• 2563148335132012827417625164137017352PublicAssets/6346
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    Salk researchers captured the structure of a protein complex called an intasome (center) that lets viruses similar to HIV establish permanent infection in their hosts. The intasome hijacks host genomic material, DNA (white) and histones (beige), and irreversibly inserts viral DNA (blue). The image was created by Jamie Simon and Dmitry Lyumkis. Work that led to the 3D map was published in: Ballandras-Colas A, Brown M, Cook NJ, Dewdney TG, Demeler B, Cherepanov P, Lyumkis D, & Engelman AN. (2016). Cryo-EM reveals a novel octameric integrase structure for ?-retroviral intasome function. Nature, 530(7590), 358—361
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    Keywordsretrovirus HIV instasome DNA cryo-electron microscopy
    SourceNational Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy http://nramm.nysbc.org/nramm-images/ Source: Bridget Carragher
    Credit LineNRAMM National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy
    Record TypeIllustration
    Topic Area(s);#Cells;#Molecular Structures;#Tools and Techniques;#
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