951 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5888/firework_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Independence Day | No | Photograph | Active | 7/12/2022 2:18 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This graphic that resembles a firework was created from a picture of a <a href=https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3451>fruit fly spermatid</a>. This fruit fly spermatid recycles various molecules, including malformed or damaged proteins. Actin filaments (red) in the cell draw unwanted proteins toward a barrel-shaped structure called the proteasome (green clusters), which degrades the molecules into their basic parts for re-use. | | fireworks, july 4th | firework.jpg | firework.jpg | firework_M.jpg |  | | |  | firework_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6949 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5887/PMV%20bubbles%20image_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Plasma-Derived Membrane Vesicles | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 4:57 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This fiery image doesn’t come from inside a bubbling volcano. Instead, it shows animal cells caught in the act of making bubbles, or blebbing. Some cells regularly pinch off parts of their membranes to produce bubbles filled with a mix of proteins and fats. The bubbles (red) are called plasma-derived membrane vesicles, or PMVs, and can travel to other parts of the body where they may aid in cell-cell communication. The University of Texas, Austin, researchers responsible for this photo are exploring ways to use PMVs to deliver medicines to precise locations in the body.<br></br> This image, entered in the Biophysical Society’s 2017 Art of Science Image contest, used two-channel spinning disk confocal fluorescence microscopy. It was also featured in the <a href=" https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2017/05/11/snapshots-of-life-biological-bubble-machine/">NIH Director’s Blog</a> in May 2017. | | drug delivery blebbing plasma vesicle membrane plasma-derived PMV two-channel spinning disk confocal fluorescence microscopy | PMV%20bubbles%20image.jpg | PMV%20bubbles%20image_S.jpg | PMV%20bubbles%20image_M.jpg |  | | |  | PMV%20bubbles%20image_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6950 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5886/Maximov_NIH_1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse Brain Cross Section | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 4:54 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The brain sections are treated with fluorescent antibodies specific to a particular protein and visualized using serial electron microscopy (SEM). | | | Maximov_NIH_1.jpg | Maximov_NIH_1_S.jpg | Maximov_NIH_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Maximov_NIH_1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6948 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5885/Maximov_NIH_3%203D%20synapse_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | 3-D Architecture of a Synapse | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 4:53 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows the structure of a synapse, or junction between two nerve cells in three dimensions. From the brain of a mouse. | | synapse neurotransmission neurotrnasmitter SEM nerve cell brain
| Maximov_NIH_3%203D%20synapse.jpg | Maximov_NIH_3%203D%20synapse_S.jpg | Maximov_NIH_3%203D%20synapse_M.jpg |  | | |  | Maximov_NIH_3%203D%20synapse_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6945 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5883/BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_beige_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Beta-galactosidase montage showing cryo-EM improvement--gradient background | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 4:52 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | enzyme, beta-galactosidase, protein, cryo-electron microscopy | BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_beige.jpg | BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_beige_S.jpg | BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_beige_M.jpg |  | | |  | BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_beige_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6946 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5882/1_BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_transpBG%20thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Beta-galactosidase montage showing cryo-EM improvement--transparent background | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 4:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | enzyme, beta-galactosidase, protein, cryo-electron microscopy | 1_BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_transpBG.png | 1_BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_transpBG%20small.png | 1_BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_transpBG%20intermediate.png |  | | |  | 1_BlueGold_BetaGalactosidase_transpBG%20thumbnail.png |
|  | 6944 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5881/Ruiz_zebrafish-brighter-red-T.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish larva | No | Photograph | Active | 3/21/2022 9:28 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | You are face to face with a 6-day-old zebrafish larva. What look like eyes will become nostrils, and the bulges on either side will become eyes. Scientists use fast-growing, transparent zebrafish to see body shapes form and organs develop over the course of just a few days. Images like this one help researchers understand how gene mutations can lead to facial abnormalities such as cleft lip and palate in people. <br></br> This image won a 2016 FASEB BioArt award. In addition, NIH Director Francis Collins featured this on his blog on January 26, 2017. See <a href= https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2017/01/26/snapshots-of-life-coming-face-to-face-with-development> Snapshots of Life: Coming Face to Face with Development</a> | | development; developmental biology | Ruiz_zebrafish-brighter-red.tif | Ruiz_zebrafish-brighter-red-S.jpg | Ruiz_zebrafish-brighter-red-M.jpg |  | | |  | Ruiz_zebrafish-brighter-red-T.jpg |
|  | 6911 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5878/mitochondria%20and%20misfolded%20proteins_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Misfolded proteins within in the mitochondria | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 4:46 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | mitochondria protein
| mitochondria%20and%20misfolded%20proteins.jpg | mitochondria%20and%20misfolded%20proteins_S.jpg | mitochondria%20and%20misfolded%20proteins_M.jpg |  | | |  | mitochondria%20and%20misfolded%20proteins_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6912 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5877/Li%20video%20screenshot.jpg'></DIV> | Misfolded proteins in mitochondria, 3-D video | Yes | Video | Active | 12/18/2020 4:18 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Three-dimensional image of misfolded proteins (green) within mitochondria (red). Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5878">5878</a>. Learn more in this <a href=" https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-03/jhm-icu022817.php">press release</a> by The American Association for the Advancement of Science. | | mitochondria protein 3-d image video | nature21695-sv1.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Li%20video%20screenshot.jpg |
|  | 6910 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5875/Bacteriophage22-singleunit-cryoEM-T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacteriophage P22 capsid, detail | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 4:11 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Detail of a subunit of the capsid, or outer cover, of bacteriophage P22, a virus that infects the <i>Salmonella</i> bacteria. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) was used to capture details of the capsid proteins, each shown here in a separate color. Thousands of cryo-EM scans capture the structure and shape of all the individual proteins in the capsid and their position relative to other proteins. A computer model combines these scans into the image shown here. Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5874">5874</a>. | | capsid bacteriophage P22 cryo-EM cryo-electron microscopy protein | ASU_map_rainbow.png | ASU_map_rainbow_S.jpg | ASU_map_rainbow_M.jpg |  | | |  | Bacteriophage22-singleunit-cryoEM-T.jpg |
|  | 6907 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5874/Bacteriophage22-cryoEM-T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacteriophage P22 capsid | Yes | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 4:09 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has the power to capture details of proteins and other small biological structures at the molecular level. This image shows proteins in the capsid, or outer cover, of bacteriophage P22, a virus that infects the <i>Salmonella</i> bacteria. Each color shows the structure and position of an individual protein in the capsid. Thousands of cryo-EM scans capture the structure and shape of all the individual proteins in the capsid and their position relative to other proteins. A computer model combines these scans into the three-dimension image shown here. Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5875">5875</a>. | | bacteriophage P22 capsid protein cryo-EM cryo electron microscopy
| P22_phage_capsid_model.png | P22_phage_capsid_model_S.jpg | P22_phage_capsid_model_M.jpg |  | | |  | Bacteriophage22-cryoEM-T.jpg |
|  | 6908 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5872/retina_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse retina close-up | No | Photograph | Active | 2/7/2022 10:43 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | eye | retina.jpg | retina_S.jpg | retina_M.jpg |  | | |  | retina_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6909 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5871/Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot3_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | LONI movie screenshot | No | Photograph | Inactive | 2/7/2022 10:34 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | brain MRI | Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot3.jpg | Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot3_S.jpg | Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot3_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6906 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5870/Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot2.JPG'></DIV> | LONI movie | No | Video | Inactive | 2/7/2022 10:34 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | brain MRI | Connectome%20movie-NoNarrative.mov | | |  | | |  | Connectome%20MRI%20movie%20screen%20shot2.JPG |
|  | 6905 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5868/droso_x10_blk%20bg%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Color coding of the Drosophila brain - black background | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2022 8:37 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image results from a research project to visualize which regions of the adult fruit fly (<i>Drosophila</i>) brain derive from each neural stem cell. First, researchers collected several thousand fruit fly larvae and fluorescently stained a random stem cell in the brain of each. The idea was to create a population of larvae in which each of the 100 or so neural stem cells was labeled at least once. When the larvae grew to adults, the researchers examined the flies’ brains using confocal microscopy. </br>With this technique, the part of a fly’s brain that derived from a single, labeled stem cell “lights up.” The scientists photographed each brain and digitally colorized its lit-up area. By combining thousands of such photos, they created a three-dimensional, color-coded map that shows which part of the <i>Drosophila</i> brain comes from each of its ~100 neural stem cells. In other words, each colored region shows which neurons are the progeny or “clones” of a single stem cell. This work established a hierarchical structure as well as nomenclature for the neurons in the <i>Drosophila</i> brain. Further research will relate functions to structures of the brain. <Br><Br>Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5838">5838</a> and video<a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5843"> 5843</a>. | | Drosophila Fruit fly BTRR Brain; development; developmental biology | droso_x10_blk%20bg%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI.jpg | droso_x10_blk%20bg%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI_S.jpg | droso_x10_blk%20bg%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI_M.jpg |  | | |  | droso_x10_blk%20bg%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6904 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5866/Kong%20et%20al.%20Cover%20Submission%202%20-%202016-09780R_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of a key antigen protein involved with Hepatitis C Virus infection | Yes | Illustration | Active | 11/1/2021 10:32 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A three-dimensional representation of the structure of E2, a key antigen protein involved with hepatitis C virus infection. | | HCV hepatitis virus infection three-dimensional protein | Kong%20et%20al.%20Cover%20Submission%202%20-%202016-09780R.tif | Kong%20et%20al.%20Cover%20Submission%202%20-%202016-09780R_S.jpg | Kong%20et%20al.%20Cover%20Submission%202%20-%202016-09780R_M.jpg |  | | |  | Kong%20et%20al.%20Cover%20Submission%202%20-%202016-09780R_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6858 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5857/Figure%205B-ii_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | 3D reconstruction of a tubular matrix in peripheral endoplasmic reticulum | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:49 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of a tubular matrix in a thin section of the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum between the plasma membranes of the cell. </br> The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous membrane that extends like a net from the envelope of the nucleus outward to the cell membrane. The ER plays several roles within the cell, such as in protein and lipid synthesis and transport of materials between organelles. </br> Shown here is a three-dimensional representation of the peripheral ER microtubules. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5855">5855</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5856">5856</a> | | peripheral endoplasmic reticulum ER membrane superresolution microscopy | Figure%205B-ii.png | Figure%205B-ii_S.jpg | Figure%205B-ii_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure%205B-ii_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6856 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5856/Figure%205B-i_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dense tubular matrices in the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:48 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Three-dimensional reconstruction of a tubular matrix in a thin section of the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum between the plasma membranes of the cell. </br> The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous membrane that extends like a net from the envelope of the nucleus outward to the cell membrane. The ER plays several roles within the cell, such as in protein and lipid synthesis and transport of materials between organelles. </br> Shown here are super-resolution microscopic images of the peripheral ER showing the structure of an ER tubular matrix between the plasma membranes of the cell. See image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5857">5857</a> for a more detailed view of the area outlined in white in this image. For another view of the ER tubular matrix see image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5855">5855</a> | | peripheral endoplasmic reticulum ER membrane superresolution microscopy | Figure%205B-i.png | Figure%205B-i_S.jpg | Figure%205B-i_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure%205B-i_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6857 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5855/Figure%203A_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dense tubular matrices in the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 1 | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Superresolution microscopy work on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the peripheral areas of the cell showing details of the structure and arrangement in a complex web of tubes. </br> The ER is a continuous membrane that extends like a net from the envelope of the nucleus outward to the cell membrane. The ER plays several roles within the cell, such as in protein and lipid synthesis and transport of materials between organelles. The ER has a flexible structure to allow it to accomplish these tasks by changing shape as conditions in the cell change. Shown here an image created by super-resolution microscopy of the ER in the peripheral areas of the cell showing details of the structure and the arrangements in a complex web of tubes. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5856">5856</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5857">5857</a>. | | peripheral endoplasmic reticulum ER membrane superresolution microscopy | Figure%203A.png | Figure%203A_S.jpg | Figure%203A_M.jpg |  | | |  | Figure%203A_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6855 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5852/Human-ONH_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Optic nerve astrocytes | No | Photograph | Active | 2/20/2025 1:42 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Astrocytes in the cross section of a human optic nerve head | | astrocyte optic nerve eye | Human-ONH.tif | Human-ONH_S.jpg | Human-ONH_M.jpg |  | | |  | Human-ONH_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6859 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5843/5843_Video%204_T.jpg'></DIV> | Color coding of the Drosophila brain - video | Yes | Video | Active | 5/13/2022 8:38 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This video results from a research project to visualize which regions of the adult fruit fly (<i>Drosophila</i>) brain derive from each neural stem cell. First, researchers collected several thousand fruit fly larvae and fluorescently stained a random stem cell in the brain of each. The idea was to create a population of larvae in which each of the 100 or so neural stem cells was labeled at least once. When the larvae grew to adults, the researchers examined the flies’ brains using confocal microscopy. With this technique, the part of a fly’s brain that derived from a single, labeled stem cell “lights up.” The scientists photographed each brain and digitally colorized its lit-up area. By combining thousands of such photos, they created a three-dimensional, color-coded map that shows which part of the <i>Drosophila</i> brain comes from each of its ~100 neural stem cells. In other words, each colored region shows which neurons are the progeny or “clones” of a single stem cell. This work established a hierarchical structure as well as nomenclature for the neurons in the <i>Drosophila</i> brain. Further research will relate functions to structures of the brain. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5838">5838</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5868">5868</a>.
| | Drosophila Fruit fly BTRR Brain; development; developmental biology
| Video%204.mp4 | 5843_Video%204_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 5843_Video%204_T.jpg |
|  | 6853 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5838/5838_droso_x10_crop%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_T.jpg'></DIV> | Color coding of the Drosophila brain - image | Yes | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2022 8:38 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image results from a research project to visualize which regions of the adult fruit fly (<i>Drosophila</i>) brain derive from each neural stem cell. First, researchers collected several thousand fruit fly larvae and fluorescently stained a random stem cell in the brain of each. The idea was to create a population of larvae in which each of the 100 or so neural stem cells was labeled at least once. When the larvae grew to adults, the researchers examined the flies’ brains using confocal microscopy. With this technique, the part of a fly’s brain that derived from a single, labeled stem cell “lights up. The scientists photographed each brain and digitally colorized its lit-up area. By combining thousands of such photos, they created a three-dimensional, color-coded map that shows which part of the <i>Drosophila</i> brain comes from each of its ~100 neural stem cells. In other words, each colored region shows which neurons are the progeny or “clones” of a single stem cell. This work established a hierarchical structure as well as nomenclature for the neurons in the <i>Drosophila</i> brain. Further research will relate functions to structures of the brain. <Br><Br>Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5868">5868</a> and video<a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5843"> 5843</a> | | Drosophila Fruit fly BTRR Brain | droso_x10_crop%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_%20PI.tiff | 5838_droso_x10_crop%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_S.jpg | droso_x10_crop-M.jpg |  | | |  | 5838_droso_x10_crop%20from%20Utah%20BTRR--Chris%20Johnson_T.jpg |
|  | 6852 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5825/Jing_Bassler_biofilm_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | A Growing Bacterial Biofilm | No | Illustration | Active | 3/3/2021 12:54 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A growing <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> (cholera) biofilm. Cholera bacteria form colonies called biofilms that enable them to resist antibiotic therapy within the body and other challenges to their growth. <br></br>Each slightly curved comma shape represents an individual bacterium from assembled confocal microscopy images. Different colors show each bacterium’s position in the biofilm in relation to the surface on which the film is growing. | | antibiotic resistance biofilm cholera | Jing_Bassler_biofilm.jpg | Jing_Bassler_biofilm_S.jpg | Jing_Bassler_biofilm_M.jpg |  | | |  | Jing_Bassler_biofilm_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6860 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5816/CRISPR_poster_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cas9 protein involved in the CRISPR gene-editing technology | Yes | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 3:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In the gene-editing tool CRISPR, a small strand of RNA identifies a specific chunk of DNA. Then the enzyme Cas9 (green) swoops in and cuts the double-stranded DNA (blue/purple) in two places, removing the specific chunk. | | Cas9 CRISPR DNA gene editing genetics | CRISPR_poster.jpg | CRISPR_poster_S.jpg | CRISPR_poster_M.jpg |  | | |  | CRISPR_poster_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6861 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5815/doudna%20video.png'></DIV> | Introduction to Genome Editing Using CRISPR/Cas9 | No | Video | Active | 12/18/2020 3:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is a rapidly expanding field of scientific research with emerging applications in disease treatment, medical therapeutics and bioenergy, just to name a few. This technology is now being used in laboratories all over the world to enhance our understanding of how living biological systems work, how to improve treatments for genetic diseases and how to develop energy solutions for a better future. | | Cas9 CRISPR DNA gene editing genetics | Introduction%20to%20Genome%20Editing%20Using%20CRISPR-Cas9-HD.mp4 | | |  | | |  | doudna%20video.png |
|  | 6850 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5811/NCMIR%20tongue%202_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR Tongue 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Microscopy image of a tongue. One in a series of two, see image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5810">5810</a> | | Tongue microscopy NCMIR | NCMIR%20tongue%202.jpg | NCMIR%20tongue%202_S.jpg | NCMIR%20tongue%202_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR%20tongue%202_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6847 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5810/NCMIR%20tongue%201_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Tongue 1 | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Microscopy image of tongue. One in a series of two, see image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5811">5811</a> | | tongue microscopy NCMIR
| NCMIR%20tongue%201.jpg | NCMIR%20tongue%201_S.jpg | NCMIR%20tongue%201_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR%20tongue%201_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6849 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5809/5809_transferrin_T.jpg'></DIV> | Transferrin receptor binding iron | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 3:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Transferrin molecules (light gray), each bound by two iron atoms (red), are captured by TbpA proteins (light blue) on the surface of a pathogenic bacterium (left). This image was featured in the <i>Biomedical Beat</i> post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/11/metals-in-medicine/">Metals in Medicine</a>. | | iron transferrin
| | 5809_transferrin_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 5809_transferrin_T.jpg |
|  | 6796 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5800/5800_Cerebellum%20NCMIR%203_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse cerebellum in pink and blue | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:15 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cerebellum is the brain's locomotion control center. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills. <BR><BR> This image of a mouse cerebellum is part of a collection of such images in different colors and at different levels of magnification from the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR). Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5795">5795</a>. | | mouse cerebellum NCMIR cerebellum mouse cerebellum
| Cerebellum%20NCMIR%203.jpg | 5800_Cerebellum%20NCMIR%203_S.jpg | Cerebellum%20NCMIR%203%20med-re-square.jpg |  | | |  | 5800_Cerebellum%20NCMIR%203_T.jpg |
|  | 6794 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5795/Cerebellum%20NCMIR%206%20thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse cerebellum | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 3:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cerebellum is the brain's locomotion control center. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills. <BR><BR> This image of a mouse cerebellum is part of a collection of such images in different colors and at different levels of magnification from the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR). Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5800">5800</a>. | | mouse cerebellum NCMIR cerebellum mouse cerebellum | Cerebellum%20NCMIR%206.jpg | | Cerebellum%20NCMIR%206%20med-res.jpg |  | | |  | Cerebellum%20NCMIR%206%20thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6795 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5793/Mouse%20retina-II%20NCMIR-thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse retina | Yes | Photograph | Active | 7/19/2023 4:25 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | What looks like the gossamer wings of a butterfly is actually the retina of a mouse, delicately snipped to lay flat and sparkling with fluorescent molecules. The image is from a research project investigating the promise of gene therapy for glaucoma. It was created at an NIGMS-funded advanced microscopy facility that develops technology for imaging across many scales, from whole organisms to cells to individual molecules. <BR><BR> The ability to obtain high-resolution imaging of tissue as large as whole mouse retinas was made possible by a technique called large-scale mosaic confocal microscopy, which was pioneered by the NIGMS-funded National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research. The technique is similar to Google Earth in that it computationally stitches together many small, high-resolution images.
| | retina large-scale mosaic confocal microscopy CFC
| Mouse-retina2-full-resolution.jpg | Mouse%20retina-II%20NCMIR-lowresoln.jpg | Mouse%20retina-II%20NCMIR-medium-resoln.jpg |  | | |  | Mouse%20retina-II%20NCMIR-thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6797 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5780/PDB%20121-70SRibosomes_2wdk_2wdl_front_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Ribosome illustration from PDB | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 3:00 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ribosomes are complex machines made up of more than 50 proteins and three or four strands of genetic material called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The busy cellular machines make proteins, which are critical to almost every structure and function in the cell. To do so, they read protein-building instructions, which come as strands of messenger RNA. Ribosomes are found in all forms of cellular life—people, plants, animals, even bacteria. This illustration of a bacterial ribosome was produced using detailed information about the position of every atom in the complex. Several antibiotic medicines work by disrupting bacterial ribosomes but leaving human ribosomes alone. Scientists are carefully comparing human and bacterial ribosomes to spot differences between the two. Structures that are present only in the bacterial version could serve as targets for new antibiotic medications. | | ribosome PDB Molecule of the Month David Goodsell organelle | PDB%20121-70SRibosomes_2wdk_2wdl_front.jpg | PDB%20121-70SRibosomes_2wdk_2wdl_front_S.jpg | PDB%20121-70SRibosomes_2wdk_2wdl_front_M.jpg |  | | |  | PDB%20121-70SRibosomes_2wdk_2wdl_front_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6793 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5779/5779_Microsporidia_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microsporidia in roundworm 3 | No | Photograph | Active | 3/15/2021 2:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Many disease-causing microbes manipulate their host’s metabolism and cells for their own ends. Microsporidia—which are parasites closely related to fungi—infect and multiply inside animal cells, and take the rearranging of cells’ interiors to a new level. They reprogram animal cells such that the cells start to fuse, causing them to form long, continuous tubes. As shown in this image of the roundworm <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>, microsporidia (shown in red) have invaded the worm’s gut cells (the large blue dots are the cells' nuclei) and have instructed the cells to merge. The cell fusion enables the microsporidia to thrive and propagate in the expanded space. Scientists study microsporidia in worms to gain more insight into how these parasites manipulate their host cells. This knowledge might help researchers devise strategies to prevent or treat infections with microsporidia. <Br><Br> For more on the research into microsporidia, see <a href=" http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/single_celled_fungi_multiply_alien_like_by_fusing_cells_in_host">this news release from the University of California San Diego</a>. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5777">5777</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5778">5778</a>. | | microsporidium microsporidia fungus fungi intracellular | Microsporidia_Troemel3.tif | 5779_Microsporidia_S.jpg | Microsporidia_Troemel3_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5779_Microsporidia_T.jpg |
|  | 6789 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5778/5778_Microsporidia_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microsporidia in roundworm 2 | Yes | Photograph | Active | 3/15/2021 2:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Many disease-causing microbes manipulate their host’s metabolism and cells for their own ends. Microsporidia—which are parasites closely related to fungi—infect and multiply inside animal cells, and take the rearranging of cells’ interiors to a new level. They reprogram animal cells such that the cells start to fuse, causing them to form long, continuous tubes. As shown in this image of the roundworm <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>, microsporidia (dark oval shapes) invaded the worm’s gut cells (long tube; the cell nuclei are shown in red) and have instructed the cells to merge. The cell fusion enables the microsporidia to thrive and propagate in the expanded space. Scientists study microsporidia in worms to gain more insight into how these parasites manipulate their host cells. This knowledge might help researchers devise strategies to prevent or treat infections with microsporidia. <Br><Br> For more on the research into microsporidia, see <a href=" http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/single_celled_fungi_multiply_alien_like_by_fusing_cells_in_host">this news release from the University of California San Diego</a>. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5777">5777</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5779">5779</a>. | | microsporidium microsporidia fungus fungi intracellular | Microsporidia_Troemel2.tif | 5778_Microsporidia_S.jpg | Microsporidia_Troemel2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5778_Microsporidia_T.jpg |
|  | 6792 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5777/5777_Microsporidia_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microsporidia in roundworm 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 3/15/2021 2:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Many disease-causing microbes manipulate their host’s metabolism and cells for their own ends. Microsporidia—which are parasites closely related to fungi—infect and multiply inside animal cells, and take the rearranging of cells’ interiors to a new level. They reprogram animal cells such that the cells start to fuse, causing them to form long, continuous tubes. As shown in this image of the roundworm <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>, microsporidia (shown in magenta) have invaded the worm’s gut cells (shown in yellow; the cells’ nuclei are shown in blue) and have instructed the cells to merge. The cell fusion enables the microsporidia to thrive and propagate in the expanded space. Scientists study microsporidia in worms to gain more insight into how these parasites manipulate their host cells. This knowledge might help researchers devise strategies to prevent or treat infections with microsporidia. For more on the research into microsporidia, see <a href=" http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/single_celled_fungi_multiply_alien_like_by_fusing_cells_in_host">this news release from the University of California San Diego</a>. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5778">5778</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5779">5779</a>. | | microsporidium microsporidia fungus fungi intracellular | Microsporidia_Troemel1.tif | 5777_Microsporidia_S.jpg | Microsporidia_Troemel1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5777_Microsporidia_T.jpg |
|  | 6790 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5772/Kirilly04-ovaries_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Confocal microscopy image of two Drosophila ovarioles | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 2:51 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ovarioles in female insects are tubes in which egg cells (called oocytes) form at one end and complete their development as they reach the other end of the tube. This image, taken with a confocal microscope, shows ovarioles in a very popular lab animal, the fruit fly <i>Drosophila</i>. The basic structure of ovarioles supports very rapid egg production, with some insects (like termites) producing several thousand eggs per day. Each insect ovary typically contains four to eight ovarioles, but this number varies widely depending on the insect species. <Br><Br>Scientists use insect ovarioles, for example, to study the basic processes that help various insects, including those that cause disease (like some mosquitos and biting flies), reproduce very quickly. | | fruit fly ovary Drosophila; development; developmental biology | Kirilly04-ovaries.tiff | Kirilly04-ovaries_S.jpg | Kirilly04-ovaries_M.jpg |  | | |  | Kirilly04-ovaries_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6791 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5771/Lysosome_SFerguson_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Lysosome clusters around amyloid plaques | Yes | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2020 5:00 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | It's probably most people's least favorite activity, but we still need to do it--take out our trash. Otherwise our homes will get cluttered and smelly, and eventually, we'll get sick. The same is true for our cells: garbage disposal is an ongoing and essential activity, and our cells have a dedicated waste-management system that helps keep them clean and neat. One major waste-removal agent in the cell is the lysosome. Lysosomes are small structures, called organelles, and help the body to dispose of proteins and other molecules that have become damaged or worn out.<Br><Br>This image shows a massive accumulation of lysosomes (visualized with LAMP1 immunofluorescence, in purple) within nerve cells that surround amyloid plaques (visualized with beta-amyloid immunofluorescence, in light blue) in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have linked accumulation of lysosomes around amyloid plaques to impaired waste disposal in nerve cells, ultimately resulting in cell death. | | lysosome endosome Alzheimer Alzheimer's AD protein aggregate amyloid plaque | Lysosome_SFerguson.tif | Lysosome_SFerguson_S.jpg | Lysosome_SFerguson_M.jpg |  | | |  | Lysosome_SFerguson_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6788 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5770/doa4cs_oeUb_co69a_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | EM of yeast cell division | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 1:43 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cell division is an incredibly coordinated process. It not only ensures that the new cells formed during this event have a full set of chromosomes, but also that they are endowed with all the cellular materials, including proteins, lipids and small functional compartments called organelles, that are required for normal cell activity. This proper apportioning of essential cell ingredients helps each cell get off to a running start.<Br><Br> This image shows an electron microscopy (EM) thin section taken at 10,000x magnification of a dividing yeast cell over-expressing the protein ubiquitin, which is involved in protein degradation and recycling. The picture features mother and daughter endosome accumulations (small organelles with internal vesicles), a darkly stained vacuole and a dividing nucleus in close contact with a cadre of lipid droplets (unstained spherical bodies). Other dynamic events are also visible, such as spindle microtubules in the nucleus and endocytic pits at the plasma membrane. <Br><Br>These extensive details were revealed thanks to a preservation method involving high-pressure freezing, freeze-substitution and Lowicryl HM20 embedding. | | endosome Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell division mitosis | doa4cs_oeUb_co69a.tif | doa4cs_oeUb_co69a_S.jpg | doa4cs_oeUb_co69a_M.jpg |  | | |  | doa4cs_oeUb_co69a_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6787 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5769/WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_02_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Multivesicular bodies containing intralumenal vesicles assemble at the vacuole 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 1:42 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Collecting and transporting cellular waste and sorting it into recylable and nonrecylable pieces is a complex business in the cell. One key player in that process is the endosome, which helps collect, sort and transport worn-out or leftover proteins with the help of a protein assembly called the endosomal sorting complexes for transport (or ESCRT for short). These complexes help package proteins marked for breakdown into intralumenal vesicles, which, in turn, are enclosed in multivesicular bodies for transport to the places where the proteins are recycled or dumped. In this image, two multivesicular bodies (with yellow membranes) contain tiny intralumenal vesicles (with a diameter of only 25 nanometers; shown in red) adjacent to the cell's vacuole (in orange). <Br><Br>Scientists working with baker's yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) study the budding inward of the limiting membrane (green lines on top of the yellow lines) into the intralumenal vesicles. This tomogram was shot with a Tecnai F-20 high-energy electron microscope, at 29,000x magnification, with a 0.7-nm pixel, ~4-nm resolution. <Br><Br>To learn more about endosomes, see the <i>Biomedical Beat</i> blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/07/the-cells-mailroom/">The Cell’s Mailroom</a>. Related to a microscopy photograph <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5768">5768</a> that was used to generate this illustration and a zoomed-in version <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5767">5767</a> of this illustration. | | vacuole endosome endocytosis recycling lysosome | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_02.tiff | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_02_S.jpg | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_02_M.jpg |  | | |  | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_02_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6786 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5768/WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_06_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Multivesicular bodies containing intralumenal vesicles assemble at the vacuole 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 1:42 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Collecting and transporting cellular waste and sorting it into recylable and nonrecylable pieces is a complex business in the cell. One key player in that process is the endosome, which helps collect, sort and transport worn-out or leftover proteins with the help of a protein assembly called the endosomal sorting complexes for transport (or ESCRT for short). These complexes help package proteins marked for breakdown into intralumenal vesicles, which, in turn, are enclosed in multivesicular bodies for transport to the places where the proteins are recycled or dumped. In this image, a multivesicular body (the round structure slightly to the right of center) contain tiny intralumenal vesicles (with a diameter of only 25 nanometers; the round specks inside the larger round structure) adjacent to the cell's vacuole (below the multivesicular body, shown in darker and more uniform gray). <Br><Br>Scientists working with baker's yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) study the budding inward of the limiting membrane (green lines on top of the yellow lines) into the intralumenal vesicles. This tomogram was shot with a Tecnai F-20 high-energy electron microscope, at 29,000x magnification, with a 0.7-nm pixel, ~4-nm resolution. <Br><Br>To learn more about endosomes, see the <i>Biomedical Beat</i> blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/07/the-cells-mailroom/">The Cell’s Mailroom</a>. Related to a color-enhanced version <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5767">5767</a> and image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5769">5769</a>. | | | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_06.tiff | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_06_S.jpg | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_06_M.jpg |  | | |  | WT_MVBs_at_the_Vacuole_06_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6784 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5767/5767_WT_MVBs_T.jpg'></DIV> | Multivesicular bodies containing intralumenal vesicles assemble at the vacuole 3 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 1:20 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Collecting and transporting cellular waste and sorting it into recylable and nonrecylable pieces is a complex business in the cell. One key player in that process is the endosome, which helps collect, sort and transport worn-out or leftover proteins with the help of a protein assembly called the endosomal sorting complexes for transport (or ESCRT for short). These complexes help package proteins marked for breakdown into intralumenal vesicles, which, in turn, are enclosed in multivesicular bodies for transport to the places where the proteins are recycled or dumped. In this image, two multivesicular bodies (with yellow membranes) contain tiny intralumenal vesicles (with a diameter of only 25 nanometers; shown in red) adjacent to the cell's vacuole (in orange). <Br><Br>Scientists working with baker's yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) study the budding inward of the limiting membrane (green lines on top of the yellow lines) into the intralumenal vesicles. This tomogram was shot with a Tecnai F-20 high-energy electron microscope, at 29,000x magnification, with a 0.7-nm pixel, ~4-nm resolution.<Br><Br> To learn more about endosomes, see the <i>Biomedical Beat</i> blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/07/the-cells-mailroom/">The Cell’s Mailroom</a>. Related to a microscopy photograph <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5768">5768</a> that was used to generate this illustration and a zoomed-out version <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5769">5769</a> of this illustration. | | endocytosis endosome lysosome vacuole recycling | WT_MVBs_zoomed.tiff | 5767_WT_MVBs_S.jpg | WT_MVBs_zoomed_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5767_WT_MVBs_T.jpg |
|  | 6718 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5766/5766_26898997643_d4abe790bd_T.jpg'></DIV> | A chromosome goes missing in anaphase | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2022 8:51 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Anaphase is the critical step during mitosis when sister chromosomes are disjoined and directed to opposite spindle poles, ensuring equal distribution of the genome during cell division. In this image, one pair of sister chromosomes at the top was lost and failed to divide after chemical inhibition of polo-like kinase 1. This image depicts chromosomes (blue) separating away from the spindle mid-zone (red). Kinetochores (green) highlight impaired movement of some chromosomes away from the mid-zone or the failure of sister chromatid separation (top). Scientists are interested in detailing the signaling events that are disrupted to produce this effect. The image is a volume projection of multiple deconvolved z-planes acquired with a Nikon widefield fluorescence microscope. <Br><Br> This image was chosen as a winner of the 2016 NIH-funded research image call. The research that led to this image was funded by NIGMS. <Br><Br>Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5765">image 5765</a>.
| | mitosis cell cycle chromosome spindle cell division DNA
| 26898997643_d4abe790bd_o.png | 5766_26898997643_d4abe790bd_S.jpg | 26898997643_d4abe790bd_o_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5766_26898997643_d4abe790bd_T.jpg |
|  | 6717 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5765/5765_27434780341_d83e4dba28_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mitotic cell awaits chromosome alignment | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 1:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | During mitosis, spindle microtubules (red) attach to chromosome pairs (blue), directing them to the spindle equator. This midline alignment is critical for equal distribution of chromosomes in the dividing cell. Scientists are interested in how the protein kinase Plk1 (green) regulates this activity in human cells. Image is a volume projection of multiple deconvolved z-planes acquired with a Nikon widefield fluorescence microscope. This image was chosen as a winner of the 2016 NIH-funded research image call. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5766">image 5766</a>. <Br><Br> The research that led to this image was funded by NIGMS. | | mitosis cell division spindle DNA genome | 27434780341_d83e4dba28_o.png | 5765_27434780341_d83e4dba28_S.jpg | 27434780341_d83e4dba28_o_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5765_27434780341_d83e4dba28_T.jpg |
|  | 6713 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5764/26831610894_f3d948c0d7_o_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Host infection stimulates antibiotic resistance | Yes | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 12:59 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This illustration shows pathogenic bacteria behave like a Trojan horse: switching from antibiotic susceptibility to resistance during infection. <i>Salmonella</i> are vulnerable to antibiotics while circulating in the blood (depicted by fire on red blood cell) but are highly resistant when residing within host macrophages. This leads to treatment failure with the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria.<Br><Br> This image was chosen as a winner of the 2016 NIH-funded research image call, and the research was funded in part by NIGMS. | | antibiotic infection resistance immune cell macrophage reservoir | 26831610894_f3d948c0d7_o.jpg | 26831610894_f3d948c0d7_o_S.jpg | 26831610894_f3d948c0d7_o_M.jpg |  | | |  | 26831610894_f3d948c0d7_o_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6715 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5762/golden_mitochondria_crop_big_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Panorama view of golden mitochondria | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 12:58 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, generating the energy the cells need to do their tasks and to stay alive. Researchers have studied mitochondria for some time because when these cell organelles don't work as well as they should, several diseases develop. In this photograph of cow cells taken with a microscope, the mitochondria were stained in bright yellow to visualize them in the cell. The large blue dots are the cell nuclei and the gray web is the cytoskeleton of the cells. | | mitochondria stain bovine | golden_mitochondria_crop_big.jpg | golden_mitochondria_crop_big_S.jpg | golden_mitochondria_crop_big_M.jpg |  | | |  | golden_mitochondria_crop_big_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6712 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5761/Cultured%20cells%20panorama_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | A panorama view of cells | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2020 5:15 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This photograph shows a panoramic view of HeLa cells, a cell line many researchers use to study a large variety of important research questions. The cells' nuclei containing the DNA are stained in blue and the cells' cytoskeletons in gray. | | HeLa cancer cell | Cultured%20cells%20panorama.jpg | Cultured%20cells%20panorama_S.jpg | Cultured%20cells%20panorama_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cultured%20cells%20panorama_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6709 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5760/5760_Celegans_T.jpg'></DIV> | Annotated TEM cross-section of C. elegans (roundworm) | No | Photograph | Active | 1/15/2021 11:47 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The worm <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> is a popular laboratory animal because its small size and fairly simple body make it easy to study. Scientists use this small worm to answer many research questions in developmental biology, neurobiology, and genetics. This image, which was taken with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), shows a cross-section through <i>C. elegans</i>, revealing various internal structures labeled in the image. You can find a high-resolution image without the annotations at image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5759">5759</a>.<Br><Br> The image is from <a href=" https://elifesciences.org/content/3/e01948/figure1">a figure</a> in an article published in the journal eLife. | | nematode roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans | Celegans_annot.JPG | 5760_Celegans_S.jpg | Celegans_annot_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5760_Celegans_T.jpg |
|  | 6708 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5759/Sengupta%20Stetten%20worm-03_large_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | TEM cross-section of C. elegans (roundworm) | No | Photograph | Active | 1/15/2021 11:46 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The worm <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> is a popular laboratory animal because its small size and fairly simple body make it easy to study. Scientists use this small worm to answer many research questions in developmental biology, neurobiology, and genetics. This image, which was taken with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), shows a cross-section through <i>C. elegans</i>, revealing various internal structures.<Br><Br> The image is from <a href=" https://elifesciences.org/content/3/e01948/figure1">a figure</a> in an article published in the journal eLife. There is an annotated version of this graphic at <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=5760">5760</a>. | | nematode roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans | Sengupta%20Stetten%20worm-03_large.tiff | Sengupta%20Stetten%20worm-03_large_S.jpg | Sengupta%20Stetten%20worm-03_large_M.jpg |  | | |  | Sengupta%20Stetten%20worm-03_large_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6714 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5758/parichy-05_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Migrating pigment cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 12:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | melanocyte pigment axolotl neural crest cell | parichy-05.tif | parichy-05_S.jpg | parichy-05_M.jpg |  | | |  | parichy-05_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6711 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5757/parichy-03_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Pigment cells in the fin of pearl danio | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 12:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | melanocyte xanthophore zebrafish pigment danio | parichy-03.tif | parichy-03_S.jpg | parichy-03_M.jpg |  | | |  | parichy-03_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6707 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5756/parichy-02_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Pigment cells in fish skin | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 11:53 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | melanocyte xanthophore zebrafish pigment danio | parichy-02.tif | parichy-02_S.jpg | parichy-02_M.jpg |  | | |  | parichy-02_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6706 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5755/parichy-01_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Autofluorescent xanthophores in zebrafish skin | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 11:52 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Pigment cells are cells that give skin its color. In fishes and amphibians, like frogs and salamanders, pigment cells are responsible for the characteristic skin patterns that help these organisms to blend into their surroundings or attract mates. The pigment cells are derived from neural crest cells, which are cells originating from the neural tube in the early embryo. This image shows pigment cells called xanthophores in the skin of zebrafish; the cells glow (autofluoresce) brightly under light giving the fish skin a shiny, lively appearance. Investigating pigment cell formation and migration in animals helps answer important fundamental questions about the factors that control pigmentation in the skin of animals, including humans. Related to images <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5754">5754</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5756">5756</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5757">5757</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5758">5758</a>. | | xanthophore melanocyte pigment fluorescence skin zebrafish | parichy-01.tif | parichy-01_S.jpg | parichy-01_M.jpg |  | | |  | parichy-01_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6710 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5754/parichy-04_S.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish pigment cell | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 11:51 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | melanocyte pigment zebrafish skin neural crest cell | parichy-04.tif | parichy-04_S.jpg | parichy-04_M.jpg |  | | |  | parichy-04_S.jpg |
|  | 6705 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5753/endocytosis_dynaminUpdate_June2015_thumb.JPG'></DIV> | Clathrin-mediated endocytosis | Yes | Video | Active | 12/18/2020 11:50 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Endocytosis is the process by which cells are able to take up membrane and extracellular materials through the formation of a small intracellular bubble, called a vesicle. This process, called membrane budding, is generally by a coating of proteins. This protein coat helps both to deform the membrane and to concentrate specific proteins inside the newly forming vesicle. Clathrin is a coat protein that functions in receptor-mediated endocytosis events at the plasma membrane. This animation shows the process of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. An iron-transport protein called transferrin (blue) is bound to its receptor (purple) on the exterior cell membrane. Inside the cell, a clathrin cage (shown in white/beige) assembles through interactions with membrane-bound adaptor proteins (green), causing the cell membrane to begin bending. The adaptor proteins also bind to receptors for transferrin, capturing them in the growing vesicle. Molecules of a protein called dynamin (purple) are then recruited to the neck of the vesicle and are involved in separating the membranes of the cell and the vesicle. Soon after the vesicle has budded off the membrane, the clathrin cage is disassembled. This disassembly is mediated by another protein called HSC70 (yellow), and its cofactor protein auxilin (orange). | | endocytosis endosome vesicle clathrin | endocytosis_dynaminUpdate_June2015.mov | | |  | | |  | endocytosis_dynaminUpdate_June2015_thumb.JPG |
|  | 6704 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5752/5752_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_22_R3D_final-1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Genetically identical mycobacteria respond differently to antibiotic 2 | No | Video | Active | 12/18/2020 11:30 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Antibiotic resistance in microbes is a serious health concern. So researchers have turned their attention to how bacteria undo the action of some antibiotics. Here, scientists set out to find the conditions that help individual bacterial cells survive in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin. The research team used <i>Mycobacterium smegmatis</i>, a more harmless relative of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, which infects the lung and other organs to cause serious disease.<Br><Br> In this video, genetically identical mycobacteria are growing in a miniature growth chamber called a microfluidic chamber. Using live imaging, the researchers found that individual mycobacteria will respond differently to the antibiotic, depending on the growth stage and other timing factors. The researchers used genetic tagging with green fluorescent protein to distinguish cells that can resist rifampicin and those that cannot. With this gene tag, cells tolerant of the antibiotic light up in green and those that are susceptible in violet, enabling the team to monitor the cells' responses in real time. <Br><Br> To learn more about how the researchers studied antibiotic resistance in mycobacteria, see <a href=" http://now.tufts.edu/news-releases/individual-mycobacteria-respond-differently-antibiotics-based-growth-and-timing">this news release from Tufts University</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5751">image 5751</a>. | | antibiotic rifampicin Mycobacterium | SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_22_R3D_final-1.mp4 | 5752_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_22_R3D_final-1_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 5752_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_22_R3D_final-1_T.jpg |
|  | 6703 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5751/5751_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_T.jpg'></DIV> | Genetically identical mycobacteria respond differently to antibiotic 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/18/2020 11:27 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Antibiotic resistance in microbes is a serious health concern. So researchers have turned their attention to how bacteria undo the action of some antibiotics. Here, scientists set out to find the conditions that help individual bacterial cells survive in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin. The research team used <i>Mycobacterium smegmatis</i>, a more harmless relative of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, which infects the lung and other organs and causes serious disease. <Br><Br>In this image, genetically identical mycobacteria are growing in a miniature growth chamber called a microfluidic chamber. Using live imaging, the researchers found that individual mycobacteria will respond differently to the antibiotic, depending on the growth stage and other timing factors. The researchers used genetic tagging with green fluorescent protein to distinguish cells that can resist rifampicin and those that cannot. With this gene tag, cells tolerant of the antibiotic light up in green and those that are susceptible in violet, enabling the team to monitor the cells' responses in real time. <Br><Br> To learn more about how the researchers studied antibiotic resistance in mycobacteria, see <a href=" http://now.tufts.edu/news-releases/individual-mycobacteria-respond-differently-antibiotics-based-growth-and-timing">this news release from Tufts University</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5752">video 5752</a>. | | antibiotic resistance | SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_R3D-2%20(1).tif | 5751_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_S.jpg | SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_R3D-2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5751_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_T.jpg |
|  | 6702 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5730/5730_Louder-Movie-trimmed_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dynamic cryo-EM model of the human transcription preinitiation complex | No | Video | Active | 2/3/2020 5:28 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Gene transcription is a process by which information encoded in DNA is transcribed into RNA. It's essential for all life and requires the activity of proteins, called transcription factors, that detect where in a DNA strand transcription should start. In eukaryotes (i.e., those that have a nucleus and mitochondria), a protein complex comprising 14 different proteins is responsible for sniffing out transcription start sites and starting the process. This complex represents the core machinery to which an enzyme, named RNA polymerase, can bind to and read the DNA and transcribe it to RNA. Scientists have used cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to visualize the TFIID-RNA polymerase-DNA complex in unprecedented detail. This animation shows the different TFIID components as they contact DNA and recruit the RNA polymerase for gene transcription. <br><br>To learn more about the research that has shed new light on gene transcription, see this <a href=" http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2016/03/23/unlocking-the-secrets-of-gene-expression/">news release from Berkeley Lab</a>. <br><br>Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3766">image 3766</a>. | | transcription transcriptional activation TAF transcription factors RNA polymerase | Louder-Movie-trimmed.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 5730_Louder-Movie-trimmed_T.jpg |
|  | 6701 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/5729/HIV%20capsid%20synthesis%20222px_TransparentBackground-1_S.jpg'></DIV> | Assembly of the HIV capsid | No | Illustration | Active | 12/18/2020 11:10 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The HIV capsid is a pear-shaped structure that is made of proteins the virus needs to mature and become infective. The capsid is inside the virus and delivers the virus' genetic information into a human cell. To better understand how the HIV capsid does this feat, scientists have used computer programs to simulate its assembly. This image shows a series of snapshots of the steps that grow the HIV capsid. A model of a complete capsid is shown on the far right of the image for comparison; the green, blue and red colors indicate different configurations of the capsid protein that make up the capsid “shell.” The bar in the left corner represents a length of 20 nanometers, which is less than a tenth the size of the smallest bacterium. Computer models like this also may be used to reconstruct the assembly of the capsids of other important viruses, such as Ebola or the Zika virus. The studies reporting this research were published in <a href=" http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160513/ncomms11568/full/ncomms11568.html"><i>Nature Communications</i></a> and <a href=" http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v469/n7330/full/nature09640.html"><i>Nature</i></a>. To learn more about how researchers used computer simulations to track the assembly of the HIV capsid, see <a href=" https://news.uchicago.edu/article/2016/06/14/simulations-describe-hivs-diabolical-delivery-device">this press release from the University of Chicago</a>. | | capsid HIV AIDS virus | ForNSF_TransparentBackground-1.jpg | ForNSF_TransparentBackground-1_S.jpg | ForNSF_TransparentBackground-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | HIV%20capsid%20synthesis%20222px_TransparentBackground-1_S.jpg |
|  | 6700 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3793/Nucleolus43_T.png'></DIV> | Nucleolus subcompartments spontaneously self-assemble 4 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 2:38 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | What looks a little like distant planets with some mysterious surface features are actually assemblies of proteins normally found in the cell's nucleolus, a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that makes proteins from messenger RNAs. <Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from differences in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let the proteins readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments. <Br><Br>This photo of nucleolus proteins in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, shows each of the nucleolus compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue). The researchers have found that these compartments spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. <Br><Br> For more details on this research, see <a href=" http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S46/35/80M01/?section=topstories">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3789"> video 3789</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3791"> video 3791</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3792"> image 3792</a>. | | | Nucleolus43.png | Nucleolus43_L.png | Nucleolus43_M.png |  | | |  | Nucleolus43_T.png |
