• 39003900117656519501950358041975975102756PublicAssets/7009
    Hungry, hungry macrophages
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    Hungry, hungry macrophages


    Macrophages (green) are the professional eaters of our immune system. They are constantly surveilling our tissues for targets—such as bacteria, dead cells, or even cancer—and clearing them before they can cause harm. In this image, researchers were testing how macrophages responded to different molecules that were attached to silica beads (magenta) coated with a lipid bilayer to mimic a cell membrane.

    Find more information on this image in the NIH Director’s Blog post "How to Feed a Macrophage."
    Public Note
    Internal NoteFrom: Meghan Morrissey morrissey@ucsb.edu Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:22 PM To: Bigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C] abbey.bigler@nih.gov; Annalise Bond annalise.bond@lifesci.ucsb.edu Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: NIGMS Gallery Request

    Sure! Here is the requested info, let us know if we should make any changes. I have cc'ed Annalise Bond who took the image.

    Free of copyright restrictions - yes.

    Funding: R35GM146935
    Keywordswhite blood cells, purple
    SourceMeghan Morrissey; Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; University of California, Santa Barbara.
    Credit LineAnnalise Bond; Morrissey Lab; Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; University of California, Santa Barbara.
    InvestigatorMacrophages (green) are the professional eaters of our immune system. They are constantly surveilling our tissues for targets – like bacteria, dead cells or even cancer! – and clearing them before they can cause harm. With these synthetic targets (magenta), we can test what makes a macrophage particularly hungry and what makes a target extra tasty.
    Record TypePhotograph
    Topic Area(s);#Cells;#Injury and Illness;#
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