• 81780842PublicAssets/6933
    Zebrafish head vasculature

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    Zebrafish head vasculature


    Various views of a zebrafish head with blood vessels shown in purple. Researchers often study zebrafish because they share many genes with humans, grow and reproduce quickly, and have see-through eggs and embryos, which make it easy to study early stages of development.

    This video was captured using a light sheet microscope.

    Related to image 6934.
    Public NoteA range of views of a zebrafish head with blood vessels shown in purple.
    Internal NoteOn Jan 11, 2023, at 2:59 PM, Prayag Murawala pmurawala@mdibl.org wrote:

    Dear Abbey,

    Feel free to rename images as you may see fit. Image credits: Dr. Marko Pende, MDIBL-LMF and Murawala Lab Let me know, if you need any further details.



    — Prayag Murawala, PhD Assistant Professor Pronouns: he / him / his 159, Old Bar Harbor Road | Bar Harbor, ME 04609, USA 207-288-9880, Ext. 468 | mdibl.org https://murawalalab.mdibl.org & die Klinik für Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen (Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases) der Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Hannover Medical School), Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1 | 30625 Hannover, Germany

    https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0607-1059 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ Twitter: pmurawala

    Grant information: Sub-project ID 8474 of parent grant 5P20GM104318, PO Yang Zhou; MDI Biological Laboratory Light Microscopy Facility is supported by the Maine INBRE grant GM103423, PO Krishan Arora
    Keywordsresearch organisms, model organisms
    SourcePrayag Murawala, MDI Biological Laboratory and Hannover Medical School.
    Credit LineMarko Pende, MDI Biological Laboratory; MDI Biological Laboratory Light Microscopy Facility; and the Murawala Lab, MDI Biological Laboratory and Hannover Medical School.
    InvestigatorMovie of tissue cleared adult zebrafish labelled for blood vessels using intercardial Dextran568 dye injection. Recorded on: mesoSPIM light-sheet
    Record TypeVideo
    Topic Area(s);#Tools and Techniques;#
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High79865 KB 3/28/2023 2:27 PMBigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C]
Thumbnail451 KB 3/28/2023 2:24 PMBigler, Abbey (NIH/NIGMS) [C]

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