|  | 6674 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3792/Nucleolus23_T.png'></DIV> | Nucleolus subcompartments spontaneously self-assemble 3 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 2:37 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | What looks a little like distant planets with some mysterious surface features are actually assemblies of proteins normally found in the cell's nucleolus, a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that makes proteins from messenger RNAs. <Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from differences in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let the proteins readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments.<Br><Br> This photo of nucleolus proteins in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, shows each of the nucleolus compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue). The researchers have found that these compartments spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. <Br><Br> For more details on this research, see <a href=" http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S46/35/80M01/?section=topstories">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3789"> video 3789</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3791"> video 3791</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3793"> image 3793</a>. | | | Nucleolus23.png | Nucleolus23_L.png | Nucleolus23_M.png |  | | |  | Nucleolus23_T.png |
|  | 6675 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3791/Nucleolus%20subcompartments%20spontaneously%20self-assemble%202.png'></DIV> | Nucleolus subcompartments spontaneously self-assemble 2 | Yes | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 2:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The nucleolus is a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that makes proteins from messenger RNAs. <Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from differences in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let the proteins readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments. <Br><Br>This video of nucleoli in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, shows how each of the compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue) spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. <Br><Br>For more details on this research, see <a href=" http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S46/35/80M01/?section=topstories">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3789">video 3789</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3792"> image 3792</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3793">image 3793</a>. | | | Nucleolus%20subcompartments%20spontaneously%20self-assemble%202.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Nucleolus%20subcompartments%20spontaneously%20self-assemble%202.png |
|  | 6671 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3789/3789-T.JPG'></DIV> | Nucleolus subcompartments spontaneously self-assemble 1 | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 2:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The nucleolus is a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that makes proteins from messenger RNAs.<Br><Br> However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from difference in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let them readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments. <Br><Br>This video of nucleoli in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, shows how each of the compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue) spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. For more details on this research, see <a href=" http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S46/35/80M01/?section=topstories">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3791"> video 3791</a>, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3792"> image 3792</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3793"> image 3793</a>. | | | Composite_combo_label.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3789-T.JPG |
|  | 6669 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3788/3788_WT_yeast_long__Converted__T.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cells pack a punch | No | Video | Active | 2/4/2020 9:50 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Although they are tiny, microbes that are growing in confined spaces can generate a lot of pressure. In this video, yeast cells grow in a small chamber called a microfluidic bioreactor. As the cells multiply, they begin to bump into and squeeze each other, resulting in periodic bursts of cells moving into different parts of the chamber. The continually growing cells also generate a lot of pressure--the researchers conducting these experiments found that the pressure generated by the cells can be almost five times higher than that in a car tire--about 150 psi, or 10 times the atmospheric pressure. Occasionally, this pressure even caused the small reactor to burst. By tracking the growth of the yeast or other cells and measuring the mechanical forces generated, scientists can simulate microbial growth in various places such as water pumps, sewage lines or catheters to learn how damage to these devices can be prevented. To learn more how researchers used small bioreactors to gauge the pressure generated by growing microbes, see <a href=" http://news.berkeley.edu/2016/05/13/beware-of-microbial-traffic-jams/">this press release from UC Berkeley</a>. | | | WT_yeast_long__Converted_.mov | | |  | | |  | 3788_WT_yeast_long__Converted__T.jpg |
|  | 6668 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3787/cluster_and_actin_T.jpg'></DIV> | In vitro assembly of a cell-signaling pathway | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 2:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | T cells are white blood cells that are important in defending the body against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Each T cell carries proteins, called T-cell receptors, on its surface that are activated when they come in contact with an invader. This activation sets in motion a cascade of biochemical changes inside the T cell to mount a defense against the invasion. Scientists have been interested for some time what happens after a T-cell receptor is activated. One obstacle has been to study how this signaling cascade, or pathway, proceeds inside T cells. <Br><Br>In this image, researchers have created a T-cell receptor pathway consisting of 12 proteins outside the cell on an artificial membrane. The image shows two key steps during the signaling process: clustering of a protein called linker for activation of T cells (LAT) (blue) and polymerization of the cytoskeleton protein actin (red). The findings show that the T-cell receptor signaling proteins self-organize into separate physical and biochemical compartments. This new system of studying molecular pathways outside the cells will enable scientists to better understand how the immune system combats microbes or other agents that cause infection. <Br><Br>To learn more how researchers assembled this T-cell receptor pathway, see <a href=" http://www.mbl.edu/blog/building-immunity-mbl-whitman-center-scientists-recreate-a-t-cell-receptor-signaling-pathway/">this press release from HHMI's Marine Biological Laboratory Whitman Center.</a> Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3786">video 3786</a>. | | immune system, immune response | cluster_and_actin.jpg | cluster_and_actin_L.jpg | cluster_and_actin_M.jpg |  | | |  | cluster_and_actin_T.jpg |
|  | 6670 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3786/3786_TCR_to_Actin_T.jpg'></DIV> | Movie of in vitro assembly of a cell-signaling pathway | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 2:14 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | T cells are white blood cells that are important in defending the body against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Each T cell carries proteins, called T-cell receptors, on its surface that are activated when they come in contact with an invader. This activation sets in motion a cascade of biochemical changes inside the T cell to mount a defense against the invasion. Scientists have been interested for some time what happens after a T-cell receptor is activated. One obstacle has been to study how this signaling cascade, or pathway, proceeds inside T cells. <Br><Br>In this video, researchers have created a T-cell receptor pathway consisting of 12 proteins outside the cell on an artificial membrane. The video shows three key steps during the signaling process: phosphorylation of the T-cell receptor (green), clustering of a protein called linker for activation of T cells (LAT) (blue) and polymerization of the cytoskeleton protein actin (red). The findings show that the T-cell receptor signaling proteins self-organize into separate physical and biochemical compartments. This new system of studying molecular pathways outside the cells will enable scientists to better understand how the immune system combats microbes or other agents that cause infection. <Br><Br>To learn more how researchers assembled this T-cell receptor pathway, see <a href=" http://www.mbl.edu/blog/building-immunity-mbl-whitman-center-scientists-recreate-a-t-cell-receptor-signaling-pathway/">this press release from HHMI's Marine Biological Laboratory Whitman Center.</a> Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3787">image 3787</a>. | | immune system, immune response | TCR_to_Actin.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3786_TCR_to_Actin_T.jpg |
|  | 6664 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3783/Chen-skinbow-scale3_T.jpg'></DIV> | A multicolored fish scale 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 10:20 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Each of the tiny colored specs in this image is a cell on the surface of a fish scale. To better understand how wounds heal, scientists have inserted genes that make cells brightly glow in different colors into the skin cells of zebrafish, a fish often used in laboratory research. The colors enable the researchers to track each individual cell, for example, as it moves to the location of a cut or scrape over the course of several days. These technicolor fish endowed with glowing skin cells dubbed "skinbow" provide important insight into how tissues recover and regenerate after an injury. <Br><Br>For more information on skinbow fish, see the Biomedical Beat blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/04/visualizing-skin-regeneration-in-real-time/">Visualizing Skin Regeneration in Real Time</a> and <a href=" http://today.duke.edu/2016/03/zebrafish">a press release from Duke University highlighting this research</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3782"> image 3782</a>. | | | Chen-skinbow-scale3.jpg | Chen-skinbow-scale3_L.jpg | Chen-skinbow-scale3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Chen-skinbow-scale3_T.jpg |
|  | 6663 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3782/20160509-skinbow-fin-1_T.jpg'></DIV> | A multicolored fish scale 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 10:21 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Each of the colored specs in this image is a cell on the surface of a fish scale. To better understand how wounds heal, scientists have inserted genes that make cells brightly glow in different colors into the skin cells of zebrafish, a fish often used in laboratory research. The colors enable the researchers to track each individual cell, for example, as it moves to the location of a cut or scrape over the course of several days. These technicolor fish endowed with glowing skin cells dubbed "skinbow" provide important insight into how tissues recover and regenerate after an injury. <Br><Br>For more information on skinbow fish, see the Biomedical Beat blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/04/visualizing-skin-regeneration-in-real-time/">Visualizing Skin Regeneration in Real Time</a> and <a href=" http://today.duke.edu/2016/03/zebrafish">a press release from Duke University highlighting this research</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3783"> image 3783</a>. | | | 20160509-skinbow-fin-1.tif | 20160509-skinbow-fin-11.jpg | 20160509-skinbow-fin-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 20160509-skinbow-fin-1_T.jpg |
|  | 6594 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3780/Cloud__particles_T.JPG'></DIV> | Cool Video: Cloud-Like Active Site | | Video | Inactive | 6/3/2016 2:44 PM | aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Cool_Video-_Cloud-Like_Active_Site.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Cloud__particles_T.JPG |
|  | 6593 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3779/3779_Precisely_Delivering_Chemical_Cargo_to_Cells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Precisely Delivering Chemical Cargo to Cells | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 1:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Moving protein or other molecules to specific cells to treat or examine them has been a major biological challenge. Scientists have now developed a technique for delivering chemicals to individual cells. The approach involves gold nanowires that, for example, can carry tumor-killing proteins. The advance was possible after researchers developed electric tweezers that could manipulate gold nanowires to help deliver drugs to single cells. <br /><br />This movie shows the manipulation of the nanowires for drug delivery to a single cell. To learn more about this technique, see this post in the <a href=" https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/Computing-Life/Pages/Home.aspx">Computing Life series</a>. | | nanowire drug delivery micromanipulation | Precisely_Delivering_Chemical_Cargo_to_Cells.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3779_Precisely_Delivering_Chemical_Cargo_to_Cells_T.jpg |
|  | 6592 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3772/3772_Proteasome-Cell-Trash-Processor_T.jpg'></DIV> | The Proteasome: The Cell's Trash Processor in Action | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 1:40 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Our cells are constantly removing and recycling molecular waste. This video shows one way cells process their trash. | | proteins | Proteasome-Cell-Trash-Processor.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3772_Proteasome-Cell-Trash-Processor_T.jpg |
|  | 6591 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3771/Imperfect_intruder_for_NIH_T.jpg'></DIV> | Molecular model of freshly made Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:39 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Viruses have been the foes of animals and other organisms for time immemorial. For almost as long, they've stayed well hidden from view because they are so tiny (they aren't even cells, so scientists call the individual virus a "particle"). This image shows a molecular model of a particle of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), a virus that infects and sometimes causes cancer in chickens. In the background is a photo of red blood cells. The particle shown is "immature" (not yet capable of infecting new cells) because it has just budded from an infected chicken cell and entered the bird's bloodstream. The outer shell of the immature virus is made up of a regular assembly of large proteins (shown in red) that are linked together with short protein molecules called peptides (green). This outer shell covers and protects the proteins (blue) that form the inner shell of the particle. But as you can see, the protective armor of the immature virus contains gaping holes. As the particle matures, the short peptides are removed and the large proteins rearrange, fusing together into a solid sphere capable of infecting new cells. While still immature, the particle is vulnerable to drugs that block its development. Knowing the structure of the immature particle may help scientists develop better medications against RSV and similar viruses in humans. Scientists used sophisticated computational tools to reconstruct the RSV atomic structure by crunching various data on the RSV proteins to simulate the entire structure of immature RSV. For more on RSV and how researchers revealed its delicate structure, see the NIH director's blog post <a href=" https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2016/04/14/snapshots-of-life-imperfect-but-beautiful-intruder/">Snapshots of Life: Imperfect but Beautiful Intruder.</a> | | | Imperfect_intruder_for_NIH.tif | Imperfect_intruder_for_NIH_L1.jpg | Imperfect_intruder_for_NIH_M1.jpg |  | | |  | Imperfect_intruder_for_NIH_T.jpg |
|  | 6589 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3766/TFIID-Nogales-crop3_T.jpg'></DIV> | TFIID complex binds DNA to start gene transcription | Yes | Illustration | Active | 2/4/2020 10:27 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Gene transcription is a process by which the genetic information encoded in DNA is transcribed into RNA. It's essential for all life and requires the activity of proteins, called transcription factors, that detect where in a DNA strand transcription should start. In eukaryotes (i.e., those that have a nucleus and mitochondria), a protein complex comprising 14 different proteins is responsible for sniffing out transcription start sites and starting the process. This complex, called TFIID, represents the core machinery to which an enzyme, named RNA polymerase, can bind to and read the DNA and transcribe it to RNA. Scientists have used cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to visualize the TFIID-RNA polymerase-DNA complex in unprecedented detail. In this illustration, TFIID (blue) contacts the DNA and recruits the RNA polymerase (gray) for gene transcription. The start of the transcribed gene is shown with a flash of light. To learn more about the research that has shed new light on gene transcription, see this <a href=" http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2016/03/23/unlocking-the-secrets-of-gene-expression/">news release from Berkeley Lab</a>. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=5730""> video 5730</a>. | | | TFIID-Nogales-crop3.jpg | TFIID-Nogales-crop3_L.jpg | TFIID-Nogales-crop3_M.jpg |  | | |  | TFIID-Nogales-crop3_T.jpg |
|  | 6588 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3765/Tryps_NPC4_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Trypanosoma brucei, the cause of sleeping sickness | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 1:35 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i> is a single-cell parasite that causes sleeping sickness in humans. Scientists have been studying trypanosomes for some time because of their negative effects on human and also animal health, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, because these organisms evolved on a separate path from those of animals and plants more than a billion years ago, researchers study trypanosomes to find out what traits they may harbor that are common to or different from those of other eukaryotes (i.e., those organisms having a nucleus and mitochondria). This image shows the <i>T. brucei</i> cell membrane in red, the DNA in the nucleus and kinetoplast (a structure unique to protozoans, including trypanosomes, which contains mitochondrial DNA) in blue and nuclear pore complexes (which allow molecules to pass into or out of the nucleus) in green. Scientists have found that the trypanosome nuclear pore complex has a unique mechanism by which it attaches to the nuclear envelope. In addition, the trypanosome nuclear pore complex differs from those of other eukaryotes because its components have a near-complete symmetry, and it lacks almost all of the proteins that in other eukaryotes studied so far are required to assemble the pore. | | | Tryps_NPC4.jpg | Tryps_NPC4_S.jpg | Tryps_NPC4_M.jpg |  | | |  | Tryps_NPC4_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6587 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3764/3764_AllDegProcesses_T.jpg'></DIV> | Movie of the 19S proteasome subunit processing a protein substrate | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 1:30 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The proteasome is a critical multiprotein complex in the cell that breaks down and recycles proteins that have become damaged or are no longer needed. This movie shows how a protein substrate (red) is bound through its ubiquitin chain (blue) to one of the ubiquitin receptors of the proteasome (Rpn10, yellow). The substrate's flexible engagement region then gets engaged by the AAA+ motor of the proteasome (cyan), which initiates mechanical pulling, unfolding and movement of the protein into the proteasome's interior for cleavage into shorter protein pieces called peptides. During movement of the substrate, its ubiquitin modification gets cleaved off by the deubiquitinase Rpn11 (green), which sits directly above the entrance to the AAA+ motor pore and acts as a gatekeeper to ensure efficient ubiquitin removal, a prerequisite for fast protein breakdown by the 26S proteasome. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3763">3763</a>. | | | AllDegProcesses.mov | | |  | | |  | 3764_AllDegProcesses_T.jpg |
|  | 6586 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3763/19S_Sub_Engage2_T.jpg'></DIV> | The 26S proteasome engages with a protein substrate | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:28 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The proteasome is a critical multiprotein complex in the cell that breaks down and recycles proteins that have become damaged or are no longer needed. This illustration shows a protein substrate (red) that is bound through its ubiquitin chain (blue) to one of the ubiquitin receptors of the proteasome (Rpn10, yellow). The substrate's flexible engagement region gets engaged by the AAA+ motor of the proteasome (cyan), which initiates mechanical pulling, unfolding and movement of the protein into the proteasome's interior for cleavage into small shorter protein pieces called peptides. During movement of the substrate, its ubiquitin modification gets cleaved off by the deubiquitinase Rpn11 (green), which sits directly above the entrance to the AAA+ motor pore and acts as a gatekeeper to ensure efficient ubiquitin removal, a prerequisite for fast protein breakdown by the 26S proteasome. Related to video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3764">3764</a>. | | | 19S_Sub_Engage4.bmp | 19S_Sub_Engage4_L.bmp | 19S_Sub_Engage4_M.bmp |  | | |  | 19S_Sub_Engage2_T.jpg |
|  | 6583 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3758/Dengue_virus_protein_subunit_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dengue virus membrane protein structure | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne illness that infects millions of people in the tropics and subtropics each year. Like many viruses, dengue is enclosed by a protective membrane. The proteins that span this membrane play an important role in the life cycle of the virus. Scientists used cryo-EM to determine the structure of a dengue virus at a 3.5-angstrom resolution to reveal how the membrane proteins undergo major structural changes as the virus matures and infects a host. The image shows a side view of the structure of a protein composed of two smaller proteins, called E and M. Each E and M contributes two molecules to the overall protein structure (called a heterotetramer), which is important for assembling and holding together the viral membrane, i.e., the shell that surrounds the genetic material of the dengue virus. The dengue protein's structure has revealed some portions in the protein that might be good targets for developing medications that could be used to combat dengue virus infections. For more on cryo-EM see the blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/02/cryo-electron-microscopy-reveals-molecules-in-ever-greater-detail/">Cryo-Electron Microscopy Reveals Molecules in Ever Greater Detail.</a> You can watch a rotating view of the dengue virus surface structure <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3748">in video 3748.</a> | | cryo-electron microscopy | Dengue_virus_protein_subunit.jpg | Dengue_virus_protein_subunit_S.jpg | Dengue_virus_protein_subunit_M.jpg |  | | |  | Dengue_virus_protein_subunit_T.jpg |
|  | 6585 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3756/DV_thumb_T.JPG'></DIV> | Protective membrane and membrane proteins of the dengue virus visualized with cryo-EM | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Dengue virus is a mosquito-borne illness that infects millions of people in the tropics and subtropics each year. Like many viruses, dengue is enclosed by a protective membrane. The proteins that span this membrane play an important role in the life cycle of the virus. Scientists used cryo-EM to determine the structure of a dengue virus at a 3.5-angstrom resolution to reveal how the membrane proteins undergo major structural changes as the virus matures and infects a host. For more on cryo-EM see the blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/02/cryo-electron-microscopy-reveals-molecules-in-ever-greater-detail/">Cryo-Electron Microscopy Reveals Molecules in Ever Greater Detail.</a> You can watch a rotating view of the dengue virus surface structure <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3748">in video 3748.</a> | | cryo-electron microscopy | Dengue_virus_shell.jpg | Dengue_virus_shell_L.jpg | Dengue_virus_shell_M.jpg |  | | |  | DV_thumb_T.JPG |
|  | 6584 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3755/HIV%20capsid%20square%20crop.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-EM reveals how the HIV capsid attaches to a human protein to evade immune detection | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The illustration shows the capsid of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) whose molecular features were resolved with cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). On the left, the HIV capsid is "naked," a state in which it would be easily detected by and removed from cells. However, as shown on the right, when the viral capsid binds to and is covered with a host protein, called cyclophilin A (shown in red), it evades detection and enters and invades the human cell to use it to establish an infection. To learn more about how cyclophilin A helps HIV infect cells and how scientists used cryo-EM to find out the mechanism by which the HIV capsid attaches to cyclophilin A, <a href=" https://news.illinois.edu/blog/view/6367/335013">see this news release by the University of Illinois</a>. A study reporting these findings was published in the journal <a href=" http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160304/ncomms10714/full/ncomms10714.html"><i>Nature Communications</i></a>. | | | HIV_Cyclophilin_A.jpg | HIV_Cyclophilin_A_L.jpg | HIV_Cyclophilin_A_M.jpg |  | | |  | HIV%20capsid%20square%20crop.jpg |
|  | 6581 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3754/JBlau_Neuron_image_T.jpg'></DIV> | Circadian rhythm neurons in the fruit fly brain | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 1:17 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Some nerve cells (neurons) in the brain keep track of the daily cycle. This time-keeping mechanism, called the circadian clock, is found in all animals including us. The circadian clock controls our daily activities such as sleep and wakefulness. Researchers are interested in finding the neuron circuits involved in this time keeping and how the information about daily time in the brain is relayed to the rest of the body. In this image of a brain of the fruit fly <i>Drosophila</i> the time-of-day information flowing through the brain has been visualized by staining the neurons involved: clock neurons (shown in blue) function as "pacemakers" by communicating with neurons that produce a short protein called leucokinin (LK) (red), which, in turn, relays the time signal to other neurons, called LK-R neurons (green). This signaling cascade set in motion by the pacemaker neurons helps synchronize the fly's daily activity with the 24-hour cycle. To learn more about what scientists have found out about circadian pacemaker neurons in the fruit fly <a href=" http://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2016/02/29/biological-clocks-orchestrate-behavioral-rhythms-by-sending-signals-downstream.html">see this news release by New York University</a>. This work was featured in the <i>Biomedical Beat</i> blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/03/cool-image-a-circadian-circuit/">Cool Image: A Circadian Circuit.</a> | | | Circadian%20circuit_Blau.tif | JBlau_Neuron_image_S.jpg | JBlau_Neuron_image_M.jpg |  | | |  | JBlau_Neuron_image_T.jpg |
|  | 6582 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3753/coronavirus_surface_T.jpg'></DIV> | Coronavirus spike protein structure | Yes | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 1:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses responsible for 30 percent of mild respiratory infections and atypical deadly pneumonia in humans worldwide. These deadly pneumonia include those caused by infections with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). The coronavirus spike glycoprotein mediates virus entry into cells and represents an important therapeutic target. The illustration shows a viral membrane decorated with spike glycoproteins; highlighted in red is a potential neutralization site, which is a protein sequence that might be used as a target for vaccines to combat viruses such as MERS-CoV and other coronaviruses. | | | coronavirus_surface.jpg | coronavirus_surface_L.jpg | coronavirus_surface_M.jpg |  | | |  | coronavirus_surface_T.jpg |
|  | 6580 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3750/3750_Huilin_Li_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | A dynamic model of the DNA helicase protein complex | No | Video | Active | 6/10/2024 9:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This short video shows a model of the DNA helicase in yeast. This DNA helicase has 11 proteins that work together to unwind DNA during the process of copying it, called DNA replication. Scientists used a technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), which allowed them to study the helicase structure in solution rather than in static crystals. Cryo-EM in combination with computer modeling therefore allows researchers to see movements and other dynamic changes in the protein. The cryo-EM approach revealed the helicase structure at much greater resolution than could be obtained before. The researchers think that a repeated motion within the protein as shown in the video helps it move along the DNA strand. To read more about DNA helicase and this proposed mechanism, see this <a href=" https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=111809">news release by Brookhaven National Laboratory</a>. | | | Huilin_Li.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3750_Huilin_Li_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6579 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3749/STORM_43_T.png'></DIV> | 3D image of actin in a cell | Yes | Photograph | Active | 7/19/2023 4:16 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Actin is an essential protein in a cell's skeleton (cytoskeleton). It forms a dense network of thin filaments in the cell. Here, researchers have used a technique called stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) to visualize the actin network in a cell in three dimensions. The actin strands were labeled with a dye called Alexa Fluor 647-phalloidin. This image appears in a study published by <a href=" http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v9/n2/full/nmeth.1841.html"><i>Nature Methods</i></a>, which reports how researchers use STORM to visualize the cytoskeleton. | | | STORM_43.png | STORM_43_L.png | STORM_43_M.png |  | | |  | STORM_43_T.png |
|  | 6577 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3748/3748_dengue_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cryo-electron microscopy of the dengue virus showing protective membrane and membrane proteins | No | Video | Active | 12/17/2020 12:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | cryo-electron microscopy | dengue.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3748_dengue_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6578 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3747/Wasabi3_T.png'></DIV> | Cryo-electron microscopy revealing the "wasabi receptor" | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 12:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The TRPA1 protein is responsible for the burn you feel when you taste a bite of sushi topped with wasabi. Known therefore informally as the "wasabi receptor," this protein forms pores in the membranes of nerve cells that sense tastes or odors. Pungent chemicals like wasabi or mustard oil cause the pores to open, which then triggers a tingling or burn on our tongue. This receptor also produces feelings of pain in response to chemicals produced within our own bodies when our tissues are damaged or inflamed. Researchers used cryo-EM to reveal the structure of the wasabi receptor at a resolution of about 4 angstroms (a credit card is about 8 million angstroms thick). This detailed structure can help scientists understand both how we feel pain and how we can limit it by developing therapies to block the receptor. For more on cryo-EM see the blog post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2016/02/cryo-electron-microscopy-reveals-molecules-in-ever-greater-detail/">Cryo-Electron Microscopy Reveals Molecules in Ever Greater Detail</a>. | | | Wasabi3.png | Wasabi3_L.png | Wasabi3_M.png |  | | |  | Wasabi3_T.png |
|  | 6572 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3746/albumin-surface-rainbow-mode13_T.png'></DIV> | Serum albumin structure 3 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 12:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Serum albumin (SA) is the most abundant protein in the blood plasma of mammals. SA has a characteristic heart-shape structure and is a highly versatile protein. It helps maintain normal water levels in our tissues and carries almost half of all calcium ions in human blood. SA also transports some hormones, nutrients and metals throughout the bloodstream. Despite being very similar to our own SA, those from other animals can cause some mild allergies in people. Therefore, some scientists study SAs from humans and other mammals to learn more about what subtle structural or other differences cause immune responses in the body. <Br><Br>Related to entries <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3744"> 3744</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3745">3745</a>. | | | albumin-surface-rainbow-mode13.png | albumin-surface-rainbow-mode13_L.png | albumin-surface-rainbow-mode13_M.png |  | | |  | albumin-surface-rainbow-mode13_T.png |
|  | 6571 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3745/albumin-rainbow-mode33_T.png'></DIV> | Serum albumin structure 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 12:40 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Serum albumin (SA) is the most abundant protein in the blood plasma of mammals. SA has a characteristic heart-shape structure and is a highly versatile protein. It helps maintain normal water levels in our tissues and carries almost half of all calcium ions in human blood. SA also transports some hormones, nutrients and metals throughout the bloodstream. Despite being very similar to our own SA, those from other animals can cause some mild allergies in people. Therefore, some scientists study SAs from humans and other mammals to learn more about what subtle structural or other differences cause immune responses in the body. <Br><Br>Related to entries <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3744"> 3744</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3746">3746</a> | | | albumin-rainbow-mode33.png | albumin-rainbow-mode33_L.png | albumin-rainbow-mode33_M.png |  | | |  | albumin-rainbow-mode33_T.png |
|  | 6570 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3744/albumin-surface-red2-mode13_T.png'></DIV> | Serum albumin structure 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/14/2023 4:18 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Serum albumin (SA) is the most abundant protein in the blood plasma of mammals. SA has a characteristic heart-shape structure and is a highly versatile protein. It helps maintain normal water levels in our tissues and carries almost half of all calcium ions in human blood. SA also transports some hormones, nutrients and metals throughout the bloodstream. Despite being very similar to our own SA, those from other animals can cause some mild allergies in people. Therefore, some scientists study SAs from humans and other mammals to learn more about what subtle structural or other differences cause immune responses in the body.<Br><Br> Related to entries <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3745">3745</a> and <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3746">3746</a>. | | | albumin-surface-red2-mode13.png | albumin-surface-red2-mode13_L.png | albumin-surface-red2-mode13_M.png |  | | |  | albumin-surface-red2-mode13_T.png |
|  | 6522 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3743/BioArt_2015_Prunet3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Developing Arabidopsis flower buds | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 12:36 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Flower development is a carefully orchestrated, genetically programmed process that ensures that the male (stamen) and female (pistil) organs form in the right place and at the right time in the flower. In this image of young Arabidopsis flower buds, the gene SUPERMAN (red) is activated at the boundary between the cells destined to form the male and female parts. SUPERMAN activity prevents the central cells, which will ultimately become the female pistil, from activating the gene APETALA3 (green), which induces formation of male flower organs. The goal of this research is to find out how plants maintain cells (called stem cells) that have the potential to develop into any type of cell and how genetic and environmental factors cause stem cells to develop and specialize into different cell types. This work informs future studies in agriculture, medicine and other fields. | | | BioArt_2015_Prunet3.jpg | BioArt_2015_Prunet3_L.jpg | BioArt_2015_Prunet3_M.jpg |  | | |  | BioArt_2015_Prunet3_T.jpg |
|  | 6523 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3742/3742_Cortex_neuronal_ECM_T.jpg'></DIV> | Confocal microscopy of perineuronal nets in the brain 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 12:35 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The photo shows a confocal microscopy image of perineuronal nets (PNNs), which are specialized extracellular matrix (ECM) structures in the brain. The PNN surrounds some nerve cells in brain regions including the cortex, hippocampus and thalamus. Researchers study the PNN to investigate their involvement stabilizing the extracellular environment and forming nets around nerve cells and synapses in the brain. Abnormalities in the PNNs have been linked to a variety of disorders, including epilepsy and schizophrenia, and they limit a process called neural plasticity in which new nerve connections are formed. To visualize the PNNs, researchers labeled them with Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA)-fluorescein. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3741">3741</a>. | | neurons | Cortex_neuronal_ECM_low.jpg | 3742_Cortex_neuronal_ECM_S.jpg | Cortex_neuronal_ECM_low_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3742_Cortex_neuronal_ECM_T.jpg |
|  | 6524 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3741/Cortex_neuronal_ECM_T.jpg'></DIV> | Confocal microscopy of perineuronal nets in the brain 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 12:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The photo shows a confocal microscopy image of perineuronal nets (PNNs), which are specialized extracellular matrix (ECM) structures in the brain. The PNN surrounds some nerve cells in brain regions including the cortex, hippocampus and thalamus. Researchers study the PNN to investigate their involvement stabilizing the extracellular environment and forming nets around nerve cells and synapses in the brain. Abnormalities in the PNNs have been linked to a variety of disorders, including epilepsy and schizophrenia, and they limit a process called neural plasticity in which new nerve connections are formed. To visualize the PNNs, researchers labeled them with Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA)-fluorescein. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3742">3742</a>. | | neurons | Cortex_neuronal_ECM.jpg | Cortex_neuronal_ECM_L.jpg | Cortex_neuronal_ECM_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cortex_neuronal_ECM_T.jpg |
|  | 6520 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3740/Node_of_Ranvier2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Transmission electron microscopy showing cross-section of the node of Ranvier | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 11:42 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Nodes of Ranvier are short gaps in the myelin sheath surrounding myelinated nerve cells (axons). Myelin insulates axons, and the node of Ranvier is where the axon is exposed to the extracellular environment, allowing for the transmission of action potentials at these nodes via ion flows between the inside and outside of the axon. The image shows a cross-section through the node, with the surrounding extracellular matrix encasing and supporting the axon shown in cyan. | | EM, TEM, neurons | Node_of_Ranvier2.jpg | Node_of_Ranvier2_L.jpg | Node_of_Ranvier2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Node_of_Ranvier2_T.jpg |
|  | 6521 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3739/Soleus_muscle_T.jpg'></DIV> | Scanning electron microscopy of the ECM on the surface of a calf muscle | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 11:40 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows the extracellular matrix (ECM) on the surface of a soleus (lower calf) muscle in light brown and blood vessels in pink. Near the bottom of the photo, a vessel is opened up to reveal red blood cells. Scientists know less about the ECM in muscle than in other tissues, but it's increasingly clear that the ECM is critical to muscle function, and disruption of the ECM has been associated with many muscle disorders. The ECM in muscles stores and releases growth factors, suggesting that it might play a role in cellular communication. | | EM, SEM | Soleus_muscle.jpg | Soleus_muscle_L.jpg | Soleus_muscle_M.jpg |  | | |  | Soleus_muscle_T.jpg |
|  | 6517 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3738/Coronary_artery_wall_T.jpg'></DIV> | Transmission electron microscopy of coronary artery wall with elastin-rich ECM pseudocolored in light brown | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 11:39 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Elastin is a fibrous protein in the extracellular matrix (ECM). It is abundant in artery walls like the one shown here. As its name indicates, elastin confers elasticity. Elastin fibers are at least five times stretchier than rubber bands of the same size. Tissues that expand, such as blood vessels and lungs, need to be both strong and elastic, so they contain both collagen (another ECM protein) and elastin. In this photo, the elastin-rich ECM is colored grayish brown and is most visible at the bottom of the photo. The curved red structures near the top of the image are red blood cells. | | EM, TEM | Coronary_artery_wall.jpg | Coronary_artery_wall_L.jpg | Coronary_artery_wall_M.jpg |  | | |  | Coronary_artery_wall_T.jpg |
|  | 6516 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3737/Peripheral_nerve_axonal_ECM_T.jpg'></DIV> | A bundle of myelinated peripheral nerve cells (axons) | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 11:39 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The extracellular matrix (ECM) is most prevalent in connective tissues but also is present between the stems (axons) of nerve cells. The axons of nerve cells are surrounded by the ECM encasing myelin-supplying Schwann cells, which insulate the axons to help speed the transmission of electric nerve impulses along the axons. | | neurons | Peripheral_nerve_axonal_ECM.jpg | Peripheral_nerve_axonal_ECM_L.jpg | Peripheral_nerve_axonal_ECM_M.jpg |  | | |  | Peripheral_nerve_axonal_ECM_T.jpg |
|  | 6518 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3736/myelinating_axons_T.jpg'></DIV> | Transmission electron microscopy of myelinated axons with ECM between the axons | No | Photograph | Active | 12/17/2020 11:38 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The extracellular matrix (ECM) is most prevalent in connective tissues but also is present between the stems (axons) of nerve cells, as shown here. Blue-colored nerve cell axons are surrounded by brown-colored, myelin-supplying Schwann cells, which act like insulation around an electrical wire to help speed the transmission of electric nerve impulses down the axon. The ECM is pale pink. The tiny brown spots within it are the collagen fibers that are part of the ECM. | | EM, TEM, neurons | myelinating_axons.jpg | myelinating_axons_L.jpg | myelinating_axons_M.jpg |  | | |  | myelinating_axons_T.jpg |
|  | 6514 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3735/Collagen3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Scanning electron microscopy of collagen fibers | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2024 1:50 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image shows collagen, a fibrous protein that's the main component of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Collagen is a strong, ropelike molecule that forms stretch-resistant fibers. The most abundant protein in our bodies, collagen accounts for about a quarter of our total protein mass. Among its many functions is giving strength to our tendons, ligaments and bones and providing scaffolding for skin wounds to heal. There are about 20 different types of collagen in our bodies, each adapted to the needs of specific tissues. | | EM, SEM | Collagen3.jpg | Collagen3_L.jpg | Collagen3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Collagen3_T.jpg |
|  | 6515 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3734/Akassoglou_Image_1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Molecular interactions at the astrocyte nuclear membrane | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 11:36 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These ripples of color represent the outer membrane of the nucleus inside an astrocyte, a star-shaped cell inside the brain. Some proteins (green) act as keys to unlock other proteins (red) that form gates to let small molecules in and out of the nucleus (blue). Visualizing these different cell components at the boundary of the astrocyte nucleus enables researchers to study the molecular and physiological basis of neurological disorders, such as hydrocephalus, a condition in which too much fluid accumulates in the brain, and scar formation in brain tissue leading to abnormal neuronal activity affecting learning and memory. Scientists have now identified a pathway may be common to many of these brain diseases and begun to further examine it to find ways to treat certain brain diseases and injuries. To learn more about this topic, see this <a href=" http://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/scientists-uncover-nuclear-process-brain-may-affect-disease/">news release</a> describing this research. | | nerve, cells, neurons | Akassoglou_Image_1.jpg | Akassoglou_Image_1_L.jpg | Akassoglou_Image_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Akassoglou_Image_1_T.jpg |
|  | 6512 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3733/cytoscape23_T.png'></DIV> | A molecular interaction network in yeast 3 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 11:34 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The image visualizes a part of the yeast molecular interaction network. The lines in the network represent connections among genes (shown as little dots) and different-colored networks indicate subnetworks, for instance, those in specific locations or pathways in the cell. Researchers use gene or protein expression data to build these networks; the network shown here was visualized with a program called <a href=" http://cytoscape.org/">Cytoscape</a>. By following changes in the architectures of these networks in response to altered environmental conditions, scientists can home in on those genes that become central "hubs" (highly connected genes), for example, when a cell encounters stress. They can then further investigate the precise role of these genes to uncover how a cell's molecular machinery deals with stress or other factors. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3730">3730</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3732">3732</a>. | | | cytoscape23.png | cytoscape23_L.png | cytoscape23_M.png |  | | |  | cytoscape23_T.png |
|  | 6513 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3732/community17_T.png'></DIV> | A molecular interaction network in yeast 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 11:33 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The image visualizes a part of the yeast molecular interaction network. The lines in the network represent connections among genes (shown as little dots) and different-colored networks indicate subnetworks, for instance, those in specific locations or pathways in the cell. Researchers use gene or protein expression data to build these networks; the network shown here was visualized with a program called <a href=" http://cytoscape.org/">Cytoscape</a>. By following changes in the architectures of these networks in response to altered environmental conditions, scientists can home in on those genes that become central "hubs" (highly connected genes), for example, when a cell encounters stress. They can then further investigate the precise role of these genes to uncover how a cell's molecular machinery deals with stress or other factors. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3730">3730</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3733">3733</a>. | | | community17.png | community17_L.png | community17_M.png |  | | |  | community17_T.png |
|  | 6463 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3730/structure-aware-layout_T.png'></DIV> | A molecular interaction network in yeast 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/17/2020 11:31 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The image visualizes a part of the yeast molecular interaction network. The lines in the network represent connections among genes (shown as little dots) and different-colored networks indicate subnetworks, for instance, those in specific locations or pathways in the cell. Researchers use gene or protein expression data to build these networks; the network shown here was visualized with a program called <a href=" http://cytoscape.org/">Cytoscape</a>. By following changes in the architectures of these networks in response to altered environmental conditions, scientists can home in on those genes that become central "hubs" (highly connected genes), for example, when a cell encounters stress. They can then further investigate the precise role of these genes to uncover how a cell's molecular machinery deals with stress or other factors. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3732">3732</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3733">3733</a>. | | | structure-aware-layout3.png | structure-aware-layout3_S.png | structure-aware-layout3_M.png |  | | |  | structure-aware-layout_T.png |
|  | 6462 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3729/3729_FInal_Movie2_high_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | A molecular switch strips transcription factor from DNA | No | Video | Active | 2/4/2020 12:39 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In this video, Rice University scientists used molecular modeling with a mathematical algorithm called AWSEM (for associative memory, water-mediated, structure and energy model) and structural data to analyze how a transcription factor called nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) is removed from DNA to stop gene activation. AWSEM uses the interacting energies of their components to predict how proteins fold. At the start, the NFkB dimer (green and yellow, in the center) grips DNA (red, to the left), which activates the transcription of genes. IkB (blue, to the right), an inhibitor protein, stops transcription when it binds to NFkB and forces the dimer to twist and release its hold on DNA. The yellow domain at the bottom of IkB is the PEST domain, which binds first to NFkB. For more details about this mechanism called molecular stripping, see <a href=" http://news.rice.edu/2015/12/21/a-new-twist-in-genetic-switches-2/">here</a>. | | | FInal_Movie2_high.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3729_FInal_Movie2_high_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6460 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3728/thumbnail_T.JPG'></DIV> | Quorum-sensing inhibitor limits bacterial growth | No | Video | Active | 2/4/2020 12:40 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | To simulate the consequences of disrupting bacterial cell-to-cell communication, called quorum sensing, in the crypts (small chambers within the colon), the researchers experimented with an inhibitor molecule (i.e., antagonist) to turn off quorum sensing in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria that often causes human infections. In this experiment, a medium promoting bacterial growth flows through experimental chambers mimicking the colon environment. The chambers on the right contained no antagonist. In the left chambers, after being added to the flowing medium, the quorum-sensing-inhibiting molecules quickly spread throughout the crevices, inactivating quorum sensing and reducing colonization. These results suggest a potential strategy for addressing MRSA virulence via inhibitors of bacterial communication. You can read more about this research <a href=" https://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S45/26/21S91/index.xml?section=topstories/">here</a>. | | | Video_5._MRSA_with_antagonist.mp4 | | |  | | |  | thumbnail_T.JPG |
|  | 6461 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3727/Arabidopsis_thaliana_leaf_T.jpg'></DIV> | Zinc levels in a plant leaf | No | Photograph | Active | 12/3/2020 4:11 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Arabidopsis_thaliana_leaf.jpg | Arabidopsis_thaliana_leaf_L.jpg | Arabidopsis_thaliana_leaf_M.jpg |  | | |  | Arabidopsis_thaliana_leaf_T.jpg |
|  | 6459 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3725/3725_NCMIR_kidney_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fluorescent microscopy of kidney tissue--close-up | No | Photograph | Active | 2/16/2021 6:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This photograph of kidney tissue, taken using fluorescent light microscopy, shows a close-up view of part of image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3723">3723</a>. Kidneys filter the blood, removing waste and excessive fluid, which is excreted in urine. The filtration system is made up of components that include glomeruli (for example, the round structure taking up much of the image's center is a glomerulus) and tubules (seen in cross-section here with their inner lining stained green). Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3675">3675</a> . | | | NCMIR_kidney_crop.jpg | 3725_NCMIR_kidney_S.jpg | NCMIR_kidney_crop_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3725_NCMIR_kidney_T.jpg |
|  | 6458 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3724/3724_Snowflake_DNA_Origami_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Snowflake DNA origami | No | Photograph | Active | 12/3/2020 4:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | An atomic force microscopy image shows DNA folded into an intricate, computer-designed structure. The image is featured on Biomedical Beat blog post Cool Images: A Holiday-Themed Collection. For more background on DNA origami, see <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2015/10/cool-image-dna-origami" target=_blank>Cool Image: DNA Origami</a>. See also related <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3690">image 3690</a>. | | | 3724_Snowflake_DNA_Origami.jpg | 3724_Snowflake_DNA_Origami_S.jpg | 3724_Snowflake_DNA_Origami_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3724_Snowflake_DNA_Origami_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6457 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3723/NCMIR%20kidney%20thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fluorescent microscopy of kidney tissue | No | Photograph | Active | 2/16/2021 6:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Serum albumin (SA) is the most abundant protein in the blood plasma of mammals. SA has a characteristic heart-shape structure and is a highly versatile protein. It helps maintain normal water levels in our tissues and carries almost half of all calcium ions in human blood. SA also transports some hormones, nutrients and metals throughout the bloodstream. Despite being very similar to our own SA, those from other animals can cause some mild allergies in people. Therefore, some scientists study SAs from humans and other mammals to learn more about what subtle structural or other differences cause immune responses in the body. <Br><Br>Related to entries <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3725"> 3725</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3675">3675</a>. | | | KIDNEY_for_Magnifying.jpg | KIDNEY_for_Magnifying_S.jpg | KIDNEY_for_Magnifying_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR%20kidney%20thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6456 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3720/Cas4_PDB_4ic1_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cas4 nuclease protein structure | No | Illustration | Active | 12/3/2020 3:52 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This wreath represents the molecular structure of a protein, Cas4, which is part of a system, known as CRISPR, that bacteria use to protect themselves against viral invaders. The green ribbons show the protein's structure, and the red balls show the location of iron and sulfur molecules important for the protein's function. Scientists harnessed Cas9, a different protein in the bacterial CRISPR system, to create a gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9. Using this tool, researchers are able to study a range of cellular processes and human diseases more easily, cheaply and precisely. In December, 2015, Science magazine recognized the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool as the "breakthrough of the year." Read more about Cas4 in the December 2015 Biomedical Beat post <a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2015/12/cool-images-a-holiday-themed-collection/">A Holiday-Themed Image Collection</a>. | | | Cas4_PDB_4ic11.jpg | Cas4_PDB_4ic11_S.jpg | Cas4_PDB_4ic11_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cas4_PDB_4ic1_thumb.jpg |
|  | 6454 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3719/CRISPR_thumbnail_T.jpg'></DIV> | CRISPR illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2024 11:52 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | CRISPR_Illustrations_2015.pdf | | |  | | |  | CRISPR_thumbnail_T.jpg |
|  | 6452 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3718/Bacillus_subtilis_biofilm_T.jpg'></DIV> | A Bacillus subtilis biofilm grown in a Petri dish | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 1:02 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Bacterial biofilms are tightly knit communities of bacterial cells growing on, for example, solid surfaces, such as in water pipes or on teeth. Here, cells of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis have formed a biofilm in a laboratory culture. Researchers have discovered that the bacterial cells in a biofilm communicate with each other through electrical signals via specialized potassium ion channels to share resources, such as nutrients, with each other. This insight may help scientists to improve sanitation systems to prevent biofilms, which often resist common treatments, from forming and to develop better medicines to combat bacterial infections. See the Biomedical Beat blog post <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2015/12/bacterial-biofilms-a-charged-environment">Bacterial Biofilms: A Charged Environment</a> for more information. | | | Bacillus_subtilis_biofilm.jpg | Bacillus_subtilis_biofilm_S.jpg | Bacillus_subtilis_biofilm_M.jpg |  | | |  | Bacillus_subtilis_biofilm_T.jpg |
|  | 6451 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3690/3690_DNA_origami_micrograph_Dr._Hao_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microscopy image of bird-and-flower DNA origami | No | Photograph | Active | 12/2/2020 2:31 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | DNA_origami_micrograph_Dr._Hao_Yan.png | 3690_DNA_origami_micrograph_Dr._Hao_S.jpg | DNA_origami_micrograph_Dr._Hao_Yan_M.png |  | | |  | 3690_DNA_origami_micrograph_Dr._Hao_T.jpg |
|  | 6450 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3689/DNA_origami_sketch_Dr_T._Hao_Yan.png'></DIV> | Computer sketch of bird-and-flower DNA origami | No | Illustration | Active | 12/2/2020 2:28 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A computer-generated sketch of a DNA origami folded into a flower-and-bird structure. Image is featured on Biomedical Beat blog post <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2015/10/cool-image-dna-origami" target=_blank>Cool Image: DNA Origami</a>. See also related <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3690">image 3690</a>. | | | DNA_origami_sketch_Dr._Hao_Yan.png | DNA_origami_sketch_Dr._Hao_Yan_S.png | DNA_origami_sketch_Dr._Hao_Yan_M.png |  | | |  | DNA_origami_sketch_Dr_T._Hao_Yan.png |
|  | 6449 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3688/NeuronGlia3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Brain cells in the hippocampus | No | Photograph | Active | 7/13/2023 2:47 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Hippocampal cells in culture with a neuron in green, showing hundreds of the small protrusions known as dendritic spines. The dendrites of other neurons are labeled in blue, and adjacent glial cells are shown in red. | | | NeuronGlia3.jpg | NeuronGlia3_L.jpg | NeuronGlia3_M.jpg |  | | |  | NeuronGlia3_T.jpg |
|  | 6407 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3687/MatureNeuron3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hippocampal neuron in culture | No | Photograph | Active | 12/2/2020 2:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | MatureNeuron3.jpg | MatureNeuron3_L.jpg | MatureNeuron3_M.jpg |  | | |  | MatureNeuron3_T.jpg |
|  | 6405 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3686/LightningBolt3_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Hippocampal neuron from rodent brain | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 2:48 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Hippocampal neuron from rodent brain with dendrites shown in blue. The hundreds of tiny magenta, green and white dots are the dendritic spines of excitatory synapses. | | | LightningBolt5.jpg | LightningBolt5_S.jpg | LightningBolt5_M.jpg |  | | |  | LightningBolt3_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6403 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3678/STORM_6_T.jpg'></DIV> | STORM image of axonal cytoskeleton | No | Photograph | Active | 12/1/2020 1:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows the long, branched structures (axons) of nerve cells. Running horizontally across the middle of the photo is an axon wrapped in rings made of actin protein (green), which plays important roles in nerve cells. The image was captured with a powerful microscopy technique that allows scientists to see single molecules in living cells in real time. The technique is called stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). It is based on technology so revolutionary that its developers earned the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. More information about this image can be found in: K. Xu, G. Zhong, X. Zhuang. <a href=" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3815867/" target="_blank">Actin, spectrin and associated proteins form a periodic cytoskeleton structure in axons</a>. Science 339, 452-456 (2013). | | | STORM_6.jpg | STORM_6_L.jpg | STORM_6_M.jpg |  | | |  | STORM_6_T.jpg |
|  | 6404 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3677/Slide35_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human skeletal muscle | No | Photograph | Active | 12/1/2020 1:09 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cross section of human skeletal muscle. Image taken with a confocal fluorescent light microscope. | | | Slide35.jpg | Slide35_L.jpg | Slide35_M.jpg |  | | |  | Slide35_T.jpg |
|  | 6401 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3675/ID3675_thumb_L.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR kidney-1 | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 2:58 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Stained kidney tissue. The kidney is an essential organ responsible for disposing wastes from the body and for maintaining healthy ion levels in the blood. It also secretes two hormones, erythropoietin (EPO) and calcitriol (a derivative of vitamin D), into the blood. It works like a purifier by pulling break-down products of metabolism, such as urea and ammonium, from the blood stream for excretion in urine. Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3725">3725</a>. | | | Slide18.jpg | Slide18_L.jpg | Slide18_M.jpg |  | | |  | ID3675_thumb_L.jpg |
|  | 6402 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3670/Slide42_T.jpg'></DIV> | DNA and actin in cultured fibroblast cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/1/2020 1:03 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | DNA (blue) and actin (red) in cultured fibroblast cells. | | | Slide42_M.jpg | Slide42_L.jpg | Slide42_M.jpg |  | | |  | Slide42_T.jpg |
|  | 6399 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3664/Cardiac_mitochondria-2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mitochondria from rat heart muscle cell_2 | No | Photograph | Active | 11/30/2020 4:18 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These mitochondria (brown) are from the heart muscle cell of a rat. Mitochondria have an inner membrane that folds in many places (and that appears here as striations). This folding vastly increases the surface area for energy production. Nearly all our cells have mitochondria. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3661" target="_blank">3661</a>. | | | Cardiac_mitochondria-2.jpg | Cardiac_mitochondria-2_L.jpg | Cardiac_mitochondria-2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cardiac_mitochondria-2_T.jpg |
|  | 6400 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3662/Tomographic-reconstruction-th.jpg'></DIV> | Mitochondrion from insect flight muscle | No | Illustration | Active | 2/4/2020 3:04 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a tomographic reconstruction of a mitochondrion from an insect flight muscle. Mitochondria are cellular compartments that are best known as the powerhouses that convert energy from the food into energy that runs a range of biological processes. Nearly all our cells have mitochondria. | | | Tomographic_reconstruction.jpg | Tomographic_reconstruction_L.jpg | Tomographic_reconstruction_M.jpg |  | | |  | Tomographic-reconstruction-th.jpg |
|  | 6398 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3661/Cardiac_mitochondria-1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mitochondria from rat heart muscle cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/30/2020 4:17 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These mitochondria (red) are from the heart muscle cell of a rat. Mitochondria have an inner membrane that folds in many places (and that appears here as striations). This folding vastly increases the surface area for energy production. Nearly all our cells have mitochondria. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3664" target="_blank">3664</a>. | | | Cardiac_mitochondria-1.jpg | Cardiac_mitochondria-1_L.jpg | Cardiac_mitochondria-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cardiac_mitochondria-1_T.jpg |
|  | 6395 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3660/Ribonuclease_P_T.jpg'></DIV> | Ribonuclease P structure | No | Illustration | Active | 2/4/2020 3:55 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ribbon diagram showing the structure of Ribonuclease P with tRNA. | | | Ribonuclease_P.jpg | Ribonuclease_P_L.jpg | Ribonuclease_P_M.jpg |  | | |  | Ribonuclease_P_T.jpg |
|  | 6367 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3658/figure2_lo-res2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Electrostatic map of human spermine synthase | No | Illustration | Active | 11/30/2020 4:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | From PDB entry 3c6k, Crystal structure of human spermine synthase in complex with spermidine and 5-methylthioadenosine. | | | Electrostatic_map_human_spermine_synthase_PDB_3c6k1.jpg | Electrostatic_map_human_spermine_synthase_PDB_3c6k1_L.jpg | Electrostatic_map_human_spermine_synthase_PDB_3c6k1_M.jpg |  | | |  | figure2_lo-res2_T.jpg |
|  | 6366 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3656/pink_fruit_fly_ovary_Montell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly ovary_2 | No | Photograph | Active | 11/30/2020 4:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A fruit fly ovary, shown here, contains as many as 20 eggs. Fruit flies are not merely tiny insects that buzz around overripe fruit--they are a venerable scientific tool. Research on the flies has shed light on many aspects of human biology, including biological rhythms, learning, memory and neurodegenerative diseases. Another reason fruit flies are so useful in a lab (and so successful in fruit bowls) is that they reproduce rapidly. About three generations can be studied in a single month. Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3607" target="_blank">3607</a>. | | development; developmental biology | pink_fruit_fly_ovary_Montell.jpg | pink_fruit_fly_ovary_Montell_L.jpg | pink_fruit_fly_ovary_Montell_M.jpg |  | | |  | pink_fruit_fly_ovary_Montell_T.jpg |
|  | 6362 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3650/3650_How_a_microtubule_builds_and_deconstructs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | How a microtubule builds and deconstructs | No | Video | Active | 2/4/2020 4:04 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A microtubule, part of the cell's skeleton, builds and deconstructs. | | | How_a_microtubule_builds_and_deconstructs.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3650_How_a_microtubule_builds_and_deconstructs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6364 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3648/3648_Cheeseman_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Symmetrically and asymmetrically elongating cells | No | Photograph | Active | 11/25/2020 11:14 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Merged fluorescent images of symmetrically (left) or asymmetrically (right) elongating HeLa cells at the end of early anaphase (magenta) and late anaphase (green). Chromosomes and cortical actin are visualized by expressing mCherry-histone H2B and Lifeact-mCherry. Scale bar, 10µm. <a href=" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23870127" target=_blank>See the PubMed abstract of this research</a>. | | | Cheeseman_cell_elongation.jpg | 3648_Cheeseman_cell_S.jpg | Cheeseman_cell_elongation_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3648_Cheeseman_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 6363 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3647/Epithelial%20cells_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Epithelial cells | No | Photograph | Active | 2/4/2020 4:04 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image mostly shows normal cultured epithelial cells expressing green fluorescent protein targeted to the Golgi apparatus (yellow-green) and stained for actin (magenta) and DNA (cyan). The middle cell is an abnormal large multinucleated cell. All the cells in this image have a Golgi but not all are expressing the targeted recombinant fluorescent protein. | | | Epithelial%20cells%20stitched%20together.jpg | Epithelial%20cells_S.jpg | Epithelial%20cells_M.jpg |  | | |  | Epithelial%20cells_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6359 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3646/3_top_mouse-epithelial-cells-s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cells lining the trachea | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:26 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In this image, viewed with a ZEISS ORION NanoFab microscope, the community of cells lining a mouse airway is magnified more than 10,000 times. This collection of cells, known as the mucociliary escalator, is also found in humans. It is our first line of defense against inhaled bacteria, allergens, pollutants, and debris. Malfunctions in the system can cause or aggravate lung infections and conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The cells shown in gray secrete mucus, which traps inhaled particles. The colored cells sweep the mucus layer out of the lungs. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 3_top_ZEISS_Mouse-Epithelial-Cells.jpg | 3_top_ZEISS_Mouse-Epithelial-Cells_S.jpg | 3_top_ZEISS_Mouse-Epithelial-Cells_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3_top_mouse-epithelial-cells-s_T.jpg |
|  | 6358 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3644/10_zebrafishembryo_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Zebrafish embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:47 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Just 22 hours after fertilization, this zebrafish embryo is already taking shape. By 36 hours, all of the major organs will have started to form. The zebrafish's rapid growth and see-through embryo make it ideal for scientists studying how organs develop. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | development; developmental biology | 10_2_ZebrafishEmbryo.jpg | 10_2_ZebrafishEmbryo_L.jpg | 10_2_ZebrafishEmbryo_M.jpg |  | | |  | 10_zebrafishembryo_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6356 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3641/1c_top_metabolomics-eye_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | A mammalian eye has approximately 70 different cell types | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:08 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The incredible complexity of a mammalian eye (in this case from a mouse) is captured here. Each color represents a different type of cell. In total, there are nearly 70 different cell types, including the retina's many rings and the peach-colored muscle cells clustered on the left. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 1C_top_Metabolomics_eye_300dpi_Bryan_Jones.jpg | 1C_top_Metabolomics_eye_300dpi_Bryan_Jones_L.jpg | 1C_top_Metabolomics_eye_300dpi_Bryan_Jones_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1c_top_metabolomics-eye_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6321 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3639/1b1_cerebellum_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cerebellum: the brain's locomotion control center | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:01 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cerebellum of a mouse is shown here in cross-section. The cerebellum is the brain's locomotion control center. Every time you shoot a basketball, tie your shoe or chop an onion, your cerebellum fires into action. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills. For a higher magnification, see image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3371">3371</a>. <Br><Br>This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 1B1_CEREBELLUM_For_Magnifying.jpg | 1B1_CEREBELLUM_For_Magnifying_L.jpg | 1B1_CEREBELLUM_For_Magnifying_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1b1_cerebellum_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6320 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3638/11B_hiv_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | HIV, the AIDS virus, infecting a human cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:41 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This human T cell (blue) is under attack by HIV (yellow), the virus that causes AIDS. The virus specifically targets T cells, which play a critical role in the body's immune response against invaders like bacteria and viruses. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 11B_4_HIV_2.jpg | 11B_4_HIV_2_L.jpg | 11B_4_HIV_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 11B_hiv_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6317 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3637/Purkinje_Cells_Ma-Vartanian_T.jpg'></DIV> | Purkinje cells are one of the main cell types in the brain | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:35 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image captures Purkinje cells (red), one of the main types of nerve cell found in the brain. These cells have elaborate branching structures called dendrites that receive signals from other nerve cells. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 10_4_Purkinje_Cells_Ma-Vartanian.jpg | 10_4_Purkinje_Cells_Ma-Vartanian_L.jpg | 10_4_Purkinje_Cells_Ma-Vartanian_M.jpg |  | | |  | Purkinje_Cells_Ma-Vartanian_T.jpg |
|  | 6319 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3636/5_bottomleft_cnidaria_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Jellyfish, viewed with ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 microscope | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:06 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Jellyfish are especially good models for studying the evolution of embryonic tissue layers. Despite being primitive, jellyfish have a nervous system (stained green here) and musculature (red). Cell nuclei are stained blue. By studying how tissues are distributed in this simple organism, scientists can learn about the evolution of the shapes and features of diverse animals. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 5_bottomleft_ZEISS_Cnidaria.jpg | 5_bottomleft_ZEISS_Cnidaria_S.jpg | 5_bottomleft_ZEISS_Cnidaria_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_bottomleft_cnidaria_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6314 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3635/9_bottom_Eye_Nerve_cell_Wei_Li_NEI_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | The eye uses many layers of nerve cells to convert light into sight | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:50 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image captures the many layers of nerve cells in the retina. The top layer (green) is made up of cells called photoreceptors that convert light into electrical signals to relay to the brain. The two best-known types of photoreceptor cells are rod- and cone-shaped. Rods help us see under low-light conditions but can't help us distinguish colors. Cones don't function well in the dark but allow us to see vibrant colors in daylight. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 9_bottom_Eye_Nerve_cell_Wei_Li_NEI.jpg | 9_bottom_Eye_Nerve_cell_Wei_Li_NEI_S.jpg | 9_bottom_Eye_Nerve_cell_Wei_Li_NEI_M.jpg |  | | |  | 9_bottom_Eye_Nerve_cell_Wei_Li_NEI_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6315 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3634/5_bottommid_Vesicles-svitkina_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Cells use bubble-like structures called vesicles to transport cargo | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:08 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells use bubble-like structures called vesicles (yellow) to import, transport, and export cargo and in cellular communication. A single cell may be filled with thousands of moving vesicles. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 5_bottommid_Vesicles-svitkina.jpg | 5_bottommid_Vesicles-svitkina_S.jpg | 5_bottommid_Vesicles-svitkina_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_bottommid_Vesicles-svitkina_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6313 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3633/thumb9_2_BloodVesselWalls_Carman_Martinelli_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cells lining the blood vessel walls | No | Photograph | Active | 12/15/2023 8:19 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | The structure of the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that line our arteries and veins, is visible here. The endothelium is like a gatekeeper, controlling the movement of materials into and out of the bloodstream. Endothelial cells are held tightly together by specialized proteins that function like strong ropes (red) and others that act like cement (blue). <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 9_2_BloodVesselWalls_Carman_Martinelli.jpg | 9_2_BloodVesselWalls_Carman_Martinelli_S.jpg | 9_2_BloodVesselWalls_Carman_Martinelli_M.jpg |  | | |  | thumb9_2_BloodVesselWalls_Carman_Martinelli_T.jpg |
|  | 6311 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3632/11B_2developing_nerve_cells_3600x5400_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Developing nerve cells | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:28 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These developing mouse nerve cells have a nucleus (yellow) surrounded by a cell body, with long extensions called axons and thin branching structures called dendrites. Electrical signals travel from the axon of one cell to the dendrites of another.<Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 11B_2developing_nerve_cells_3600x5400.jpg | 11B_2developing_nerve_cells_3600x5400_S.jpg | 11B_2developing_nerve_cells_3600x5400_M.jpg |  | | |  | 11B_2developing_nerve_cells_3600x5400_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6310 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3631/5_topright_Cells_Dividing_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dividing cells showing chromosomes and cell skeleton | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:04 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This pig cell is in the process of dividing. The chromosomes (purple) have already replicated and the duplicates are being pulled apart by fibers of the cell skeleton known as microtubules (green). Studies of cell division yield knowledge that is critical to advancing understanding of many human diseases, including cancer and birth defects. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 5_topright_Cells_Dividing.jpg | 5_topright_Cells_Dividing_S.jpg | 5_topright_Cells_Dividing_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_topright_Cells_Dividing_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6308 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3630/9_3_Three_Muscle_Fibers-Pappas-CMYK_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Three muscle fibers; the middle has a defect found in some neuromuscular diseases | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:51 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Of the three muscle fibers shown here, the one on the right and the one on the left are normal. The middle fiber is deficient a large protein called nebulin (blue). Nebulin plays a number of roles in the structure and function of muscles, and its absence is associated with certain neuromuscular disorders. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 9_3_Three_Muscle_Fibers-Pappas-CMYK.jpg | 9_3_Three_Muscle_Fibers-Pappas-CMYK_S.jpg | 9_3_Three_Muscle_Fibers-Pappas-CMYK_M.jpg |  | | |  | 9_3_Three_Muscle_Fibers-Pappas-CMYK_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6299 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3628/11B_1_skin_cancer_cells_schober_fuchs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Skin cancer cells (squamous cell carcinoma) | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:26 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows the uncontrolled growth of cells in squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer. If caught early, squamous cell carcinoma is usually not life-threatening. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 11B_1_skin_cancer_cells_schober_fuchs.jpg | 11B_1_skin_cancer_cells_schober_fuchs_S.jpg | 11B_1_skin_cancer_cells_schober_fuchs_M.jpg |  | | |  | 11B_1_skin_cancer_cells_schober_fuchs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6298 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3627/8b_larvae_schistosomiasis_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Larvae from the parasitic worm that causes schistosomiasis | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:53 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The parasitic worm that causes schistosomiasis hatches in water and grows up in a freshwater snail, as shown here. Once mature, the worm swims back into the water, where it can infect people through skin contact. Initially, an infected person might have a rash, itchy skin, or flu-like symptoms, but the real damage is done over time to internal organs. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 8B_larvae_schistosomiasis%20(1)%20(1).jpg | 8B_larvae_schistosomiasis_L.jpg | 8B_larvae_schistosomiasis%20(1).jpg |  | | |  | 8b_larvae_schistosomiasis_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6297 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3626/11B_3__Actin_Mitochondria_DNA_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bone cancer cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:38 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows an osteosarcoma cell with DNA in blue, energy factories (mitochondria) in yellow, and actin filaments—part of the cellular skeleton—in purple. One of the few cancers that originate in the bones, osteosarcoma is rare, with about a thousand new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 11B_3__Actin_Mitochondria_DNA.jpg | 11B_3__Actin_Mitochondria_DNA_S.jpg | 11B_3__Actin_Mitochondria_DNA_M.jpg |  | | |  | 11B_3__Actin_Mitochondria_DNA_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6284 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3625/6_lonestar_tick_mouthparts__T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouth parts of a lone star tick | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:58 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The mouth parts of a lone star tick are revealed in vivid detail. The center of the mouth (yellow) is covered with many tiny barbs. These barbs keep the tick securely lodged inside the host while feeding. Lone star ticks are common in wooded areas throughout the central and eastern United States. They can carry disease-causing organisms, but these typically do not include the Lyme disease bacterium. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 6_3_lonestar_tick_mouthparts_8bit.tif | 6_3_lonestar_tick_mouthparts_8bit_L.jpg | 6_3_lonestar_tick_mouthparts_8bit.jpg |  | | |  | 6_lonestar_tick_mouthparts__T.jpg |
|  | 6283 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3624/7_bottomleft__RGB_cells_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Fibroblasts with nuclei in blue, energy factories in green and the actin cytoskeleton in red | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:37 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cells shown here are fibroblasts, one of the most common cells in mammalian connective tissue. These particular cells were taken from a mouse embryo. Scientists used them to test the power of a new microscopy technique that offers vivid views of the inside of a cell. The DNA within the nucleus (blue), mitochondria (green), and actin filaments in the cellular skeleton (red) are clearly visible. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 7_bottomleft_.jpg | 7_bottomleft__L.jpg | 7_bottomleft__M.jpg |  | | |  | 7_bottomleft__RGB_cells_thumb.jpg |
|  | 6281 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3622/9_top_mouse_skin_cancer_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Skin cancer cells from a mouse show how cells attach at contact points | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:28 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These skin cancer cells come from a mouse, an animal commonly used to study human diseases (including many types of cancer) and to test the effectiveness of drugs. The two cells shown here are connected by actin (green), a protein in the cellular skeleton. Although actin is required by many cells for normal movement, it also enables cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 9_top_mouse_skin_cancer.tif | 9_top_mouse_skin_cancer_L.jpg | 9_top_mouse_skin_cancer.jpg |  | | |  | 9_top_mouse_skin_cancer_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6252 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3621/6_q_fever_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Q fever bacteria in an infected cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:45 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows Q fever bacteria (yellow), which infect cows, sheep, and goats around the world and can infect humans, as well. When caught early, Q fever can be cured with antibiotics. A small fraction of people can develop a more serious, chronic form of the disease. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 6_1_a_Q_Fever_1.tif | 6_1_a_Q_Fever_1_L.jpg | 6_1_a_Q_Fever_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 6_q_fever_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6250 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3620/7_left_hayden_anglerfishova_T.jpg'></DIV> | Anglerfish ovary cross-section | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:30 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image captures the spiral-shaped ovary of an anglerfish in cross-section. Once matured, these eggs will be released in a gelatinous, floating mass. For some species of anglerfish, this egg mass can be up to 3 feet long and include nearly 200,000 eggs. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 7_left_Hayden_AnglerfishOvary4X.tif | 7_left_Hayden_AnglerfishOvary4X_L.jpg | 7_left_Hayden_AnglerfishOvary4X_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7_left_hayden_anglerfishova_T.jpg |
|  | 6249 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3619/7_topleft_ebola-zebov_vero__T.jpg'></DIV> | String-like Ebola virus peeling off an infected cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:33 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | After multiplying inside a host cell, the stringlike Ebola virus is emerging to infect more cells. Ebola is a rare, often fatal disease that occurs primarily in tropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa. The virus is believed to spread to humans through contact with wild animals, especially fruit bats. It can be transmitted between one person and another through bodily fluids. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | 7_topleft_Ebola_2-ZEBOV_Vero_E6_ATCC_72h_m021.tif | 7_topleft_Ebola_2-ZEBOV_Vero_E6_ATCC_72h_m021_L.jpg | 7_topleft_Ebola_2-ZEBOV_Vero_E6_ATCC_72h_m021_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7_topleft_ebola-zebov_vero__T.jpg |
|  | 6248 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3618/1C_bottom_Ear_Hair_Cells_small_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hair cells: the sound-sensing cells in the ear | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:48 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These cells get their name from the hairlike structures that extend from them into the fluid-filled tube of the inner ear. When sound reaches the ear, the hairs bend and the cells convert this movement into signals that are relayed to the brain. When we pump up the music in our cars or join tens of thousands of cheering fans at a football stadium, the noise can make the hairs bend so far that they actually break, resulting in long-term hearing loss. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Structure, deaf, deafness | 1C_bottom_Ear_Hair_Cells.jpg | 1C_bottom_Ear_Hair_Cells_L.jpg | 1C_bottom_Ear_Hair_Cells_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1C_bottom_Ear_Hair_Cells_small_T.jpg |
|  | 6247 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3617/5_right_cell_keep_shape_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cells keep their shape with actin filaments and microtubules | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:18 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows a normal fibroblast, a type of cell that is common in connective tissue and frequently studied in research labs. This cell has a healthy skeleton composed of actin (red) and microtubles (green). Actin fibers act like muscles to create tension and microtubules act like bones to withstand compression. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Structure, system | 5_right_Cell_keep_their_shape_with_actin_and_microtubules.jpg | 5_right_Cell_keep_their_shape_with_actin_and_microtubules_L.jpg | 5_right_Cell_keep_their_shape_with_actin_and_microtubules_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_right_cell_keep_shape_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6246 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3616/10_grasshopper_ovary_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Weblike sheath covering developing egg chambers in a giant grasshopper | No | Photograph | Active | 5/23/2024 2:19 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | The lubber grasshopper, found throughout the southern United States, is frequently used in biology classes to teach students about the respiratory system of insects. Unlike mammals, which have red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, insects have breathing tubes that carry air through their exoskeleton directly to where it's needed. This image shows the breathing tubes embedded in the weblike sheath cells that cover developing egg chambers. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Structure, insect | 10_3_grasshopper-ovary-Edwards-3000px.jpg | 10_3_grasshopper-ovary-Edwards-3000px_L.jpg | 10_3_grasshopper-ovary-Edwards-3000px_M.jpg |  | | |  | 10_grasshopper_ovary_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6202 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3615/5_left_insect_trachea_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | An insect tracheal cell delivers air to muscles | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:52 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Insects like the fruit fly use an elaborate network of branching tubes called trachea (green) to transport oxygen throughout their bodies. Fruit flies have been used in biomedical research for more than 100 years and remain one of the most frequently studied model organisms. They have a large percentage of genes in common with us, including hundreds of genes that are associated with human diseases. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | structure, drosophila | 5_left_Insect_tracheal_cell.jpg | 5_left_Insect_tracheal_cell_L.jpg | 5_left_Insect_tracheal_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_left_insect_trachea_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6200 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3614/5_topleft_yeastbirth_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Birth of a yeast cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:51 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Yeast make bread, beer, and wine. And like us, yeast can reproduce sexually. A mother and father cell fuse and create one large cell that contains four offspring. When environmental conditions are favorable, the offspring are released, as shown here. Yeast are also a popular study subject for scientists. Research on yeast has yielded vast knowledge about basic cellular and molecular biology as well as about myriad human diseases, including colon cancer and various metabolic disorders. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | 3D, reproduction, sex | 5_topleft_YeastBirth.jpg | 5_topleft_YeastBirth_L.jpg | 5_topleft_YeastBirth_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_topleft_yeastbirth_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6199 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3613/5_bottomrt_cells-spikey_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Abnormal, spiky fibroblast | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:13 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a fibroblast, a connective tissue cell that plays an important role in wound healing. Normal fibroblasts have smooth edges. In contrast, this spiky cell is missing a protein that is necessary for proper construction of the cell's skeleton. Its jagged shape makes it impossible for the cell to move normally. In addition to compromising wound healing, abnormal cell movement can lead to birth defects, faulty immune function, and other health problems. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | deformed cell, weird shaped cell | 5_bottomright_Cells_spikey.jpg | 5_bottomright_Cells_spikey_L.jpg | 5_bottomright_Cells_spikey_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_bottomrt_cells-spikey_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6201 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3612/anthrax-T.jpg'></DIV> | Anthrax bacteria (green) being swallowed by an immune system cell | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:46 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Multiple anthrax bacteria (green) being enveloped by an immune system cell (purple). Anthrax bacteria live in soil and form dormant spores that can survive for decades. When animals eat or inhale these spores, the bacteria activate and rapidly increase in number. Today, a highly effective and widely used vaccine has made the disease uncommon in domesticated animals and rare in humans. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | single-cell, human body | 9_1_Anthrax_and_immune_cell.jpg | 9_1_Anthrax_and_immune_cell_L.jpg | 9_1_Anthrax_and_immune_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | anthrax-T.jpg |
|  | 6198 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3611/7_bottomright_tiny_strands__T.jpg'></DIV> | Tiny strands of tubulin, a protein in a cell's skeleton | No | Photograph | Active | 7/20/2023 8:28 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Just as our bodies rely on bones for structural support, our cells rely on a cellular skeleton. In addition to helping cells keep their shape, this cytoskeleton transports material within cells and coordinates cell division. One component of the cytoskeleton is a protein called tubulin, shown here as thin strands. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Celluar structure, skeleton, | 7_bottomright_Tiny_strands_of_tubulin_proteins.jpg | 7_bottomright_Tiny_strands_of_tubulin_proteins_L.jpg | 7_bottomright_Tiny_strands_of_tubulin_proteins_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7_bottomright_tiny_strands__T.jpg |
|  | 6197 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3610/1b3_human-hepatocyte_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human liver cell (hepatocyte) | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:07 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Hepatocytes, like the one shown here, are the most abundant type of cell in the human liver. They play an important role in building proteins; producing bile, a liquid that aids in digesting fats; and chemically processing molecules found normally in the body, like hormones, as well as foreign substances like medicines and alcohol. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Organ, human body | 1B3_Human_Hepatocyte.jpg | 1B3_Human_Hepatocyte_L.jpg | 1B3_Human_Hepatocyte_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1b3_human-hepatocyte_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6196 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3609/6_pollen_grains_yellow_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pollen grains: male germ cells in plants and a cause of seasonal allergies | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:44 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Those of us who get sneezy and itchy-eyed every spring or fall may have pollen grains, like those shown here, to blame. Pollen grains are the male germ cells of plants, released to fertilize the corresponding female plant parts. When they are instead inhaled into human nasal passages, they can trigger allergies. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Allergy, structure, sex | 6_2_pollen-grains-yellow.jpg | 6_2_pollen-grains-yellow_L.jpg | 6_2_pollen-grains-yellow_M.jpg |  | | |  | 6_pollen_grains_yellow_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6195 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3607/4_Montell.Blue_Ovary_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly ovary | No | Photograph | Active | 10/18/2023 10:55 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A fruit fly ovary, shown here, contains as many as 20 eggs. Fruit flies are not merely tiny insects that buzz around overripe fruit—they are a venerable scientific tool. Research on the flies has shed light on many aspects of human biology, including biological rhythms, learning, memory, and neurodegenerative diseases. Another reason fruit flies are so useful in a lab (and so successful in fruit bowls) is that they reproduce rapidly. About three generations can be studied in a single month. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href="/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3656" target=_blank>3656</a>. This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | drosophila | 4_Montell.Blue_Ovary.jpg | 4_Montell.Blue_Ovary_S.jpg | 4_Montell.Blue_Ovary_M.jpg |  | | |  | 4_Montell.Blue_Ovary_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6193 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3606/5_topmid_flower_cell_plan_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Flower-forming cells in a small plant related to cabbage (Arabidopsis) | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:02 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In plants, as in animals, stem cells can transform into a variety of different cell types. The stem cells at the growing tip of this Arabidopsis plant will soon become flowers. Arabidopsis is frequently studied by cellular and molecular biologists because it grows rapidly (its entire life cycle is only 6 weeks), produces lots of seeds, and has a genome that is easy to manipulate. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Structure | 5_topmid_Flower_cell_plant.jpg | 5_topmid_Flower_cell_plant_L.jpg | 5_topmid_Flower_cell_plant_M.jpg |  | | |  | 5_topmid_flower_cell_plan_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6192 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3604/10_alzheimerbrain_s_T.jpg'></DIV> | Brain showing hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:23 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Along with blood vessels (red) and nerve cells (green), this mouse brain shows abnormal protein clumps known as plaques (blue). These plaques multiply in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease and are associated with the memory impairment characteristic of the disease. Because mice have genomes nearly identical to our own, they are used to study both the genetic and environmental factors that trigger Alzheimer's disease. Experimental treatments are also tested in mice to identify the best potential therapies for human patients. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | illness, structure, | 10_1_AlzheimerBrain_CR_2_.jpg | 10_1_AlzheimerBrain_CR_2__L.jpg | 10_1_AlzheimerBrain_CR_2__M.jpg |  | | |  | 10_alzheimerbrain_s_T.jpg |
|  | 6194 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3603/3603_7_topright_T.jpg'></DIV> | Salivary gland in the developing fruit fly | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:36 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | For fruit flies, the salivary gland is used to secrete materials for making the pupal case, the protective enclosure in which a larva transforms into an adult fly. For scientists, this gland provided one of the earliest glimpses into the genetic differences between individuals within a species. Chromosomes in the cells of these salivary glands replicate thousands of times without dividing, becoming so huge that scientists can easily view them under a microscope and see differences in genetic content between individuals. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Life Magnified, model, drosophila | 7_topright_Salivary-Fehon.jpg | 3603_7_topright_S.jpg | 7_topright_Salivary-Fehon_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3603_7_topright_T.jpg |
|  | 6124 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3600/7_right_Fat_cells_and_blood_vessel_34in_Malide_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fat cells (red) and blood vessels (green) | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 3:43 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A mouse's fat cells (red) are shown surrounded by a network of blood vessels (green). Fat cells store and release energy, protect organs and nerve tissues, insulate us from the cold, and help us absorb important vitamins. <br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | 3D model, structure | 7_right_Fat_cells_and_blood_vessel_34in_Malide_H.jpg | 7_right_Fat_cells_and_blood_vessel_34in_Malide_S.jpg | 7_right_Fat_cells_and_blood_vessel_34in_Malide_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7_right_Fat_cells_and_blood_vessel_34in_Malide_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6123 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3599/3_bottom_skin_cell_small_T.jpg'></DIV> | Skin cell (keratinocyte) | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 4:45 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This normal human skin cell was treated with a growth factor that triggered the formation of specialized protein structures that enable the cell to move. We depend on cell movement for such basic functions as wound healing and launching an immune response. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | colorful | 3_bottom_skin_cell_3600x5400_H.jpg | 3_bottom_skin_cell_3600x5400_L.jpg | 3_bottom_skin_cell_3600x5400_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3_bottom_skin_cell_small_T.jpg |
|  | 6122 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3598/11A_zebrafish_fin_plavicki__T.jpg'></DIV> | Developing zebrafish fin | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:23 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Originally from the waters of India, Nepal, and neighboring countries, zebrafish can now be found swimming in science labs (and home aquariums) throughout the world. This fish is a favorite study subject for scientists interested in how genes guide the early stages of prenatal development (including the developing fin shown here) and in the effects of environmental contamination on embryos.<Br><Br> In this image, green fluorescent protein (GFP) is expressed where the gene sox9b is expressed. Collagen (red) marks the fin rays, and DNA, stained with a dye called DAPI, is in blue. sox9b plays many important roles during development, including the building of the heart and brain, and is also necessary for skeletal development. At the University of Wisconsin, researchers have found that exposure to contaminants that bind the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor results in the downregulation of sox9b. Loss of sox9b severely disrupts development in zebrafish and causes a life-threatening disorder called campomelic dysplasia (CD) in humans. CD is characterized by cardiovascular, neural, and skeletal defects. By studying the roles of genes such as sox9b in zebrafish, scientists hope to better understand normal development in humans as well as how to treat developmental disorders and diseases.<Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | colorful, life magnified, structure | 11A_zebrafish%20fin2_Plavicki_H.jpg | 11A_zebrafish_fin2_Plavick_medi_L.jpg | 11A_zebrafish_fin2_Plavick_medi_M.jpg |  | | |  | 11A_zebrafish_fin_plavicki__T.jpg |
|  | 6121 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3597/3597_DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC_T.jpg'></DIV> | DNA replication origin recognition complex (ORC) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/8/2024 9:27 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A study published in March 2012 used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the DNA replication origin recognition complex (ORC), a semi-circular, protein complex (yellow) that recognizes and binds DNA to start the replication process. The ORC appears to wrap around and bend approximately 70 base pairs of double stranded DNA (red and blue). Also shown is the protein Cdc6 (green), which is also involved in the initiation of DNA replication. Related to video <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3307">3307</a> that shows the structure from different angles. From a Brookhaven National Laboratory <a href=" https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=111391" target="_blank">news release</a>, "Study Reveals How Protein Machinery Binds and Wraps DNA to Start Replication." | | 3D, structure | DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC_.JPG | 3597_DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC_S.jpg | DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC__M.JPG |  | | |  | 3597_DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC_T.jpg |
|  | 6119 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3596/3596_09-02-18-31_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Heart rates time series image | No | Photograph | Active | 2/16/2021 5:15 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These time series show the heart rates of four different individuals. Automakers use steel scraps to build cars, construction companies repurpose tires to lay running tracks, and now scientists are reusing previously discarded medical data to better understand our complex physiology. Through a website called PhysioNet developed in part by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center cardiologist Ary Goldberger, scientists can access complete physiologic recordings, such as heart rate, respiration, brain activity and gait. They then can use free software to analyze the data and find patterns in it. The patterns could ultimately help health care professionals diagnose and treat health conditions like congestive heart failure, sleeping disorders, epilepsy and walking problems. PhysioNet is supported by NIH's National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering as well as by NIGMS. | | technology, chart, graph, data analysis | 3596_09-02-18-31.jpg | 3596_09-02-18-31_S.jpg | 3596_09-02-18-31_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3596_09-02-18-31_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6120 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3594/FlyCellsLive_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fly cells | No | Photograph | Active | 10/19/2020 2:17 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a movie worth? For researchers studying cell migration, a "documentary" of fruit fly cells (bright green) traversing an egg chamber could answer longstanding questions about cell movement. See <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2315">2315</a> for video. | | celluar movement, | FlyCellsLive.jpg | FlyCellsLive_L.jpg | FlyCellsLive_M.jpg |  | | |  | FlyCellsLive_T.jpg |
|  | 6115 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3593/3593_Isolated_Planarian_T.jpg'></DIV> | Isolated Planarian Pharynx | No | Photograph | Active | 10/19/2020 2:12 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The feeding tube, or pharynx, of a planarian worm with cilia shown in red and muscle fibers shown in green | | structure | Isolated_Planarian_Pharynx.jpg | 3593_Isolated_Planarian_S.jpg | Isolated_Planarian_Pharynx_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3593_Isolated_Planarian_T.jpg |
|  | 6114 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3592/3592_Math_from_the_heart_T.jpg'></DIV> | Math from the heart | No | Video | Active | 10/19/2020 2:08 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Watch a cell ripple toward a beam of light that turns on a movement-related protein. | | video, technology, stent | Math_from_the_heart.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3592_Math_from_the_heart_T.jpg |
|  | 6116 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3590/spermatids_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Fruit fly spermatids | No | Photograph | Active | 8/23/2023 10:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Developing spermatids (precursors of mature sperm cells) begin as small, round cells and mature into long-tailed, tadpole-shaped ones. In the sperm cell's head is the cell nucleus; in its tail is the power to outswim thousands of competitors to fertilize an egg. As seen in this microscopy image, fruit fly spermatids start out as groups of interconnected cells. A small lipid molecule called PIP2 helps spermatids tell their heads from their tails. Here, PIP2 (red) marks the nuclei and a cell skeleton-building protein called tubulin (green) marks the tails. When PIP2 levels are too low, some spermatids get mixed up and grow with their heads at the wrong end. Because sperm development is similar across species, studies in fruit flies could help researchers understand male infertility in humans. | | fertility, structure, Grant 2R01GM062276 | Fabian_et_al-cover_pic_1-RGB2.jpg | Fabian_et_al-cover_pic_1-RGB2_S.jpg | Fabian_et_al-cover_pic_1-RGB2_M.jpg |  | | |  | spermatids_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6106 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3586/Relapsing_fever_rbc-hermsii-sem_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human blood cells with Borrelia hermsii, a bacterium that causes relapsing fever | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 1:58 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Relapsing fever is caused by a bacterium and transmitted by certain soft-bodied ticks or body lice. The disease is seldom fatal in humans, but it can be very serious and prolonged. This scanning electron micrograph shows <em>Borrelia hermsii</em> (green), one of the bacterial species that causes the disease, interacting with red blood cells. Micrograph by Robert Fischer, NIAID. <br></br> For more information on this see, <a href=" https://www.cdc.gov/relapsing-fever/index.html">relapsing fever.</a><br></br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Life magnified, structure, bacteria, | Relapsing_fever_rbc-hermsii-sem.jpg | Relapsing_fever_rbc-hermsii-sem_L.jpg | Relapsing_fever_rbc-hermsii-sem_M.jpg |  | | |  | Relapsing_fever_rbc-hermsii-sem_T.jpg |
|  | 6109 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3585/1A_relapsing_fever_gray_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Relapsing fever bacterium (gray) and red blood cells | No | Photograph | Inactive | 10/5/2020 12:28 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Relapsing fever is caused by a bacterium and transmitted by certain soft-bodied ticks or body lice. The disease is seldom fatal in humans, but it can be very serious and prolonged. This scanning electron micrograph shows Borrelia hermsii (green), one of the bacterial species that causes the disease, interacting with red blood cells. Micrograph by Robert Fischer, NIAID. Related to <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3586">image 3586</a>. <br />For more information about relapsing fever, see <a href=" https://www.cdc.gov/relapsing-fever/index.html"> https://www.cdc.gov/relapsing-fever/index.html</a>.<br /> This image is part of the Life: Magnified collection, which was displayed in the Gateway Gallery at Washington Dulles International Airport June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015. To see all 46 images in this exhibit, go to <a href=" https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/life-magnified/Pages/default.aspx"> https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/life-magnified/Pages/default.aspx</a> | | Life Magnified, structure, bacteria | 1A_relapsing_fever_gray.jpg | 1A_relapsing_fever_gray_S.jpg | 1A_relapsing_fever_gray_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1A_relapsing_fever_gray_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6107 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3584/Carragher_Rota_Virus_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Rotavirus structure | No | Illustration | Active | 2/28/2024 11:48 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows a computer-generated, three-dimensional map of the rotavirus structure. This virus infects humans and other animals and causes severe diarrhea in infants and young children. By the age of five, almost every child in the world has been infected with this virus at least once. Scientists have found a vaccine against rotavirus, so in the United States there are very few fatalities, but in developing countries and in places where the vaccine is unavailable, this virus is responsible for more than 200,000 deaths each year.<Br><Br> The rotavirus comprises three layers: the outer, middle and inner layers. On infection, the outer layer is removed, leaving behind a "double-layered particle." Researchers have studied the structure of this double-layered particle with a transmission electron microscope. Many images of the virus at a magnification of ~50,000x were acquired, and computational analysis was used to combine the individual particle images into a three-dimensional reconstruction. <Br><Br>The image was rendered by Melody Campbell (PhD student at TSRI). Work that led to the 3D map was published in Campbell et al. Movies of ice-embedded particles enhance resolution in electron cryo-microscopy. Structure. 2012;20(11):1823-8. PMCID: PMC3510009. <Br><Br>This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Life Magnified, structure, 3d | Carragher_Rota_Virus.jpg | Carragher_Rota_Virus_S.jpg | Carragher_Rota_Virus_M.jpg |  | | |  | Carragher_Rota_Virus_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6104 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3583/3583_Bee_venom_toxin_destroying_a_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bee venom toxin destroying a cell | No | Video | Active | 10/5/2020 11:02 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This video condenses 6.5 minutes into less than a minute to show how the toxin in bee venom, called melittin, destroys an animal or bacterial cell. What looks like a red balloon is an artificial cell filled with red dye. Melittin molecules are colored green and float on the cell's surface like twigs on a pond. As melittin accumulates on the cell's membrane, the membrane expands to accommodate it. In the video, the membrane stretches into a column on the left. When melittin levels reach a critical threshold, countless pinhole leaks burst open in the membrane. The cell's vital fluids (red dye in the video) leak out through these pores. Within minutes, the cell collapses. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2013/09/cool-video-how-bee-venom-toxin-kills-cells/" target=_blank>Biomedical Beat Blog posting</a> from September 2013. | | celluar structure | Bee_venom_toxin_destroying_a_cell.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3583_Bee_venom_toxin_destroying_a_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 6111 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3580/V_T._cholerae_biofilms_32.jpg'></DIV> | V. Cholerae Biofilm | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 2:16 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Structures | V._cholerae_biofilms_32.jpg | V_L._cholerae_biofilms_32.jpg | V_M._cholerae_biofilms_32.jpg |  | | |  | V_T._cholerae_biofilms_32.jpg |
|  | 6118 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3576/Yersina_pestis_1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Bubonic plague bacteria on part of the digestive system in a rat flea | No | Photograph | Active | 11/28/2022 4:43 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Here, bubonic plague bacteria (yellow) are shown in the digestive system of a rat flea (purple). The bubonic plague killed a third of Europeans in the mid-14th century. Today, it is still active in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, with as many as 2,000 people infected worldwide each year. If caught early, bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics. <Br><Br> This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Life Magnified, 3d, colorful | Yersina_pestis_1_H.jpg | Yersina_pestis_1_L.jpg | Yersina_pestis_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Yersina_pestis_1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6113 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3574/Kornberg_cytonemes_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cytonemes in developing fruit fly cells | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:54 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Scientists have long known that multicellular organisms use biological molecules produced by one cell and sensed by another to transmit messages that, for instance, guide proper development of organs and tissues. But it's been a puzzle as to how molecules dumped out into the fluid-filled spaces between cells can precisely home in on their targets. Using living tissue from fruit flies, a team led by Thomas Kornberg of the University of California, San Francisco, has shown that typical cells in animals can talk to each other via long, thin cell extensions called cytonemes (Latin for "cell threads") that may span the length of 50 or 100 cells. The point of contact between a cytoneme and its target cell acts as a communications bridge between the two cells. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2014/02/animal-cells-reach-out-and-touch-to-communicate/" target=_blank>Biomedical Beat </a>Blog posting from February 2014. | | strcture | Kornberg_cytonemes.jpg | Kornberg_cytonemes_L.jpg | Kornberg_cytonemes_M.jpg |  | | |  | Kornberg_cytonemes_T.jpg |
|  | 6103 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3573/3573_Disney_acsimage_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Myotonic dystrophy type 2 genetic defect | No | Illustration | Active | 10/5/2020 1:50 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure, model, 3d | Disney_acsimage.jpg | 3573_Disney_acsimage_S.jpg | Disney_acsimage_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3573_Disney_acsimage_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6108 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3571/HIV_in_colon_thumb_T.jpg'></DIV> | HIV-1 virus in the colon | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:45 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A tomographic reconstruction of the colon shows the location of large pools of HIV-1 virus particles (in blue) located in the spaces between adjacent cells. The purple objects within each sphere represent the conical cores that are one of the structural hallmarks of the HIV virus. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.ppat.1003899" target=_blank>PLOS Pathogens</a> article from January 30, 2014. | | structure, organ | HIV_in_colon.jpg | HIV_in_colon_L.jpg | HIV_in_colon_M.jpg |  | | |  | HIV_in_colon_thumb_T.jpg |
|  | 6019 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3567/RSV-infected_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | RSV-Infected Cell | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:40 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure, colorful | RSV-infected_cell.jpg | RSV-infected_cell_L.jpg | RSV-infected_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | RSV-infected_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 6020 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3566/mazmanian_mouse_colon4_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse colon with gut bacteria | No | Illustration | Active | 3/19/2021 4:28 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A section of mouse colon with gut bacteria (center, in green) residing within a protective pocket. Understanding how microorganisms colonize the gut could help devise ways to correct for abnormal changes in bacterial communities that are associated with disorders like inflammatory bowel disease. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2013/09/how-some-bacteria-colonize-the-gut/" target=_blank>Biomedical Beat Blog</a> posting from September 2013. | | structure, colorful | mazmanian_mouse_colon4.jpg | mazmanian_mouse_colon4_L.jpg | mazmanian_mouse_colon4_M.jpg |  | | |  | mazmanian_mouse_colon4_T.jpg |
|  | 6021 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3565/kidney_podocyte_T.jpg'></DIV> | Podocytes from a chronically diseased kidney | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:33 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | kidney_podocyte.jpg | kidney_podocyte_L.jpg | kidney_podocyte_M.jpg |  | | |  | kidney_podocyte_T.jpg |
|  | 6018 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3559/Poss-zebrafish-04_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bioluminescent imaging in adult zebrafish 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:27 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | aniaml, fish, organism | Poss-zebrafish-04.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-04_L.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-04_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poss-zebrafish-04_T.jpg |
|  | 6017 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3558/Poss-zebrafish-03_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bioluminescent imaging in adult zebrafish - lateral view | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:23 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | animal, fish, organism | Poss-zebrafish-03.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-03_L.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-03_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poss-zebrafish-03_T.jpg |
|  | 6016 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3557/Poss-zebrafish-02_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bioluminescent imaging in adult zebrafish - overhead view | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:19 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | animal, fish, organism | Poss-zebrafish-02.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-02_L.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-02_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poss-zebrafish-02_T.jpg |
|  | 6015 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3556/Poss-zebrafish-01_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bioluminescent imaging in adult zebrafish - lateral and overhead view | No | Photograph | Active | 10/5/2020 1:20 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | animal, fish, organism | Poss-zebrafish-01.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-01_L.jpg | Poss-zebrafish-01_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poss-zebrafish-01_T.jpg |
|  | 6014 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3550/Eide-zinc_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Protein clumping in zinc-deficient yeast cells | No | Photograph | Active | 1/15/2021 12:09 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The green spots in this image are clumps of protein inside yeast cells that are deficient in both zinc and a protein called Tsa1 that prevents clumping. Protein clumping plays a role in many diseases, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, where proteins clump together in the brain. Zinc deficiency within a cell can cause proteins to mis-fold and eventually clump together. Normally, in yeast, Tsa1 codes for so-called "chaperone proteins" which help proteins in stressed cells, such as those with a zinc deficiency, fold correctly. The research behind this image was published in 2013 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. | | sickness, minerals | Eide-zinc.jpg | Eide-zinc_S.jpg | Eide-zinc_M.jpg |  | | |  | Eide-zinc_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6013 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3549/tonb_klebba_T.jpg'></DIV> | TonB protein in gram-negative bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 9/27/2020 1:01 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The green in this image highlights a protein called TonB, which is produced by many gram-negative bacteria, including those that cause typhoid fever, meningitis and dysentery. TonB lets bacteria take up iron from the host's body, which they need to survive. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2013/08/cool-image-tiny-bacterial-motor/">Biomedical Beat Blog posting</a> from August 2013. | | cells, | tonb_klebba.jpg | tonb_klebba_L.jpg | tonb_klebba_M.jpg |  | | |  | tonb_klebba_T.jpg |
|  | 6009 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3547/VIP_protein_color_T.jpg'></DIV> | Master clock of the mouse brain | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2022 8:40 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | An image of the area of the mouse brain that serves as the 'master clock,' which houses the brain's time-keeping neurons. The nuclei of the clock cells are shown in blue. A small molecule called VIP, shown in green, enables neurons in the central clock in the mammalian brain to synchronize. | | circadian rhythm | VIP_protein_color.jpg | VIP_protein_color_L.jpg | VIP_protein_color_M.jpg |  | | |  | VIP_protein_color_T.jpg |
|  | 6010 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3546/3546_balch_TMEM24_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Insulin and protein interact in pancreatic beta cells | No | Photograph | Active | 2/11/2021 4:04 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A large number of proteins interact with the hormone insulin as it is produced in and secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas. In this image, the interactions of TMEM24 protein (green) and insulin (red) in pancreatic beta cells are shown in yellow. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2013/11/mapping-approach-yields-insulin-secretion-pathway-insights/">Biomedical Beat Blog</a> posting from November 2013. | | imaging | balch_TMEM24.tif | 3546_balch_TMEM24_S.jpg | balch_TMEM24_M.tif |  | | |  | 3546_balch_TMEM24_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 6011 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3542/3542beta-sheets-hi.jpg_T.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of amyloid-forming prion protein | No | Illustration | Active | 9/27/2020 12:45 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D | beta-sheets-hi.jpg | 3542beta-sheets-hi.jpg_S.jpg | beta-sheets-hi_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3542beta-sheets-hi.jpg_T.jpg |
|  | 6012 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3541/3541_Kabeche__cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell in two stages of division | No | Photograph | Active | 9/27/2020 12:41 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows a cell in two stages of division: prometaphase (top) and metaphase (bottom). To form identical daughter cells, chromosome pairs (blue) separate via the attachment of microtubules made up of tubulin proteins (pink) to specialized structures on centromeres (green). | | Structure | Kabeche__cell_division.tif | 3541_Kabeche__cell_S.jpg | Kabeche__cell_division_M.tif |  | | |  | 3541_Kabeche__cell_T.jpg |
|  | 6007 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3540/Heme_sideview_T.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of heme, side view | No | Illustration | Active | 9/27/2020 12:37 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D | Heme_sideview.jpg | Heme_sideview_L.jpg | Heme_sideview_M.jpg |  | | |  | Heme_sideview_T.jpg |
|  | 6006 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3539/Heme_topview_T.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of heme, top view | No | Illustration | Active | 9/27/2020 12:35 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D | Heme_topview.jpg | Heme_topview_L.jpg | Heme_topview_M.jpg |  | | |  | Heme_topview_T.jpg |
|  | 6000 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3530/Lorsch1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Lorsch Swearing In | No | Photograph | Active | 9/27/2020 12:13 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Jon Lorsch at his swearing in as NIGMS director in August 2013. Also shown are Francis Collins, NIH Director, and Judith Greenberg, former NIGMS Acting Director. | | doctors, scientist | Lorsch1.jpg | Lorsch1_L.jpg | Lorsch1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Lorsch1_T.jpg |
|  | 6004 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3527/Mazmanian_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacteria in the mouse colon | No | Photograph | Active | 9/27/2020 12:11 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Image of the colon of a mouse mono-colonized with <i>Bacteroides fragilis</i> (red) residing within the crypt channel. The red staining is due to an antibody to <i>B. fragilis</i>, the green staining is a general dye for the mouse cells (phalloidin, which stains F-actin) and the light blue glow is from a dye for visualizing the mouse cell nuclei (DAPI, which stains DNA). Bacteria from the human microbiome have evolved specific molecules to physically associate with host tissue, conferring resilience and stability during life-long colonization of the gut. Image is featured in October 2015 Biomedical Beat blog post <a href=" http://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/2015/10/cool-images-a-halloween-inspired-cell-collection/" target="_">Cool Images: A Halloween-Inspired Cell Collection</a>. | | animal | Mazmanian.jpg | Mazmanian_L.jpg | Mazmanian_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mazmanian_T.jpg |
|  | 6001 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3526/Asokan_magnet1_T.jpg'></DIV> | 800 MHz NMR magnet | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:52 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Scientists use nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (NMR) to determine the detailed, 3D structures of molecules. | | device | Asokan_magnet1.jpg | Asokan_magnet1_L.jpg | Asokan_magnet1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Asokan_magnet1_T.jpg |
|  | 6002 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3525/Keiler_color_5-20131_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacillus anthracis being killed | No | Photograph | Active | 11/13/2020 12:05 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | <em>Bacillus anthracis</em> (anthrax) cells being killed by a fluorescent <em>trans</em>-translation inhibitor, which disrupts bacterial protein synthesis. The inhibitor is naturally fluorescent and looks blue when it is excited by ultraviolet light in the microscope. This is a color version of <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3481">Image 3481</a>. | | spores | Keiler_color_5-20131.jpg | Keiler_color_5-20131_L.jpg | Keiler_color_5-20131_M.jpg |  | | |  | Keiler_color_5-20131_T.jpg |
|  | 6003 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3522/HeLa_cells_1_T.jpg'></DIV> | HeLa cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:38 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D, structure | HeLa_cells_1.jpg | HeLa_cells_1_L.jpg | HeLa_cells_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | HeLa_cells_1_T.jpg |
|  | 5999 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3521/HeLa_cells_2_T.jpg'></DIV> | HeLa cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:39 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D, structure | HeLa_cells_2.jpg | HeLa_cells_2_L.jpg | HeLa_cells_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | HeLa_cells_2_T.jpg |
|  | 5921 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3520/HeLa_cells_3_T.jpg'></DIV> | HeLa cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:31 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D, structure | HeLa_cells_3.jpg | HeLa_cells_3_L.jpg | HeLa_cells_3_M.jpg |  | | |  | HeLa_cells_3_T.jpg |
|  | 5920 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3519/HeLa_cells_4_T.jpg'></DIV> | HeLa cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:30 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D, structure | HeLa_cells_4.jpg | HeLa_cells_4_L.jpg | HeLa_cells_4_M.jpg |  | | |  | HeLa_cells_4_T.jpg |
|  | 5919 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3518/HeLaV_T.jpg'></DIV> | HeLa cells | No | Photograph | Active | 9/26/2020 11:27 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | 3D, structure | HeLaV.jpg | HeLaV_L.jpg | HeLaV_M.jpg |  | | |  | HeLaV_T.jpg |
|  | 5916 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3509/3509_Arnold_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neuron with labeled synapses | No | Photograph | Active | 3/1/2024 9:07 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | In this image, recombinant probes known as FingRs (Fibronectin Intrabodies Generated by mRNA display) were expressed in a cortical neuron, where they attached fluorescent proteins to either PSD95 (green) or Gephyrin (red). PSD-95 is a marker for synaptic strength at excitatory postsynaptic sites, and Gephyrin plays a similar role at inhibitory postsynaptic sites. Thus, using FingRs it is possible to obtain a map of synaptic connections onto a particular neuron in a living cell in real time.
| | structure | Arnold_neuron.jpg | 3509_Arnold_S.jpg | Arnold_neuron_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3509_Arnold_T.jpg |
|  | 5917 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3500/Steller4_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Wound healing in process | No | Photograph | Active | 9/10/2020 11:29 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | Steller4.jpg | Steller4_S.jpg | Steller4_M.jpg |  | | |  | Steller4_thumb.jpg |
|  | 5918 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3499/Steller3_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Growing hair follicle stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 5/23/2022 8:40 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Wound healing requires the action of stem cells. In mice that lack the Sept2/ARTS gene, stem cells involved in wound healing live longer and wounds heal faster and more thoroughly than in normal mice. This confocal microscopy image from a mouse lacking the Sept2/ARTS gene shows a tail wound in the process of healing. Cell nuclei are in blue. Red and orange mark hair follicle stem cells (hair follicle stem cells activate to cause hair regrowth, which indicates healing). See more information in the article in <a href=" http://www.sciencemag.org/content/341/6143/286.abstract">Science</a>. | | structure | Steller3.jpg | Steller3_S.jpg | Steller3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Steller3_thumb.jpg |
|  | 5915 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3498/Steller22_T.jpg'></DIV> | Wound healing in process | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 11:30 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | Steller22.jpg | Steller22_L.jpg | Steller22_M.jpg |  | | |  | Steller22_T.jpg |
|  | 5914 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3497/Steller1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Wound healing in process | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 10:55 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | Steller1.jpg | Steller1_L.jpg | Steller1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Steller1_T.jpg |
|  | 5912 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3494/Dogic_video_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | How cilia do the wave | No | Video | Active | 9/8/2020 10:26 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Thin, hair-like biological structures called cilia are tiny but mighty. Each one, made up of more than 600 different proteins, works together with hundreds of others in a tightly-packed layer to move like a crowd at a ball game doing "the wave." Their synchronized motion helps sweep mucus from the lungs and usher eggs from the ovaries into the uterus. By controlling how fluid flows around an embryo, cilia also help ensure that organs like the heart develop on the correct side of your body. | | black and white, cellular movement, rhythmic waving, beating motion, sperm | How_cilia_do_the_wave.mp4 | | |  | | |  | Dogic_video_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5913 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3493/GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Repairing DNA | No | Illustration | Active | 9/8/2020 10:16 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Like a watch wrapped around a wrist, a special enzyme encircles the double helix to repair a broken strand of DNA. Without molecules that can mend such breaks, cells can malfunction, die, or become cancerous. Related to image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=2330">2330</a>. | | structure, proteins | GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored.jpg | GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored_S.jpg | GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored_M.jpg |  | | |  | GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5922 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3492/cool_image_colored_proteins_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Glowing bacteria make a pretty postcard | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 9:51 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This tropical scene, reminiscent of a postcard from Key West, is actually a petri dish containing an artistic arrangement of genetically engineered bacteria. The image showcases eight of the fluorescent proteins created in the laboratory of the late Roger Y. Tsien, a cell biologist at the University of California, San Diego. Tsien, along with Osamu Shimomura of the Marine Biology Laboratory and Martin Chalfie of Columbia University, share the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on green fluorescent protein-a naturally glowing molecule from jellyfish that has become a powerful tool for studying molecules inside living cells. | | art | cool_image_colored_proteins1.jpg | cool_image_colored_proteins1_L.jpg | cool_image_colored_proteins1_M.jpg |  | | |  | cool_image_colored_proteins_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5911 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3491/cool_image_kinesin_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Kinesin moves cellular cargo | No | Illustration | Active | 9/8/2020 7:21 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A protein called kinesin (blue) is in charge of moving cargo around inside cells and helping them divide. It's powered by biological fuel called ATP (bright yellow) as it scoots along tube-like cellular tracks called microtubules (gray). | | 3d, structure | cool_image_kinesin.jpg | cool_image_kinesin_L.jpg | cool_image_kinesin_M.jpg |  | | |  | cool_image_kinesin_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5910 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3490/3490_coolimagecirelli_T.jpg'></DIV> | Brains of sleep-deprived and well-rested fruit flies | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 7:16 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | On top, the brain of a sleep-deprived fly glows orange because of Bruchpilot, a communication protein between brain cells. These bright orange brain areas are associated with learning. On the bottom, a well-rested fly shows lower levels of Bruchpilot, which might make the fly ready to learn after a good night's rest. | | Drosophila melanogaster, structure | coolimagecirelli.jpg | 3490_coolimagecirelli_S.jpg | coolimagecirelli_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3490_coolimagecirelli_T.jpg |
|  | 5907 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3489/Roberts_cool_image_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Worm sperm | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 7:09 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | To develop a system for studying cell motility in unnatrual conditions -- a microscope slide instead of the body -- Tom Roberts and Katsuya Shimabukuro at Florida State University disassembled and reconstituted the motility parts used by worm sperm cells. | | Cell movement, swimming, crawling, gliding, swarming | Roberts_cool_image.jpg | Roberts_cool_image_L.jpg | Roberts_cool_image_M.jpg |  | | |  | Roberts_cool_image_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5906 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3488/Manganese_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Shiga toxin being sorted inside a cell | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 7:05 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Shiga toxin (green) is sorted from the endosome into membrane tubules (red), which then pinch off and move to the Golgi apparatus. | | bacterial toxin | Manganese.jpg | Manganese_S.jpg | Manganese_M.jpg |  | | |  | Manganese_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5903 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3487/BK_Virtual_structure_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Ion channel | No | Illustration | Active | 9/8/2020 6:55 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A special "messy" region of a potassium ion channel is important in its function. | | chemical element, k+ channel, Kv channel | BK_Virtual_structure.jpg | BK_Virtual_structure_S.jpg | BK_Virtual_structure_M.jpg |  | | |  | BK_Virtual_structure_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5908 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3486/3486_ApoptosisRev_T.jpg'></DIV> | Apoptosis reversed | No | Photograph | Active | 9/8/2020 6:48 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Two healthy cells (bottom, left) enter into apoptosis (bottom, center) but spring back to life after a fatal toxin is removed (bottom, right; top). | | programmed cell death | apoptosis.jpg | 3486_ApoptosisRev_S.jpg | apoptosis_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3486_ApoptosisRev_T.jpg |
|  | 5901 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3484/telomere_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Telomeres on outer edge of nucleus during cell division | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 1:23 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | New research shows telomeres moving to the outer edge of the nucleus after cell division, suggesting these caps that protect chromosomes also may play a role in organizing DNA. | | chromosome, mitosis | telomere.jpg | telomere_S.jpg | telomere_M.jpg |  | | |  | telomere_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5904 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3483/Chang-san_T.jpg'></DIV> | Chang Shan | No | Illustration | Active | 8/31/2020 1:19 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | For thousands of years, Chinese herbalists have treated malaria using Chang Shan, a root extract from a type of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal. Recent studies have suggested Chang Shan can also reduce scar formation, treat multiple sclerosis and even slow cancer progression. | | 3d, Dichroa Febrifuga, leaf, leaves | Chang-san.jpg | Chang-san_L.jpg | Chang-san_M.jpg |  | | |  | Chang-san_T.jpg |
|  | 5827 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3481/antibiotic-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Bacillus anthracis being killed | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 1:16 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> (anthrax) cells being killed by a fluorescent trans-translation inhibitor, which disrupts bacterial protein synthesis. The inhibitor is naturally fluorescent and looks blue when it is excited by ultraviolet light in the microscope. This is a black-and-white version of <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3525">Image 3525</a>. | | spores | antibiotic.jpg | antibiotic_L.jpg | antibiotic_M.jpg |  | | |  | antibiotic-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5825 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3480/CancerGlow-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cancer Cells Glowing from Luciferin | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 12:49 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The activator cancer cell culture, right, contains a chemical that causes the cells to emit light when in the presence of immune cells. | | bioluminescence, photosensitizing agent | CancerGlow.jpg | CancerGlow_L.jpg | CancerGlow_M.jpg |  | | |  | CancerGlow-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5818 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3479/3479_StagePhoto_for_T.jpg'></DIV> | Electrode probe on mouse Huntington's muscle cell | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 12:45 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Using an electrode, researchers apply an electrical pulse onto a piece of muscle tissue affected by Huntington's disease. | | electric | StagePhoto_for_NIGMS.jpg | 3479_StagePhoto_for_S.jpg | StagePhoto_for_NIGMS_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3479_StagePhoto_for_T.jpg |
|  | 5822 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3478/breasttumor-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | DDR2 Receptors Attach to Collagen in Breast Tumor | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 12:41 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | On the left, the boundary of a breast tumor (yellow) attaches to collagen fibers that are closest to it (green) using DDR2. On the right, a tumor without DDR2 remains disconnected from the collagen. | | Biomechanical, structure | breasttumor.jpg | breasttumor_L.jpg | breasttumor_M.jpg |  | | |  | breasttumor-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5821 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3477/Capsid-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | HIV Capsid | No | Illustration | Active | 11/14/2023 8:23 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image is a computer-generated model of the approximately 4.2 million atoms of the HIV capsid, the shell that contains the virus' genetic material. Scientists determined the exact structure of the capsid and the proteins that it's made of using a variety of imaging techniques and analyses. They then entered these data into a supercomputer that produced the atomic-level image of the capsid. This structural information could be used for developing drugs that target the capsid, possibly leading to more effective therapies. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6601">6601</a>. | | 3D structure | Capsid.jpg | Capsid_L.jpg | Capsid_M.jpg |  | | |  | Capsid-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5817 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3475/automated-worm-sorter146_L_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Automated Worm Sorter - 4 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 12:16 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Georgia Tech associate professor Hang Lu holds a microfluidic chip that is part of a system that uses artificial intelligence and cutting-edge image processing to automatically examine large number of nematodes used for genetic research. | | disease mechanisms, illness progression | automated-worm-sorter146.jpg | automated-worm-sorter146_L.jpg | automated-worm-sorter146_M.jpg |  | | |  | automated-worm-sorter146_L_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5824 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3460/fibril_T.jpg'></DIV> | Prion protein fibrils 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/31/2020 12:08 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Recombinant proteins such as the prion protein shown here are often used to model how proteins misfold and sometimes polymerize in neurodegenerative disorders. This prion protein was expressed in E. coli, purified and fibrillized at pH 7. Image taken in 2004 for a research project by Roger Moore, Ph.D., at Rocky Mountain Laboratories that was published in 2007 in <i>Biochemistry</i>. This image was not used in the publication. | | disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, CJD | fibril.jpg | fibril_L.jpg | fibril_M.jpg |  | | |  | fibril_T.jpg |
|  | 5819 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3459/Telomerase_T.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of telomerase | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 3:23 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Scientists recently discovered the full molecular structure of telomerase, an enzyme important to aging and cancer. Within each cell, telomerase maintains the telomeres, or end pieces, of a chromosome, preserving genetic data and extending the life of the cell. In their study, a team from UCLA and UC Berkeley found the subunit p50, shown in red, to be a keystone in the enzyme's structure and function. Featured in the May 16, 2013 issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | enzyme, DNA, gene, cell division | Telomerase.jpg | Telomerase_L.jpg | Telomerase_M.jpg |  | | |  | Telomerase_T.jpg |
|  | 5826 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3458/Algorithm_T.jpg'></DIV> | Computer algorithm | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 3:17 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This computer algorithm plots all feasible small carbon-based molecules as though they were cities on a map and identifies huge, unexplored spaces that may help fuel research into new drug therapies. Featured in the May 16, 2013 issue of <em><a href=" https://biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/">Biomedical Beat</a></em>. | | chart | Algorithm.jpg | Algorithm_L.jpg | Algorithm_M.jpg |  | | |  | Algorithm_T.jpg |
|  | 5820 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3457/FocalAdhesions_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Sticky stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2022 8:01 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Like a group of barnacles hanging onto a rock, these human cells hang onto a matrix coated glass slide. Actin stress fibers, stained magenta, and the protein vinculin, stained green, make this adhesion possible. The fibroblast nuclei are stained blue. | | Structure | FocalAdhesions.jpg | FocalAdhesions_S.jpg | FocalAdhesions_M.jpg |  | | |  | FocalAdhesions_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5816 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3451/Steller_fruit_fly_spermatid_T.jpg'></DIV> | Proteasome | No | Photograph | Active | 5/25/2021 12:00 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This fruit fly spermatid recycles various molecules, including malformed or damaged proteins. Actin filaments (red) in the cell draw unwanted proteins toward a barrel-shaped structure called the proteasome (green clusters), which degrades the molecules into their basic parts for re-use.
| | | Steller_fruit_fly_spermatid.jpg | Steller_fruit_fly_spermatid_L.jpg | Steller_fruit_fly_spermatid_M.jpg |  | | |  | Steller_fruit_fly_spermatid_T.jpg |
|  | 5815 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3449/Foskett_Nature_Cell_Biology_mitochondria_calcium_release_artwork_Lili_Guo_Nov_12_T.JPG'></DIV> | Calcium uptake during ATP production in mitochondria | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 2:35 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Living primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Mitochondria (green) stained with the mitochondrial membrane potential indicator, rhodamine 123. Nuclei (blue) are stained with DAPI. Caption from a November 26, 2012 <a href= " http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/news/News_Releases/2012/11/energy/">news release </a> from U Penn (Penn Medicine). | | | Foskett_Nature_Cell_Biology_mitochondria_calcium_release_artwork_Lili_Guo_Nov_12.JPG | Foskett_Nature_Cell_Biology_mitochondria_calcium_release_artwork_Lili_Guo_Nov_12_L.JPG | Foskett_Nature_Cell_Biology_mitochondria_calcium_release_artwork_Lili_Guo_Nov_12_M.JPG |  | | |  | Foskett_Nature_Cell_Biology_mitochondria_calcium_release_artwork_Lili_Guo_Nov_12_T.JPG |
|  | 5814 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3448/dynaminfission_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dynamin Fission | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 2:29 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Time lapse series shows short dynamin assemblies (not visible) constricting a lipid tube to make a "beads on a string" appearance, then cutting off one of the beads i.e., catalyzing membrane fission). The lipids are fluorescent (artificially colored). Ramachandran R, Pucadyil T.J., Liu Y.W., Acharya S., Leonard M., Lukiyanchuk V., Schmid S.L. 2009. <em><a href=" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19776347?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=1">Membrane insertion of the pleckstrin homology domain variable loop 1 is critical for dynamin-catalyzed vesicle scission.</a></em> Mol Biol Cell. 2009 20:4630-9. | | | dynaminfission.jpg | dynaminfission_L.jpg | dynaminfission_M.jpg |  | | |  | dynaminfission_T.jpg |
|  | 5813 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3446/3446_Biofilm_blocking_fluid_flow_T.jpg'></DIV> | Biofilm blocking fluid flow | No | Video | Active | 8/22/2020 2:23 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure | Biofilm_blocking_fluid_flow.mp4 | 3446_Biofilm_blocking_fluid_flow_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 3446_Biofilm_blocking_fluid_flow_T.jpg |
|  | 5812 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3445/20120731_29_004_JSTOUT_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dividing cell in metaphase | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:47 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image of a mammalian epithelial cell, captured in metaphase, was the winning image in the high- and super-resolution microscopy category of the 2012 GE Healthcare Life Sciences Cell Imaging Competition. The image shows microtubules (red), kinetochores (green) and DNA (blue). The DNA is fixed in the process of being moved along the microtubules that form the structure of the spindle. <br></br>The image was taken using the DeltaVision OMX imaging system, affectionately known as the "OMG" microscope, and was displayed on the NBC screen in New York's Times Square during the weekend of April 20-21, 2013. It was also part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | Cell division, cell cycle, imaging, cell imaging, mitosis | 20120731_29_004_JSTOUT.tif | 20120731_29_004_JSTOUT_S.jpg | 20120731_29_004_JSTOUT_M.jpg |  | | |  | 20120731_29_004_JSTOUT_T.jpg |
|  | 5810 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3444/foskett_large_from_U_Penn_release_March_2013_T.jpg'></DIV> | Taste buds signal different tastes through ATP release | No | Photograph | Active | 1/17/2025 3:35 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Taste buds in a mouse tongue epithelium with types I, II, and III taste cells visualized by cell-type-specific fluorescent antibodies. Type II taste bud cells signal sweet, bitter, and umami tastes to the central nervous system by releasing ATP through the voltage-gated ion channel CALHM1. Researchers used a confocal microscope to capture this image, which shows all taste buds in red, type II taste buds in green, and DNA in blue. <Br><Br> More information about this work can be found in the <em>Nature</em> letter <a href=" https://www.nature.com/articles/nature11906">"CALHM1 ion channel mediates purinergic neurotransmission of sweet, bitter and umami tastes”</a> by Taruno et. al. | | Mouth | foskett_large_from_U_Penn_release_March_2013.jpg | foskett_large_from_U_Penn_release_March_2013_L.jpg | foskett_large_from_U_Penn_release_March_2013_M.jpg |  | | |  | foskett_large_from_U_Penn_release_March_2013_T.jpg |
|  | 5809 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3443/interphs_T.jpg'></DIV> | Interphase in Xenopus frog cells | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 1:30 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Celluar, structure | interphs.jpg | interphs_L.jpg | interphs_M.jpg |  | | |  | interphs_T.jpg |
|  | 5807 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3442/mitotic1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell division phases in Xenopus frog cells | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 1:25 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These images show three stages of cell division in Xenopus XL177 cells, which are derived from tadpole epithelial cells. They are (from top): metaphase, anaphase and telophase. The microtubules are green and the chromosomes are blue. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3443">3443</a>. | | Celluar, structure | mitotic1.jpg | mitotic_L.jpg | mitotic1_M.jpg |  | | |  | mitotic1_T.jpg |
|  | 5806 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3440/e10-5_sox_hes_pdx_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Transcription factor Sox17 controls embryonic development of certain internal organs | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 1:03 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | During embryonic development, transcription factors (proteins that regulate gene expression) govern the differentiation of cells into separate tissues and organs. Researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center used mice to study the development of certain internal organs, including the liver, pancreas, duodenum (beginning part of the small intestine), gall bladder and bile ducts. They discovered that transcription factor Sox17 guides some cells to develop into liver cells and others to become part of the pancreas or biliary system (gall bladder, bile ducts and associated structures). The separation of these two distinct cell types (liver versus pancreas/biliary system) is complete by embryonic day 8.5 in mice. The transcription factors PDX1 and Hes1 are also known to be involved in embryonic development of the pancreas and biliary system. This image shows mouse cells at embryonic day 10.5. The green areas show cells that will develop into the pancreas and/or duodenum(PDX1 is labeled green). The blue area near the bottom will become the gall bladder and the connecting tubes (common duct and cystic duct) that attach the gall bladder to the liver and pancreas (Sox17 is labeled blue). The transcription factor Hes1 is labeled red. The image was not published. A similar image (different plane of the section) was published in: <b>Sox17 Regulates Organ Lineage Segregation of Ventral Foregut Progenitor Cells</b> Jason R. Spence, Alex W. Lange, Suh-Chin J. Lin, Klaus H. Kaestner, Andrew M. Lowy, Injune Kim, Jeffrey A. Whitsett and James M. Wells, Developmental Cell, Volume 17, Issue 1, 62-74, 21 July 2009. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2009.05.012 | | | e10-5_sox_hes_pdx.jpg | e10-5_sox_hes_pdx_S.jpg | e10-5_sox_hes_pdx_M.jpg |  | | |  | e10-5_sox_hes_pdx_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5733 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3438/Morphine_structure__thumbnail_.png'></DIV> | Morphine Structure | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:44 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The chemical structure of the morphine molecule | | diagram | Morphine_structure_L.tif | Morphine_structure_S.jpg | Morphine_structure_M.jpg |  | | |  | Morphine_structure__thumbnail_.png |
|  | 5735 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3437/NeXO_300dpi_T.jpg'></DIV> | Network diagram of genes, cellular components and processes (labeled) | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:42 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | chart | NeXO_300dpi.jpg | NeXO_300dpi_L.jpg | NeXO_300dpi_M.jpg |  | | |  | NeXO_300dpi_T.jpg |
|  | 5734 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3436/nexo_image_300dpi_no_text_T.jpg'></DIV> | Network diagram of genes, cellular components and processes (unlabeled) | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:38 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | chart | nexo_image_300dpi_no_text.jpg | nexo_image_300dpi_no_text_L.jpg | nexo_image_300dpi_no_text_M.jpg |  | | |  | nexo_image_300dpi_no_text_T.jpg |
|  | 5732 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3434/Flu_virus_proteins_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Flu virus proteins during self-replication | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 12:28 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Influenza (flu) virus proteins in the act of self-replication. Viral nucleoprotein (blue) encapsidates [encapsulates] the RNA genome (green). The influenza virus polymerase (orange) reads and copies the RNA genome. In the background is an image of influenza virus ribonucleoprotein complexes observed using cryo-electron microscopy. This image is from a November 2012 <a href=http:// www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-11/sri-sri112012.php target="blank"> <em>News Release</em></a>. | | Infectious emerging diseases, structure | Flu_virus_proteins_.jpg | Flu_virus_proteins__L.jpg | Flu_virus_proteins__M.jpg |  | | |  | Flu_virus_proteins_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5731 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3432/Rumela_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse mammary cells lacking anti-cancer protein | No | Photograph | Active | 8/22/2020 12:13 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Shortly after a pregnant woman gives birth, her breasts start to secrete milk. This process is triggered by hormonal and genetic cues, including the protein Elf5. Scientists discovered that Elf5 also has another job--it staves off cancer. Early in the development of breast cancer, human breast cells often lose Elf5 proteins. Cells without Elf5 change shape and spread readily--properties associated with metastasis. This image shows cells in the mouse mammary gland that are lacking Elf5, leading to the overproduction of other proteins (red) that increase the likelihood of metastasis. | | Mammal | Rumela_300dpi.jpg | Rumela_300dpi_S.jpg | Rumela_300dpi_M.jpg |  | | |  | Rumela_300dpi_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5729 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3429/NIGMS%20image%2024Sept12_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Enzyme transition states | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:01 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The molecule on the left is an electrostatic potential map of the van der Waals surface of the transition state for human purine nucleoside phosphorylase. The colors indicate the electron density at any position of the molecule. Red indicates electron-rich regions with negative charge and blue indicates electron-poor regions with positive charge. The molecule on the right is called DADMe-ImmH. It is a chemically stable analogue of the transition state on the left. It binds to the enzyme millions of times tighter than the substrate. This inhibitor is in human clinical trials for treating patients with gout. This image appears in Figure 4, Schramm, V.L. (2011) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 80:703-732. | | purine, transition state, inhibitor | NIGMS%20image%2024Sept12.jpg | NIGMS%20image%2024Sept12_S.jpg | NIGMS%20image%2024Sept12_M.jpg |  | | |  | NIGMS%20image%2024Sept12_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5730 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3428/antitoxin_GhoS2_thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Antitoxin GhoS (Illustration 2) | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:31 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Structure of the bacterial antitoxin protein GhoS. GhoS inhibits the production of a bacterial toxin, GhoT, which can contribute to antibiotic resistance. GhoS is the first known bacterial antitoxin that works by cleaving the messenger RNA that carries the instructions for making the toxin. More information can be found in the paper: Wang X, Lord DM, Cheng HY, Osbourne DO, Hong SH, Sanchez-Torres V, Quiroga C, Zheng K, Herrmann T, Peti W, Benedik MJ, Page R, Wood TK. <a href=" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22941047" target="_blank">A new type V toxin-antitoxin system where mRNA for toxin GhoT is cleaved by antitoxin GhoS</a>. Nat Chem Biol. 2012 Oct;8(10):855-61. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3427">3427</a>. | | 3D | antitoxin_GhoS2.jpg | antitoxin_GhoS2_L.jpg | antitoxin_GhoS2_M.jpg |  | | |  | antitoxin_GhoS2_thumbnail.png |
|  | 5728 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3427/antitoxin_GhoS1_thumbnail.png'></DIV> | Antitoxin GhoS (Illustration 1) | No | Illustration | Active | 8/22/2020 12:30 PM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Structure of the bacterial antitoxin protein GhoS. GhoS inhibits the production of a bacterial toxin, GhoT, which can contribute to antibiotic resistance. GhoS is the first known bacterial antitoxin that works by cleaving the messenger RNA that carries the instructions for making the toxin. More information can be found in the paper: Wang X, Lord DM, Cheng HY, Osbourne DO, Hong SH, Sanchez-Torres V, Quiroga C, Zheng K, Herrmann T, Peti W, Benedik MJ, Page R, Wood TK. <a href=" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22941047" target="_blank">A new type V toxin-antitoxin system where mRNA for toxin GhoT is cleaved by antitoxin GhoS</a>. Nat Chem Biol. 2012 Oct;8(10):855-61. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3428">3428</a>. | | 3D | antitoxin_GhoS1.jpg | antitoxin_GhoS1_L.jpg | antitoxin_GhoS1_M.jpg |  | | |  | antitoxin_GhoS1_thumbnail.png |
|  | 5724 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3426/3426_MouseEars_HeberKatz_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Regeneration of Mouse Ears | | Photograph | Active | 6/3/2016 2:41 PM | aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Normal mice, like the B6 breed pictured on the left, develop scars when their ears are pierced. The Murphy Roths Large (MRL) mice pictured on the right can grow back lost ear tissue thanks to an inactive version of the p21 gene. When researchers knocked out that same gene in other mouse breeds, their ears also healed completely without scarring. Journal Article: Clark, L.D., Clark, R.K. and Heber-Katz, E. 1998. A new murine model for mammalian wound repair and regeneration. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 88: 35-45. | | | MouseEars_HeberKatz.jpg | 3426_MouseEars_HeberKatz_S.jpg | MouseEars_HeberKatz_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3426_MouseEars_HeberKatz_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5725 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3425/Poppy2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Red Poppy | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:27 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A red poppy. | | flower | Poppy2.jpg | Poppy2_L.jpg | Poppy2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poppy2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5727 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3424/Poppy1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | White Poppy | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:26 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | flower | Poppy1.jpg | Poppy1_L.jpg | Poppy1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poppy1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5726 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3423/Poppy1_crop_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | White Poppy (cropped) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:24 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | flower | Poppy1_crop.jpg | Poppy1_crop_L.jpg | Poppy1_crop_M.jpg |  | | |  | Poppy1_crop_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5721 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3422/Smith_Poppy_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Atomic Structure of Poppy Enzyme | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:20 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The atomic structure of the morphine biosynthetic enzyme salutaridine reductase bound to the cofactor NADPH. The substrate salutaridine is shown entering the active site. | | flower | Smith_Poppy.jpg | Smith_Poppy_L.jpg | Smith_Poppy_M.jpg |  | | |  | Smith_Poppy_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5720 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3421/Smith_Green_Tea_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Structure of Glutamate Dehydrogenase | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 1:55 AM | Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Some children are born with a mutation in a regulatory site on this enzyme that causes them to over-secrete insulin when they consume protein. We found that a compound from green tea (shown in the stick figure and by the yellow spheres on the enzyme) is able to block this hyperactivity when given to animals with this disorder. | | GDH, trimers | Smith_Green_Tea.jpg | Smith_Green_Tea_L.jpg | Smith_Green_Tea_M.jpg |  | | |  | Smith_Green_Tea_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5718 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3419/macrocylcle4b_balls_stick_3color.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 7 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:13 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | protein, sarcoma, crystallography, enzyme | macrocylcle4b_balls_stick_3color.jpg | macrocylcle4b_balls_stick_3color_L.jpg | macrocylcle4b_balls_stick_3color_M.jpg |  | | |  | macrocylcle4b_balls_stick_3color.png |
|  | 5716 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3418/macrocycle4b_stick_representation.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 6 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Protein, sarcoma, crystallography, enzyme | macrocycle4b_stick_representation.jpg | macrocycle4b_stick_representation_L.jpg | macrocycle4b_stick_representation_M.jpg |  | | |  | macrocycle4b_stick_representation.png |
|  | 5719 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3417/image3.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 5 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Computer, protein, crystallography, enzyme | image3.jpg | image3_L.jpg | image3_M.jpg |  | | |  | image3.png |
|  | 5715 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3416/image_2.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 4 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Xray, protein structure, crystallography, enzyme, protein | image_2.jpg | image_2_L.jpg | image_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | image_2.png |
|  | 5633 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3415/Src_kinase_in_complex_with_macrocycle4b.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 3 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:07 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | crystallography enzyme protein | Src_kinase_in_complex_with_macrocycle4b_copy.jpg | Src_kinase_in_complex_with_macrocycle4b_copy_L.jpg | Src_kinase_in_complex_with_macrocycle4b_copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | Src_kinase_in_complex_with_macrocycle4b.png |
|  | 5632 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3414/binding_site_of_Src_kinase_for_macrocycle_inhibitors_thumbnail.png'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | crystallography enzyme protein | binding_site_of_Src_kinase_for_macrocycle_inhibitors.jpg | binding_site_of_Src_kinase_for_macrocycle_inhibitors_L.jpg | binding_site_of_Src_kinase_for_macrocycle_inhibitors_M.jpg |  | | |  | binding_site_of_Src_kinase_for_macrocycle_inhibitors_thumbnail.png |
|  | 5630 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3413/macrocycle4b_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 6:02 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | crystallography enzyme protein | macrocycle4b_copy.jpg | macrocycle4b_copy_L.jpg | macrocycle4b_copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | macrocycle4b_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5631 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3412/PhoB_hires_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Active Site of E. coli response regulator PhoB | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:56 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Active site of <i>E. coli</i> response regulator PhoB. | | | PhoB_hires.jpg | PhoB_hires_copy_L.jpg | PhoB_hires_copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | PhoB_hires_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5628 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3411/3411_Fired_O2v2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | O2 reacting with a flavin-dependent enzyme | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:54 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | protein | Flred_O2v2-L.jpg | 3411_Flred_O2v2_L.jpg | Flred_O2v2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3411_Fired_O2v2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5629 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3408/3408_Argonaute_with_guide_RNA1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Kluyveromyces polysporus Argonaute bound to guide RNA | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 3:53 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A segment of siRNA, shown in red, guides a "slicer" protein called Argonaute (multi-colored twists and corkscrews) to the target RNA molecules. | | | 3408_Argonaute_with_guide_RNA1.jpg | 3408_Argonaute_with_guide_RNA1_S.jpg | 3408_Argonaute_with_guide_RNA1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3408_Argonaute_with_guide_RNA1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5627 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3407/3407_LinkRNA1_T.jpg'></DIV> | LincRNA and gene regulatory proteins | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 3:50 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A LincRNA molecule, shown in red, serves as a scaffold for gene regulatory proteins, shown in grey. The DNA is represented as a grey double helix. | | | | 3407_LinkRNA1_S.jpg | LincRNA1.jpg |  | | |  | 3407_LinkRNA1_T.jpg |
|  | 5626 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3406/-tRNAPhe-highres_T.jpg'></DIV> | Phenylalanine tRNA molecule | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 3:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Phenylalanine tRNA showing the anticodon (yellow) and the amino acid, phenylalanine (blue and red spheres). | | | -tRNAPhe-highres.jpg | -tRNAPhe-highres_S.jpg | -tRNAPhe-highres_M.jpg |  | | |  | -tRNAPhe-highres_T.jpg |
|  | 5624 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3405/3405_Disrupted_and_restored_vasculature_development_in_frog_embryos_Moment_T.jpg'></DIV> | Disrupted and restored vasculature development in frog embryos | No | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 3:42 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | green fluorescent protein | Disrupted_and_restored_vasculature_development_in_frog_embryos.mp4 | 3405_Disrupted_and_restored_vasculature_development_in_frog_embryos_Moment_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 3405_Disrupted_and_restored_vasculature_development_in_frog_embryos_Moment_T.jpg |
|  | 5625 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3404/HJC_DMSO_thumbnail.JPG'></DIV> | Normal vascular development in frog embryos | No | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 3:38 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | green fluorescent protein | Normal_vascular_development_in_frog_embryos.mp4 | | |  | | |  | HJC_DMSO_thumbnail.JPG |
|  | 5623 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3403/HBJ_TZ_thumbnail.JPG'></DIV> | Disrupted vascular development in frog embryos | No | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 3:31 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | green fluorescent protein | Disrupted_vascular_development_in_frog_embryos.mp4 | | |  | | |  | HBJ_TZ_thumbnail.JPG |
|  | 5622 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3402/3402_Hsp33_Heat_Shock_Protein_Inactive_to_Active_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hsp33 Heat Shock Protein Inactive to Active | No | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 3:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | When the heat shock protein hsp33 is folded, it is inactive and contains a zinc ion, stabilizing the redox sensitive domain (orange). In the presence of an environmental stressor, the protein releases the zinc ion, which leads to the unfolding of the redox domain. This unfolding causes the chaperone to activate by reaching out its "arm" (green) to protect other proteins. | | | Hsp33_Heat_Shock_Protein_Inactive_to_Active.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3402_Hsp33_Heat_Shock_Protein_Inactive_to_Active_T.jpg |
|  | 5620 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3400/NCMIR_vasculature1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Small blood vessels in a mouse retina | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Blood vessels at the back of the eye (retina) are used to diagnose glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. They also display characteristic changes in people with high blood pressure. In the image, the vessels appear green. It's not actually the vessels that are stained green, but rather filaments of a protein called actin that wraps around the vessels. Most of the red blood cells were replaced by fluid as the tissue was prepared for the microscope. The tiny red dots are red blood cells that remain in the vessels. The image was captured using confocal and 2-photon excitation microscopy for a project related to neurofibromatosis. | | | NCMIR_vasculature1.jpg | NCMIR_vasculature1_L.jpg | NCMIR_vasculature1_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_vasculature1_T.jpg |
|  | 5615 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3399/NCMIR_synapses_in_culture_T.jpg'></DIV> | Synapses in culture | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:23 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cultured hippocampal neurons grown on a substrate of glial cells (astrocytes). The glial cells form the pink/brown underlayment in this image. The tan threads are the neurons. The round tan balls are synapses, the points where neurons meet and communicate with each other. The cover slip underlying the cells is green. Neurons in culture can be used to study synaptic plasticity, activity-dependent protein turnover, and other topics in neuroscience. | | nerve cells | NCMIR_synapses_in_culture.jpg | NCMIR_synapses_in_culture_L.jpg | NCMIR_synapses_in_culture_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_synapses_in_culture_T.jpg |
|  | 5617 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3397/NCMIR_myelinated_axons-2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Myelinated axons 2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Top view of myelinated axons in a rat spinal root. Myelin is a type of fat that forms a sheath around and thus insulates the axon to protect it from losing the electrical current needed to transmit signals along the axon. The axoplasm inside the axon is shown in pink. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3396">3396</a>. | | nerve cells neurons | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-2.jpg | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-2_L.jpg | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-2_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-2_T.jpg |
|  | 5616 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3396/NCMIR_myelinated_axons-1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Myelinated axons 1 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:16 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Myelinated axons in a rat spinal root. Myelin is a type of fat that forms a sheath around and thus insulates the axon to protect it from losing the electrical current needed to transmit signals along the axon. The axoplasm inside the axon is shown in pink. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3397">3397</a>. | | nerve cells neurons | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-1.jpg | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-1_L.jpg | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_myelinated_axons-1_T.jpg |
|  | 5612 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3395/3395_NCMIR_mouse_tail_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR mouse tail | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:12 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Stained cross section of a mouse tail. | | | NCMIR_mouse_tail-L.jpg | 3395_NCMIR_mouse_tail_S.jpg | NCMIR_mouse_tail_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3395_NCMIR_mouse_tail_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5619 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3392/NCMIR_kidney_glomereolus_T.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR Kidney Glomeruli | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:07 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Stained glomeruli in the kidney. The kidney is an essential organ responsible for disposing wastes from the body and for maintaining healthy ion levels in the blood. It works like a purifier by pulling break-down products of metabolism, such as urea and ammonium, from the bloodstream for excretion in urine. The glomerulus is a structure that helps filter the waste compounds from the blood. It consists of a network of capillaries enclosed within a Bowman's capsule of a nephron, which is the structure in which ions exit or re-enter the blood in the kidney. | | | NCMIR_kidney_glomereolus.jpg | NCMIR_kidney_glomereolus_L.jpg | NCMIR_kidney_glomereolus_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_kidney_glomereolus_T.jpg |
|  | 5618 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3391/3391_Protein_folding_video_T.jpg'></DIV> | Protein folding video | No | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 3:05 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Each protein has a unique amino acid sequence. It is still a mystery how a protein folds into the proper shape based on its sequence. Scientists hope that one day they can "watch" this folding process for any given protein. The dream has been realized, at least partially, through the use of computer simulation. | | | Protein_folding_video.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3391_Protein_folding_video_T.jpg |
|  | 5621 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3390/NCMIR_intestine-2_T.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR Intestine-2 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:05 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The small intestine is where most of our nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. The walls of the intestine contain small finger-like projections called villi which increase the organ's surface area, enhancing nutrient absorption. It consists of the duodenum, which connects to the stomach, the jejenum and the ileum, which connects with the large intestine. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3389">image 3389</a>. | | | NCMIR_intestine-2.jpg | NCMIR_intestine-2_L.jpg | NCMIR_intestine-2_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_intestine-2_T.jpg |
|  | 5613 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3389/NCMIR_intestine-1_T.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR Intestine-1 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/14/2020 4:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The small intestine is where most of our nutrients from the food we eat are absorbed into the bloodstream. The walls of the intestine contain small finger-like projections called villi which increase the organ's surface area, enhancing nutrient absorption. It consists of the duodenum, which connects to the stomach, the jejenum and the ileum, which connects with the large intestine. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3390">image 3390</a>. | | | NCMIR_intestine-1.jpg | NCMIR_intestine-1_L.jpg | NCMIR_intestine-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_intestine-1_T.jpg |
|  | 5614 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3387/NCMIR_human_spinal_nerve_T.jpg'></DIV> | NCMIR human spinal nerve | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Spinal nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system. They run within the spinal column to carry nerve signals to and from all parts of the body. The spinal nerves enable all the movements we do, from turning our heads to wiggling our toes, control the movements of our internal organs, such as the colon and the bladder, as well as allow us to feel touch and the location of our limbs. | | neurons | NCMIR_human_spinal_nerve.jpg | NCMIR_human_spinal_nerve_L.jpg | NCMIR_human_spinal_nerve_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_human_spinal_nerve_T.jpg |
|  | 5611 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3386/NCMIR_HIV_infected_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | HIV Infected Cell | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 3:03 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), shown here as tiny purple spheres, causes the disease known as AIDS (for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV can infect multiple cells in your body, including brain cells, but its main target is a cell in the immune system called the CD4 lymphocyte (also called a T-cell or CD4 cell). | | | NCMIR_HIV_infected_cell.jpg | NCMIR_HIV_infected_cell_L.jpg | NCMIR_HIV_infected_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_HIV_infected_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 5609 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3375/virus4_T.jpg'></DIV> | Electrostatic map of the adeno-associated virus with scale | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 3:02 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The new highly efficient parallelized DelPhi software was used to calculate the potential map distribution of an entire virus, the adeno-associated virus, which is made up of more than 484,000 atoms. Despite the relatively large dimension of this biological system, resulting in 815x815x815 mesh points, the parallelized DelPhi, utilizing 100 CPUs, completed the calculations within less than three minutes. Related to <a href="/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3374">image 3374</a>. | | | virus4.jpg | virus4_L.jpg | virus4_M.jpg |  | | |  | virus4_T.jpg |
|  | 5530 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3374/virus3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Electrostatic map of the adeno-associated virus | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 3:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The new highly efficient parallelized DelPhi software was used to calculate the potential map distribution of an entire virus, the adeno-associated virus, which is made up of more than 484,000 atoms. Despite the relatively large dimension of this biological system, resulting in 815x815x815 mesh points, the parallelized DelPhi, utilizing 100 CPUs, completed the calculations within less than three minutes. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3375">image 3375</a>. | | | virus3.jpg | virus3_L.jpg | virus3_M.jpg |  | | |  | virus3_T.jpg |
|  | 5531 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3371/NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse cerebellum close-up | No | Photograph | Active | 11/22/2022 2:05 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cerebellum is the brain's locomotion control center. Every time you shoot a basketball, tie your shoe or chop an onion, your cerebellum fires into action. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills. For a lower magnification, see image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3639">3639</a>. <Br><Br>This image was part of the <em>Life: Magnified</em> exhibit that ran from June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015, at Dulles International Airport. | | | NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom.jpg | NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom_S.jpg | NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom_M.jpg |  | | |  | NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom_T.jpg |
|  | 5528 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3365/CXCR4_CVX15_1200x15001_T.jpg'></DIV> | Chemokine CXCR4 receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to a small molecule peptide called CVX15. | | protein | CXCR4_CVX15_1200x15001.jpg | CXCR4_CVX15_1200x15001_S.jpg | CXCR4_CVX15_1200x15001_M.jpg |  | | |  | CXCR4_CVX15_1200x15001_T.jpg |
|  | 5527 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3364/OPRL_1300x15001_T.jpg'></DIV> | Nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide opioid receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an antagonist, compound-24 | | protein | OPRL_1300x15001.jpg | OPRL_1300x15001_S.jpg | OPRL_1300x15001_M.jpg |  | | |  | OPRL_1300x15001_T.jpg |
|  | 5526 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3363/D3_1300x15001_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dopamine D3 receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an antagonist, eticlopride | | protein | D3_1300x15001.jpg | D3_1300x15001_S.jpg | D3_1300x15001_M.jpg |  | | |  | D3_1300x15001_T.jpg |
|  | 5519 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3362/S1P1_1300x1500_magenta1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Sphingolipid S1P1 receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an antagonist, ML056. | | protein | S1P1_1300x1500_magenta1.jpg | S1P1_1300x1500_magenta1_S.jpg | S1P1_1300x1500_magenta1_M.jpg |  | | |  | S1P1_1300x1500_magenta1_T.jpg |
|  | 5523 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3361/A2a_ZM_1200x15001_T.jpg'></DIV> | A2A adenosine receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:43 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an inverse agonist, ZM241385. | | protein | A2a_ZM_1200x15001.jpg | A2a_ZM_S.jpg | A2a_ZM_M.jpg |  | | |  | A2a_ZM_1200x15001_T.jpg |
|  | 5522 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3360/H1_1300x1500_T.jpg'></DIV> | H1 histamine receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:43 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an inverse agonist, doxepin. | | protein | H1_1300x15001.jpg | H1_1300x15001_S.jpg | H1_1300x15001_M.jpg |  | | |  | H1_1300x1500_T.jpg |
|  | 5525 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3359/OPRK1_1300x1500_yelgreen_T.jpg'></DIV> | Kappa opioid receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:42 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to an antagonist, JDTic. | | protein | OPRK1_1300x1500_yelgreen.jpg | OPRK1_1300x1500_yelgreen_S.jpg | OPRK1_1300x1500_yelgreen_M.jpg |  | | |  | OPRK1_1300x1500_yelgreen_T.jpg |
|  | 5520 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3358/b2AR_1300x1500_T.jpg'></DIV> | Beta 2-adrenergic receptor | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The receptor is shown bound to a partial inverse agonist, carazolol. | | protein | b2AR_1300x1500.jpg | b2AR_1300x1500_S.jpg | b2AR_1300x1500_M.jpg |  | | |  | b2AR_1300x1500_T.jpg |
|  | 5521 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3355/Hsp33_figure_2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hsp33 figure 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:40 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Featured in the March 15, 2012 issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. Related to Hsp33 Figure 1, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3354">image 3354</a>. | | protein | Hsp33_figure_2.jpg | Hsp33_figure_2_L.jpg | Hsp33_figure_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hsp33_figure_2_T.jpg |
|  | 5524 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3354/Hsp33_figure_1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hsp33 figure 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 12:40 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Featured in the March 15, 2012 issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. Related to Hsp33 Figure 2, <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3355">image 3355</a>. | | protein | Hsp33_figure_1.jpg | Hsp33_figure_1_L.jpg | Hsp33_figure_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hsp33_figure_1_T.jpg |
|  | 5515 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3344/3344_nice_flagella_Rot_90deg_montage_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Artificial cilia exhibit spontaneous beating | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:39 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Researchers have created artificial cilia that wave like the real thing. Zvonimir Dogic and his Brandeis University colleagues combined just a few cilia proteins to create cilia that are able to wave and sweep material around--although more slowly and simply than real ones. The researchers are using the lab-made cilia to study how the structures coordinate their movements and what happens when they don't move properly. Featured in the August 18, 2011, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | cilium | nice_flagella_Rot_90deg_montage-H.jpg | 3344_nice_flagella_Rot_90deg_montage__reduced_S.jpg | nice_flagella_Rot_90deg_montage__reduced_.jpg |  | | |  | 3344_nice_flagella_Rot_90deg_montage_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5516 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3341/3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Suicidal Stem Cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:38 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Embryonic stem cells store pre-activated Bax (red) in the Golgi, near the nucleus (blue). Featured in the June 21, 2012, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | | 3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7.jpg | 3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7_S.jpg | 3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5513 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3339/dSTORM_Cardiac1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Single-Molecule Imaging | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:37 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a super-resolution light microscope image taken by Hiro Hakozaki and Masa Hoshijima of NCMIR. The image contains highlighted calcium channels in cardiac muscle using a technique called dSTORM. The microscope used in the NCMIR lab was built by Hiro Hakozaki. | | heart | dSTORM_Cardiac1.jpg | dSTORM_Cardiac1_L.jpg | dSTORM_Cardiac1_M.jpg |  | | |  | dSTORM_Cardiac1_T.jpg |
|  | 5511 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3334/3334_Four_timepoints_in_gastrulation_T.jpg'></DIV> | Four timepoints in gastrulation | No | Video | Active | 3/18/2022 12:17 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | It has been said that gastrulation is the most important event in a person's life. This part of early embryonic development transforms a simple ball of cells and begins to define cell fate and the body axis. In a study published in <i>Science</i> magazine, NIGMS grantee Bob Goldstein and his research group studied how contractions of actomyosin filaments in <i>C. elegans</i> and <i>Drosophila</i> embryos lead to dramatic rearrangements of cell and embryonic structure. In these images, myosin (green) and plasma membrane (red) are highlighted at four timepoints in gastrulation in the roundworm C. elegans. The blue highlights in the top three frames show how cells are internalized, and the site of closure around the involuting cells is marked with an arrow in the last frame. See related image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3297">3297</a>. | | | Four_timepoints_in_gastrulation.mp4 | 3334_Four_timepoints_in_gastrulation_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 3334_Four_timepoints_in_gastrulation_T.jpg |
|  | 5429 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3333/Polarized-Cells-Pic-_6a_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Polarized cells- 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Polarized-Cells-Pic-_6a_rs.jpg | Polarized-Cells-Pic-_6a_rs_S.jpg | Polarized-Cells-Pic-_6a_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Polarized-Cells-Pic-_6a_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5432 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3332/Pic-_5a_2_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Polarized cells- 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:30 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Pic-_5a_2_rs.jpg | Pic-_5a_2_rs_S.jpg | Pic-_5a_2_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Pic-_5a_2_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5428 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3331/3331_mDia1-pic-4_T.jpg'></DIV> | mDia1 antibody staining- 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells move forward with lamellipodia and filopodia supported by networks and bundles of actin filaments. Proper, controlled cell movement is a complex process. Recent research has shown that an actin-polymerizing factor called the Arp2/3 complex is the key component of the actin polymerization engine that drives amoeboid cell motility. ARPC3, a component of the Arp2/3 complex, plays a critical role in actin nucleation. In this photo, the ARPC3-/- fibroblast cells were fixed and stained with Alexa 546 phalloidin for F-actin (red), mDia1 (green), and DAPI to visualize the nucleus (blue). In ARPC3-/- fibroblast cells, mDia1 is localized at the tips of the filopodia-like structures. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3328">3328</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3329">3329</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3330">3330</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3332">3332</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3333">3333</a>. | | | mDia1-pic-4.jpg | 3331_mDia1-pic-4_S.jpg | mDia1-pic-4_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3331_mDia1-pic-4_T.jpg |
|  | 5430 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3330/mDia1-Pic-3_T.jpg'></DIV> | mDia1 antibody staining-01 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells move forward with lamellipodia and filopodia supported by networks and bundles of actin filaments. Proper, controlled cell movement is a complex process. Recent research has shown that an actin-polymerizing factor called the Arp2/3 complex is the key component of the actin polymerization engine that drives amoeboid cell motility. ARPC3, a component of the Arp2/3 complex, plays a critical role in actin nucleation. In this photo, the ARPC3+/+ fibroblast cells were fixed and stained with Alexa 546 phalloidin for F-actin (red), mDia1 (green), and DAPI to visualize the nucleus (blue). mDia1 is localized at the lamellipodia of ARPC3+/+ fibroblast cells. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3328">3328</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3329">3329</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3331">3331</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3332">3332</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3333">3333</a>. | | | mDia1-Pic-3.jpg | mDia1-Pic-3_L.jpg | mDia1-Pic-3_M.jpg |  | | |  | mDia1-Pic-3_T.jpg |
|  | 5425 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3329/3329_pic-2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Spreading Cells- 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells move forward with lamellipodia and filopodia supported by networks and bundles of actin filaments. Proper, controlled cell movement is a complex process. Recent research has shown that an actin-polymerizing factor called the Arp2/3 complex is the key component of the actin polymerization engine that drives amoeboid cell motility. ARPC3, a component of the Arp2/3 complex, plays a critical role in actin nucleation. In this photo, the ARPC3-/- fibroblast cells were fixed and stained with Alexa 546 phalloidin for F-actin (red), Arp2 (green), and DAPI to visualize the nucleus (blue). Arp2, a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, is absent in the filopodi-like structures based leading edge of ARPC3-/- fibroblasts cells. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3328">3328</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3330">3330</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3331">3331</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3332">3332</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3333">3333</a>. | | | pic-2.jpg | 3329_pic-2_S.jpg | pic-2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3329_pic-2_T.jpg |
|  | 5427 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3328/3328_Pic-1_2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Spreading Cells 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 12:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells move forward with lamellipodia and filopodia supported by networks and bundles of actin filaments. Proper, controlled cell movement is a complex process. Recent research has shown that an actin-polymerizing factor called the Arp2/3 complex is the key component of the actin polymerization engine that drives amoeboid cell motility. ARPC3, a component of the Arp2/3 complex, plays a critical role in actin nucleation. In this photo, the ARPC3+/+ fibroblast cells were fixed and stained with Alexa 546 phalloidin for F-actin (red), Arp2 (green), and DAPI to visualize the nucleus (blue). Arp2, a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, is localized at the lamellipodia leading edge of ARPC3+/+ fibroblast cells. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3329">3329</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3330">3330</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3331">3331</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3332">3332</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3333">3333</a>. | | | Pic-1_2_.jpg | 3328_Pic-1_2_S.jpg | Pic-1_2__M.jpg |  | | |  | 3328_Pic-1_2_T.jpg |
|  | 5426 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3327/3327_Diversity_oriented_synthesis_generating_skeletal_diversity_using_folding_processes_T.jpg'></DIV> | Diversity oriented synthesis: generating skeletal diversity using folding processes | Yes | Video | Active | 12/23/2020 12:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This 1 1/2-minute video animation was produced for chemical biologist Stuart Schreiber's lab page. The animation shows how diverse chemical structures can be produced in the lab. | | | Diversity_oriented_synthesis_generating_skeletal_diversity_using_folding_processes.mp4 | 3327_Diversity_oriented_synthesis_generating_skeletal_diversity_using_folding_processes_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 3327_Diversity_oriented_synthesis_generating_skeletal_diversity_using_folding_processes_T.jpg |
|  | 5424 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3326/EScott_CYP17A1_abiraterone_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cytochrome structure with anticancer drug | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 3:17 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows the structure of the CYP17A1 enzyme (ribbons colored from blue N-terminus to red C-terminus), with the associated heme colored black. The prostate cancer drug abiraterone is colored gray. Cytochrome P450 enzymes bind to and metabolize a variety of chemicals, including drugs. Cytochrome P450 17A1 also helps create steroid hormones. Emily Scott's lab is studying how CYP17A1 could be selectively inhibited to treat prostate cancer. She and graduate student Natasha DeVore elucidated the structure shown using X-ray crystallography. Dr. Scott created the image (both white bg and transparent bg) for the NIGMS image gallery. See the "Medium-Resolution Image" for a PNG version of the image that is transparent. | | | EScott_CYP17A1_abiraterone.jpg | EScott_CYP17A1_abiraterone_L.jpg | EScott_CYP17A1_abiraterone.png |  | | |  | EScott_CYP17A1_abiraterone_T.jpg |
|  | 5423 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3314/opioid_ill_v10_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human opioid receptor structure superimposed on poppy | No | Illustration | Active | 12/23/2020 11:46 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Opioid receptors on the surfaces of brain cells are involved in pleasure, pain, addiction, depression, psychosis, and other conditions. The receptors bind to both innate opioids and drugs ranging from hospital anesthetics to opium. Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute, supported by the NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative, determined the first three-dimensional structure of a human opioid receptor, a kappa-opioid receptor. In this illustration, the submicroscopic receptor structure is shown while bound to an agonist (or activator). The structure is superimposed on a poppy flower, the source of opium. | | | opioid_ill_v10.jpg | opioid_ill_v10_L.jpg | opioid_ill_v10_M.jpg |  | | |  | opioid_ill_v10_T.jpg |
|  | 5422 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3309/Retina-NCMIR_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse Retina | Yes | Photograph | Active | 12/23/2020 11:44 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A genetic disorder of the nervous system, neurofibromatosis causes tumors to form on nerves throughout the body, including a type of tumor called an optic nerve glioma that can result in childhood blindness. The image was used to demonstrate the unique imaging capabilities of one of our newest (at the time) laser scanning microscopes and is of a wildtype (normal) mouse retina in the optic fiber layer. This layer is responsible for relaying information from the retina to the brain and was fluorescently stained to reveal the distribution of glial cells (green), DNA and RNA in the cell bodies of the retinal ganglion neurons (orange) and their optic nerve fibers (red), and actin in endothelial cells surrounding a prominent branching blood vessel (blue). By studying the microscopic structure of normal and diseased retina and optic nerves, we hope to better understand the altered biology of the tissues in these tumors with the prospects of developing therapeutic interventions. | | eye | Retina-NCMIR.jpg | Retina-NCMIR_L.jpg | Retina-NCMIR_M.jpg |  | | |  | Retina-NCMIR_T.jpg |
|  | 5417 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3308/Rat_hippocampus_T.jpg'></DIV> | Rat Hippocampus | Yes | Photograph | Active | 2/23/2021 10:50 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image of the hippocampus was taken with an ultra-widefield high-speed multiphoton laser microscope. Tissue was stained to reveal the organization of glial cells (cyan), neurofilaments (green) and DNA (yellow). The microscope Deerinck used was developed in conjunction with Roger Tsien (2008 Nobel laureate in Chemistry) and remains a powerful and unique tool today. | | brain | Rat_hippocampus.jpg | Rat_hippocampus_L.jpg | Rat_hippocampus_M.jpg |  | | |  | Rat_hippocampus_T.jpg |
|  | 5418 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3307/ORC-pic_T.PNG'></DIV> | DNA replication origin recognition complex (ORC) | Yes | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 6:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A study published in March 2012 used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the DNA replication origin recognition complex (ORC), a semi-circular, protein complex (yellow) that recognizes and binds DNA to start the replication process. The ORC appears to wrap around and bend approximately 70 base pairs of double stranded DNA (red and blue). Also shown is the protein Cdc6 (green), which is also involved in the initiation of DNA replication. The video shows the structure from different angles. See related image <a href="/Pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageID2=3597">3597</a>. | | cryo-EM | DNA_replication_origin_recognition_complex__ORC_.mp4 | | |  | | |  | ORC-pic_T.PNG |
|  | 5420 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3306/planarian-stem-cell-colony-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Planarian stem cell colony | No | Photograph | Active | 3/3/2022 3:03 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Planarians are freshwater flatworms that have powerful abilities to regenerate their bodies, which would seem to make them natural model organisms in which to study stem cells. But until recently, scientists had not been able to efficiently find the genes that regulate the planarian stem cell system. In this image, a single stem cell has given rise to a colony of stem cells in a planarian. Proliferating cells are red, and differentiating cells are blue. Quantitatively measuring the size and ratios of these two cell types provides a powerful framework for studying the roles of stem cell regulatory genes in planarians. | | Structure | planarian-stem-cell-colongy1.jpg | planarian-stem-cell-colongy1_S.jpg | planarian-stem-cell-colongy1_M.jpg |  | | |  | planarian-stem-cell-colony-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5421 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3302/3302_Bacteria_Spring-Loaded_Poison_T.jpg'></DIV> | Some bacteria attack with spring-loaded poison daggers | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 5:57 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Bacteria have evolved different systems for secreting proteins into the fluid around them or into other cells. Some have syringe-like exterior structures that can pierce other cells and inject proteins. One type of system, called a type VI secretion system, is found in about a quarter of all bacteria with two membranes. A team, co-led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), figured out the structure of the type VI secretion system apparatus and proposed how it might work--by shooting spring-loaded poison molecular daggers. Further information is available in the <i>Nature</i> <a href=http:// www.nature.com/nature/journal/v483/n7388/full/nature10846.html target="_blank">research paper</a>, "Type VI secretion requires a dynamic contractile phage tail-like structure." | | | martin_basler_et_al.mov | 3302_Bacteria_Spring-Loaded_Poison_S.jpg | Bacteria_Spring-Loaded_Poison_Daggers_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3302_Bacteria_Spring-Loaded_Poison_T.jpg |
|  | 5414 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3297/Bob_Goldstein_FigS1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Four timepoints in gastrulation | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:56 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | It has been said that gastrulation is the most important event in a person's life. This part of early embryonic development transforms a simple ball of cells and begins to define cell fate and the body axis. In a study published in <i>Science</i> magazine in March 2012, NIGMS grantee Bob Goldstein and his research group studied how contractions of actomyosin filaments in <i>C. elegans</i> and <i>Drosophila</i> embryos lead to dramatic rearrangements of cell and embryonic structure. This research is described in detail in the following <a href=http:// www.sciencemag.org/content/335/6073/1232.abstract target="_blank"> article</a>: "Triggering a Cell Shape Change by Exploiting Preexisting Actomyosin Contractions." In these images, myosin (green) and plasma membrane (red) are highlighted at four timepoints in gastrulation in the roundworm <i>C. elegans</i>. The blue highlights in the top three frames show how cells are internalized, and the site of closure around the involuting cells is marked with an arrow in the last frame. See related video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3334">3334</a>. | | | Bob_Goldstein_FigS1.jpg | Bob_Goldstein_FigS1_L.jpg | Bob_Goldstein_FigS1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Bob_Goldstein_FigS1_T.jpg |
|  | 5413 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3296/Plath_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in mouse ES cells shows DNA interactions | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:54 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Researchers used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to confirm the presence of long range DNA-DNA interactions in mouse embryonic stem cells. Here, two loci labeled in green (Oct4) and red that are 13 Mb apart on linear DNA are frequently found to be in close proximity. DNA-DNA colocalizations like this are thought to both reflect and contribute to cell type specific gene expression programs. | | | Plath2.jpg | Plath2_S.jpg | Plath2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Plath_T.jpg |
|  | 5416 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3295/Cluster_analysis_of_mysterious_protein_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cluster analysis of mysterious protein | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 5:54 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Researchers use cluster analysis to study protein shape and function. Each green circle represents one potential shape of the protein mitoNEET. The longer the blue line between two circles, the greater the differences between the shapes. Most shapes are similar; they fall into three clusters that are represented by the three images of the protein. From a Rice University <a href=http:// www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-01/ru-rus012612.php target="_blank">news release</a>. Graduate student Elizabeth Baxter and Patricia Jennings, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UCSD, collaborated with José Onuchic, a physicist at Rice University, on this work. | | | Cluster_analysis_of_mysterious_protein.jpg | Cluster_analysis_of_mysterious_protein_L.jpg | Cluster_analysis_of_mysterious_protein_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cluster_analysis_of_mysterious_protein_T.jpg |
|  | 5415 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3292/3292_Schmidtea_mediterranea_Ciliated_T.jpg'></DIV> | Centrioles anchor cilia in planaria | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:53 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Centrioles (green) anchor cilia (red), which project on the surface of pharynx cells of the freshwater planarian <i>Schmidtea mediterranea</i>. Centrioles require cellular structures called centrosomes for assembly in other animal species, but this flatworm known for its regenerative ability was unexpectedly found to lack centrosomes. From a Stowers University <a href=http:// www.stowers.org/media/news/jan-5-2012 target="_blank">news release</a>. | | | Schmidtea_mediterranea_Ciliated_Cells.jpg | 3292_Schmidtea_mediterranea_Ciliated_S.jpg | Schmidtea_mediterranea_Ciliated_Cells_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3292_Schmidtea_mediterranea_Ciliated_T.jpg |
|  | 5419 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3290/3290_ThreeneuronsandEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Three neurons and human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:53 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The three neurons (red) visible in this image were derived from human embryonic stem cells. Undifferentiated stem cells are green here. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | nerve cells | ThreeneuronsandEScells.jpg | 3290_ThreeneuronsandEScells_S.jpg | ThreeneuronsandEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3290_ThreeneuronsandEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5412 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3289/Smoothmusclefromneuralcreststemcells_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Smooth muscle from mouse stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:52 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These smooth muscle cells were derived from mouse neural crest stem cells. Red indicates smooth muscle proteins, blue indicates nuclei. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | | Smoothmusclefromneuralcreststemcells_rs.jpg | Smoothmusclefromneuralcreststemcells_rs_S.jpg | Smoothmusclefromneuralcreststemcells_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Smoothmusclefromneuralcreststemcells_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5411 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3288/SmoothmusclefromhumanEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Smooth muscle from human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:50 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These smooth muscle cells were derived from human embryonic stem cells. The nuclei are stained blue, and the proteins of the cytoskeleton are stained green. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | | SmoothmusclefromhumanEScells.jpg | SmoothmusclefromhumanEScells_L.jpg | SmoothmusclefromhumanEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | SmoothmusclefromhumanEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5312 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3287/3287_Retinalpigmentepithelium02_T.jpg'></DIV> | Retinal pigment epithelium derived from human ES cells 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:50 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows a layer of retinal pigment epithelium cells derived from human embryonic stem cells, highlighting the nuclei (red) and cell surfaces (green). This kind of retinal cell is responsible for macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3286">3286</a> | | eye vision sight | Retinalpigmentepithelium02.jpg | 3287_Retinalpigmentepithelium02_S.jpg | Retinalpigmentepithelium02_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3287_Retinalpigmentepithelium02_T.jpg |
|  | 5314 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3286/Retinalpigmentepithelium_T.jpg'></DIV> | Retinal pigment epithelium derived from human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:48 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This color-enhanced image is a scanning electron microscope image of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells derived from human embryonic stem cells. The cells are remarkably similar to normal RPE cells, growing in a hexagonal shape in a single, well-defined layer. This kind of retinal cell is responsible for macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3287">3287</a>. | | eye vision sight | Retinalpigmentepithelium.jpg | Retinalpigmentepithelium_L.jpg | Retinalpigmentepithelium_M.jpg |  | | |  | Retinalpigmentepithelium_T.jpg |
|  | 5313 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3285/NeuronsfromhumanEScells02_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neurons from human ES cells 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | nerve cells | NeuronsfromhumanEScells02.jpg | NeuronsfromhumanEScells02_L.jpg | NeuronsfromhumanEScells02_M.jpg |  | | |  | NeuronsfromhumanEScells02_T.jpg |
|  | 5311 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3284/NeuronsfromhumanEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neurons from human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These neural precursor cells were derived from human embryonic stem cells. The neural cell bodies are stained red, and the nuclei are blue. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | nerve cells | NeuronsfromhumanEScells.jpg | NeuronsfromhumanEScells_L.jpg | NeuronsfromhumanEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | NeuronsfromhumanEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5310 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3283/Mouseheartmusclecells2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse heart muscle cells 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:43 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows neonatal mouse heart cells. These cells were grown in the lab on a chip that aligns the cells in a way that mimics what is normally seen in the body. Green shows the muscle protein toponin I. Red indicates the muscle protein actin, and blue indicates the cell nuclei. The work shown here was part of a study attempting to grow heart tissue in the lab to repair damage after a heart attack. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3281">3281</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3282">3282</a>. | | | Mouseheartmusclecells2.jpg | Mouseheartmusclecells2_L.jpg | Mouseheartmusclecells2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mouseheartmusclecells2_T.jpg |
|  | 5309 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3282/Mouseheartmusclecells1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse heart muscle cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 5:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows neonatal mouse heart cells. These cells were grown in the lab on a chip that aligns the cells in a way that mimics what is normally seen in the body. Green shows the protein N-cadherin, which indicates normal connections between cells. Red indicates the muscle protein actin, and blue indicates the cell nuclei. The work shown here was part of a study attempting to grow heart tissue in the lab to repair damage after a heart attack. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3281">3281</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3283">3283</a>. | | | Mouseheartmusclecells1.jpg | Mouseheartmusclecells1_L.jpg | Mouseheartmusclecells1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mouseheartmusclecells1_T.jpg |
|  | 5308 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3281/Mousefibroblasts_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse heart fibroblasts | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:37 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows mouse fetal heart fibroblast cells. The muscle protein actin is stained red, and the cell nuclei are stained blue. The image was part of a study investigating stem cell-based approaches to repairing tissue damage after a heart attack. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | | Mousefibroblasts_rs.jpg | Mousefibroblasts_rs_S.jpg | Mousefibroblasts_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mousefibroblasts_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5307 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3280/Motorneuronprogenitors_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Motor neuron progenitors derived from human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:36 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Motor neuron progenitors (green) were derived from human embryonic stem cells. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | nerve cells | Motorneuronprogenitors_rs.jpg | Motorneuronprogenitors_rs_S.jpg | Motorneuronprogenitors_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Motorneuronprogenitors_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5305 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3279/iPScells2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Induced pluripotent stem cells from skin 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:32 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) were derived from a woman's skin. Blue show nuclei. Green show a protein found in iPS cells but not in skin cells (NANOG). The red dots show the inactivated X chromosome in each cell. These cells can develop into a variety of cell types. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3278">3278</a>. | | | iPScells2.jpg | iPScells2_L.jpg | iPScells2_M.jpg |  | | |  | iPScells2_T.jpg |
|  | 5306 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3278/iPScells1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Induced pluripotent stem cells from skin | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:30 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) were derived from a woman's skin. Green and red indicate proteins found in reprogrammed cells but not in skin cells (TRA1-62 and NANOG). These cells can then develop into different cell types. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3279">3279</a>. | | | iPScells1.jpg | iPScells1_L.jpg | iPScells1_M.jpg |  | | |  | iPScells1_T.jpg |
|  | 5302 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3277/insulinproducingcellsthumb.jpg'></DIV> | Human ES cells turn into insulin-producing cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Human embryonic stem cells were differentiated into cells like those found in the pancreas (blue), which give rise to insulin-producing cells (red). When implanted in mice, the stem cell-derived pancreatic cells can replace the insulin that isn't produced in type 1 diabetes. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | beta cells | Insulinproducingcells.jpg | Insulinproducingcells_L.jpg | Insulinproducingcells_M.jpg |  | | |  | insulinproducingcellsthumb.jpg |
|  | 5304 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3276/HumanEScellsintoneurons_TH.jpg'></DIV> | Human ES cells differentiating into neurons | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:13 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows hundreds of human embryonic stem cells in various stages of differentiating into neurons. Some cells have become neurons (red), while others are still precursors of nerve cells (green). The yellow is an imaging artifact resulting when cells in both stages are on top of each other. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | | HumanEScellsintoneurons.jpg | HumanEScellsintoneurons_L.jpg | HumanEScellsintoneurons_M.jpg |  | | |  | HumanEScellsintoneurons_TH.jpg |
|  | 5301 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3275/HumanEScells2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human embryonic stem cells on feeder cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 2:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The nuclei stained green highlight human embryonic stem cells grown under controlled conditions in a laboratory. Blue represents the DNA of surrounding, supportive feeder cells. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. See related image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3274">3724</a>. | | | HumanEScells2.jpg | HumanEScells2_L.jpg | HumanEScells2_M.jpg |  | | |  | HumanEScells2_T.jpg |
|  | 5303 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3274/HumanEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human embryonic stem cells on feeder cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:30 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This fluorescent microscope image shows human embryonic stem cells whose nuclei are stained green. Blue staining shows the surrounding supportive feeder cells. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. See related image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3275">3275</a>. | | | HumanEScells.jpg | HumanEScells_S.jpg | HumanEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | HumanEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5300 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3273/Heartmusclewithreprogrammedskincells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Heart muscle with reprogrammed skin cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Skins cells were reprogrammed into heart muscle cells. The cells highlighted in green are remaining skin cells. Red indicates a protein that is unique to heart muscle. The technique used to reprogram the skin cells into heart cells could one day be used to mend heart muscle damaged by disease or heart attack. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | stem cells | Heartmusclewithreprogrammedskincells.jpg | Heartmusclewithreprogrammedskincells_L.jpg | Heartmusclewithreprogrammedskincells1.jpg |  | | |  | Heartmusclewithreprogrammedskincells_T.jpg |
|  | 5298 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3272/EarhaircellfromEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Ear hair cells derived from embryonic stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Mouse embryonic stem cells matured into this bundle of hair cells similar to the ones that transmit sound in the ear. These cells could one day be transplanted as a therapy for some forms of deafness, or they could be used to screen drugs to treat deafness. The hairs are shown at 23,000 times magnification via scanning electron microscopy. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. | | SEM EM auditory | EarhaircellfromEScells.jpg | EarhaircellfromEScells_L.jpg | EarhaircellfromEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | EarhaircellfromEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5297 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3271/DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells02_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dopaminergic neurons derived from mouse embryonic stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These neurons are derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. Red shows cells making a protein called TH that is characteristic of the neurons that degenerate in Parkinson's disease. Green indicates a protein that's found in all neurons. Blue indicates the nuclei of all cells. Studying dopaminergic neurons can help researchers understand the origins of Parkinson's disease and could be used to screen potential new drugs. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3270">3270</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3285">3285</a>. | | | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells02.jpg | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells02_L.jpg | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells02_M.jpg |  | | |  | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells02_T.jpg |
|  | 5299 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3270/3270_DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dopaminergic neurons from ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:20 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | nerve cells | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells.jpg | 3270_DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells_S.jpg | DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | 3270_DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5294 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3269/ColonyofhumanEScells_T.jpg'></DIV> | Colony of human ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 1:17 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A colony of human embryonic stem cells (light blue) grows on fibroblasts (dark blue). | | | ColonyofhumanEScells.jpg | ColonyofhumanEScells_L.jpg | ColonyofhumanEScells_M.jpg |  | | |  | ColonyofhumanEScells_T.jpg |
|  | 5296 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3268/Hasty5_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fluorescent E. coli bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:35 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Bioengineers were able to coax bacteria to blink in unison on microfluidic chips. They called each blinking bacterial colony a biopixel. Thousands of fluorescent <i>E. coli</i> bacteria, shown here, make up a biopixel. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3265">3265</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3266">3266</a>. From a UC San Diego <a href=http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressreleases/researchers_create_living_neon_signs_composed_of_millions_of_glowing_bacter/ target="_blank">news release</a>, "Researchers create living 'neon signs' composed of millions of glowing bacteria." | | fluorescence | Hasty5.jpg | Hasty5_L.jpg | Hasty5_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hasty5_T.jpg |
|  | 5295 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3266/Hasty2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Biopixels | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | fluorescent fluorescence | Hasty2.jpg | Hasty2_L.jpg | Hasty2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hasty2_T.jpg |
|  | 5291 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3265/Hasty1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Microfluidic chip | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Microfluidic chips have many uses in biology labs. The one shown here was used by bioengineers to study bacteria, allowing the researchers to synchronize their fluorescing so they would blink in unison. Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3266">3266</a> and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3268">3268</a>. From a UC San Diego <a href=http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressreleases/researchers_create_living_neon_signs_composed_of_millions_of_glowing_bacter/ target="_blank">news release</a>, "Researchers create living 'neon signs' composed of millions of glowing bacteria." | | | Hasty1.jpg | Hasty1_S.jpg | Hasty1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hasty1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5290 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3264/Dalton_2_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Peripheral nerve cell derived from ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A peripheral nerve cell made from human embryonic stem cell-derived neural crest stem cells. The nucleus is shown in blue, and nerve cell proteins peripherin and beta-tubulin (Tuj1) are shown in green and red, respectively. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3263">3263</a>. | | neurons | Dalton_2_rs.jpg | Dalton_2_rs_S.jpg | Dalton_2_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Dalton_2_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5288 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3263/Dalton_1_rs_thumbnail_rs.jpg'></DIV> | Peripheral nerve cells derived from ES cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:07 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | neurons | Dalton_1_rs.jpg | Dalton_1_rs_S.jpg | Dalton_1_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Dalton_1_rs_thumbnail_rs.jpg |
|  | 5196 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3262/12860_h_T.jpg'></DIV> | Caulobacter | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:03 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A study using <i>Caulobacter crescentus</i> showed that some bacteria use just-in-time processing, much like that used in industrial delivery, to make the glue that allows them to attach to surfaces, an important step in the infection process for many disease-causing bacteria. In the image shown, this freshwater bacterium has a holdfast at the top and a propelling flagellum at the end. From an Indiana University <a href=http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/20470.html?emailID=20470 target="_blank">news release</a>. | | | 12860_h.jpg | _S.jpg | _M.jpg |  | | |  | 12860_h_T.jpg |
|  | 5194 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3255/GGS_image1__Peter_Warburton__3255_T.jpg'></DIV> | Centromeres on human chromosomes | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 12:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Human metaphase chromosomes are visible with fluorescence in vitro hybridization (FISH). Centromeric alpha satellite DNA (green) are found in the heterochromatin at each centromere. Immunofluorescence with CENP-A (red) shows the centromere-specific histone H3 variant that specifies the kinetochore. | | | GGS_image1__Peter_Warburton__3255.jpg | GGS_image1__Peter_Warburton__3255_S.jpg | GGS_image1__Peter_Warburton__3255_M.jpg |  | | |  | GGS_image1__Peter_Warburton__3255_T.jpg |
|  | 5195 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3254/3254_video_thumbnail.JPG'></DIV> | Pulsating response to stress in bacteria - video | No | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 11:55 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | By attaching fluorescent proteins to the genetic circuit responsible for <i>B. subtilis</i>'s stress response, researchers can observe the cells' pulses as green flashes. This video shows flashing cells as they multiply over the course of more than 12 hours. In response to a stressful environment like one lacking food, <i>B. subtilis</i> activates a large set of genes that help it respond to the hardship. Instead of leaving those genes on as previously thought, researchers discovered that the bacteria flip the genes on and off, increasing the frequency of these pulses with increasing stress. See entry <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3253">3253</a> for a related still image. | | DNA bacterium | Pulsating_response_to_stress_in_bacteria.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 3254_video_thumbnail.JPG |
|  | 5192 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3253/MarcusImage2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pulsating response to stress in bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:51 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | By attaching fluorescent proteins to the genetic circuit responsible for <i>B. subtilis</i>'s stress response, researchers can observe the cells' pulses as green flashes. In response to a stressful environment like one lacking food, <i>B. subtilis</i> activates a large set of genes that help it respond to the hardship. Instead of leaving those genes on as previously thought, researchers discovered that the bacteria flip the genes on and off, increasing the frequency of these pulses with increasing stress. See entry <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3254">3254</a> for the related video. | | DNA bacterium | MarcusImage2.jpg | MarcusImage2_S.jpg | MarcusImage2_M.jpg |  | | |  | MarcusImage2_T.jpg |
|  | 5193 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3252/Round_worm_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neural circuits in worms similar to those in humans | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:35 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | nerve cells | Round_worm.jpg | Round_worm_L.jpg | Round_worm_M.jpg |  | | |  | Round_worm_T.jpg |
|  | 5189 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/3251/marnett_drg_cox2_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Spinal nerve cells | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:34 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Neurons (green) and glial cells from isolated dorsal root ganglia express COX-2 (red) after exposure to an inflammatory stimulus (cell nuclei are blue). Lawrence Marnett and colleagues have demonstrated that certain drugs selectively block COX-2 metabolism of endocannabinoids -- naturally occurring analgesic molecules -- in stimulated dorsal root ganglia. Featured in the October 20, 2011 issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>. | | | marnett_drg_cox2.jpg | marnett_drg_cox2_S.jpg | marnett_drg_cox2_M.jpg |  | | |  | marnett_drg_cox2_thumb.jpg |
|  | 5191 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2841/Circadian_rhythm_labeled2_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Circadian rhythm | No | Illustration | Active | 12/22/2020 11:34 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human body keeps time with a master clock called the suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN. Situated inside the brain, it's a tiny sliver of tissue about the size of a grain of rice, located behind the eyes. It sits quite close to the optic nerve, which controls vision, and this means that the SCN "clock" can keep track of day and night. The SCN helps control sleep by coordinating the actions of billions of miniature "clocks" throughout the body. These aren't actually clocks, but rather are ensembles of genes inside clusters of cells that switch on and off in a regular, 24-hour cycle in our physiological day. | | | Circadian_rhythm_labeled2_rs.jpg | Circadian_rhythm_labeled2_rs_S.jpg | Circadian_rhythm_labeled2_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | Circadian_rhythm_labeled2_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5190 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2809/2809_Vimentin_in_quail_embryo_T.jpg'></DIV> | Vimentin in a quail embryo | No | Video | Active | 12/22/2020 11:32 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Vimentin_in_quail_embryo.mp4 | 2809_Vimentin_in_quail_embryo_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2809_Vimentin_in_quail_embryo_T.jpg |
|  | 5187 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2808/brdu_hires_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell proliferation in a quail embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:30 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Image showing that the edge zone (top of image) of the quail embryo shows no proliferating cells (cyan), unlike the interior zone (bottom of image). Non-proliferating cell nuclei are labeled green. This image was obtained as part of a study to understand cell migration in embryos. More specifically, cell proliferation at the edge of the embryo was studied by examining the cellular uptake of a chemical compound called BrDU, which incorporates into the DNA during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Here, the cells that are positive for BrDU uptake are labeled in cyan, while other non-proliferating cell nuclei are labeled green. Notice that the vast majority of BrDU+ cells are located far away from the edge, indicating that edge cells are mostly non-proliferating. An NIGMS grant to Professor Garcia was used to purchase the confocal microscope that collected this image. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2807">2807</a> and video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2809">2809</a>. | | | brdu_hires.jpg | brdu_hires_L.jpg | brdu_hires_M.jpg |  | | |  | brdu_hires_T.jpg |
|  | 5188 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2807/vimentin_hires_T.jpg'></DIV> | Vimentin in a quail embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 12/22/2020 11:28 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Confocal image showing high levels of the protein vimentin (white) at the edge zone of a quail embryo. Cell nuclei are labeled green. More specifically, this high-magnification (60X) image shows vimentin immunofluorescence in the edge zone (top of image) and inner zone (bottom of image) of a Stage 4 quail blastoderm. Vimentin expression (white) is shown merged with Sytox nuclear labeling (green) at the edge of the blastoderm. A thick vimentin filament runs circumferentially (parallel to the direction of the edge) that appears to delineate the transition between the edge zone and interior zone. Also shown are dense vimentin clusters or foci, which typically appear to be closely associated with edge cell nuclei. An NIGMS grant to Professor Garcia was used to purchase the confocal microscope that collected this image. Related to image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2808">2808</a> and video <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2809">2809</a>. | | | vimentin_hires.jpg | vimentin_hires_L.jpg | vimentin_hires_M.jpg |  | | |  | vimentin_hires_T.jpg |
|  | 5186 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2803/nih11Cell3Dcurvature_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell curvature | No | Illustration | Active | 9/11/2020 12:32 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | squamous, computer generated, computer-generated, mesodermal, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, capillaries, single cell analysis, cellular functionality, cell function, cell process, cell processes, proteins, macromolecular dynamics, living cells, NIGMS-funded | nih11Cell3Dcurvature.jpg | nih11Cell3Dcurvature_S.jpg | nih11Cell3Dcurvature_M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11Cell3Dcurvature_T.jpg |
|  | 5185 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2802/nih11BiosensorsArtistic_T.jpg'></DIV> | Biosensors illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 9/11/2020 12:25 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | single cell analysis, cellular functionality, cell function, cell process, cell processes, proteins, macromolecular dynamics, living cells, NIGMS-funded | nih11BiosensorsArtistic.jpg | nih11BiosensorsArtistic_L.jpg | nih11BiosensorsArtistic_M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11BiosensorsArtistic_T.jpg |
|  | 5181 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2801/nih11SingleMoleculeReceptors-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Trajectories of labeled cell receptors | No | Illustration | Active | 9/11/2020 12:15 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Fluorescent speckle microscopy, FSM, single cell analysis, cellular functionality, cell function,cell process, cell processes, proteins, macromolecular dynamics, living cells, membrane receptors, plasma membrane, proteins, cell surface receptor | nih11SingleMoleculeReceptors__2_.jpg | nih11SingleMoleculeReceptors__2_S.jpg | nih11SingleMoleculeReceptors__2_M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11SingleMoleculeReceptors-thumb.jpg |
|  | 5180 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2800/nih11MTgrowth__2__thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubule growth | No | Illustration | Active | 9/11/2020 11:41 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Fluorescent speckle microscopy, FSM, single cell analysis, cellular functionality, cell function,cell process, cell processes, proteins, cytoskeletal filaments, macromolecular dynamics, living cells, tubulin, cytoskeletin | nih11MTgrowth__2_.jpg | nih11MTgrowth__2__S.jpg | nih11MTgrowth__2__M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11MTgrowth__2__thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5184 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2799/nih11IntracellularForces_T.jpg'></DIV> | Intracellular forces | No | Illustration | Active | 9/11/2020 12:23 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | single cell analysis, cellular functionality, cell function, cell process, cell processes, proteins, cytoskeletal filaments, macromolecular dynamics, living cells | nih11IntracellularForces.jpg | nih11IntracellularForces_S.jpg | nih11IntracellularForces_M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11IntracellularForces_T.jpg |
|  | 5182 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2798/nih11ActinFlow_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Actin flow | No | Photograph | Active | 9/11/2020 11:17 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Fluorescent speckle microscopy, FSM, Cell, cell process, cell processes, proteins, cytoskeletal filaments, macromolecular dynamics, living cells | nih11ActinFlow.jpg | nih11ActinFlow_S.jpg | nih11ActinFlow_M.jpg |  | | |  | nih11ActinFlow_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5183 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2797/ET_743_4_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743), structure without hydrogens 04 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 3:37 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET_743_4.JPG | ET_743_4_L.JPG | ET_743_4_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET_743_4_T.JPG |
|  | 5179 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2796/ET_743_3_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743), structure without hydrogens 03 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:13 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET_743_3.JPG | ET_743_3_L.JPG | ET_743_3_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET_743_3_T.JPG |
|  | 5178 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2795/ET_743_2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743), structure without hydrogens 02 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:13 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET_743_2.JPG | ET_743_2_L.JPG | ET_743_2_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET_743_2_T.JPG |
|  | 5177 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2794/ET_743_1_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743), structure without hydrogens 01 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:15 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET_743_1.JPG | ET_743_1_L.JPG | ET_743_1_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET_743_1_T.JPG |
|  | 5176 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2793/ET743_withhydrogens4_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743) with hydrogens 04 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:15 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET743_withhydrogens4.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens4_L.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens4_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET743_withhydrogens4_T.JPG |
|  | 5175 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2792/ET743_withhydrogens3_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743) with hydrogens 03 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:16 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET743_withhydrogens3.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens3_L.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens3_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET743_withhydrogens3_T.JPG |
|  | 5174 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2791/ET743_withhydrogens2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743) with hydrogens 02 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:16 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET743_withhydrogens2.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens2_L.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens2_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET743_withhydrogens2_T.JPG |
|  | 5171 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2790/ET743_withhydrogens1_T.JPG'></DIV> | Anti-tumor drug ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743) with hydrogens 01 | No | Illustration | Active | 2/22/2021 4:17 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797. | | drug design, treatment, trabectedin, antitumor, chemotherapy drug, chemo, sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma | ET743_withhydrogens1.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens1_L.JPG | ET743_withhydrogens1_M.JPG |  | | |  | ET743_withhydrogens1_T.JPG |
|  | 5172 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2784/2784_Microtubule_dynamics_in_real_time_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubule dynamics in real time | No | Video | Active | 9/4/2020 3:36 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP)-170 is a microtubule plus-end-tracking protein that regulates microtubule dynamics and links microtubule ends to different intracellular structures. In this movie, the gene for CLIP-170 has been fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP). When the protein is expressed in cells, the activities can be monitored in real time. Here, you can see CLIP-170 streaming towards the edges of the cell. | | tubulin, cytoskeleton, eukaryotic cells | Microtubule_dynamics_in_real_time.mp4 | 2784_Microtubule_dynamics_in_real_time_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2784_Microtubule_dynamics_in_real_time_T.jpg |
|  | 5089 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2782/DIsease_susceptible_leaf_T.jpg'></DIV> | Disease-susceptible Arabidopsis leaf | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 3:07 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a magnified view of an <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> leaf after several days of infection with the pathogen <i>Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis</i>. The pathogen's blue hyphae grow throughout the leaf. On the leaf's edges, stalk-like structures called sporangiophores are beginning to mature and will release the pathogen's spores. Inside the leaf, the large, deep blue spots are structures called oopsorangia, also full of spores. Compare this response to that shown in Image 2781. Jeff Dangl has been funded by NIGMS to study the interactions between pathogens and hosts that allow or suppress infection. | | research organism, thale cress, mouse-ear cress, parasite, downy mildew, oomycete microbes, peronosporaceae, plant disease | DIsease_susceptible_leaf.jpg | DIsease_susceptible_leaf_L.jpg | DIsease_susceptible_leaf_M.jpg |  | | |  | DIsease_susceptible_leaf_T.jpg |
|  | 5086 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2781/Disease_resistant_leaf_T.jpg'></DIV> | Disease-resistant Arabidopsis leaf | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 3:04 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a magnified view of an <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> leaf a few days after being exposed to the pathogen <i>Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis</i>. The plant from which this leaf was taken is genetically resistant to the pathogen. The spots in blue show areas of localized cell death where infection occurred, but it did not spread. Compare this response to that shown in Image 2782. Jeff Dangl has been funded by NIGMS to study the interactions between pathogens and hosts that allow or suppress infection. | | research organism, parasite, downy mildew, oomycete microbes, peronosporaceae, thale cress, mouse-ear cress | Disease_resistant_leaf.jpg | Disease_resistant_leaf_L.jpg | Disease_resistant_leaf_M.jpg |  | | |  | Disease_resistant_leaf_T.jpg |
|  | 5084 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2780/hyphae3Hp_080714_T.jpg'></DIV> | Arabidopsis leaf injected with a pathogen | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 2:45 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is a magnified view of an <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> leaf eight days after being infected with the pathogen <i>Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis</i>, which is closely related to crop pathogens that cause 'downy mildew' diseases. It is also more distantly related to the agent that caused the Irish potato famine. The veins of the leaf are light blue; in darker blue are the pathogen's hyphae growing through the leaf. The small round blobs along the length of the hyphae are called haustoria; each is invading a single plant cell to suck nutrients from the cell. Jeff Dangl and other NIGMS-supported researchers investigate how this pathogen and other like it use virulence mechanisms to suppress host defense and help the pathogens grow. | | Research organism, parasite, oomycete microbes, microscope, microscopy, thale cress, mouse-ear cress | hyphae3Hp_080714.jpg | hyphae3Hp_080714_S.jpg | hyphae3Hp_080714_M.jpg |  | | |  | hyphae3Hp_080714_T.jpg |
|  | 5083 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2779/La-er5_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mature, flowering Arabidopsis | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 2:05 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This is an adult flowering <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> plant with the inbred designation L-er. Arabidopsis is the most widely used model organism for researchers who study plant genetics. | | research organism, Ler, thale cress, mouse-ear cress | La-er5.jpg | La-er5_S.jpg | La-er5_M.jpg |  | | |  | La-er5_T.jpg |
|  | 5085 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2771/e_T.coli.jpg'></DIV> | Self-organizing proteins | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 1:59 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Under the microscope, an <em>E. coli</em> cell lights up like a fireball. Each bright dot marks a surface protein that tells the bacteria to move toward or away from nearby food and toxins. Using a new imaging technique, researchers can map the proteins one at a time and combine them into a single image. This lets them study patterns within and among protein clusters in bacterial cells, which don't have nuclei or organelles like plant and animal cells. Seeing how the proteins arrange themselves should help researchers better understand how cell signaling works. | | microscopy, disease, bacteria, Escherichia coli | e.coli.jpg | e_L.coli.jpg | e_M.coli.jpg |  | | |  | e_T.coli.jpg |
|  | 5082 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2767/2767_Research_mentor_and_T.jpg'></DIV> | Research mentor and student | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 1:55 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A research mentor (Lori Eidson) and student (Nina Waldron, on the microscope) were 2009 members of the BRAIN (Behavioral Research Advancements In Neuroscience) program at Georgia State University in Atlanta. This program is an undergraduate summer research experience funded in part by NIGMS. | | mentorship, teacher, student, mentee, researcher, female | Research_mentor_and_student.JPG | 2767_Research_mentor_and_S.jpg | Research_mentor_and_student_M.JPG |  | | |  | 2767_Research_mentor_and_T.jpg |
|  | 5087 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2764/2764_Painted_T.jpg'></DIV> | Painted chromosomes | No | Photograph | Active | 8/28/2020 1:52 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Like a paint-by-numbers picture, painted probes tint individual human chromosomes by targeting specific DNA sequences. Chromosome 13 is colored green, chromosome 14 is in red and chromosome 15 is painted yellow. The image shows two examples of fused chromosomes—a pair of chromosomes 15 connected head-to-head (yellow dumbbell-shaped structure) and linked chromosomes 13 and 14 (green and red dumbbell). These fused chromosomes—called dicentric chromosomes—may cause fertility problems or other difficulties in people. | | deoxyribonucleic acid, nuclear DNA, microscopy | Painted_chromosomes.JPG | 2764_Painted_S.jpg | Painted_chromosomes_M.JPG |  | | |  | 2764_Painted_T.jpg |
|  | 5077 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2763/2763_Fused__dicentric_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fused, dicentric chromosomes | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:35 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This fused chromosome has two functional centromeres, shown as two sets of red and green dots. Centromeres are DNA/protein complexes that are key to splitting the chromosomes evenly during cell division. When dicentric chromosomes like this one are formed in a person, fertility problems or other difficulties may arise. Normal chromosomes carrying a single centromere (one set of red and green dots) are also visible in this image. | | | Fused__dicentric_chromosome.JPG | 2763_Fused__dicentric_S.jpg | Fused__dicentric_chromosome_M.JPG |  | | |  | 2763_Fused__dicentric_T.jpg |
|  | 5075 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2762/nucleolinus_T.jpg'></DIV> | Nucleolinus | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:32 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The nucleolinus is a cellular compartment that has been a lonely bystander in scientific endeavors. Although it's found in a range of species, its function has been mysterious—mainly because the structure is hard to visualize. An August 2010 study showed that the nucleolinus is crucial for cell division. When researchers zapped the structure with a laser, an egg cell didn't complete division. When the oocyte was fertilized after laser microsurgery (bottom right), the resulting zygote didn't form vital cell division structures (blue and yellow). | | organelle, RNA, nucleolus, spindle, centrosomes | nucleolinus.jpg | nucleolinus_L.jpg | nucleolinus_M.jpg |  | | |  | nucleolinus_T.jpg |
|  | 5081 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2759/draper-mutant1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cross section of a Drosophila melanogaster pupa lacking Draper | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:28 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In the absence of the engulfment receptor Draper, salivary gland cells (light blue) persist in the thorax of a developing <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> pupa. See image 2758 for a cross section of a normal pupa that does express Draper. | | | draper-mutant.jpg | draper-mutant_S.jpg | draper-mutant_M.jpg |  | | |  | draper-mutant1_T.jpg |
|  | 5074 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2758/Control_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cross section of a Drosophila melanogaster pupa | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:26 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This photograph shows a magnified view of a <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> pupa in cross section. Compare this normal pupa to one that lacks an important receptor, shown in image 2759. | | fruit fly, model organism, Draper, engulfment receptor, salivary gland cells | Control.jpg | Control_S.jpg | Control_M.jpg |  | | |  | Control_T.jpg |
|  | 5078 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2757/Drpr-Stain-Fatbody_T.jpg'></DIV> | Draper, shown in the fatbody of a Drosophila melanogaster larva | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:22 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The fly fatbody is a nutrient storage and mobilization organ akin to the mammalian liver. The engulfment receptor Draper (green) is located at the cell surface of fatbody cells. The cell nuclei are shown in blue. | | research organism, fruit fly, cell-surface receptot | Drpr-Stain-Fatbody.jpg | Drpr-Stain-Fatbody_S.jpg | Drpr-Stain-Fatbody_M.jpg |  | | |  | Drpr-Stain-Fatbody_T.jpg |
|  | 5079 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2756/Klym3_T.png'></DIV> | Xenopus laevis embryos | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 3:18 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, the African clawed frog, has long been used as a model organism for studying embryonic development. The frog embryo on the left lacks the developmental factor Sizzled. A normal embryo is shown on the right. | | research organism, genes, developmental syndromes | Klym3.png | Klym3_S.jpg | Klym3_M.png |  | | |  | Klym3_T.png |
|  | 5080 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2755/Klym2_T.png'></DIV> | Two-headed Xenopus laevis tadpole | No | Photograph | Active | 7/14/2021 2:20 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, the African clawed frog, has long been used as a research organism for studying embryonic development. The abnormal presence of RNA encoding the signaling molecule plakoglobin causes atypical signaling, giving rise to a two-headed tadpole. | | research organism, proteins, embryo, protein-coding, genes, DNA | Klym2.png | Klym2_S.png | Klym2_M.png |  | | |  | Klym2_T.png |
|  | 5073 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2754/mv_dimer_T.jpg'></DIV> | Myosin V binding to actin | No | Illustration | Active | 8/21/2020 2:10 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This simulation of myosin V binding to actin was created using the software tool Protein Mechanica. With Protein Mechanica, researchers can construct models using information from a variety of sources: crystallography, cryo-EM, secondary structure descriptions, as well as user-defined solid shapes, such as spheres and cylinders. The goal is to enable experimentalists to quickly and easily simulate how different parts of a molecule interact. | | computer generated, computer-generated, model | mv_dimer.jpg | mv_dimer_L.jpg | mv_dimer_M.jpg |  | | |  | mv_dimer_T.jpg |
|  | 5071 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2753/Klym1_T.png'></DIV> | Xenopus laevis egg | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 2:05 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, the African clawed frog, has long been used as a model organism for studying embryonic development. In this image, RNA encoding the transcription factor Sox 7 (dark blue) is shown to predominate at the vegetal pole, the yolk-rich portion, of a <i>Xenopus laevis</i> frog egg. Sox 7 protein is important to the regulation of embryonic development. | | Research Organism, ribonucleic acid, ovum, embryo | Klym1.png | Klym1_S.jpg | Klym1_M.png |  | | |  | Klym1_T.png |
|  | 5072 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2752/Spore_T.JPG'></DIV> | Bacterial spore | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 1:58 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A spore from the bacterium <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> shows four outer layers that protect the cell from harsh environmental conditions. | | Cell structure, | Spore.JPG | Spore_L.JPG | Spore_M.JPG |  | | |  | Spore_T.JPG |
|  | 5070 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2750/silica_particles_rs_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Antibodies in silica honeycomb | No | Illustration | Active | 8/21/2020 1:49 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Antibodies are among the most promising therapies for certain forms of cancer, but patients must take them intravenously, exposing healthy tissues to the drug and increasing the risk of side effects. A team of biochemists packed the anticancer antibodies into porous silica particles to deliver a heavy dose directly to tumors in mice. | | Antibody, Biochemistry, Biochemical, Drug Delivery, Immune System | silica_particles_rs.jpg | silica_particles_rs_S.jpg | silica_particles_rs_M.jpg |  | | |  | silica_particles_rs_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5069 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2749/network_map_23_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cytoscape network wiring diagram 2 | No | Illustration | Active | 8/12/2020 2:44 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image integrates the thousands of known molecular and genetic interactions happening inside our bodies using a computer program called Cytoscape. Images like this are known as network wiring diagrams, but Cytoscape creator Trey Ideker somewhat jokingly calls them "hairballs" because they can be so complicated, intricate and hard to tease apart. Cytoscape comes with tools to help scientists study specific interactions, such as differences between species or between sick and diseased cells. Related to <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2737">2737</a>. | | molecular biology, biologists, bioinformatics, bioinformatics software, molecular interaction networks, genetic interactions, gene expression | network_map_23.jpg | network_map_23_S.jpg | network_map_23_M.jpg |  | | |  | network_map_23_T.jpg |
|  | 5017 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2748/TriosePhosphateIsomerase_Ribbon_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Early ribbon drawing of a protein | No | Illustration | Active | 8/18/2020 3:55 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This ribbon drawing of a protein hand drawn and colored by researcher Jane Richardson in 1981 helped originate the ribbon representation of proteins that is now ubiquitous in molecular graphics. The drawing shows the 3-dimensional structure of the protein triose phosphate isomerase. The green arrows represent the barrel of eight beta strands in this structure and the brown spirals show the protein's eight alpha helices. A black and white version of this drawing originally illustrated a <a href=http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/teaching/anatax target="_blank">review article</a> in <i>Advances in Protein Chemistry</i>, volume 34, titled "Anatomy and Taxonomy of Protein Structures." The illustration was selected as Picture of The Day on the English Wikipedia for November 19, 2009. Other important and beautiful images of protein structures by Jane Richardson are available in her <a href=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Dcrjsr/gallery_of_protein_structure target="_blank">Wikimedia gallery</a>. | | Enzyme, TPI, TIM, 3D structire, three-dimensional, protein structure, molecular structure | TriosePhosphateIsomerase_Ribbon_pastel_photo_mat3.png | TriosePhosphateIsomerase_Ribbon_pastel_photo_mat3_S1.png | TriosePhosphateIsomerase_Ribbon_pastel_photo_mat3_M1.png |  | | |  | TriosePhosphateIsomerase_Ribbon_thumb.jpg |
|  | 5016 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2747/2747_Cell_division_with_late_aligning_chromosomes_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell division with late aligning chromosomes | No | Video | Active | 8/18/2020 3:49 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This video shows an instance of abnormal mitosis where chromosomes are late to align. The video demonstrates the spindle checkpoint in action: just one unaligned chromosome can delay anaphase and the completion of mitosis. The cells shown are S3 tissue cultured cells from <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, African clawed frog. | | late-aligning, delayed chromosome alignment | Cell_division_with_late_aligning_chromosomes.mp4 | 2747_Cell_division_with_late_aligning_chromosomes_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2747_Cell_division_with_late_aligning_chromosomes_T.jpg |
|  | 5010 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2746/activesite-thumb.PNG'></DIV> | Active site of sulfite oxidase | Yes | Video | Active | 8/18/2020 3:39 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Sulfite oxidase is an enzyme that is essential for normal neurological development in children. This video shows the active site of the enzyme and its molybdenum cofactor visible as a faint ball-and-stick representation buried within the protein. The positively charged channel (blue) at the active site contains a chloride ion (green) and three water molecules (red). As the protein oscillates, one can see directly down the positively charged channel. At the bottom is the molybdenum atom of the active site (light blue) and its oxo group (red) that is transferred to sulfite to form sulfate in the catalytic reaction. | | | Active_site_of_sulfite_oxidase.mp4 | | |  | | |  | activesite-thumb.PNG |
|  | 5012 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2744/2744_dynamin_structure_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dynamin structure | No | Illustration | Active | 8/18/2020 3:28 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | When a molecule arrives at a cell's outer membrane, the membrane creates a pouch around the molecule that protrudes inward. Directed by a protein called dynamin, the pouch then gets pinched off to form a vesicle that carries the molecule to the right place inside the cell. To better understand how dynamin performs its vital pouch-pinching role, researchers determined its structure. Based on the structure, they proposed that a dynamin "collar" at the pouch's base twists ever tighter until the vesicle pops free. Because cells absorb many drugs through vesicles, the discovery could lead to new drug delivery methods. | | GTPase, plasma membrane, cell membrane, endocytosis, protein structure | 2744_dynamin_structure.jpg | 2744_dynamin_structure_S.jpg | 2744_dynamin_structure_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2744_dynamin_structure_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 5014 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2743/molecular_interactions_T.jpg'></DIV> | Molecular interactions | No | Illustration | Active | 8/18/2020 3:18 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This network map shows molecular interactions (yellow) associated with a congenital condition that causes heart arrhythmias and the targets for drugs that alter these interactions (red and blue). | | systems biology, medicinces, cardiac disorders, drug targeting, drug delivery | molecular_interactions.jpg | molecular_interactions_L.jpg | molecular_interactions_M.jpg |  | | |  | molecular_interactions_T.jpg |
|  | 5015 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2741/Inside_the_nucleosome_T.jpg'></DIV> | Nucleosome | No | Illustration | Active | 8/18/2020 2:57 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Like a strand of white pearls, DNA wraps around an assembly of special proteins called histones (colored) to form the nucleosome, a structure responsible for regulating genes and condensing DNA strands to fit into the cell's nucleus. Researchers once thought that nucleosomes regulated gene activity through their histone tails (dotted lines), but a 2010 study revealed that the structures' core also plays a role. The finding sheds light on how gene expression is regulated and how abnormal gene regulation can lead to cancer. | | DNA, DNA packaging, genetics, proteins, cell | Inside_the_nucleosome.jpg | Inside_the_nucleosome_L.jpg | Inside_the_nucleosome_M.jpg |  | | |  | Inside_the_nucleosome_T.jpg |
|  | 5011 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2740/ribofolding_T.JPG'></DIV> | Early life of a protein | No | Illustration | Active | 8/18/2020 2:37 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This illustration represents the early life of a protein—specifically, apomyoglobin—as it is synthesized by a ribosome and emerges from the ribosomal tunnel, which contains the newly formed protein's conformation. The synthesis occurs in the complex swirl of the cell medium, filled with interactions among many molecules. Researchers in Silvia Cavagnero's laboratory are studying the structure and dynamics of newly made proteins and polypeptides using spectroscopic and biochemical techniques. | | protein structure, biochemistry, globin fold, | ribofolding.JPG | ribofolding_L.JPG | ribofolding_M.JPG |  | | |  | ribofolding_T.JPG |
|  | 5013 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2739/tetrapole_T.jpg'></DIV> | Tetrapolar mitosis | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:51 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image shows an abnormal, tetrapolar mitosis. Chromosomes are highlighted pink. The cells shown are S3 tissue cultured cells from <i>Xenopus laevis</i>, African clawed frog. | | cell division, mitosis, cell cycle, abnormal mitosis, abnormal cell division | tetrapole.jpg | tetrapole_L.jpg | tetrapole_M.jpg |  | | |  | tetrapole_T.jpg |
|  | 5009 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2737/cytoscapethumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cytoscape network diagram 1 | No | Illustration | Active | 6/2/2022 2:16 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | molecular interactions, genetic interactions, network wiring diagrams, Trey Ideker | Cytoscape_high_.jpg | Cytoscape_S.jpg | Cytoscape_M.jpg |  | | |  | cytoscapethumb.jpg |
|  | 5006 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2735/network_map_T.gif'></DIV> | Network Map | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 2:20 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This network map shows the overlap (green) between the long QT syndrome (yellow) and epilepsy (blue) protein-interaction neighborhoods located within the human interactome. Researchers have learned to integrate genetic, cellular and clinical information to find out why certain medicines can trigger fatal heart arrhythmias. Featured in <a href=" https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/Computing-Life/Pages/Home.aspx"><em>Computing Life</em></a> magazine. | | chemical reaction, | interactome.gif | interactome_L.gif | interactome_M.gif |  | | |  | network_map_T.gif |
|  | 5005 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2733/Arabidopsis_T.jpg'></DIV> | Early development in Arabidopsis | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 1:48 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Early on, this <em>Arabidopsis</em> plant embryo picks sides: While one end will form the shoot, the other will take root underground. Short pieces of RNA in the bottom half (blue) make sure that shoot-forming genes are expressed only in the embryo's top half (green), eventually allowing a seedling to emerge with stems and leaves. Like animals, plants follow a carefully orchestrated polarization plan and errors can lead to major developmental defects, such as shoots above and below ground. Because the complex gene networks that coordinate this development in plants and animals share important similarities, studying polarity in <em>Arabidopsis</em>--a model organism--could also help us better understand human development. | | research organism, rockcress, thale cress, genus, mustards, mouse-ear cress, arabidopsis thaliana | Arabidopsis.jpg | Arabidopsis_L.jpg | Arabidopsis_M.jpg |  | | |  | Arabidopsis_T.jpg |
|  | 4996 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2728/sponge_T.jpg'></DIV> | Sponge | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 1:50 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Many of today's medicines come from products found in nature, such as this sponge found off the coast of Palau in the Pacific Ocean. Chemists have synthesized a compound called Palau'amine, which appears to act against cancer, bacteria and fungi. In doing so, they invented a new chemical technique that will empower the synthesis of other challenging molecules. | | disease treatment, cure, treatment, medicine, sea, toxic alkaloid | sponge.jpg | sponge_L.jpg | sponge_M.jpg |  | | |  | sponge_T.jpg |
|  | 4998 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2727/Mbnl1thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Proteins related to myotonic dystrophy | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 12:48 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Myotonic dystrophy is thought to be caused by the binding of a protein called Mbnl1 to abnormal RNA repeats. In these two images of the same muscle precursor cell, the top image shows the location of the Mbnl1 splicing factor (green) and the bottom image shows the location of RNA repeats (red) inside the cell nucleus (blue). The white arrows point to two large foci in the cell nucleus where Mbnl1 is sequestered with RNA. | | DNA, ribonucleic acid, muscular dystrophy, genetic disorder | myotonic_big.gif | myotonic_big_S.jpg | myotonic_big_M.gif |  | | |  | Mbnl1thumb.jpg |
|  | 5000 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2725/supernova_cyan_updated_T.jpg'></DIV> | Supernova bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 8/12/2020 12:10 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Bacteria engineered to act as genetic clocks flash in synchrony. Here, a "supernova" burst in a colony of coupled genetic clocks just after reaching critical cell density. Superimposed: A diagram from the notebook of Christiaan Huygens, who first characterized synchronized oscillators in the 17th century. | | | supernova_cyan_updated.jpg | supernova_cyan_updated_L.jpg | supernova_cyan_updated_M.jpg |  | | |  | supernova_cyan_updated_T.jpg |
|  | 4905 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2724/blinkingbacteriathumb.jpg'></DIV> | Blinking bacteria | No | Video | Active | 8/12/2020 11:48 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Like a pulsing blue shower, <em>E. coli</em> cells flash in synchrony. Genes inserted into each cell turn a fluorescent protein on and off at regular intervals. When enough cells grow in the colony, a phenomenon called quorum sensing allows them to switch from blinking independently to blinking in unison. Researchers can watch waves of light propagate across the colony. Adjusting the temperature, chemical composition or other conditions can change the frequency and amplitude of the waves. Because the blinks react to subtle changes in the environment, synchronized oscillators like this one could one day allow biologists to build cellular sensors that detect pollutants or help deliver drugs. | | drug delivery, ecoli, Escherichia coli | Blinking_bacteria.mp4 | | |  | | |  | blinkingbacteriathumb.jpg |
|  | 4908 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2723/NewLabSpace_T.png'></DIV> | iPS cell facility at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 2:30 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This lab space was designed for work on the induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell collection, part of the NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research. | | iPSC | NewLabSpace.png | NewLabSpace_S.jpg | NewLabSpace_M.png |  | | |  | NewLabSpace_T.png |
|  | 4906 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2722/Coriell_Biobank_T.JPG'></DIV> | Cryogenic storage tanks at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 2:16 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Established in 1953, the Coriell Institute for Medical Research distributes cell lines and DNA samples to researchers around the world. Shown here are Coriell's cryogenic tanks filled with liquid nitrogen and millions of vials of frozen cells. | | cryotank, NMR, NMR spectroscopy, | Coriell_Biobank.JPG | Coriell_Biobank_S.jpg | Coriell_Biobank_M.JPG |  | | |  | Coriell_Biobank_T.JPG |
|  | 4904 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2716/Mycobact-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mycobacterium tuberculosis | No | Photograph | Active | 1/7/2025 9:33 AM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | TB, MTB, Bacteria, | bacterium_causes_TB3.jpg | bacterium_causes_TB3_S.jpg | bacterium_causes_TB3_M.jpg |  | | |  | Mycobact-thumb.jpg |
|  | 4907 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2715/2715_axolotls_T.jpg'></DIV> | Glow-in-the-dark salamanders | No | Video | Active | 8/6/2020 1:03 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These six-month-old axolotls, a kind of salamander, glow green and blue under ultraviolet light. That's because they were genetically modified to make harmless green fluorescent protein, or GFP. Like X-ray vision, GFP lets you see inside the axolotls as they hang out in their aquarium. GFP not only can reveal internal structures in living organisms, but it also can light up specific cells and even proteins within a cell. That allows scientists to identify and track things like cancer cells. | | research organism, axolotl, salamander | axolotls.mp4 | 2715_axolotls_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2715_axolotls_T.jpg |
|  | 4902 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2714/09-10-21-1-thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Stretch detectors | No | Video | Active | 8/6/2020 12:55 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Muscles stretch and contract when we walk, and skin splits open and knits back together when we get a paper cut. To study these contractile forces, researchers built a three-dimensional scaffold that mimics tissue in an organism. Researchers poured a mixture of cells and elastic collagen over microscopic posts in a dish. Then they studied how the cells pulled and released the posts as they formed a web of tissue. To measure forces between posts, the researchers developed a computer model. Their findings--which show that contractile forces vary throughout the tissue--could have a wide range of medical applications. | | | Stretch_detectors.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 09-10-21-1-thumb.jpg |
|  | 4901 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2709/EHarrington_Retrovirus_T.jpg'></DIV> | Retroviruses as fossils | No | Illustration | Active | 8/6/2020 1:55 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | DNA doesn't leave a fossil record in stone, the way bones do. Instead, the DNA code itself holds the best evidence for organisms' genetic history. Some of the most telling evidence about genetic history comes from retroviruses, the remnants of ancient viral infections. | | retrovirus, RNA, genome | EHarrington_Retrovirus.jpg | EHarrington_Retrovirus_L.jpg | EHarrington_Retrovirus_M.jpg |  | | |  | EHarrington_Retrovirus_T.jpg |
|  | 4900 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2708/cool_video_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Leading cells with light | No | Video | Active | 8/6/2020 12:31 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A blue laser beam turns on a protein that helps this human cancer cell move. Responding to the stimulus, the protein, called Rac1, first creates ruffles at the edge of the cell. Then it stretches the cell forward, following the light like a horse trotting after a carrot on a stick. This new light-based approach can turn Rac1 (and potentially many other proteins) on and off at exact times and places in living cells. By manipulating a protein that controls movement, the technique also offers a new tool to study embryonic development, nerve regeneration and cancer. | | | Leading_cells_with_light.mp4 | | |  | | |  | cool_video_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4899 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2707/anchor_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Anchor cell in basement membrane | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 11:21 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | An anchor cell (red) pushes through the basement membrane (green) that surrounds it. Some cells are able to push through the tough basement barrier to carry out important tasks--and so can cancer cells, when they spread from one part of the body to another. No one has been able to recreate basement membranes in the lab and they're hard to study in humans, so Duke University researchers turned to the simple worm <em>C. elegans</em>. The researchers identified two molecules that help certain cells orient themselves toward and then punch through the worm's basement membrane. Studying these molecules and the genes that control them could deepen our understanding of cancer spread. | | fluorescence | anchor_cell.jpg | anchor_cell_L.jpg | anchor_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | anchor_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 4898 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2702/2702_Thermotoga_maritima_and_its_metabolic_network_T.jpg'></DIV> | Thermotoga maritima and its metabolic network | No | Video | Active | 8/6/2020 12:36 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A combination of protein structures determined experimentally and computationally shows us the complete metabolic network of a heat-loving bacterium. | | bacteria, hyperthermophilic, toga, computer generated | Thermotoga_maritima_and_its_metabolic_network.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2702_Thermotoga_maritima_and_its_metabolic_network_T.jpg |
|  | 4897 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2693/fruit_fly_pink_T.JPG'></DIV> | Fruit fly in the pink | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 12:05 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Fruit flies are a common model organism for basic medical research. | | drosophila, research organism | fruit_fly_pink.JPG | fruit_fly_pink_S.jpg | fruit_fly_pink_M.JPG |  | | |  | fruit_fly_pink_T.JPG |
|  | 4896 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2690/2690_Dolly_the_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dolly the sheep | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:18 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Scientists in Scotland were the first to clone an animal, this sheep named Dolly. She later gave birth to Bonnie, the lamb next to her. | | | Dolly_the_sheep.jpg | 2690_Dolly_the_S.jpg | Dolly_the_sheep_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2690_Dolly_the_T.jpg |
|  | 4895 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2687/2687_serraz_T.jpg'></DIV> | Serratezomine A | No | Illustration | Active | 11/6/2020 4:17 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A 3-D model of the alkaloid serratezomine A shows the molecule's complex ring structure. | | | serraz_t1.jpg | 2687_serraz_S.jpg | serraz_t1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2687_serraz_T.jpg |
|  | 4894 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2684/dicty_fruit_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dicty fruit | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:14 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | dicty_fruit.jpg | dicty_fruit_S.jpg | dicty_fruit_M.jpg |  | | |  | dicty_fruit_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4893 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2683/GFP_sperm_T.jpg'></DIV> | GFP sperm | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:13 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Fruit fly sperm cells glow bright green when they express the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP). | | | GFP_sperm.jpg | GFP_sperm_S.jpg | GFP_sperm_M.jpg |  | | |  | GFP_sperm_T.jpg |
|  | 4892 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2667/2667_glowing_T.jpg'></DIV> | Glowing fish | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:11 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | glowing_fish.jpg | 2667_glowing_S.jpg | glowing_fish_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2667_glowing_T.jpg |
|  | 4890 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2649/2649_endoplasmic_T.jpg'></DIV> | Endoplasmic reticulum | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:09 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Fluorescent markers show the interconnected web of tubes and compartments in the endoplasmic reticulum. The protein atlastin helps build and maintain this critical part of cells. The image is from a July 2009 <a href=http:// www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2009-07/ru-lpf072909.php target="_blank">news release</a>. | | | endoplasmic_reticulum.jpg | 2649_endoplasmic_S.jpg | endoplasmic_reticulum_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2649_endoplasmic_T.jpg |
|  | 4891 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2637/2637_rblactiveshad_T.jpg'></DIV> | Activated mast cell surface | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 4:07 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A scanning electron microscope image of an activated mast cell. This image illustrates the interesting topography of the cell membrane, which is populated with receptors. The distribution of receptors may affect cell signaling. This image relates to a July 27, 2009 article in <a href=" https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/Booklets/Computing-Life/Pages/Home.aspx"><em>Computing Life</em></a>. | | | rblactiveshad.jpg | 2637_rblactiveshad_S.jpg | rblactiveshad_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2637_rblactiveshad_T.jpg |
|  | 4889 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2636/PMerMito_T.jpg'></DIV> | Computer model of cell membrane | No | Illustration | Active | 11/6/2020 4:06 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | PMerMito.jpg | PMerMito_L.jpg | PMerMito_M.jpg |  | | |  | PMerMito_T.jpg |
|  | 4888 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2635/2635_MitochondriaER_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum | No | Illustration | Active | 11/6/2020 4:05 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | MitochondriaER.jpg | 2635_MitochondriaER_S.jpg | MitochondriaER_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2635_MitochondriaER_T.jpg |
|  | 4887 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2626/telomere_FISH_T.jpg'></DIV> | Telomeres | No | Photograph | Active | 11/6/2020 3:58 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The 46 human chromosomes are shown in blue, with the telomeres appearing as white pinpoints. The DNA has already been copied, so each chromosome is actually made up of two identical lengths of DNA, each with its own two telomeres. | | | telomere_FISH.tif | telomere_FISH_S.jpg | telomere_FISH_M.jpg |  | | |  | telomere_FISH_T.jpg |
|  | 4886 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2608/stem_cell_colony03-m_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human embryonic stem cells | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 5:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The center cluster of cells, colored blue, shows a colony of human embryonic stem cells. These cells, which arise at the earliest stages of development, are capable of differentiating into any of the 220 types of cells in the human body and can provide access to cells for basic research and potential therapies. This image is from the lab of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's James Thomson. | | | stem_cell_colony03.jpg | stem_cell_colony03_S.jpg | stem_cell_colony03_M.jpg |  | | |  | stem_cell_colony03-m_T.jpg |
|  | 4885 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2607/mouse_embryo_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse embryo showing Smad4 protein | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 5:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This eerily glowing blob isn't an alien or a creature from the deep sea--it's a mouse embryo just eight and a half days old. The green shell and core show a protein called Smad4. In the center, Smad4 is telling certain cells to begin forming the mouse's liver and pancreas. Researchers identified a trio of signaling pathways that help switch on Smad4-making genes, starting immature cells on the path to becoming organs. The research could help biologists learn how to grow human liver and pancreas tissue for research, drug testing and regenerative medicine. In addition to NIGMS, NIH's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases also supported this work. | | | mouse_embryo.jpg | mouse_embryo_L.jpg | mouse_embryo_M.jpg |  | | |  | mouse_embryo_T.jpg |
|  | 4884 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2606/skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.2_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Induced stem cells from adult skin 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human skin cells pictured contain genetic modifications that make them pluripotent, essentially equivalent to embryonic stem cells. A scientific team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison including researchers Junying Yu, James Thomson, and their colleagues produced the transformation by introducing a set of four genes into human fibroblasts, skin cells that are easy to obtain and grow in culture. | | | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.2.jpg | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.2_S.jpg | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.2_M.jpg |  | | |  | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.2_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4882 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2605/skin_cell_pluripotent07_1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Induced stem cells from adult skin 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:28 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human skin cells pictured contain genetic modifications that make them pluripotent, essentially equivalent to embryonic stem cells. A scientific team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison including researchers Junying Yu, James Thomson, and their colleagues produced the transformation by introducing a set of four genes into human fibroblasts, skin cells that are easy to obtain and grow in culture. | | | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1.jpg | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1_S.jpg | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | skin_cell_pluripotent07_1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4789 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2604/Thomson_IPS_cells09-m_T.jpg'></DIV> | Induced stem cells from adult skin 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:28 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These cells are induced stem cells made from human adult skin cells that were genetically reprogrammed to mimic embryonic stem cells. The induced stem cells were made potentially safer by removing the introduced genes and the viral vector used to ferry genes into the cells, a loop of DNA called a plasmid. The work was accomplished by geneticist Junying Yu in the laboratory of James Thomson, a University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health professor and the director of regenerative biology for the Morgridge Institute for Research. | | | Thomson_IPS_cells09.jpg | Thomson_IPS_cells09_S.jpg | Thomson_IPS_cells09_M.jpg |  | | |  | Thomson_IPS_cells09-m_T.jpg |
|  | 4790 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2603/Thomson_IPS_cells09_A-m_T.jpg'></DIV> | Induced stem cells from adult skin 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | These cells are induced stem cells made from human adult skin cells that were genetically reprogrammed to mimic embryonic stem cells. The induced stem cells were made potentially safer by removing the introduced genes and the viral vector used to ferry genes into the cells, a loop of DNA called a plasmid. The work was accomplished by geneticist Junying Yu in the laboratory of James Thomson, a University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health professor and the director of regenerative biology for the Morgridge Institute for Research. | | | Thomson_IPS_cells09_A2.jpg | Thomson_IPS_cells09_A2_S.jpg | Thomson_IPS_cells09_A2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Thomson_IPS_cells09_A-m_T.jpg |
|  | 4788 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2601/mouse_liver_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse liver labeled with fluorescent probe | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A mouse liver glows after being tagged with specially designed infrared-fluorescent protein (IFP). Since its discovery in 1962, green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become an invaluable resource in biomedical imaging. But because of its short wavelength, the light that makes GFP glow doesn't penetrate far in whole animals. So University of California, San Diego cell biologist Roger Tsien--who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for groundbreaking work with GFP--made infrared-fluorescent proteins (IFPs) that shine under longer-wavelength light, allowing whole-body imaging in small animals. | | | mouse_liver.jpg | mouse_liver_L.jpg | mouse_liver_M.jpg |  | | |  | mouse_liver_T.jpg |
|  | 4787 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2600/protein_blocking_molecules_T.jpg'></DIV> | Molecules blocking Huntington's protein production | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:23 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The molecules that glow blue in these cultured cells prevent the expression of the mutant proteins that cause Huntington's disease. Biochemist David Corey and others at UT Southwestern Medical Center designed the molecules to specifically target the genetic repeats that code for harmful proteins in people with Huntington's disese. People with Huntington's disease and similar neurodegenerative disorders often have extra copies of a gene segment. Moving from cell cultures to animals will help researchers further explore the potential of their specially crafted molecule to treat brain disorders. In addition to NIGMS, NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering also funded this work. | | | protein_blocking_molecules.jpg | protein_blocking_molecules_L.jpg | protein_blocking_molecules_M.jpg |  | | |  | protein_blocking_molecules_T.jpg |
|  | 4784 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2596/sleep_fly1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Sleep and the fly brain | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:21 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In the top snapshots, the brain of a sleep-deprived fruit fly glows orange, marking high concentrations of a synaptic protein called Bruchpilot (BRP) involved in communication between neurons. The color particularly lights up brain areas associated with learning. By contrast, the bottom images from a well-rested fly show lower levels of the protein. These pictures illustrate the results of an April 2009 study showing that sleep reduces the protein's levels, suggesting that such "downscaling" resets the brain to normal levels of synaptic activity and makes it ready to learn after a restful night. | | | sleep_fly1.jpg | sleep_fly1_L.jpg | sleep_fly1_M.jpg |  | | |  | sleep_fly1_T.jpg |
|  | 4785 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2594/katanin_DJ-Sharp_thumb.gif'></DIV> | Katanin protein regulates anaphase | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 3:02 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The microtubule severing protein, katanin, localizes to chromosomes and regulates anaphase A in mitosis. The movement of chromosomes on the mitotic spindle requires the depolymerization of microtubule ends. The figure shows the mitotic localization of the microtubule severing protein katanin (green) relative to spindle microtubules (red) and kinetochores/chromosomes (blue). Katanin targets to chromosomes during both metaphase (top) and anaphase (bottom) and is responsible for inducing the depolymerization of attached microtubule plus-ends. This image was a finalist in the <a href=" http://drosophila-images.org/">2008 Drosophila Image Award <img src="/PublishingImages/exitdisclaimer.gif" alt="Link to external website" style="border-width: 0px;"/></a>. | | | katanin_DJ-Sharp.gif | katanin_DJ-Sharp_S.jpg | katanin_DJ-Sharp_M.gif |  | | |  | katanin_DJ-Sharp_thumb.gif |
|  | 4786 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2593/fly_embryo_T.jpg'></DIV> | Precise development in the fruit fly embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 2:58 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This 2-hour-old fly embryo already has a blueprint for its formation, and the process for following it is so precise that the difference of just a few key molecules can change the plans. Here, blue marks a high concentration of Bicoid, a key signaling protein that directs the formation of the fly's head. It also regulates another important protein, Hunchback (green), that further maps the head and thorax structures and partitions the embryo in half (red is DNA). The yellow dots overlaying the embryo plot the concentration of Bicoid versus Hunchback proteins within each nucleus. The image illustrates the precision with which an embryo interprets and locates its halfway boundary, approaching limits set by simple physical principles. This image was a finalist in the <a href=" http://drosophila-images.org/">2008 Drosophila Image Award <img src="/PublishingImages/exitdisclaimer.gif" alt="Link to external website" style="border-width: 0px;"/></a>. | | | fly_embryo.jpg | fly_embryo_L.jpg | fly_embryo_M.jpg |  | | |  | fly_embryo_T.jpg |
|  | 4783 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2588/Genetic_Patchworks_T.jpg'></DIV> | Genetic patchworks | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 12:36 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Each point in these colorful patchworks represents the correlation between two sleep-associated genes in fruit flies. Vibrant reds and oranges represent high and intermediate degrees of association between the genes, respectively. Genes in these areas show similar activity patterns in different fly lines. Cool blues represent gene pairs where one partner's activity is high and the other's is low. The green areas show pairs with activities that are not correlated. These quilt-like depictions help illustrate a recent finding that genes act in teams to influence sleep patterns. | | | Genetic_Patchworks.jpg | Genetic_Patchworks_L.jpg | Genetic_Patchworks_M.jpg |  | | |  | Genetic_Patchworks_T.jpg |
|  | 4782 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2580/3596_09-02-18-31.jpg'></DIV> | Heart rates time series | No | Video | Inactive | 5/9/2022 9:55 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | These time series show the heart rates of four different individuals. Automakers use steel scraps to build cars, construction companies repurpose tires to lay running tracks, and now scientists are reusing previously discarded medical data to better understand our complex physiology. Through a website called PhysioNet developed in part by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center cardiologist Ary Goldberger, scientists can access complete physiologic recordings, such as heart rate, respiration, brain activity and gait. They then can use free software to analyze the data and find patterns in it. The patterns could ultimately help health care professionals diagnose and treat health conditions like congestive heart failure, sleeping disorders, epilepsy and walking problems. PhysioNet is supported by NIH's National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering as well as by NIGMS. See photograph with ID <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3596"><em>3596</em></a> in Image Gallery. | | | Heart%20rates%20time%20series.mp4 | 2580_09-02-18-31.jpg | |  | | |  | 3596_09-02-18-31.jpg |
|  | 4780 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2579/2579_Warfarin_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bottles of warfarin | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 12:31 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | In 2007, the FDA modified warfarin's label to indicate that genetic makeup may affect patient response to the drug. The widely used blood thinner is sold under the brand name Coumadin®. Scientists involved in the NIH Pharmacogenetics Research Network are investigating whether genetic information can be used to improve optimal dosage prediction for patients. | | | Warfarin.jpg | 2579_Warfarin_S.jpg | Warfarin_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2579_Warfarin_T.jpg |
|  | 4779 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2578/Cellular_Aging2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cellular aging | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 12:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A protein called tubulin (green) accumulates in the center of a nucleus (outlined in pink) from an aging cell. Normally, this protein is kept out of the nucleus with the help of gatekeepers known as nuclear pore complexes. But NIGMS-funded researchers found that wear and tear to long-lived components of the complexes eventually lowers the gatekeepers' guard. As a result, cytoplasmic proteins like tubulin gain entry to the nucleus while proteins normally confined to the nucleus seep out. The work suggests that finding ways to stop the leakage could slow the cellular aging process and possibly lead to new therapies for age-related diseases. | | | Cellular_Aging2.jpg | Cellular_Aging2_S.jpg | Cellular_Aging2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cellular_Aging2_T.jpg |
|  | 4781 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2576/cone_snail_1__T.jpg'></DIV> | Cone snail shell | No | Photograph | Active | 10/30/2020 12:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A shell from the venomous cone snail <i>Conus omaria</i>, which lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans and eats other snails. University of Utah scientists discovered a new toxin in this snail species' venom, and say it will be a useful tool in designing new medicines for a variety of brain disorders, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, depression, nicotine addiction and perhaps schizophrenia. | | | cone_snail_1_.jpg | cone_snail_1_S.jpg | cone_snail_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | cone_snail_1__T.jpg |
|  | 4777 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2574/2574_Simulation_of_uncontrolled_avian_flu_outbreak_T.jpg'></DIV> | Simulation of uncontrolled avian flu outbreak | No | Video | Active | 1/20/2023 9:16 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Simulation_of_uncontrolled_avian_flu_outbreak.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2574_Simulation_of_uncontrolled_avian_flu_outbreak_T.jpg |
|  | 4774 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2573/2573_Simulation_of_controlled_avian_flu_outbreak_T.jpg'></DIV> | Simulation of controlled avian flu outbreak | No | Video | Active | 10/30/2020 12:11 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Simulation_of_controlled_avian_flu_outbreak.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2573_Simulation_of_controlled_avian_flu_outbreak_T.jpg |
|  | 4775 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2572/2572_VDAC_video_03_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC video 03 | No | Video | Active | 3/4/2022 2:30 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | 3-D | VDAC_video_03.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2572_VDAC_video_03_T.jpg |
|  | 4778 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2571/2571_VDAC_video_02_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC video 02 | No | Video | Active | 3/4/2022 2:28 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | 3-D | VDAC_video_02.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2571_VDAC_video_02_T.jpg |
|  | 4776 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2570/2570_VDAC_video_01_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC video 01 | No | Video | Active | 3/4/2022 2:29 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | 3-D | VDAC_video_01.mp4 | | |  | | |  | 2570_VDAC_video_01_T.jpg |
|  | 4773 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2569/Circadian_Rhythm_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Circadian rhythm (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2020 11:23 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The human body keeps time with a master clock called the suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN. Situated inside the brain, it's a tiny sliver of tissue about the size of a grain of rice, located behind the eyes. It sits quite close to the optic nerve, which controls vision, and this means that the SCN "clock" can keep track of day and night. The SCN helps control sleep and maintains our circadian rhythm--the regular, 24-hour (or so) cycle of ups and downs in our bodily processes such as hormone levels, blood pressure, and sleepiness. The SCN regulates our circadian rhythm by coordinating the actions of billions of miniature "clocks" throughout the body. These aren't actually clocks, but rather are ensembles of genes inside clusters of cells that switch on and off in a regular, 24-hour (or so) cycle in our physiological day. | | | Circadian_Rhythm_with_labels.jpg | Circadian_Rhythm_with_labels_S.jpg | Circadian_Rhythm_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Circadian_Rhythm_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4771 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2567/Haplotypes_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Haplotypes (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 11:59 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Haplotypes_with_labels.jpg | Haplotypes_with_labels_S.jpg | Haplotypes_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Haplotypes_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4770 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2566/Haplotypes_T.jpg'></DIV> | Haplotypes | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 11:58 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Haplotypes.jpg | Haplotypes_S.jpg | Haplotypes_M.jpg |  | | |  | Haplotypes_T.jpg |
|  | 4772 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2565/2565_Recombinant_DNA_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Recombinant DNA (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 11:11 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Recombinant_DNA_with_labels.jpg | Recombinant_DNA_with_labels_S.jpg | Recombinant_DNA_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2565_Recombinant_DNA_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4768 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2564/2564thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Recombinant DNA | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 11:11 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Recombinant_DNA.jpg | Recombinant_DNA_S.jpg | Recombinant_DNA_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2564thumb.jpg |
|  | 4769 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2563/2563_Epigenetic_Code_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Epigenetic code (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 10:55 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Epigenetic_Code_with_labels.jpg | Epigenetic_Code_with_labels_S.jpg | Epigenetic_Code_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2563_Epigenetic_Code_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4767 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2562/2562thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Epigenetic code | No | Illustration | Active | 10/30/2020 10:54 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Epigenetic_Code.jpg | Epigenetic_Code_S.jpg | Epigenetic_Code_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2562thumb.jpg |
|  | 4764 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2561/Histones_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Histones in chromatin (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Histones_with_labels.jpg | Histones_with_labels_S.jpg | Histones_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Histones_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4765 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2560/Histones_T.jpg'></DIV> | Histones in chromatin | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Histones.jpg | Histones_S.jpg | Histones_M.jpg |  | | |  | Histones_T.jpg |
|  | 4668 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2559/2559_RNA__Interference_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | RNA interference (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | RNA__Interference_with_labels.jpg | RNA__Interference_with_labels_S.jpg | RNA__Interference_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2559_RNA__Interference_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4662 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2558/2558thumb.jpg'></DIV> | RNA interference | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | RNA__Interference.jpg | RNA__Interference_S.jpg | RNA__Interference_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2558thumb.jpg |
|  | 4665 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2557/Dicer_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dicer generates microRNAs (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Dicer_with_labels.jpg | S.jpg | Dicer_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Dicer_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4666 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2556/Dicer_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dicer generates microRNAs | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 3:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Dicer.jpg | Dicer_S.jpg | Dicer_M.jpg |  | | |  | Dicer_T.jpg |
|  | 4664 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2555/2555_RNA_with_T.jpg'></DIV> | RNA strand (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:37 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | RNA_with_labels.jpg | 2555_RNA_with_S.jpg | RNA_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2555_RNA_with_T.jpg |
|  | 4667 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2554/2554_RNA_T.jpg'></DIV> | RNA strand | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:36 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | RNA.jpg | 2554_RNA_S.jpg | RNA_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2554_RNA_T.jpg |
|  | 4660 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2553/2553thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Alternative splicing (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:39 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Alternative_Splicing_with_labels.jpg | Alternative_Splicing_with_labels_S.jpg | Alternative_Splicing_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2553thumb.jpg |
|  | 4661 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2552/2552thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Alternative splicing | No | Illustration | Active | 10/23/2020 1:23 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Alternative_Splicing.jpg | Alternative_Splicing_S.jpg | Alternative_Splicing_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2552thumb.jpg |
|  | 4658 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2551/2551thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Introns (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:42 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | genetics | Introns_with_labels.jpg | Introns_with_labels_S.jpg | Introns_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2551thumb.jpg |
|  | 4663 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2550/2550thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Introns | No | Illustration | Active | 10/16/2020 1:11 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | genetics | Introns.jpg | Introns_S.jpg | Introns_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2550thumb.jpg |
|  | 4659 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2549/Translation_with_labels_and_stages_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Central dogma, illustrated (with labels and numbers for stages) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/13/2024 2:31 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | genetics | Translation_with_labels_and_stages.jpg | Translation_with_labels_and_stages_S.jpg | Translation_with_labels_and_stages_M.jpg |  | | |  | Translation_with_labels_and_stages_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4657 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2548/Translation_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Central dogma, illustrated (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/13/2024 2:33 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | genetics | Translation_with_labels.jpg | Translation_with_labels_S.jpg | Translation_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Translation_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4656 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2547/Translation_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Central dogma, illustrated | No | Illustration | Active | 5/13/2024 2:33 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | genetics | Translation.jpg | Translation_S.jpg | Translation_M.jpg |  | | |  | Translation_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4655 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2546/2546thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Meiosis illustration (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:45 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Meiosis_with_labels.jpg | Meiosis_with_labels_S.jpg | Meiosis_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2546thumb.jpg |
|  | 4653 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2545/2545thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Meiosis illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 10/16/2020 1:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Meiosis.jpg | Meiosis_S.jpg | Meiosis_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2545thumb.jpg |
|  | 4652 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2544/2544thumb.jpg'></DIV> | DNA replication illustration (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:48 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | DNA_Replication_with_labels.jpg | DNA_Replication_with_labels_S.jpg | DNA_Replication_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2544thumb.jpg |
|  | 4654 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2543/2543thumb.jpg'></DIV> | DNA replication illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 10/16/2020 12:57 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | DNA_Replication.jpg | DNA_Replication_S.jpg | DNA_Replication_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2543thumb.jpg |
|  | 4651 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2542/2542thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nucleotides make up DNA (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:49 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Nucleotides_with_labels.jpg | Nucleotides_with_labels_S.jpg | Nucleotides_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2542thumb.jpg |
|  | 4648 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2541/2541thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nucleotides make up DNA | No | Illustration | Active | 10/16/2020 12:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Nucleotides.jpg | Nucleotides_S.jpg | Nucleotides_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2541thumb.jpg |
|  | 4650 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2540/2540thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Chromosome inside nucleus (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:51 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | gene | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus_with_labels.jpg | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus_with_labels_S.jpg | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2540thumb.jpg |
|  | 4649 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2539/2539thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Chromosome inside nucleus | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:50 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | gene | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus.jpg | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus_S.jpg | Chromosome_inside_Nucleus_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2539thumb.jpg |
|  | 4647 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2538/G_switch_withlabelsandstages.jpg'></DIV> | G switch (with labels and stages) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure, protein | The_G_Switch_with_labels_and_stages.jpg | The_G_Switch_with_labels_and_stages_S.jpg | The_G_Switch_with_labels_and_stages_M.jpg |  | | |  | G_switch_withlabelsandstages.jpg |
|  | 4645 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2537/G_switch_labeled.jpg'></DIV> | G switch (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:46 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structure, protein | The_G_Switch_with_labels.jpg | The_G_Switch_S.jpg | The_G_Switch_M.jpg |  | | |  | G_switch_labeled.jpg |
|  | 4644 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2536/G_switch.jpg'></DIV> | G switch | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | structuce, protein | The_G_Switch.jpg | The_G_Switch_S.jpg | The_G_Switch_M.jpg |  | | |  | G_switch.jpg |
|  | 4546 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2535/kinases_labeled_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Kinases (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:54 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Kinases_with_labels.jpg | Kinases_with_labels_S.jpg | Kinases_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | kinases_labeled_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4547 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2534/kinases_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Kinases | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:55 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Kinases.jpg | Kinases_S.jpg | Kinases_M.jpg |  | | |  | kinases_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4548 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2533/2533_Dose_Response_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dose response curves | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Dose_Response_Curces.jpg | 2533_Dose_Response_S.jpg | Dose_Response_Curves_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2533_Dose_Response_T.jpg |
|  | 4545 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2532/drugs_enter_skin_labeled.jpg'></DIV> | Drugs enter skin (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:25 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Drugs_Enter_Skin_with_labels.jpg | Drugs_Enter_Skin_with_labels_S.jpg | Drugs_Enter_Skin_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | drugs_enter_skin_labeled.jpg |
|  | 4543 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2531/2531_Drugs_Enter_Skin_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Drugs enter skin | No | Illustration | Active | 10/9/2020 12:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | 2531_Drugs_Enter_Skin.jpg | 2531_Drugs_Enter_Skin_S.jpg | 2531_Drugs_Enter_Skin_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2531_Drugs_Enter_Skin_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4544 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2530/Aspirin_labeled_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Aspirin (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 11/4/2021 2:29 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, pain reliever, natural product | Aspirin_with_labels.jpg | Aspirin_with_labels_S.jpg | Aspirin_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Aspirin_labeled_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4541 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2529/Aspirin_thumb2.jpg'></DIV> | Aspirin | No | Illustration | Active | 11/4/2021 2:30 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, pain reliever, natural product | Aspirin.jpg | Aspirin_S.jpg | Aspirin_M.jpg |  | | |  | Aspirin_thumb2.jpg |
|  | 4542 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2528/A_Drugs_Life_labeled_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | A drug's life in the body (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 11/4/2021 3:07 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | pharmacokinetics, PK, Pharmacodynamics, PD, Pharmacology, Drug Delivery | A_Drugs_Life_with_labels.jpg | A_Drugs_Life_with_labels_S.jpg | A_Drugs_Life_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | A_Drugs_Life_labeled_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4540 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2527/A_Drugs_Life_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | A drug's life in the body | No | Illustration | Active | 11/4/2021 3:07 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | pharmacokinetics, PK, Pharmacodynamics, PD, Pharmacology, Drug Delivery | A_Drugs_Life.jpg | A_Drugs_Life_S.jpg | A_Drugs_Life_M.jpg |  | | |  | A_Drugs_Life_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4539 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2526/Activation_Energy_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Activation energy (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:58 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Activation_Energy_with_labels.jpg | Activation_Energy_with_labels_S.jpg | Activation_Energy_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Activation_Energy_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4538 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2525/Activation_Energy_T.jpg'></DIV> | Activation energy | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 2:59 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Activation_Energy.jpg | Activation_Energy_S.jpg | Activation_Energy_M.jpg |  | | |  | Activation_Energy_T.jpg |
|  | 4537 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2524/Plasma_Membrane_with_labels_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Plasma membrane (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:02 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Plasma_Membrane_with_labels.jpg | Plasma_Membrane_with_labels_S.jpg | Plasma_Membrane_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Plasma_Membrane_with_labels_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4536 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2523/Plasma_Membrane_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Plasma membrane | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:02 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Plasma_Membrane.jpg | Plasma_Membrane_S.jpg | Plasma_Membrane_M.jpg |  | | |  | Plasma_Membrane_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4535 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2522/Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Enzymes convert subtrates into products (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:04 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | structure | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products_with_labels.jpg | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products_with_labels_S.jpg | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4534 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2521/Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Enzymes convert subtrates into products | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:04 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | structure | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products1.jpg | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products1_S.jpg | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Enzymes_Convert_Subtrates_into_Products1_T.jpg |
|  | 4533 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2520/Ionic_Bond_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bond types (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:07 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Ionic_Bond_with_labels.jpg | Ionic_Bond_with_labels_S.jpg | Ionic_Bond_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Ionic_Bond_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4532 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2519/Ionic_Bond2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bond types | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:07 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Ionic_Bond2.jpg | _S.jpg | _M.jpg |  | | |  | Ionic_Bond2_T.jpg |
|  | 4531 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2518/ATP_Synthase_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | ATP synthase (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:13 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | ATP_Synthase_with_labels.jpg | ATP_Synthase_with_labels_S.jpg | ATP_Synthase_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | ATP_Synthase_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4530 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2517/ATP_Synthase_T.jpg'></DIV> | ATP synthase | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:12 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | ATP_Synthase.jpg | ATP_Synthase_S.jpg | ATP_Synthase_M.jpg |  | | |  | ATP_Synthase_T.jpg |
|  | 4528 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2515/2515_Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_and_stages_T.jpg'></DIV> | Life of an AIDS virus (with labels and stages) | No | Illustration | Active | 9/25/2020 12:31 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_and_stages.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_and_stages_S.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_and_stages_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2515_Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_and_stages_T.jpg |
|  | 4527 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2514/2514_Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Life of an AIDS virus (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 9/25/2020 12:29 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_S.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2514_Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4524 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2513/2513thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Life of an AIDS virus | No | Illustration | Active | 9/25/2020 12:26 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_S.jpg | Life_of_an_AIDS_Virus_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2513thumb.jpg |
|  | 4529 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2512/X-Ray_Beam_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | X-ray crystallography (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 2/16/2021 5:49 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | X-Ray_Beam_with_labels.jpg | X-Ray_Beam_with_labels_S.jpg | X-Ray_Beam_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | X-Ray_Beam_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4526 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2511/X-Ray_Beam_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | X-ray crystallography | No | Illustration | Active | 2/16/2021 5:52 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | X-Ray_Beam.jpg | X-Ray_Beam_S.jpg | X-Ray_Beam_M.jpg |  | | |  | X-Ray_Beam_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4418 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2510/The_Genetic_Code_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | From DNA to Protein (labeled) | No | Illustration | Active | 1/27/2022 10:38 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Central Dogma | The_Genetic_Code_with_labels.jpg | The_Genetic_Code_with_labels_S.jpg | The_Genetic_Code_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | The_Genetic_Code_with_labels_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4417 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2509/The_Genetic_Code_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | From DNA to Protein | No | Illustration | Active | 1/27/2022 10:39 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | central dogma
| The_Genetic_Code.jpg | The_Genetic_Code_S.jpg | The_Genetic_Code_M.jpg |  | | |  | The_Genetic_Code_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4415 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2508/2508thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Building blocks and folding of proteins | No | Illustration | Active | 5/13/2024 2:21 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | structure | Proteins.jpg | Proteins_S.jpg | Proteins_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2508thumb.jpg |
|  | 4413 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2507/Carbon_Building_Blocks_with_examples_T.jpg'></DIV> | Carbon building blocks (with examples) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:17 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Carbon_Building_Blocks_with_examples.jpg | Carbon_Building_Blocks_with_examples_S.jpg | Carbon_Building_Blocks_with_examples_M.jpg |  | | |  | Carbon_Building_Blocks_with_examples_T.jpg |
|  | 4414 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2506/Carbon_Building_Blocks_T.jpg'></DIV> | Carbon building blocks | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:16 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Carbon_Building_Blocks.jpg | Carbon_Building_Blocks_S.jpg | Carbon_Building_Blocks_M.jpg |  | | |  | Carbon_Building_Blocks_T.jpg |
|  | 4411 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2505/Hemagglutinin_with_labels1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Influenza virus attaches to host membrane (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:55 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Hemagglutinin_with_labels1.jpg | Hemagglutinin_with_labels1_S.jpg | Hemagglutinin_with_labels1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Hemagglutinin_with_labels1_T.jpg |
|  | 4412 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2503/Focal_Adhesions_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Focal adhesions (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:21 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Focal_Adhesions_with_labels.jpg | Focal_Adhesions_with_labels_S.jpg | Focal_Adhesions_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Focal_Adhesions_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4416 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2502/Focal_Adhesions_T.jpg'></DIV> | Focal adhesions | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:20 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Focal_Adhesions.jpg | Focal_Adhesions_S.jpg | Focal_Adhesions_M.jpg |  | | |  | Focal_Adhesions_T.jpg |
|  | 4410 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2500/2500_Carbo_T.jpg'></DIV> | Glucose and sucrose | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:38 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Glucose (top) and sucrose (bottom) are sugars made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Carbohydrates include simple sugars like these and are the main source of energy for the human body. | | sugar | Carbo_Synthesis.jpg | 2500_Carbo_S.jpg | Carbo_Synthesis_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2500_Carbo_T.jpg |
|  | 4408 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2499/Cell_Cycle_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell cycle (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:25 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | inactive | Cell_Cycle_with_labels.jpg | Cell_Cycle_with_labels_S.jpg | Cell_Cycle_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cell_Cycle_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4409 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2498/Cell_Cycle1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cell cycle | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:24 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | inactive | Cell_Cycle1.jpg | Cell_Cycle1_S.jpg | Cell_Cycle1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cell_Cycle1_T.jpg |
|  | 4406 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2497/Body_Toxins_with_labels_T.jpg'></DIV> | Body toxins (with labels) | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:26 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Body_Toxins_with_labels.jpg | Body_Toxins_with_labels_S.jpg | Body_Toxins_with_labels_M.jpg |  | | |  | Body_Toxins_with_labels_T.jpg |
|  | 4405 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2496/Body_Toxins1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Body toxins | No | Illustration | Active | 3/4/2022 3:26 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | Body_Toxins1.jpg | Body_Toxins1_S.jpg | Body_Toxins1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Body_Toxins1_T.jpg |
|  | 4407 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2495/2495_VDAC-1d_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC-1 (4) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/9/2022 9:30 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | VDAC-1d.jpg | 2495_VDAC-1d_S.jpg | VDAC-1d_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2495_VDAC-1d_T.jpg |
|  | 4401 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2494/2494_VDAC-1c1_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC-1 (3) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/9/2022 9:30 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | VDAC-1c1.jpg | 2494_VDAC-1c1_S.jpg | VDAC-1c1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2494_VDAC-1c1_T.jpg |
|  | 4403 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2491/2491_VDAC-1b_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC-1 (2) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/9/2022 9:29 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | | VDAC-1b.jpg | 2491_VDAC-1b_S.jpg | VDAC-1b_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2491_VDAC-1b_T.jpg |
|  | 4396 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2490/Water_cascade_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cascade reaction promoted by water | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:17 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This illustration of an epoxide-opening cascade promoted by water emulates the proposed biosynthesis of some of the Red Tide toxins. | | | Water_cascade1.jpg | Water_cascade_low.jpg | Water_cascade_med.jpg |  | | |  | Water_cascade_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4397 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2489/retrovirus_unlabeled_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Immune cell attacks cell infected with a retrovirus | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:14 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | T cells engulf and digest cells displaying markers (or antigens) for retroviruses, such as HIV. | | | retrovirus_unlabeled.jpg | retrovirus_unlabeled_low.jpg | retrovirus_unlabeled_med.jpg |  | | |  | retrovirus_unlabeled_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4400 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2488/2488_VDAC-1a_G_Wagner_T.jpg'></DIV> | VDAC-1 (1) | No | Illustration | Active | 5/9/2022 9:31 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | structure | VDAC-1a_G_Wagner_copy.jpg | 2488_VDAC-1a_G_Wagner_S.jpg | VDAC-1a_G_Wagner_copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2488_VDAC-1a_G_Wagner_T.jpg |
|  | 4402 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2484/RNA_pol_II_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | RNA Polymerase II | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:05 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | NIGMS-funded researchers led by Roger Kornberg solved the structure of RNA polymerase II. This is the enzyme in mammalian cells that catalyzes the transcription of DNA into messenger RNA, the molecule that in turn dictates the order of amino acids in proteins. For his work on the mechanisms of mammalian transcription, Kornberg received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2006. | | | RNA_pol_II6.jpg | RNA_pol_II_small.jpg | RNA_pol_II_medium.jpg |  | | |  | RNA_pol_II_thumb.jpg |
|  | 4398 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2483/TrpRS_th.jpg'></DIV> | Trp_RS - tryptophanyl tRNA-synthetase family of enzymes | No | Illustration | Active | 9/18/2020 1:01 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image represents the structure of TrpRS, a novel member of the tryptophanyl tRNA-synthetase family of enzymes. By helping to link the amino acid tryptophan to a tRNA molecule, TrpRS primes the amino acid for use in protein synthesis. A cluster of iron and sulfur atoms (orange and red spheres) was unexpectedly found in the anti-codon domain, a key part of the molecule, and appears to be critical for the function of the enzyme. TrpRS was discovered in Thermotoga maritima, a rod-shaped bacterium that flourishes in high temperatures. | | | TrpRS_hires.jpg | TrpRS_S.jpg | TrpRS_M.jpg |  | | |  | TrpRS_th.jpg |
|  | 4399 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2475/fiberinset1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Chromosome fiber 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 5:18 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This microscopic image shows a chromatin fiber--a DNA molecule bound to naturally occurring proteins. | | genetics | fiberinset1.jpg | fiberinset_L.jpg | fiberinset_M.jpg |  | | |  | fiberinset1_T.jpg |
|  | 4394 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2474/2474_evolutionary_tree_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Dinosaur evolutionary tree | No | Illustration | Active | 8/21/2020 5:14 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Analysis of 68 million-year-old collagen molecule fragments preserved in a <em>T. rex</em> femur confirmed what paleontologists have said for decades: Dinosaurs are close relatives of chickens, ostriches, and to a lesser extent, alligators. A Harvard University research team, including NIGMS-supported postdoctoral research fellow Chris Organ, used sophisticated statistical and computational tools to compare the ancient protein to ones from 21 living species. Because evolutionary processes produce similarities across species, the methods and results may help illuminate other areas of the evolutionary tree. Featured in the May 21, 2008 <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | | evolutionary_tree.jpg | 2474_evolutionary_tree_S.jpg | evolutionary_tree_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2474_evolutionary_tree_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4395 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2473/glowing_glycan_T.jpg'></DIV> | Glowing glycans | No | Photograph | Active | 8/21/2020 5:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Sugars light up the cells in this jaw of a 3-day-old zebrafish embryo and highlight a scientific first: labeling and tracking the movements of sugar chains called glycans in a living organism. Here, recently produced glycans (red) are on the cell surface while those made earlier in development (green) have migrated into the cells. In some areas, old and new glycans mingle (yellow). A better understanding of such traffic patterns could shed light on how organisms develop and may uncover markers for disease, such as cancer. Featured in the May 21, 2008 of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | | glowing_glycan.jpg | glowing_glycan_S.jpg | glowing_glycan_M.jpg |  | | |  | glowing_glycan_T.jpg |
|  | 4404 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2457/fibroblaststh.jpg'></DIV> | RAC1 activation in motile fibroblast | No | Video | Active | 8/20/2020 2:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Novel biosensor system maps the timing and location of Rac protein activation in a living mouse embryo fibroblast. | | Structure | RAC1_activation_in_motile_fibroblast.mp4 | | |  | | |  | fibroblaststh.jpg |
|  | 4393 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2456/Bactdiv_T.jpg'></DIV> | Z rings in bacterial division | No | Photograph | Active | 8/20/2020 1:58 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Lab-made liposomes contract where Z rings have gathered together and the constriction forces are greatest (arrows). The top picture shows a liposome, and the bottom picture shows fluorescence from Z rings (arrows) inside the same liposome simultaneously. | | | Bactdiv.jpg | Bactdiv_L.jpg | Bactdiv_M.jpg |  | | |  | Bactdiv_T.jpg |
|  | 4391 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2455/2455_Gold_gene_T.jpg'></DIV> | Golden gene chips | No | Photograph | Active | 8/20/2020 1:51 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A team of chemists and physicists used nanotechnology and DNA's ability to self-assemble with matching RNA to create a new kind of chip for measuring gene activity. When RNA of a gene of interest binds to a DNA tile (gold squares), it creates a raised surface (white areas) that can be detected by a powerful microscope. This nanochip approach offers manufacturing and usage advantages over existing gene chips and is a key step toward detecting gene activity in a single cell. Featured in the February 20, 2008, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | | Gold_gene_chips.jpg | 2455_Gold_gene_S.jpg | Gold_gene_chips_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2455_Gold_gene_T.jpg |
|  | 4297 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2454/whole_cell_4_T.jpg'></DIV> | Seeing signaling protein activation in cells 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:35 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Cdc42, a member of the Rho family of small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) proteins, regulates multiple cell functions, including motility, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell morphology. In order to fulfill these diverse roles, the timing and location of Cdc42 activation must be tightly controlled. Klaus Hahn and his research group use special dyes designed to report protein conformational changes and interactions, here in living neutrophil cells. Warmer colors in this image indicate higher levels of activation. Cdc42 looks to be activated at cell protrusions. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2451">2451</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2452">2452</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2453">2453</a>. | | | whole_cell_4.jpg | whole_cell_4_L.jpg | whole_cell_4_M.jpg |  | | |  | whole_cell_4_T.jpg |
|  | 4295 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2453/whole_cell_3_T.jpg'></DIV> | Seeing signaling protein activation in cells 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:35 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Cdc42, a member of the Rho family of small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) proteins, regulates multiple cell functions, including motility, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell morphology. In order to fulfill these diverse roles, the timing and location of Cdc42 activation must be tightly controlled. Klaus Hahn and his research group use special dyes designed to report protein conformational changes and interactions, here in living neutrophil cells. Warmer colors in this image indicate higher levels of activation. Cdc42 looks to be activated at cell protrusions. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2451">2451</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2452">2452</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2454">2454</a>. | | | whole_cell_3.jpg | whole_cell_3_L.jpg | whole_cell_3_M.jpg |  | | |  | whole_cell_3_T.jpg |
|  | 4296 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2452/whole_cell_2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Seeing signaling protein activation in cells 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:34 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Cdc42, a member of the Rho family of small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) proteins, regulates multiple cell functions, including motility, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell morphology. In order to fulfill these diverse roles, the timing and location of Cdc42 activation must be tightly controlled. Klaus Hahn and his research group use special dyes designed to report protein conformational changes and interactions, here in living neutrophil cells. Warmer colors in this image indicate higher levels of activation. Cdc42 looks to be activated at cell protrusions. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2451">2451</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2453">2453</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2454">2454</a>. | | | whole_cell_2.jpg | whole_cell_2_L.jpg | whole_cell_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | whole_cell_2_T.jpg |
|  | 4293 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2451/filo_cell_1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Seeing signaling protein activation in cells 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:33 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Cdc42, a member of the Rho family of small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) proteins, regulates multiple cell functions, including motility, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell morphology. In order to fulfill these diverse roles, the timing and location of Cdc42 activation must be tightly controlled. Klaus Hahn and his research group use special dyes designed to report protein conformational changes and interactions, here in living neutrophil cells. Warmer colors in this image indicate higher levels of activation. Cdc42 looks to be activated at cell protrusions. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2452">2452</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2453">2453</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=2454">2454</a>. | | | filo_cell_1.jpg | filo_cell_1_L.jpg | filo_cell_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | filo_cell_1_T.jpg |
|  | 4294 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2450/2450_Blood_clots_show_their_T.jpg'></DIV> | Blood clots show their flex | No | Video | Active | 8/20/2020 12:59 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Blood clots stop bleeding, but they also can cause heart attacks and strokes. A team led by computational biophysicist Klaus Schulten of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has revealed how a blood protein can give clots their lifesaving and life-threatening abilities. The researchers combined experimental and computational methods to animate fibrinogen, a protein that forms the elastic fibers that enable clots to withstand the force of blood pressure. This simulation shows that the protein, through a series of events, stretches up to three times its length. Adjusting this elasticity could improve how we manage healthful and harmful clots. NIH's National Center for Research Resources also supported this work. Featured in the March 19, 2008, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | Structure | Blood_clots_show_their_flex.mp4 | 2450_Blood_clots_show_their_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2450_Blood_clots_show_their_T.jpg |
|  | 4292 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2443/08-03-19-13_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mapping human genetic variation | No | Illustration | Active | 8/19/2020 10:47 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This map paints a colorful portrait of human genetic variation around the world. Researchers analyzed the DNA of 485 people and tinted the genetic types in different colors to produce one of the most detailed maps of its kind ever made. The map shows that genetic variation decreases with increasing distance from Africa, which supports the idea that humans originated in Africa, spread to the Middle East, then to Asia and Europe, and finally to the Americas. The data also offers a rich resource that scientists could use to pinpoint the genetic basis of diseases prevalent in diverse populations. Featured in the March 19, 2008, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | DNA | 08-03-19-13.jpg | 08-03-19-13_L.jpg | 08-03-19-13_M.jpg |  | | |  | 08-03-19-13_T.jpg |
|  | 4291 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2442/D20_2932-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 06 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/1/2024 4:30 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2932-2.JPG | D20_2932-2_L.JPG | D20_2932-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2932-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4290 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2441/D20_2931-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 05 | No | Photograph | Active | 7/20/2021 10:20 AM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2931-2.JPG | D20_2931-2_L.JPG | D20_2931-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2931-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4286 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2440/D20_2927-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/1/2024 4:30 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2927-2.JPG | D20_2927-2_L.JPG | D20_2927-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2927-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4284 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2439/D20_2925-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/1/2024 4:29 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2925-2.JPG | D20_2925-2_L.JPG | D20_2925-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2925-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4287 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2438/D20_2921-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/1/2024 4:28 PM | Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2921-2.JPG | D20_2921-2_L.JPG | D20_2921-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2921-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4285 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2437/D20_2920-2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Hydra 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/11/2022 7:56 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | <i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis. | | development | D20_2920-2.JPG | D20_2920-2_L.JPG | D20_2920-2_M.JPG |  | | |  | D20_2920-2_T.JPG |
|  | 4283 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2435/Developing_fruit_fly_nerve_cord_T.JPG'></DIV> | Developing fruit fly nerve cord | No | Photograph | Active | 8/19/2020 12:24 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The glial cells (black dots) and nerve cells (brown bands) in this developing fruit fly nerve cord formed normally despite the absence of the SPITZ protein, which blocks their impending suicide. The HID protein, which triggers suicide, is also lacking in this embryo. | | | Developing_fruit_fly_nerve_cord.JPG | Developing_fruit_fly_nerve_cord_L.JPG | Developing_fruit_fly_nerve_cord_M.JPG |  | | |  | Developing_fruit_fly_nerve_cord_T.JPG |
|  | 4282 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2434/Fruit_fly_retina_2_T.JPG'></DIV> | Fruit fly retina 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/18/2020 5:34 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Section of a fruit fly retina showing the light-sensing molecules rhodopsin-5 (blue) and rhodopsin-6 (red). | | | Fruit_fly_retina_2.JPG | Fruit_fly_retina_2_L.JPG | Fruit_fly_retina_2_M.JPG |  | | |  | Fruit_fly_retina_2_T.JPG |
|  | 4288 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2433/Fruit_fly_sperm_cells_T.JPG'></DIV> | Fruit fly sperm cells | No | Photograph | Active | 8/18/2020 5:27 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Developing fruit fly spermatids require caspase activity (green) for the elimination of unwanted organelles and cytoplasm via apoptosis. | | | Fruit_fly_sperm_cells.JPG | Fruit_fly_sperm_cells_L.JPG | Fruit_fly_sperm_cells_M.JPG |  | | |  | Fruit_fly_sperm_cells_T.JPG |
|  | 4281 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2432/ARTS_triggers_apoptosis_T.JPG'></DIV> | ARTS triggers apoptosis | No | Photograph | Active | 8/18/2020 5:19 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | Structure | ARTS_triggers_apoptosis.JPG | ARTS_triggers_apoptosis_L.JPG | ARTS_triggers_apoptosis_M.JPG |  | | |  | ARTS_triggers_apoptosis_T.JPG |
|  | 4279 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2431/Fruit_fly_embryo__DIAP1__T.JPG'></DIV> | Fruit fly embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 8/18/2020 5:15 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Cells in an early-stage fruit fly embryo, showing the DIAP1 protein (pink), an inhibitor of apoptosis. | | Structure | Fruit_fly_embryo__DIAP1_.JPG | Fruit_fly_embryo__DIAP1__L.JPG | Fruit_fly_embryo__DIAP1__M.JPG |  | | |  | Fruit_fly_embryo__DIAP1__T.JPG |
|  | 4289 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2430/Fruit_fly_retina_1_T.JPG'></DIV> | Fruit fly retina 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/18/2020 5:04 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Image showing rhabdomeres (red), the light-sensitive structures in the fruit fly retina, and rhodopsin-4 (blue), a light-sensing molecule. | | | Fruit_fly_retina_1.JPG | Fruit_fly_retina_1_L.JPG | Fruit_fly_retina_1_M.JPG |  | | |  | Fruit_fly_retina_1_T.JPG |
|  | 4280 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2429/Wittmann2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Highlighted cells | No | Photograph | Active | 8/17/2020 5:36 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The cytoskeleton (green) and DNA (purple) are highlighed in these cells by immunofluorescence. | | Fluorescent | Wittmann2.jpg | Wittmann2_S.jpg | Wittmann2_M.jpg |  | | |  | Wittmann2_T.jpg |
|  | 4278 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2428/Wittmann1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Colorful cells | No | Photograph | Active | 8/17/2020 5:33 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Actin (purple), microtubules (yellow), and nuclei (green) are labeled in these cells by immunofluorescence. This image won first place in the Nikon 2003 Small World photo competition. | | | Wittmann1.jpg | Wittmann1_S.jpg | Wittmann1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Wittmann1_T.jpg |
|  | 4277 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2426/DesignedZF_T.JPG'></DIV> | Zinc finger | No | Illustration | Active | 8/17/2020 5:31 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | The structure of a gene-regulating zinc finger protein bound to DNA. | | Structure | DesignedZF.JPG | DesignedZF_L.JPG | DesignedZF_M.JPG |  | | |  | DesignedZF_T.JPG |
|  | 4275 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2425/Influenza_Viruss.jpg'></DIV> | Influenza virus attaches to host membrane | No | Illustration | Active | 2/5/2020 11:07 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | Influenza_Virus.tif | Influenza_Virus_S.jpg | Influenza_Virus_M.jpg |  | | |  | Influenza_Viruss.jpg |
|  | 4274 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2423/protein_map182_T.jpg'></DIV> | Protein map | No | Illustration | Active | 8/17/2020 5:20 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Network diagram showing a map of protein-protein interactions in a yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) cell. This cluster includes 78 percent of the proteins in the yeast proteome. The color of a node represents the phenotypic effect of removing the corresponding protein (red, lethal; green, nonlethal; orange, slow growth; yellow, unknown). | | structure | protein_map182.jpg | protein_map182_L.jpg | protein_map182_M.jpg |  | | |  | protein_map182_T.jpg |
|  | 4272 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2419/MappingBrain_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mapping brain differences | No | Illustration | Active | 5/12/2021 4:58 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This image of the human brain uses colors and shapes to show neurological differences between two people. The blurred front portion of the brain, associated with complex thought, varies most between the individuals. The blue ovals mark areas of basic function that vary relatively little. Visualizations like this one are part of a project to map complex and dynamic information about the human brain, including genes, enzymes, disease states, and anatomy. The brain maps represent collaborations between neuroscientists and experts in math, statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, imaging, and nanotechnology. | | | Brain_map.jpg | Brain_map_L.jpg | Brain_map_M.jpg |  | | |  | MappingBrain_T.jpg |
|  | 4176 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2418/genetic_imprinting_T.jpg'></DIV> | Genetic imprinting in Arabidopsis | No | Photograph | Active | 8/17/2020 3:59 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This delicate, birdlike projection is an immature seed of the <em>Arabidopsis</em> plant. The part in blue shows the cell that gives rise to the endosperm, the tissue that nourishes the embryo. The cell is expressing only the maternal copy of a gene called MEDEA. This phenomenon, in which the activity of a gene can depend on the parent that contributed it, is called genetic imprinting. In <em>Arabidopsis</em>, the maternal copy of MEDEA makes a protein that keeps the paternal copy silent and reduces the size of the endosperm. In flowering plants and mammals, this sort of genetic imprinting is thought to be a way for the mother to protect herself by limiting the resources she gives to any one embryo. Featured in the May 16, 2006, issue of <em>Biomedical Beat</em>. | | DNA | Genetic_imprinting.jpg | Genetic_imprinting_L.jpg | Genetic_imprinting_M.jpg |  | | |  | genetic_imprinting_T.jpg |
|  | 4169 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2417/FlybyNight1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fly by night | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:51 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | This fruit fly expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the same pattern as the period gene, a gene that regulates circadian rhythm and is expressed in all sensory neurons on the surface of the fly. | | fluorescence | FlybyNight1.jpg | FlybyNight1_S.jpg | FlybyNight1_M.jpg |  | | |  | FlybyNight1_T.jpg |
|  | 4172 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2414/f07T_pig_trypsin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pig trypsin (3) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:47 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of porcine trypsin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f07T_pig_trypsin1.jpg | f07T_pig_trypsin1_S.jpg | f07T_pig_trypsin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f07T_pig_trypsin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4168 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2413/f07S_pig_trypsin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pig trypsin (2) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:45 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of porcine trypsin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f07S_pig_trypsin1.jpg | f07S_pig_trypsin1_S.jpg | f07S_pig_trypsin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f07S_pig_trypsin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4167 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2412/f07Q_pig_alpha_amylase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pig alpha amylase | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:43 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of porcine alpha amylase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f07Q_pig_alpha_amylase1.jpg | f07Q_pig_alpha_amylase1_S.jpg | f07Q_pig_alpha_amylase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f07Q_pig_alpha_amylase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4174 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2411/f07N_fungal_lipase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fungal lipase (2) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:42 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of fungal lipase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D, fungi | f07N_fungal_lipase1.jpg | f07N_fungal_lipase1_S.jpg | f07N_fungal_lipase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f07N_fungal_lipase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4170 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2410/f07I_DNase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | DNase | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:40 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of DNase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f07I_DNase1.jpg | f07I_DNase1_S.jpg | f07I_DNase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f07I_DNase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4171 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2409/f06T_bacterial_glucose_isomerase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial glucose isomerase | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:38 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of bacterial glucose isomerase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D, bacteria | f06T_bacterial_glucose_isomerase1.jpg | f06T_bacterial_glucose_isomerase1_S.jpg | f06T_bacterial_glucose_isomerase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06T_bacterial_glucose_isomerase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4175 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2408/f06S_bovine_trypsin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bovine trypsin | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:35 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of bovine trypsin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06S_bovine_trypsin1.jpg | f06S_bovine_trypsin1_S.jpg | f06S_bovine_trypsin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06S_bovine_trypsin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4173 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2407/f06R_jack_bean_concanavalin_A1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Jack bean concanavalin A | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:30 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of jack bean concanavalin A protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06R_jack_bean_concanavalin_A1.jpg | f06R_jack_bean_concanavalin_A1_S.jpg | f06R_jack_bean_concanavalin_A1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06R_jack_bean_concanavalin_A1_T.jpg |
|  | 4164 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2406/f06Q_hen_egg_lysozyme1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Hen egg lysozyme (2) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:22 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of hen egg lysozyme protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D, enzyme | f06Q_hen_egg_lysozyme1.jpg | f06Q_hen_egg_lysozyme1_S.jpg | f06Q_hen_egg_lysozyme1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06Q_hen_egg_lysozyme1_T.jpg |
|  | 4166 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2405/f06L_rabbit_GPDA1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Rabbit GPDA | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:10 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of rabbit GPDA protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06L_rabbit_GPDA1.jpg | f06L_rabbit_GPDA1_S.jpg | f06L_rabbit_GPDA1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06L_rabbit_GPDA1_T.jpg |
|  | 4165 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2404/f06K_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bovine milk alpha-lactalbumin (2) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 3:02 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Crystals of bovine milk alpha-lactalbumin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06K_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1.jpg | f06K_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_S.jpg | f06K_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06K_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4162 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2403/f06I_porcine_trypsin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pig trypsin crystal | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 2:56 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of pig trypsin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06I_porcine_trypsin1.jpg | f06I_porcine_trypsin1_S.jpg | f06I_porcine_trypsin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06I_porcine_trypsin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4163 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2402/f06D_RNase_A1_T.jpg'></DIV> | RNase A (2) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 2:44 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of RNase A protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06D_RNase_A1.jpg | f06D_RNase_A1_S.jpg | f06D_RNase_A1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06D_RNase_A1_T.jpg |
|  | 4158 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2401/f06A_bacterial_alpha_amylase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacterial alpha amylase | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 2:41 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of bacterial alpha amylase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f06A_bacterial_alpha_amylase1.jpg | f06A_bacterial_alpha_amylase1_S.jpg | f06A_bacterial_alpha_amylase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f06A_bacterial_alpha_amylase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4161 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2400/f02O_porcine_trypsin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Pig trypsin (1) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 12:08 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of porcine trypsin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f02O_porcine_trypsin1.jpg | f02O_porcine_trypsin1_S.jpg | f02O_porcine_trypsin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02O_porcine_trypsin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4160 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2399/f02L_Bence_Jones_Protein_MLE1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bence Jones protein MLE | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 12:03 PM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of Bence Jones protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f02L_Bence_Jones_Protein_MLE1.jpg | f02L_Bence_Jones_Protein_MLE1_S.jpg | f02L_Bence_Jones_Protein_MLE1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02L_Bence_Jones_Protein_MLE1_T.jpg |
|  | 4159 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2398/f02K_RNase_A1_T.jpg'></DIV> | RNase A (1) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 11:59 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of RNase A protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f02K_RNase_A1.jpg | f02K_RNase_A1_S.jpg | f02K_RNase_A1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02K_RNase_A1_T.jpg |
|  | 4156 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2397/f02I_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bovine milk alpha-lactalbumin (1) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 11:56 AM | Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | A crystal of bovine milk alpha-lactalbumin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D | f02I_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1.jpg | f02I_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_S.jpg | f02I_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02I_bovine_milk_alpha-lactalbumin1_T.jpg |
|  | 4154 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2396/f02H_hen_egg_lysozyme_22__T.jpg'></DIV> | Hen egg lysozyme (1) | No | Photograph | Active | 8/6/2020 11:37 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Crystals of hen egg lysozyme protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | Xray, 3D, enzyme | f02H_hen_egg_lysozyme_22_.jpg | f02H_hen_egg_lysozyme_22_S.jpg | f02H_hen_egg_lysozyme_22_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02H_hen_egg_lysozyme_22__T.jpg |
|  | 4157 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2395/f02G_fungal_lipase1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fungal lipase (1) | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:59 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Crystals of fungal lipase protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | 3D | f02G_fungal_lipase1.jpg | f02G_fungal_lipase1_S.jpg | f02G_fungal_lipase1_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02G_fungal_lipase1_T.jpg |
|  | 4155 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2392/f02A_sheep_hemoglobin_T.jpg'></DIV> | Sheep hemoglobin crystal | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:58 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A crystal of sheep hemoglobin protein created for X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | 3D | f02A_sheep_hemoglobin.jpg | f02A_sheep_hemoglobin_S.jpg | f02A_sheep_hemoglobin_M.jpg |  | | |  | f02A_sheep_hemoglobin_T.jpg |
|  | 4153 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2388/2388_wr_hr41_T.jpg'></DIV> | Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 from C. elegans | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:56 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Solution NMR structure of protein target WR41 (left) from <i>C. elegans</i>. Noting the unanticipated structural similarity to the ubiquitin protein (Ub) found in all eukaryotic cells, researchers discovered that WR41 is a Ub-like modifier, ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 (Ufm1), on a newly uncovered ubiquitin-like pathway. Subsequently, the PSI group also determined the three-dimensional structure of protein target HR41 (right) from humans, the E2 ligase for Ufm1, using both NMR and X-ray crystallography. | | model | wr_hr41_big.jpg | 2388_wr_hr41_S.jpg | wr_hr41_big_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2388_wr_hr41_T.jpg |
|  | 4072 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2387/2387_th_tm04491_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Thymidylate synthase complementing protein from Thermotoga maritime | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:55 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A model of thymidylate synthase complementing protein from <i>Thermotoga maritime</i>. | | protein structure | 2387_th_tm04491.jpg | 2387_th_tm04491_S.jpg | 2387_th_tm04491_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2387_th_tm04491_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4071 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2386/th_Sortase_b_from_B_anthrac.gif'></DIV> | Sortase b from B. anthracis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:53 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Structure of sortase b from the bacterium <i>B. anthracis</i>, which causes anthrax. Sortase b is an enzyme used to rob red blood cells of iron, which the bacteria need to survive. | | protein structure | hi_Sortase_b_from_B_anthracis.jpg | hi_Sortase_b_from_B_anthracis_L.jpg | hi_Sortase_b_from_B_anthracis_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_Sortase_b_from_B_anthrac.gif |
|  | 4070 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2385/th_shsp.gif'></DIV> | Heat shock protein complex from Methanococcus jannaschii | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:52 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model based on X-ray crystallography of the structure of a small heat shock protein complex from the bacteria, <i>Methanococcus jannaschii</i>. <i>Methanococcus jannaschii</i> is an organism that lives at near boiling temperature, and this protein complex helps it cope with the stress of high temperature. Similar complexes are produced in human cells when they are "stressed" by events such as burns, heart attacks, or strokes. The complexes help cells recover from the stressful event. | | protein structure | hi_shsp.jpg | hi_shsp_L.jpg | hi_shsp_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_shsp.gif |
|  | 4069 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2384/th_scientists1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Scientists display X-ray diffraction pattern obtained with split X-ray beamline | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:50 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source (APS) display the first X-ray diffraction pattern obtained from a protein crystal using a split X-ray beam, the first of its kind at APS. The scientists shown are (from left to right): Oleg Makarov, Ruslan Sanishvili, Robert Fischetti (project manager), Sergey Stepanov, and Ward Smith. | | researcher | hi_scientists.jpg | hi_scientists_L.jpg | hi_scientists_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_scientists1_T.jpg |
|  | 4068 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2383/th_Rv3602c.gif'></DIV> | PanC from M. tuberculosis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:48 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of an enzyme, PanC, that is involved in the last step of vitamin B5 biosynthesis in <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>. PanC is essential for the growth of <i>M. tuberculosis</i>, which causes most cases of tuberculosis, and is therefore a potential drug target. | | protein structure, drug development | hi_Rv3602c.jpg | hi_Rv3602c_L.jpg | hi_Rv3602c_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_Rv3602c.gif |
|  | 4066 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2382/2382_hi_Rv2878c_T.jpg'></DIV> | PanB from M. tuberculosis (2) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:47 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of an enzyme, PanB, from <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, the bacterium that causes most cases of tuberculosis. This enzyme is an attractive drug target. | | protein structure, drug development | hi_Rv2878c.jpg | 2382_hi_Rv2878c_S.jpg | hi_Rv2878c_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2382_hi_Rv2878c_T.jpg |
|  | 4067 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2381/2381_hi_Rv2697c_T.jpg'></DIV> | dUTP pyrophosphatase from M. tuberculosis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:45 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of an enzyme, dUTP pyrophosphatase, from <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>. Drugs targeted to this enzyme might inhibit the replication of the bacterium that causes most cases of tuberculosis. | | protein structure, drug development | hi_Rv2697c.jpg | 2381_hi_Rv2697c_S.jpg | hi_Rv2697c_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2381_hi_Rv2697c_T.jpg |
|  | 4064 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2380/th_Rv2225.gif'></DIV> | PanB from M. tuberculosis (1) | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:44 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of an enzyme, PanB, from <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, the bacterium that causes most cases of tuberculosis. This enzyme is an attractive drug target. | | protein structure, drug development | hi_Rv2225.jpg | hi_Rv2225_L.jpg | hi_Rv2225_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_Rv2225.gif |
|  | 4063 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2379/2379_hi_Rv1926c_T.jpg'></DIV> | Secreted protein from Mycobacteria | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:43 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of a major secreted protein of unknown function, which is only found in mycobacteria, the class of bacteria that causes tuberculosis. Based on structural similarity, this protein may be involved in host-bacterial interactions. | | protein structure | hi_Rv1926c.jpg | 2379_hi_Rv1926c_S.jpg | hi_Rv1926c_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2379_hi_Rv1926c_T.jpg |
|  | 4065 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2378/2378_hi_Rv1886cantigen85B_T.jpg'></DIV> | Most abundant protein in M. tuberculosis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:41 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of a protein, antigen 85B, that is the most abundant protein exported by <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, which causes most cases of tuberculosis. Antigen 85B is involved in building the bacterial cell wall and is an attractive drug target. Based on its structure, scientists have suggested a new class of antituberculous drugs. | | drug development, model, protein structure | hi_Rv1886cantigen85B.jpg | 2378_hi_Rv1886cantigen85B_S.jpg | hi_Rv1886cantigen85B_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2378_hi_Rv1886cantigen85B_T.jpg |
|  | 4062 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2377/2377_th_psi_image_ring1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Protein involved in cell division from Mycoplasma pneumoniae | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:40 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of a protein involved in cell division from <i>Mycoplasma pneumoniae</i>. This model, based on X-ray crystallography, revealed a structural domain not seen before. The protein is thought to be involved in cell division and cell wall biosynthesis. | | protein structure | 2377_th_psi_image_ring1.jpg | 2377_th_psi_image_ring1_S.jpg | 2377_th_psi_image_ring1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2377_th_psi_image_ring1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 4060 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2376/th_protein_prod_fac_2.gif'></DIV> | Protein purification facility | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:38 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics protein purification facility is responsible for purifying all recombinant proteins produced by the center. The facility performs several purification steps, monitors the quality of the processes, and stores information about the biochemical properties of the purified proteins in the facility database. | | laboratory, lab | hi_protein_prod_fac_2.jpg | hi_protein_prod_fac_2_L.jpg | hi_protein_prod_fac_2_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_protein_prod_fac_2.gif |
|  | 4061 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2375/th_pg12_27014k04.gif'></DIV> | Protein purification robot | No | Photograph | Active | 2/3/2021 2:38 PM | Rose, Juli (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | Irina Dementieva, a biochemist, and Youngchang Kim, a biophysicist and crystallographer, work with the first robot of its type in the U.S. to automate protein purification. The robot, which is housed in a refrigerator, is an integral part of the Midwest Structural Genomics Center's plan to automate the protein crystallography process. | | automation | hi_pg12_27014k04.jpg | hi_pg12_27014k04_L.jpg | hi_pg12_27014k04_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_pg12_27014k04.gif |
|  | 4057 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2374/th_Pg08_knotCover.gif'></DIV> | Protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicam | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:32 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A knotted protein from an archaebacterium called <i>Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicam</i>. This organism breaks down waste products and produces methane gas. Protein folding theory previously held that forming a knot was beyond the ability of a protein, but this structure, determined at Argonne's Structural Biology Center, proves differently. Researchers theorize that this knot stabilizes the amino acid subunits of the protein. | | model | hi_Pg08_knotCover.jpg | hi_Pg08_knotCover_L.jpg | hi_Pg08_knotCover_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_Pg08_knotCover.gif |
|  | 4058 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2373/2373_hi_Oligoendopeptidase_T.jpg'></DIV> | Oligoendopeptidase F from B. stearothermophilus | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:30 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Crystal structure of oligoendopeptidase F, a protein slicing enzyme from <i>Bacillus stearothermophilus</i>, a bacterium that can cause food products to spoil. The crystal was formed using a microfluidic capillary, a device that enables scientists to independently control the parameters for protein crystal nucleation and growth. Featured as one of the July 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structures of the Month. | | model | hi_Oligoendopeptidase.jpg | 2373_hi_Oligoendopeptidase_S.jpg | hi_Oligoendopeptidase_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2373_hi_Oligoendopeptidase_T.jpg |
|  | 4056 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2372/th_NYSGXRC_2iqi.gif'></DIV> | Wreath-shaped protein from X. campestris | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:26 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Crystal structure of a protein with unknown function from <i>Xanthomonas campestris</i>, a plant pathogen. Eight copies of the protein crystallized to form a ring. Chosen as the December 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structure of the Month. | | model | 07-12-19-1.gif | 07-12-19-1_S.jpg | 07-12-19-1_M.gif |  | | |  | th_NYSGXRC_2iqi.gif |
|  | 4059 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2371/th_nmr_900.gif'></DIV> | NMR spectrometer | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:24 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This photo shows a Varian Unity Inova 900 MHz, 21.1 T standard bore magnet Nuclear Magnetic Resonnance (NMR) spectrometer. NMR spectroscopy provides data used to determine the structures of proteins in solution, rather than in crystal form, as in X-ray crystallography. The technique is limited to smaller proteins or protein fragments in a high throughput approach. | | equipment | hi_nmr_900.jpg | hi_nmr_900_L.jpg | hi_nmr_900_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_nmr_900.gif |
|  | 4049 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2369/th_nesg5_3.gif'></DIV> | Protein purification robot in action 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:21 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A robot is transferring 96 purification columns to a vacuum manifold for subsequent purification procedures. | | automation, equipment | hi_nesg5_3.jpg | hi_nesg5_3_L.jpg | hi_nesg5_3_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_nesg5_3.gif |
|  | 4051 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2368/th_nesg4_crystalmt.gif'></DIV> | Mounting of protein crystals | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:20 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Automated methods using micromachined silicon are used at the Northeast Collaboratory for Structural Genomics to mount protein crystals for X-ray crystallography. | | protein structure | hi_nesg4_crystalmt.jpg | hi_nesg4_crystalmt_L.jpg | hi_nesg4_crystalmt_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_nesg4_crystalmt.gif |
|  | 3950 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2367/th_map500examples.gif'></DIV> | Map of protein structures 02 | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:18 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A global "map of the protein structure universe" indicating the positions of specific proteins. The preponderance of small, less-structured proteins near the origin, with the more highly structured, large proteins towards the ends of the axes, may suggest the evolution of protein structures. | | model | hi_map500examples.jpg | hi_map500examples_L.jpg | hi_map500examples_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_map500examples.gif |
|  | 3951 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2365/th_map500.gif'></DIV> | Map of protein structures 01 | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:16 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A global "map of the protein structure universe." The Berkeley Structural Genomics Center has developed a method to visualize the vast universe of protein structures in which proteins of similar structure are located close together and those of different structures far away in the space. This map, constructed using about 500 of the most common protein folds, reveals a highly non-uniform distribution, and shows segregation between four elongated regions corresponding to four different protein classes (shown in four different colors). Such a representation reveals a high-level of organization of the protein structure universe. | | model | hi_map500.jpg | hi_map500_L.jpg | hi_map500_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_map500.gif |
|  | 3946 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2364/th_JCSG_HT_fig1.gif'></DIV> | High-throughput protein structure determination pipeline | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:14 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This slide shows the technologies that the Joint Center for Structural Genomics developed for going from gene to structure and how the technologies have been integrated into a high-throughput pipeline, including all of the steps from target selection, parallel expression, protein purification, automated crystallization trials, automated crystal screening, structure determination, validation, and publication. | | flow chart, presentation, automation | hi_JCSG_HT_fig1.jpg | hi_JCSG_HT_fig1_L.jpg | hi_JCSG_HT_fig1_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_JCSG_HT_fig1.gif |
|  | 3948 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2363/2363_hi_gene_to_T.jpg'></DIV> | PSI: from genes to structures | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 12:12 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The goal of the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) is to determine the three-dimensional shapes of a wide range of proteins by solving the structures of representative members of each protein family found in nature. The collection of structures should serve as a valuable resource for biomedical research scientists. | | flow chart, presentation | hi_gene_to_structure.jpg | 2363_hi_gene_to_S.jpg | hi_gene_to_structure_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2363_hi_gene_to_T.jpg |
|  | 3949 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2362/th_crystal_sys.gif'></DIV> | Automated crystal screening system | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:09 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Automated crystal screening systems such as the one shown here are becoming a common feature at synchrotron and other facilities where high-throughput crystal structure determination is being carried out. These systems rapidly screen samples to identify the best candidates for further study. | | equipment, automation | hi_crystal_sys.jpg | hi_crystal_sys_L.jpg | hi_crystal_sys_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_crystal_sys.gif |
|  | 3943 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2361/th_CRXRay_Wang.gif'></DIV> | Chromium X-ray source | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:05 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | In the determination of protein structures by X-ray crystallography, this unique soft (l = 2.29Å) X-ray source is used to collect anomalous scattering data from protein crystals containing light atoms such as sulfur, calcium, zinc and phosphorous. These data can be used to image the protein. | | equipment | hi_CRXRay_Wang.jpg | hi_CRXRay_Wang_L.jpg | hi_CRXRay_Wang_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_CRXRay_Wang.gif |
|  | 3945 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2360/th_cell_free_1.gif'></DIV> | Cell-free protein synthesizers | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:06 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Both instruments shown were developed by CellFree Sciences of Yokohama, Japan. The instrument on the left, the GeneDecoder 1000, can generate 384 proteins from their corresponding genes, or gene fragments, overnight. It is used to screen for properties such as level of protein production and degree of solubility. The instrument on the right, the Protemist Protein Synthesizer, is used to generate the larger amounts of protein needed for protein structure determinations. | | equipment | hi_cell_free_1.jpg | hi_cell_free_1_L.jpg | hi_cell_free_1_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_cell_free_1.gif |
|  | 3944 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2358/th_argonne_lab.gif'></DIV> | Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Lab | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 12:00 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The intense X-rays produced by synchrotrons such as the Advanced Photon Source are ideally suited for protein structure determination. Using synchrotron X-rays and advanced computers scientists can determine protein structures at a pace unheard of decades ago. | | map | hi_argonne_lab.jpg | hi_argonne_lab_L.jpg | hi_argonne_lab_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_argonne_lab.gif |
|  | 3938 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2357/th_ACAPELLA.gif'></DIV> | Capillary protein crystallization robot | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 11:49 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This ACAPELLA robot for capillary protein crystallization grows protein crystals, freezes them, and centers them without manual intervention. The close-up is a view of one of the dispensers used for dispensing proteins and reagents. | | equipment, automation | hi_ACAPELLA.jpg | hi_ACAPELLA_L.jpg | hi_ACAPELLA_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_ACAPELLA.gif |
|  | 3941 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2356/th_25980k05_robo.gif'></DIV> | Student overseeing protein cloning robot | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 11:46 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Student Christina Hueneke of the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics is overseeing a protein cloning robot. The robot was designed as part of an effort to exponentially increase the output of a traditional wet lab. Part of the center's goal is to cut the average cost of analyzing a protein from $200,000 to $20,000 and to slash the average time from months to days and hours. | | equipment | hi_25980k05_robo.jpg | hi_25980k05_robo_L.jpg | hi_25980k05_robo_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_25980k05_robo.gif |
|  | 3939 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2355/2355_th_1367b1_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:44 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of the enzyme nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase. This enzyme, from the archaebacterium, <i>Pyrococcus furiosus</i>, is expected to be structurally similar to a clinically important human protein called B-cell colony enhancing factor based on amino acid sequence similarities and structure prediction methods. The structure consists of identical protein subunits, each shown in a different color, arranged in a ring. | | protein structure | 2355_th_1367b1.jpg | 2355_th_1367b1_S.jpg | 2355_th_1367b1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2355_th_1367b1_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 3942 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2354/th_3a_isas_map.gif'></DIV> | Section of an electron density map | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:42 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Electron density maps such as this one are generated from the diffraction patterns of X-rays passing through protein crystals. These maps are then used to generate a model of the protein's structure by fitting the protein's amino acid sequence (yellow) into the observed electron density (blue). | | grid | hi_3a_isas_map.jpg | hi_3a_isas_map_L.jpg | hi_3a_isas_map_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_3a_isas_map.gif |
|  | 3940 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2352/2352_hi_2i3c_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human aspartoacylase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:08 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of aspartoacylase, a human enzyme involved in brain metabolism. | | protein structure | hi_2i3c.jpg | 2352_hi_2i3c_S.jpg | hi_2i3c_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2352_hi_2i3c_T.jpg |
|  | 3936 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2351/2351_hi_2gw6_T.jpg'></DIV> | tRNA splicing enzyme endonuclease in humans | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:06 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | An NMR solution structure model of the transfer RNA splicing enzyme endonuclease in humans (subunit Sen15). This represents the first structure of a eukaryotic tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit. | | protein structure | hi_2gw6.jpg | 2351_hi_2gw6_S.jpg | hi_2gw6_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2351_hi_2gw6_T.jpg |
|  | 3937 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2350/2350_th_2gge1_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Mandelate racemase from B. subtilis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:05 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of the mandelate racemase enzyme from <i>Bacillus subtilis</i>, a bacterium commonly found in soil. | | protein structure | 2350_th_2gge1.jpg | 2350_th_2gge1_S.jpg | 2350_th_2gge1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2350_th_2gge1_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3935 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2349/th_2g59.gif'></DIV> | Dimeric association of receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:03 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of the catalytic portion of an enzyme, receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase from humans. The enzyme consists of two identical protein subunits, shown in blue and green. The groups made up of purple and red balls represent phosphate groups, chemical groups that can influence enzyme activity. This phosphatase removes phosphate groups from the enzyme tyrosine kinase, counteracting its effects. | | protein structure | hi_2g59.jpg | hi_2g59_L.jpg | hi_2g59_M.jpg |  | | |  | th_2g59.gif |
|  | 3934 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2347/2347_hi_2atf_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cysteine dioxygenase from mouse | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:01 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of the mammalian iron enzyme cysteine dioxygenase from a mouse. | | protein structure | hi_2atf_xl.jpg | 2347_hi_2atf_S.jpg | hi_2atf_xl_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2347_hi_2atf_T.jpg |
|  | 3931 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2346/2346_th_1k8f_T.jpg'></DIV> | Human protein associated with adenylyl cyclase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 11:00 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of a human protein associated with the adenylyl cyclase, an enzyme involved in intracellular signaling. | | protein structure | | 2346_th_1k8f_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2346_th_1k8f_T.jpg |
|  | 3933 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2345/2345_nysgrc0618071_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Magnesium transporter protein from E. faecalis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:58 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Structure of a magnesium transporter protein from an antibiotic-resistant bacterium (<i>Enterococcus faecalis</i>) found in the human gut. Featured as one of the June 2007 Protein Sructure Initiative Structures of the Month. | | x-ray crystallography, model | 2345_nysgrc0618071.jpg | 2345_nysgrc0618071_S.jpg | 2345_nysgrc0618071_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2345_nysgrc0618071_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3930 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2343/2343_Mtuberculosis_T.jpg'></DIV> | Protein rv2844 from M. tuberculosis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:48 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This crystal structure shows a conserved hypothetical protein from <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>. Only 12 other proteins share its sequence homology, and none has a known function. This structure indicates the protein may play a role in metabolic pathways. Featured as one of the August 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structures of the Month. | | model | Mtuberculosis.jpg | 2343_Mtuberculosis_S.jpg | Mtuberculosis_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2343_Mtuberculosis_T.jpg |
|  | 3929 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2342/2342_mcsg_T.jpg'></DIV> | Protein from E. faecalis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:46 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | X-ray structure of a DNA repair enzyme superfamily representative from the human gastrointestinal bacterium <i>Enterococcus faecalis</i>. European scientists used this structure to generate homologous structures. Featured as the May 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structure of the Month. | | model | mcsg.jpg | 2342_mcsg_S.jpg | mcsg_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2342_mcsg_T.jpg |
|  | 3927 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2341/2341_joachimiak1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Aminopeptidase N from N. meningitidis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:43 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of the enzyme aminopeptidase N from the human pathogen <i>Neisseria meningitidis</i>, which can cause meningitis epidemics. The structure provides insight on the active site of this important molecule. | | protein structure | joachimiak1_big.jpg | 2341_joachimiak1_S.jpg | joachimiak1_big_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2341_joachimiak1_T.jpg |
|  | 3928 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2340/2340_jcsg20d6_T.jpg'></DIV> | Dimeric ferredoxin-like protein from an unidentified marine microbe | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:41 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This is the first structure of a protein derived from the metagenomic sequences collected during the Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling project. The crystal structure shows a barrel protein with a ferredoxin-like fold and a long chain fatty acid in a deep cleft (shaded red). Featured as one of the August 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structures of the Month. | | model | jcsg20d6.jpg | 2340_jcsg20d6_S.jpg | jcsg20d6_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2340_jcsg20d6_T.jpg |
|  | 3922 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2339/cesg.gif'></DIV> | Protein from Arabidopsis thaliana | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:40 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NMR solution structure of a plant protein that may function in host defense. This protein was expressed in a convenient and efficient wheat germ cell-free system. Featured as the June 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structure of the Month. | | model | hi_2g02.jpg | hi_2g02_L.jpg | hi_2g02_M.jpg |  | | |  | cesg.gif |
|  | 3833 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2338/burleyd.gif'></DIV> | Tex protein | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:37 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Model of a member from the Tex protein family, which is implicated in transcriptional regulation and highly conserved in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The structure shows significant homology to a human transcription elongation factor that may regulate multiple steps in mRNA synthesis. | | protein structure | burleyd_big.jpg | burleyd_big_L.jpg | burleyd_big_M.jpg |  | | |  | burleyd.gif |
|  | 3834 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2337/2337_beta2-adrenergic_T.jpg'></DIV> | Beta2-adrenergic receptor protein | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:35 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Crystal structure of the beta2-adrenergic receptor protein. This is the first known structure of a human G protein-coupled receptor, a large family of proteins that control critical bodily functions and the action of about half of today's pharmaceuticals. Featured as one of the November 2007 Protein Structure Initiative Structures of the Month. | | GPCR | beta2-adrenergic.gif | 2337_beta2-adrenergic_S.jpg | beta2-adrenergic_M.gif |  | | |  | 2337_beta2-adrenergic_T.jpg |
|  | 3831 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2336/NaturalNanomachine_T.jpg'></DIV> | Natural nanomachine in action | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:33 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Using a supercomputer to simulate the movement of atoms in a ribosome, researchers looked into the core of this protein-making nanomachine and took snapshots. The picture shows an amino acid (green) being delivered by transfer RNA (yellow) into a corridor (purple) in the ribosome. In the corridor, a series of chemical reactions will string together amino acids to make a protein. The research project, which tracked the movement of more than 2.6 million atoms, was the largest computer simulation of a biological structure to date. The results shed light on the manufacturing of proteins and could aid the search for new antibiotics, which typically work by disabling the ribosomes of bacteria. | | model | NaturalNanomachine.jpg | NaturalNanomachine_L.jpg | NaturalNanomachine_M.jpg |  | | |  | NaturalNanomachine_T.jpg |
|  | 3830 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2335/SnowWorld_T.jpg'></DIV> | Virtual snow world | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:31 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Glide across an icy canyon, where you see smiling snowmen and waddling penguins. Toss a snowball, hear it smash against an igloo, and then watch it explode in bright colors. Psychologists David Patterson and Hunter Hoffman of the University of Washington in Seattle developed this virtual "Snow World" to test whether immersing someone in a pretend reality could ease pain during burn treatment and other medical procedures. They found that people fully engaged in the virtual reality experience reported 60 percent less pain. The technology offers a promising way to manage pain. | | cartoon, snowman | SnowWorld.jpg | SnowWorld_L.jpg | SnowWorld_M.jpg |  | | |  | SnowWorld_T.jpg |
|  | 3832 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2333/worms_and_human_infertility_T.jpg'></DIV> | Worms and human infertility | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:29 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This montage of tiny, transparent <em>C. elegans</em>--or roundworms--may offer insight into understanding human infertility. Researchers used fluorescent dyes to label the worm cells and watch the process of sex cell division, called meiosis, unfold as nuclei (blue) move through the tube-like gonads. Such visualization helps the scientists identify mechanisms that enable these roundworms to reproduce successfully. Because meiosis is similar in all sexually reproducing organisms, what the scientists learn could apply to humans. | | fertility, cell division | worms_and_human_infertility.jpg | worms_and_human_infertility_L.jpg | worms_and_human_infertility_M.jpg |  | | |  | worms_and_human_infertility_T.jpg |
|  | 3829 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2332/tiny_points_of_light_T.jpg'></DIV> | Tiny points of light in a quantum dot | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:26 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This fingertip-shaped group of lights is a microscopic crystal called a quantum dot. About 10,000 times thinner than a sheet of paper, the dot radiates brilliant colors under ultraviolet light. Dots such as this one allow researchers to label and track individual molecules in living cells and may be used for speedy disease diagnosis, DNA testing, and screening for illegal drugs. | | fluorescence | tiny_points_of_light.jpg | tiny_points_of_light_L.jpg | tiny_points_of_light_M.jpg |  | | |  | tiny_points_of_light_T.jpg |
|  | 3828 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2331/2331_StatisticalCartography_T.jpg'></DIV> | Statistical cartography | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:23 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Like a world of its own, this sphere represents all the known chemical reactions in the <em>E. coli</em> bacterium. The colorful circles on the surface symbolize sets of densely interconnected reactions. The lines between the circles show additional connecting reactions. The shapes inside the circles are landmark molecules, like capital cities on a map, that either act as hubs for many groups of reactions, are highly conserved among species, or both. Molecules that connect far-flung reactions on the sphere are much more conserved during evolution than molecules that connect reactions within a single circle. This statistical cartography could reveal insights about other complex systems, such as protein interactions and gene regulation networks. | | mapping | StatisticalCartography.jpg | 2331_StatisticalCartography_S.jpg | StatisticalCartography_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2331_StatisticalCartography_T.jpg |
|  | 3827 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2330/RepairingDNA_T.jpg'></DIV> | Repairing DNA | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 10:16 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | DNA repair | RepairingDNA.jpg | RepairingDNA_L.jpg | GDB--DNA_unwinding_recolored_medium_resolution_.jpg |  | | |  | RepairingDNA_T.jpg |
|  | 3826 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2329/planting_roots.gif'></DIV> | Planting roots | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:14 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | At the root tips of the mustard plant <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em> (red), two proteins work together to control the uptake of water and nutrients. When the cell division-promoting protein called Short-root moves from the center of the tip outward, it triggers the production of another protein (green) that confines Short-root to the nutrient-filtering endodermis. The mechanism sheds light on how genes and proteins interact in a model organism and also could inform the engineering of plants. | | genetics, GMO | planting_roots.gif | PlantingRoots_L.jpg | PlantingRoots_M.jpg |  | | |  | planting_roots.gif |
|  | 3824 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2328/NeuralTube_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neural tube development | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:10 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Proteins in the neural tissues of this zebrafish embryo direct cells to line up and form the neural tube, which will become the spinal cord and brain. Studies of zebrafish embryonic development may help pinpoint the underlying cause of common neural tube defects--such as spina bifida--which occur in about 1 in 1,000 newborn children. | | microscopy | NeuralTube.jpg | NeuralTube_L.jpg | NeuralTube_M.jpg |  | | |  | NeuralTube_T.jpg |
|  | 3823 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2327/neural_development2_T.jpg'></DIV> | Neural development | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:08 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Using techniques that took 4 years to design, a team of developmental biologists showed that certain proteins can direct the subdivision of fruit fly and chicken nervous system tissue into the regions depicted here in blue, green, and red. Molecules called bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) helped form this fruit fly embryo. While scientists knew that BMPs play a major role earlier in embryonic development, they didn't know how the proteins help organize nervous tissue. The findings suggest that BMPs are part of an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for organizing the nervous system. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke also supported this work. | | microscopy, fluorescence | neural_development2.jpg | neural_development2_L.jpg | neural_development2_M.jpg |  | | |  | neural_development2_T.jpg |
|  | 3820 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2326/nano_rainbow_T.jpg'></DIV> | Nano-rainbow | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:05 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | These vials may look like they're filled with colored water, but they really contain nanocrystals reflecting different colors under ultraviolet light. The tiny crystals, made of semiconducting compounds, are called quantum dots. Depending on their size, the dots emit different colors that let scientists use them as a tool for detecting particular genes, proteins, and other biological molecules. | | fluorescence, fluorescent | nano_rainbow2.jpg | nano_rainbow2_L.jpg | nano_rainbow2_M.jpg |  | | |  | nano_rainbow_T.jpg |
|  | 3822 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2325/multicolorstorm1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Multicolor STORM | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 10:02 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | In 2006, scientists developed an optical microscopy technique enabling them to clearly see individual molecules within cells. In 2007, they took the technique, abbreviated STORM, a step further. They identified multicolored probes that let them peer into cells and clearly see multiple cellular components at the same time, such as these microtubules (green) and small hollows called clathrin-coated pits (red). Unlike conventional methods, the multicolor STORM technique produces a crisp and high resolution picture. A sharper view of how cellular components interact will likely help scientists answer some longstanding questions about cell biology. | | microscope | multicolorstorm1.jpg | multicolorstorm1_L.jpg | multicolorstorm1_M.jpg |  | | |  | multicolorstorm1_T.jpg |
|  | 3825 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2324/movements_of_myosin_T.jpg'></DIV> | Movements of myosin | No | Photograph | Active | 5/13/2024 2:57 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Inside the fertilized egg cell of a fruit fly, we see a type of myosin (related to the protein that helps muscles contract) made to glow by attaching a fluorescent protein. After fertilization, the myosin proteins are distributed relatively evenly near the surface of the embryo. The proteins temporarily vanish each time the cells' nuclei--initially buried deep in the cytoplasm--divide. When the multiplying nuclei move to the surface, they shift the myosin, producing darkened holes. The glowing myosin proteins then gather, contract, and start separating the nuclei into their own compartments. | | fluorescence | Myosin.jpg | Myosin_L.jpg | Myosin_M.jpg |  | | |  | movements_of_myosin_T.jpg |
|  | 3821 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2323/Motionbrain_T.jpg'></DIV> | Motion in the brain | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 9:57 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Amid a network of blood vessels and star-shaped support cells, neurons in the brain signal each other. The mists of color show the flow of important molecules like glucose and oxygen. This image is a snapshot from a 52-second simulation created by an animation artist. Such visualizations make biological processes more accessible and easier to understand. | | nerve cells | Motionbrain.jpg | Motionbrain_L.jpg | Motionbrain_M.jpg |  | | |  | Motionbrain_T.jpg |
|  | 3819 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2322/modeling_disease_spread_T.jpg'></DIV> | Modeling disease spread | No | Illustration | Active | 12/20/2021 3:56 PM | Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | What looks like a Native American dream catcher is really a network of social interactions within a community. The red dots along the inner and outer circles represent people, while the different colored lines represent direct contact between them. All connections originate from four individuals near the center of the graph. Modeling social networks can help researchers understand how diseases spread. | | infectious disease, public health | modeling_disease_spread2.jpg | modeling_disease_spread2_L.jpg | modeling_disease_spread2_M.jpg |  | | |  | modeling_disease_spread_T.jpg |
|  | 3818 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2321/microtubule_breakdown_T.jpg'></DIV> | Microtubule breakdown | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 9:51 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Like a building supported by a steel frame, a cell contains its own sturdy internal scaffolding made up of proteins, including microtubules. Researchers studying snapshots of microtubules have proposed a model for how these structural elements shorten and lengthen, allowing a cell to move, divide, or change shape. This picture shows an intermediate step in the model: Smaller building blocks called tubulins peel back from the microtubule in thin strips. Knowing the operations of the internal scaffolding will enhance our basic understanding of cellular processes. | | cytoskeleton | microtubule_breakdown.jpg | microtubule_breakdown_L.jpg | microtubule_breakdown_M.jpg |  | | |  | microtubule_breakdown_T.jpg |
|  | 3815 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2320/2320_mappingdisease1_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mapping disease spread | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 9:48 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | How far and fast an infectious disease spreads across a community depends on many factors, including transportation. These U.S. maps, developed as part of an international study to simulate and analyze disease spread, chart daily commuting patterns. They show where commuters live (top) and where they travel for work (bottom). Green represents the fewest number of people whereas orange, brown, and white depict the most. Such information enables researchers and policymakers to visualize how an outbreak in one area can spread quickly across a geographic region. | | model | mappingdisease1.jpg | 2320_mappingdisease1_S.jpg | mappingdisease1_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2320_mappingdisease1_T.jpg |
|  | 3817 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2319/2319_mapping_metabolic_T.jpg'></DIV> | Mapping metabolic activity | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 9:35 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Like a map showing heavily traveled roads, this mathematical model of metabolic activity inside an <em>E. coli</em> cell shows the busiest pathway in white. Reaction pathways used less frequently by the cell are marked in red (moderate activity) and green (even less activity). Visualizations like this one may help scientists identify drug targets that block key metabolic pathways in bacteria. | | drug development | mapping_metabolic_activity4.jpg | 2319_mapping_metabolic_S.jpg | mapping_metabolic_activity-M.jpg |  | | |  | 2319_mapping_metabolic_T.jpg |
|  | 3813 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2318/2318_gene_T.jpg'></DIV> | Gene silencing | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 9:20 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Pretty in pink, the enzyme histone deacetylase (HDA6) stands out against a background of blue-tinted DNA in the nucleus of an <em>Arabidopsis</em> plant cell. Here, HDA6 concentrates in the nucleolus (top center), where ribosomal RNA genes reside. The enzyme silences the ribosomal RNA genes from one parent while those from the other parent remain active. This chromosome-specific silencing of ribosomal RNA genes is an unusual phenomenon observed in hybrid plants. | | nucleus | gene_silencing2.jpg | 2318_gene_S.jpg | gene_silencing2_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2318_gene_T.jpg |
|  | 3816 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2317/2317_FruitDyes_T.jpg'></DIV> | Fruitful dyes | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 9:18 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | These colorful, computer-generated ribbons show the backbone of a molecule that glows a fluorescent red. The molecule, called mStrawberry, was created by chemists based on a protein found in the ruddy lips of a coral. Scientists use the synthetic molecule and other "fruity" ones like it as a dye to mark and study cell structures. | | microscopy | FruitDyes.jpg | 2317_FruitDyes_S.jpg | FruitDyes_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2317_FruitDyes_T.jpg |
|  | 3812 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2315/FlyCellsLive-th.gif'></DIV> | Fly cells live | No | Video | Active | 10/29/2020 9:16 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a movie worth? For researchers studying cell migration, a "documentary" of fruit fly cells (bright green) traversing an egg chamber could answer longstanding questions about cell movement. Historically, researchers have been unable to watch this cell migration unfold in living ovarian tissue in real time. But by developing a culture medium that allows fly eggs to survive outside their ovarian homes, scientists can observe the nuances of cell migration as it happens. Such details may shed light on how immune cells move to a wound and why cancer cells spread to other sites. See <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=3594"><em>3594</em></a> for still image. | | GFP | Fly_cells_live.mp4 | | |  | | |  | FlyCellsLive-th.gif |
|  | 3814 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2314/finding_one_bug_T.jpg'></DIV> | Finding one bug | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 9:07 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A nanometer-sized biosensor can detect a single deadly bacterium in tainted ground beef. How? Researchers attached nanoparticles, each packed with thousands of dye molecules, to an antibody that recognizes the microbe <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7. When the nanoball-antibody combo comes into contact with the <em>E. coli</em> bacterium, it glows. Here is the transition, a single bacterial cell glows brightly when it encounters nanoparticle-antibody biosensors, each packed with thousands of dye molecules. | | food safety | finding_one_bug.jpg | finding_one_bug_L.jpg | finding_one_bug_M.jpg |  | | |  | finding_one_bug_T.jpg |
|  | 3747 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2313/colorful_communication_T.jpg'></DIV> | Colorful communication | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 9:05 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The marine bacterium <em>Vibrio harveyi</em> glows when near its kind. This luminescence, which results from biochemical reactions, is part of the chemical communication used by the organisms to assess their own population size and distinguish themselves from other types of bacteria. But <em>V. harveyi</em> only light up when part of a large group. This communication, called quorum sensing, speaks for itself here on a lab dish, where more densely packed areas of the bacteria show up blue. Other types of bacteria use quorum sensing to release toxins, trigger disease, and evade the immune system. | | | colorful_communication.jpg | colorful_communication_L.jpg | colorful_communication_M.jpg |  | | |  | colorful_communication_T.jpg |
|  | 3745 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2312/2312_ColorChromo_T.jpg'></DIV> | Color-coded chromosomes | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 9:02 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | By mixing fluorescent dyes like an artist mixes paints, scientists are able to color code individual chromosomes. The technique, abbreviated multicolor-FISH, allows researchers to visualize genetic abnormalities often linked to disease. In this image, "painted" chromosomes from a person with a hereditary disease called Werner Syndrome show where a piece of one chromosome has fused to another (see the gold-tipped maroon chromosome in the center). As reported by molecular biologist Jan Karlseder of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, such damage is typical among people with this rare syndrome. | | fluorescent in situ hybridiszation | ColorChromo.jpg | 2312_ColorChromo_S.jpg | ColorChromo_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2312_ColorChromo_T.jpg |
|  | 3746 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2311/2311_cholesterol_in_mouse_brain_cell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cholesterol and Huntington's disease | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 9:00 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This web-like structure shows the abnormal accumulation of cholesterol in a mouse brain cell that contains an aberrant protein linked to Huntington's disease, a fatal condition marked by a progressive degeneration of brain nerve cells. While the gene underlying the disease has been identified, little is known about how it leads to such neuronal damage. But the discovery that cholesterol builds up in mouse brain cells expressing the Huntington's protein could offer new clues for understanding the mechanism of the disease in humans. | | microscopy | | 2311_cholesterol_in_mouse_brain_cell_S.jpg | cholesterol_in_mouse_brain_cell_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2311_cholesterol_in_mouse_brain_cell_T.jpg |
|  | 3748 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2310/CellularTraffic_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cellular traffic | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 8:57 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Like tractor-trailers on a highway, small sacs called vesicles transport substances within cells. This image tracks the motion of vesicles in a living cell. The short red and yellow marks offer information on vesicle movement. The lines spanning the image show overall traffic trends. Typically, the sacs flow from the lower right (blue) to the upper left (red) corner of the picture. Such maps help researchers follow different kinds of cellular processes as they unfold. | | model | CellularTraffic.jpg | CellularTraffic_L.jpg | CellularTraffic_M.jpg |  | | |  | CellularTraffic_T.jpg |
|  | 3744 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2309/2309_cell_polarity_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cellular polarity | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 8:54 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | As an egg cell develops, a process called polarization controls what parts ultimately become the embryo's head and tail. This picture shows an egg of the fruit fly <em>Drosophila</em>. Red and green mark two types of signaling proteins involved in polarization. Disrupting these signals can scramble the body plan of the embryo, leading to severe developmental disorders. | | development | cell_polarity.jpg | 2309_cell_polarity_S.jpg | cell_polarity_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2309_cell_polarity_T.jpg |
|  | 3742 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2308/2308_cellular_metropolis_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cellular metropolis | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 8:51 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Like a major city, a cell teems with specialized workers that carry out its daily operations--making energy, moving proteins, or helping with other tasks. Researchers took microscopic pictures of thin layers of a cell and then combined them to make this 3-D image featuring color-coded organelles--the cell's "workers." Using this image, scientists can understand how these specialized components fit together in the cell's packed inner world. | | organelle | cellular_metropolis.gif | 2308_cellular_metropolis_S.jpg | cellular_metropolis_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2308_cellular_metropolis_T.jpg |
|  | 3741 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2307/cells_frozen_in_time_T.jpg'></DIV> | Cells frozen in time | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 8:52 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The fledgling field of X-ray microscopy lets researchers look inside whole cells rapidly frozen to capture their actions at that very moment. Here, a yeast cell buds before dividing into two. Colors show different parts of the cell. Seeing whole cells frozen in time will help scientists observe cells' complex structures and follow how molecules move inside them. | | Saccharomyces cerevisiae | cells_frozen_in_time.jpg | cells_frozen_in_time_L.jpg | cells_frozen_in_time_M.jpg |  | | |  | cells_frozen_in_time_T.jpg |
|  | 3743 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2305/beaded_bacteriophage_T.jpg'></DIV> | Beaded bacteriophage | No | Photograph | Active | 10/29/2020 8:52 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | This sculpture made of purple and clear glass beads depicts bacteriophage Phi174, a virus that infects bacteria. It rests on a surface that portrays an adaptive landscape, a conceptual visualization. The ridges represent the gene combinations associated with the greatest fitness levels of the virus, as measured by how quickly the virus can reproduce itself. Phi174 is an important model system for studies of viral evolution because its genome can readily be sequenced as it evolves under defined laboratory conditions. | | structure | beaded_bacteriophage.jpg | beaded_bacteriophage_L.jpg | beaded_bacteriophage_M.jpg |  | | |  | beaded_bacteriophage_T.jpg |
|  | 3739 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2304/2304_btub-2.5Ans_T.jpg'></DIV> | Bacteria working to eat | No | Video | Active | 10/29/2020 8:42 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Gram-negative bacteria perform molecular acrobatics just to eat. Because they're encased by two membranes, they must haul nutrients across both. To test one theory of how the bacteria manage this feat, researchers used computer simulations of two proteins involved in importing vitamin B12. Here, the protein (red) anchored in the inner membrane of bacteria tugs on a much larger protein (green and blue) in the outer membrane. Part of the larger protein unwinds, creating a pore through which the vitamin can pass. | | model | btub-2.5Ans_M.mp4 | 2304_btub-2.5Ans_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 2304_btub-2.5Ans_T.jpg |
|  | 3740 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/2299/CUGBP1_2D-HSQC_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | 2-D NMR | No | Illustration | Active | 2/3/2021 5:01 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A two-dimensional NMR spectrum of a protein, in this case a 2D 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectrum of a 228 amino acid DNA/RNA-binding protein. | | | CUGBP1_2D-HSQC_L.jpg | CUGBP1_2D-HSQC_S.jpg | CUGBP1_2D-HSQC_M.jpg |  | | |  | CUGBP1_2D-HSQC_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 3738 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1339/ITC_EggComp02_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Egg comparison | No | Illustration | Active | 10/29/2020 8:07 AM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The largest human cell (by volume) is the egg. Human eggs are 150 micrometers in diameter and you can just barely see one with a naked eye. In comparison, consider the eggs of chickens...or ostriches! | | size | ITC_EggComp02_Copy.tif | ITC_EggComp02_S.jpg | ITC_EggComp02_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_EggComp02_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3737 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1338/ITC_Neuron_lg_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nerve cell | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:33 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Nerve cells have long, invisibly thin fibers that carry electrical impulses throughout the body. Some of these fibers extend about 3 feet from the spinal cord to the toes. | | neuron | ITC_Neuron_lg_Copy.tif | ITC_Neuron_lg_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Neuron_lg_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Neuron_lg_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3731 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1337/ITC_BicyclingCell_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Bicycling cell | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:31 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A humorous treatment of the concept of a cycling cell. | | cartoon | ITC_BicyclingCell_Copy.tif | ITC_BicyclingCell_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_BicyclingCell_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_BicyclingCell_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3734 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1336/ITC_Balance_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Life in balance | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:29 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Mitosis creates cells, and apoptosis kills them. The processes often work together to keep us healthy. | | cartoon | ITC_Balance_Copy.tif | ITC_Balance_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Balance_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Balance_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3728 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1335/ITC_Telomerase_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Telomerase illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:24 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Reactivating telomerase in our cells does not appear to be a good way to extend the human lifespan. Cancer cells reactivate telomerase. | | cartoon, telomere | ITC_Telomerase_Copy.tif | ITC_Telomerase_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Telomerase_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Telomerase_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3732 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1334/ITC_OldBook_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Aging book of life | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:21 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Damage to each person's genome, often called the "Book of Life," accumulates with time. Such DNA mutations arise from errors in the DNA copying process, as well as from external sources, such as sunlight and cigarette smoke. DNA mutations are known to cause cancer and also may contribute to cellular aging. | | Cartoon | ITC_OldBook_Copy.tif | ITC_OldBook_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_OldBook_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_OldBook_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3730 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1333/ITC_MitoMeio_layout_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis and meiosis compared | No | Illustration | Active | 12/1/2021 2:25 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Meiosis is used to make sperm and egg cells. During meiosis, a cell's chromosomes are copied once, but the cell divides twice. During mitosis, the chromosomes are copied once, and the cell divides once. For simplicity, cells are illustrated with only three pairs of chromosomes. See image <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=6788">6788</a> for a labeled version of this illustration. | | development, cell cycle Alt text: On the left, a cell goes through the stages of mitosis to split into two cells that each have two sets of chromosomes. On the right, a cell goes through the phases of meiosis to divide into four cells that each have a single set of chromosomes. | ITC_MitoMeio_layout_Copy.tif | ITC_MitoMeio_layout_S.jpg | 1333_ITC_MitoMeio_layout_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_MitoMeio_layout_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3685 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1332/ITC_Mito_telo_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - telophase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:16 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Telophase during mitosis: Nuclear membranes form around each of the two sets of chromosomes, the chromosomes begin to spread out, and the spindle begins to break down. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | development, cell cycle | ITC_Mito_telo_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_telo_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_telo_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_telo_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3686 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1331/ITC_Mito_prometa_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - prometaphase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:13 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A cell in prometaphase during mitosis: The nuclear membrane breaks apart, and the spindle starts to interact with the chromosomes. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | development, cell cycle | ITC_Mito_prometa_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_prometa_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_prometa_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_prometa_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3684 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1330/ITC_Mito_pro_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - prophase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:10 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A cell in prophase, near the start of mitosis: In the nucleus, chromosomes condense and become visible. In the cytoplasm, the spindle forms. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | deelopment, cell cycle | ITC_Mito_pro_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_pro_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_pro_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_pro_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3681 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1329/ITC_Mito_meta_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - metaphase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:07 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A cell in metaphase during mitosis: The copied chromosomes align in the middle of the spindle. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | development, cell cycle | ITC_Mito_meta_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_meta_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_meta_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_meta_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3683 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1328/ITC_Mito_ana_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - anaphase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 4:03 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A cell in anaphase during mitosis: Chromosomes separate into two genetically identical groups and move to opposite ends of the spindle. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | development, cell cycle | ITC_Mito_ana_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_ana_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_ana_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_ana_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3682 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1316/ITC_Interphase_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitosis - interphase | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:59 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A cell in interphase, at the start of mitosis: Chromosomes duplicate, and the copies remain attached to each other. Mitosis is responsible for growth and development, as well as for replacing injured or worn out cells throughout the body. For simplicity, mitosis is illustrated here with only six chromosomes. | | development, cell cycle | ITC_Interphase_Copy.tif | ITC_Interphase_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Interphase_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Interphase_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3680 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1315/1315_ITC_Crossover_Before_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Chromosomes before crossing over | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:55 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Duplicated pair of chromosomes lined up and ready to cross over. | | DNA | ITC_CrossOver_before_Copy.tif | 1315_ITC_Crossover_Before-S.jpg | ITC_CrossOver_before_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1315_ITC_Crossover_Before_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3679 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1314/1314_ITC_Crossover_After_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Chromosomes after crossing over | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:53 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Duplicated pair of chromosomes have exchanged material. | | DNA | ITC_CrossOver_after_Copy.tif | 1314_ITC_Crossover_After-S.jpg | ITC_CrossOver_after_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1314_ITC_Crossover_After_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3676 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1313/ITC_Clock_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cell eyes clock | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:49 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Cells keep time to know when to retire. | | cartoon | ITC_Clock_Copy.tif | ITC_Clock_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Clock_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Clock_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3668 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1312/ITC_CellToxins_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cell toxins | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:47 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A number of environmental factors cause DNA mutations that can lead to cancer: toxins in cigarette smoke, sunlight and other radiation, and some viruses. | | DNA damage | ITC_CellToxins_Copy.tif | ITC_CellToxins_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_CellToxins_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_CellToxins_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3671 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1311/1311_CellMop_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Housekeeping cell illustration | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:44 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Cell mopping up. | | Cartoon | ITC_CellMop_1311.jpg | 1311_CellMop_thumbnail%20-%20S.jpg | ITC_CellMop_1311_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1311_CellMop_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3631 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1310/ITC_CellCycleWheel_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cell cycle wheel | No | Illustration | Active | 2/6/2020 2:49 PM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | ITC_CellCycleWheel_L.jpg | ITC_CellCycleWheel_S.jpg | ITC_CellCycleWheel_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_CellCycleWheel_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 3630 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1307/ITC_CisternaeMaturation.thumb.png'></DIV> | Cisternae maturation model | No | Video | Active | 10/28/2020 3:40 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Animation for the cisternae maturation model of Golgi transport. | | organelle, cell | Cisternae_maturation_model.mp4 | | |  | | |  | ITC_CisternaeMaturation.thumb.png |
|  | 3629 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1306/1306_ITC_ConeCell_T.jpg'></DIV> | Vesicular shuttle model | No | Video | Active | 10/28/2020 3:37 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Animation for the vesicular shuttle model of Golgi transport. | | Vesicle | Vesicular_shuttle_model.mp4 | 1306_ITC_ConeCell_S.jpg | |  | | |  | 1306_ITC_ConeCell_T.jpg |
|  | 3628 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1294/ITC_StemCell_Layout_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Stem cell differentiation | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:35 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Undifferentiated embryonic stem cells cease to exist a few days after conception. In this image, ES cells are shown to differentiate into sperm, muscle fiber, hair cells, nerve cells, and cone cells. | | development | ITC_StemCell_Layout_Copy.tif | ITC_StemCell_Layout_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_StemCell_layout_med.gif |  | | |  | ITC_StemCell_Layout_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3626 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1293/ITC_Sperm_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sperm cell | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:31 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Illustration of a sperm, the male reproductive cell. | | Reproduction | ITC_Sperm_Copy.tif | ITC_Sperm_S.jpg | ITC_Sperm_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Sperm_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3624 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1292/ITC_SER_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Smooth ER | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:28 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The endoplasmic reticulum comes in two types: Rough ER is covered with ribosomes and prepares newly made proteins; smooth ER specializes in making lipids and breaking down toxic molecules. | | organelle | ITC_SER_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_SER_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_SER_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_SER_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3618 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1291/ITC_Olf_layout_copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Olfactory system | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 3:26 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Sensory organs have cells equipped for detecting signals from the environment, such as odors. Receptors in the membranes of nerve cells in the nose bind to odor molecules, triggering a cascade of chemical reactions tranferred by G proteins into the cytoplasm. | | smell, nose | ITC_Olf_layout_copy.tif | ITC_Olf_layout_copy_S.jpg | ITC_Olf_layout_copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Olf_layout_copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3619 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1290/ITC_Nuc_RER_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nucleus and rough ER | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 1:18 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The nucleus contains the DNA of eukaryotic cells. The double membrane that bounds the nucleus flows into the rough endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle studded with ribosomes that manufacture membrane-bound proteins for the rest of the cell. | | organelle, cell | ITC_Nuc_RER_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_Nuc_RER_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Nuc_RER_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Nuc_RER_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3617 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1287/ITC_Mito_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mitochondria | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 1:15 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Bean-shaped mitochondria are cells' power plants. These organelles have their own DNA and replicate independently. The highly folded inner membranes are the site of energy generation. | | cell, organelle | ITC_Mito_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_Mito_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Mito_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Mito_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3615 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1286/ITC_Membrane_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Animal cell membrane | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 1:12 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The membrane that surrounds a cell is made up of proteins and lipids. Depending on the membrane's location and role in the body, lipids can make up anywhere from 20 to 80 percent of the membrane, with the remainder being proteins. Cholesterol (green), which is not found in plant cells, is a type of lipid that helps stiffen the membrane. | | cell | ITC_Membrane_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_Membrane_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Membrane_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Membrane_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3614 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1285/ITC_LipidRaft_Copy_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Lipid raft | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 1:08 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Researchers have learned much of what they know about membranes by constructing artificial membranes in the laboratory. In artificial membranes, different lipids separate from each other based on their physical properties, forming small islands called lipid rafts. | | cell, illustration | ITC_LipidRaft_Copy.tif | ITC_LipidRaft_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_LipidRaft_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_LipidRaft_Copy_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3616 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1284/ITC_IonChannels_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Ion channels | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 1:04 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The body uses a variety of ion channels to transport small molecules across cell membranes. | | cell | ITC_IonChannels_Copy.tif | ITC_IonChannels_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_IonChannels_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_IonChannels_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3552 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1283/ITC_VesicTraffic_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Vesicle traffic | No | Illustration | Active | 11/4/2021 12:20 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This illustration shows vesicle traffic inside a cell. The double membrane that bounds the nucleus flows into the ribosome-studded rough endoplasmic reticulum (purple), where membrane-embedded proteins are manufactured. Proteins are processed and lipids are manufactured in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (blue) and Golgi apparatus (green). Vesicles that fuse with the cell membrane release their contents outside the cell. The cell can also take in material from outside by having vesicles pinch off from the cell membrane. | | organelle, exocytosis | ITC_VesicTraffic_Copy.tif | ITC_VesicTraffic_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_VesicTraffic_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_VesicTraffic_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3551 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1282/ITC_Vesc_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lysosomes | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:46 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Lysosomes have powerful enzymes and acids to digest and recycle cell materials. | | illustration | ITC_Vesc_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_Vesc_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Vesc_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Vesc_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3550 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1281/ITC_Translation_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Translation | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:43 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Ribosomes manufacture proteins based on mRNA instructions. Each ribosome reads mRNA, recruits tRNA molecules to fetch amino acids, and assembles the amino acids in the proper order. | | protein | ITC_Translation_Copy.tif | ITC_Translation_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Translation_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Translation_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3546 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1280/ITC_TorsoTubesQuarto_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Quartered torso | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:39 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Cells function within organs and tissues, such as the lungs, heart, intestines, and kidney. | | human, body, heart, lung, kidney, intestine | ITC_TorsoTubesQuarto_Copy.tif | ITC_TorsoTubesQuarto_S.jpg | ITC_TorsoTubesQuarto_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_TorsoTubesQuarto_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3548 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1278/ITC_GolgiTheories_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Golgi theories | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:37 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Two models for how material passes through the Golgi apparatus: the vesicular shuttle model and the cisternae maturation model. | | endoplasmic reticulum, cell | ITC_GolgiTheories_Copy.jpg | ITC_GolgiTheories_S.jpg | ITC_GolgiTheories_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_GolgiTheories_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3549 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1276/ITC_F@H_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Folding@Home | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:33 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Stanford University scientist Vijay Pande decided to couple the power of computers with the help of the public. He initiated a project called Folding@Home, a so-called distributed computing project in which anyone who wants to can download a screensaver that performs protein-folding calculations when a computer is not in use. Folding@Home is modeled on a similar project called SETI@Home, which is used to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. | | technology, crowd-source | ITC_F@H_Copy.tif | ITC_F_H_S.jpg | ITC_F_H_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_F@H_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3547 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1275/ITC_Golgi_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Golgi | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:29 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The Golgi complex, also called the Golgi apparatus or, simply, the Golgi. This organelle receives newly made proteins and lipids from the ER, puts the finishing touches on them, addresses them, and sends them to their final destinations. | | cell, endoplasmic reticulum | ITC_Golgi_inset_Copy.tif | ITC_Golgi_inset_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Golgi_inset_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Golgi_inset_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3545 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1274/ITC_EukaryoticCell_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Animal cell | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:26 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A typical animal cell, sliced open to reveal a cross-section of organelles. | | nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi | ITC_EukaryoticCell_Copy.tif | ITC_EukaryoticCell_S.jpg | ITC_EukaryoticCell_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_EukaryoticCell_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3540 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1273/ITC_Egg_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Egg cell | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:21 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Sketch of an egg cell. | | sphere | ITC_Egg_Copy.tif | ITC_Egg_Copy_S.jpg | ITC_Egg_Copy_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Egg_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3543 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1272/ITC_Cytoskeleton_Copy.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cytoskeleton | No | Illustration | Active | 10/28/2020 12:14 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The three fibers of the cytoskeleton--microtubules in blue, intermediate filaments in red, and actin in green--play countless roles in the cell. | | cell, drawing | ITC_Cytoskeleton_Copy.tif | ITC_Cytoskeleton_S.jpg | ITC_Cytoskeleton_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_Cytoskeleton_Copy.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3538 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1271/ITC_ConeCell_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cone cell | No | Illustration | Active | 2/6/2020 11:53 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | ITC_ConeCell.jpg | ITC_ConeCell_S.jpg | ITC_ConeCell_M.jpg |  | | |  | ITC_ConeCell_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 3536 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1270/2355_th_1367b1_Thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Glycoproteins | No | Illustration | Active | 2/6/2020 11:52 AM | Johnson, Susan (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | | | | ITC_CarbProteins_L.jpg | ITC_CarbProteins_S.jpg | ITC_CarbProteins_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2355_th_1367b1_Thumb.jpg |
|  | 3537 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1265/Human_serum_2x2_grid.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Glycan arrays | No | Photograph | Active | 10/28/2020 12:09 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | The signal is obtained by allowing proteins in human serum to interact with glycan (polysaccharide) arrays. The arrays are shown in replicate so the pattern is clear. Each spot contains a specific type of glycan. Proteins have bound to the spots highlighted in green. | | microarray | Human_serum_2x2_grid.jpg | Human_serum_2x2_grid_S.jpg | Human_serum_2x2_grid_M.jpg |  | | |  | Human_serum_2x2_grid.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3534 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1251/crablarva-bacteria-eye.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Crab larva eye | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:24 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Colorized scanning electron micrographs progressively zoom in on the eye of a crab larva. In the higher-resolution frames, bacteria are visible on the eye. | | SEM | crablarva-bacteria-eye.tif | crablarva-bacteria-eye_S.jpg | crablarva-bacteria-eye_M.jpg |  | | |  | crablarva-bacteria-eye.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3542 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1247/1247_neurop1acolor_T.jpg'></DIV> | Crab nerve cell | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:25 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Neuron from a crab showing the cell body (bottom), axon (rope-like extension), and growth cone (top right). | | SEM, scanning electron microscope | neurop1acolor.tif | 1247_neurop1acolor_S.jpg | neurop1acolor_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1247_neurop1acolor_T.jpg |
|  | 3539 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1244/nerveterm15color.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nerve ending | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:26 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A scanning electron microscope picture of a nerve ending. It has been broken open to reveal vesicles (orange and blue) containing chemicals used to pass messages in the nervous system. | | SEM | nerveterm15color.tif | nerveterm15_small.jpg | nerveterm15_med.jpg |  | | |  | nerveterm15color.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3541 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1241/lyme4-neg.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Borrelia burgdorferi | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:26 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <i>Borrelia burgdorferi</i> is a spirochete, a class of long, slender bacteria that typically take on a coiled shape. Infection with this bacterium causes Lyme disease. | | TEM, transmission electron microscope | lyme4-neg.tif | lyme4-neg_S.jpg | lyme4-neg_M.jpg |  | | |  | lyme4-neg.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3451 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1191/sperm9x2c_thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Mouse sperm sections | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:28 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This transmission electron micrograph shows sections of mouse sperm tails, or flagella. | | | sperm9x2c_L.jpg | sperm9x2c_S.jpg | sperm9x2c_M.jpg |  | | |  | sperm9x2c_thumb.jpg |
|  | 3452 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1178/Cc6-1.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Cultured cells | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:27 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image of laboratory-grown cells was taken with the help of a scanning electron microscope, which yields detailed images of cell surfaces. | | SEM, macrophage | Cc6-1.tif | Cc6-1_S.jpg | Cc6-1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Cc6-1.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3449 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1166/leptoc2color.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Leptospira bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:29 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <i>Leptospira</i>, shown here in green, is a type (genus) of elongated, spiral-shaped bacteria. Infection can cause Weil's disease, a kind of jaundice, in humans. | | SEM | leptoc2color.tif | leptoc2color_S.jpg | leptoc2color_M.jpg |  | | |  | leptoc2color.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3450 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1160/bacta4acolor.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Vibrio bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:32 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | <i>Vibrio</i>, a type (genus) of rod-shaped bacteria. Some <i>Vibrio</i> species cause cholera in humans. | | Infection, TEM | bacta4acolor.tif | bacta4acolor_S.jpg | bacta4acolor_M.jpg |  | | |  | bacta4acolor.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3448 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1158/7-ccmix8acolor.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Bacteria shapes | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:24 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A colorized scanning electron micrograph of bacteria. Scanning electron microscopes allow scientists to see the three-dimensional surface of their samples. | | spheres, cocci, rods, bacilli | 7-ccmix8acolor.tif | 7-ccmix8acolor_S.jpg | 7-ccmix8acolor_M.jpg |  | | |  | 7-ccmix8acolor.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3447 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1157/1157_strept1color_T.jpg'></DIV> | Streptococcus bacteria | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:27 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | Image of <i>Streptococcus</i>, a type (genus) of spherical bacteria that can colonize the throat and back of the mouth. Stroptococci often occur in pairs or in chains, as shown here. | | infection | strept1color.tif | 1157_strept1color__S.jpg | strept1color_M.jpg |  | | |  | 1157_strept1color_T.jpg |
|  | 3446 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1120/magnet01.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Superconducting magnet | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 5:13 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Superconducting magnet for NMR research, from the February 2003 profile of Dorothee Kern in <I>Findings</i>. | | laboratory | magnet01.psd | magnet01_S.jpg | magnet01.jpg |  | | |  | magnet01.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3437 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1102/prettycellb.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Endothelial cell | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:34 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image shows two components of the cytoskeleton, microtubules (green) and actin filaments (red), in an endothelial cell derived from a cow lung. The cystoskeleton provides the cell with an inner framework and enables it to move and change shape. | | microscopy | prettycellb.tif | prettycellb_S.jpg | prettycellb_M.jpg |  | | |  | prettycellb.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3445 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1101/RBC.B_W.Carvallo.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Red blood cells | No | Photograph | Active | 3/13/2023 3:34 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | This image of human red blood cells was obtained with the help of a scanning electron microscope, an instrument that uses a finely focused electron beam to yield detailed images of the surface of a sample. | | erythrocytes | RBC.B_W.Carvallo.tif | RBC.B_W.Carvallo_S.jpg | RBC.B_W.Carvallo_M.jpg |  | | |  | RBC.B_W.Carvallo.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3435 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1092/Larabell_yeast1.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Yeast cell | No | Illustration | Active | 8/27/2020 5:02 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A whole yeast (<i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>) cell viewed by X-ray microscopy. Inside, the nucleus and a large vacuole (red) are visible. | | eukaryote, cytoplasm, nucleus | Larabell_yeast1.jpg | Larabell_yeast1_L.jpg | Larabell_yeast1_M.jpg |  | | |  | Larabell_yeast1.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3432 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1091/NIH_picHR.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Nerve and glial cells in fruit fly embryo | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:56 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Glial cells (stained green) in a fruit fly developing embryo have survived thanks to a signaling pathway initiated by neighboring nerve cells (stained red). | | microscopy, neuron | NIH_picHR.jpg | NIH_picHR_S.jpg | NIH_picHR_M.jpg |  | | |  | NIH_picHR.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3444 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1090/2005-04-14-008_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 10 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:58 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | 2005-04-14-008.tif | 2005-04-14-008_S.jpg | 2005-04-14-008_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2005-04-14-008_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3439 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1089/2005-04-14-010.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 09 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:53 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | 2005-04-14-010.tif | Natcher_bldg_image_ID_1089_2005-04-14-010.jpg | Natcher_bldg_image_ID_1089_2005-04-14-010.jpg |  | | |  | 2005-04-14-010.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3438 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1088/2005-04-14-009_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 08 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:26 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | 2005-04-14-009.tif | 2005-04-14-009_S.jpg | 2005-04-14-009_M.jpg |  | | |  | 2005-04-14-009_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3441 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1087/Natcher6.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 07 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:24 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | Natcher6.JPG | Natcher6_S.jpg | Natcher6_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher6.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3443 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1086/Natcher5.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 06 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:21 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | Natcher5.JPG | Natcher5_S.jpg | Natcher5_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher5.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3431 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1085/Natcher4.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 05 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:19 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | Natcher4.JPG | Natcher4_S.jpg | Natcher4_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher4.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3442 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1084/Natcher3.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:14 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | Natcher3.JPG | Natcher3_S.jpg | Natcher3_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher3.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3434 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1083/Natcher2.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:11 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | offices | Natcher2.JPG | Natcher2_S.jpg | Natcher2_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher2.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3440 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1082/Natcher1.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 02 | | Photograph | Active | 6/3/2016 2:24 PM | aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | | Natcher1.JPG | Natcher1_S.jpg | Natcher1_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher1.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3433 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1081/Natcher7.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Natcher Building 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:07 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | NIGMS staff are located in the Natcher Building on the NIH campus. | | window | Natcher7.JPG | Natcher7_S.jpg | Natcher7_M.JPG |  | | |  | Natcher7.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3322 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1070/F04101GMS_microarray.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Microarray 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 4:03 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Microarrays, also called gene chips, are tools that let scientists track the activity of hundreds or thousands of genes simultaneously. For example, researchers can compare the activities of genes in healthy and diseased cells, allowing the scientists to pinpoint which genes and cell processes might be involved in the development of a disease. | | genetics, DNA, RNA | F04101GMS_microarray.tif | F04101GMS_microarray_S.jpg | F04101GMS_microarray_M.jpg |  | | |  | F04101GMS_microarray.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3318 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1069/F04101GMS_Mice.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lab mice | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 3:27 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Many researchers use the mouse <i>(Mus musculus)</i> as a model organism to study mammalian biology. Mice carry out practically all the same life processes as humans and, because of their small size and short generation times, are easily raised in labs. Scientists studying a certain cellular activity or disease can choose from tens of thousands of specially bred strains of mice to select those prone to developing certain tumors, neurological diseases, metabolic disorders, premature aging, or other conditions. | | research organism | F04101GMS_Mice.tif | F04101GMS_Mice_S.jpg | F04101GMS_Mice_M.jpg |  | | |  | F04101GMS_Mice.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3337 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1060/F04101GMS_0226d2_M.jpg'></DIV> | Protein crystals | No | Photograph | Active | 8/27/2020 3:23 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Structural biologists create crystals of proteins, shown here, as a first step in a process called X-ray crystallography, which can reveal detailed, three-dimensional protein structures. | | microscopy | F04101GMS0226d2.jpg | F04101GMS_0226d2_S.jpg | F04101GMS_0226d2_M.jpg |  | | |  | F04101GMS_0226d2_M.jpg |
|  | 3315 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1058/F04101GMS_blue_cell_source.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 11/1/2021 12:41 PM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image shows the chromosomes, stained dark blue, in a dividing cell of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. | | DNA, nucleus, flower, circle | F04101GMS_blue_cell_source.tif | F04101GMS_blue_cell_source_S.jpg | F04101GMS_blue_cell_source_M.jpg |  | | |  | F04101GMS_blue_cell_source.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3327 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1056/300skin_thumbnail.jpg'></DIV> | Skin cross-section | No | Illustration | Active | 8/14/2020 2:17 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | Cross-section of skin anatomy shows layers and different tissue types. | | epidermis, dermis, hair follicle, sweat gland, fibroblasts, blood vessel | 300skin.JPG | 300skin_S.jpg | 300skin_M.jpg |  | | |  | 300skin_thumbnail.jpg |
|  | 3335 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1052/triplet8.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 06 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 2:10 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | cell, division, development | triplet8.jpg | triplet8_S.jpg | triplet8_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet8.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3323 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1051/triplet7.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 05 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 2:08 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | cell, division, development | triplet7.jpg | triplet7_S.jpg | triplet7_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet7.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3316 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1050/triplet6.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 2:05 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | cell, division, development | triplet6.jpg | triplet6_S.jpg | triplet6_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet6.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3326 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1049/triplet3.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 2:02 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | cell, division, development | triplet3.jpg | triplet3_S.jpg | triplet3_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet3.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3325 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1048/triplet2.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 1:58 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | Cell, division, mitosis, development | triplet2.jpg | triplet2_S.jpg | triplet2_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet2.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3330 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1047/triplet1.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Sea urchin embryo 01 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 1:54 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | | | cell, division, mitosis | triplet1.jpg | triplet1_S.jpg | triplet1_M.jpg |  | | |  | triplet1.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3319 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1022/lilymit9.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 09 | No | Photograph | Active | 8/14/2020 1:50 PM | McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and are starting to separate to form two new cells. | | DNA | lilymit9.jpg | lilymit9_S.jpg | lilymit9_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit9.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3314 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1021/lilymit8.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 08 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:48 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and lined up. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>. | | DNA | lilymit8.jpg | lilymit8_S.jpg | lilymit8_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit8.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3321 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1019/lilymit13_(1).thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 13 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:48 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of cells from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, two cells have formed after a round of mitosis. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA | lilymit13_(1).jpg | lilymit13_S.jpg | lilymit13_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit13_(1).thumb.jpg |
|  | 3331 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1018/lilymit12.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 12 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:47 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible near the end of a round of mitosis. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA | lilymit12.jpg | lilymit12_S.jpg | lilymit12_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit12.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3317 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1017/lilymit7.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 07 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:46 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and have lined up in the middle of the dividing cell. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA | lilymit7.jpg | lilymit7_S.jpg | lilymit7_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit7.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3328 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1016/lilymit6.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 06 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:46 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and are starting to line up. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA | lilymit6.jpg | lilymit6_S.jpg | lilymit6_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit6.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3320 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1015/lilymit5.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 05 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:45 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA, nucleus | lilymit5.jpg | lilymit5_S.jpg | lilymit5_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit5.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3334 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1014/lilymit4.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 04 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:44 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | DNA, nucleus | lilymit4.jpg | lilymit4_S.jpg | lilymit4_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit4.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3332 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1013/lilymit3.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 03 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:44 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | Nucleus | lilymit3.jpg | lilymit3_S.jpg | lilymit3_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit3.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3329 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1012/lilymit2.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 02 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:42 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | | | DNA, nucleus | lilymit2.jpg | lilymit2_S.jpg | lilymit2_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit2.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3333 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1011/lilymit11.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 11 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:41 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of cells from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and have separated into the opposite sides of a dividing cell. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1010">1010</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | DNA, heredity | lilymit11.jpg | lilymit11_S.jpg | lilymit11_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit11.thumb.jpg |
|  | 3336 | | <DIV><img style='max-width:100px;max-height:100px' src='/PublicAssets/1010/lilymit10.thumb.jpg'></DIV> | Lily mitosis 10 | No | Photograph | Active | 5/9/2022 9:42 AM | Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E] | A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. Here, condensed chromosomes are clearly visible and are separating to form the cores of two new cells. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1011">1011</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1012">1012</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1013">1013</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1014">1014</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1015">1015</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1016">1016</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1017">1017</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1018">1018</a>, <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1019">1019</a>, and <a href=" https://images.nigms.nih.gov/pages/DetailPage.aspx?imageid2=1021">1021</a>. | | nucleus | lilymit10.jpg | lilymit10_S.jpg | lilymit10_M.jpg |  | | |  | lilymit10.thumb.jpg |