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2500270Glucose (top) and sucrose (bottom) are sugars made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Carbohydrates include simple sugars like these and are the main source of energy for the human body. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Findings</i></a>, October 2004.9/18/2020 5:38:14 PM9/18/2020 5:38:14 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2500_Carbo_S    Low 72 KB 3/29/2019 11:22 AM Constantinides Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{4BBA85A5-2765-4B80-B5A0-6FBB730B3229}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3460727Recombinant proteins such as the prion protein shown here are often used to model how proteins misfold and sometimes polymerize in neurodegenerative disorders. This prion protein was expressed in E. coli, purified and fibrillized at pH 7. Image taken in 2004 for a research project by Roger Moore, Ph.D., at Rocky Mountain Laboratories that was published in 2007 in <i>Biochemistry</i>. This image was not used in the publication.8/31/2020 4:08:32 AM8/31/2020 4:08:32 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified that was published in 2007 in <i>Biochemistry</i>. This image was not used in the This image is also available in STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{D61A0D04-06B0-47B0-B82D-4FEDA379609F}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6779916A representation of a patient’s brain waves after receiving the anesthetic propofol. All anesthetics create brain wave changes that vary depending on the patient’s age and the type and dose of anesthetic used. These changes are visible in raw electroencephalogram (EEG) readings, but they’re easier to interpret using a spectrogram where the signals are broken down by time (x-axis), frequency (y-axis), and power (color scale). This spectrogram shows the changes in brain waves before, during, and after propofol-induced anesthesia. The patient is unconscious from minute 5, upon propofol administration, through minute 69 (change in power and frequency). But, between minutes 35 and 48, the patient fell into a profound state of unconsciousness (disappearance of dark red oscillations between 8 to 12 Hz), which required the anesthesiologist to adjust the rate of propofol administration. The propofol was stopped at minute 62 and the patient woke up around minute 69. 8/24/2021 4:39:56 PM8/24/2021 4:39:56 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified BrainWave_M    Medium 21 KB 8/24/2021 10:01 AM Dolan, Lauren (NIH Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{C3772696-F92C-4368-A787-557CB4E82840}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2490334This illustration of an epoxide-opening cascade promoted by water emulates the proposed biosynthesis of some of the Red Tide toxins.9/18/2020 5:17:23 PM9/18/2020 5:17:23 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Water_cascade_thumb    Thumbnail 25 KB 6/3/2016 3:12 PM aamishral2 Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2631C4DA-12B6-470A-9C8A-BC2049812B4D}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2750561Antibodies are among the most promising therapies for certain forms of cancer, but patients must take them intravenously, exposing healthy tissues to the drug and increasing the risk of side effects. A team of biochemists packed the anticancer antibodies into porous silica particles to deliver a heavy dose directly to tumors in mice. Featured in the June 16, 2010, issue of <a href= target="_blank"><em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>.8/21/2020 5:49:28 PM8/21/2020 5:49:28 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology Antibody, Biochemistry, Biochemical, Drug Delivery, Immune System STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{E388DAB4-31DB-4ECE-9ED5-AE2F1152C395}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3791700The nucleolus is a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that make proteins from messenger RNAs. <Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from differences in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let the proteins readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments. <Br><Br>This video of nucleoli in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog Xenopus laevis, shows how each of the compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue) spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. <Br><Br>For more details on this research, see <a href="">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href=""> video 3789</a>, <a href=""> image 3792</a> and <a href=""> image 3793</a>.12/17/2020 7:33:57 PM12/17/2020 7:33:57 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Nucleolus subcompartments spontaneously self-assemble 2    High 317 KB 6/28/2016 3:35 PM Hall, Monique (NIH STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{A6372C2D-E2E0-4AD1-93E2-5109F3AFE1FC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5752706Antibiotic resistance in microbes is a serious health concern. So researchers have turned their attention to how bacteria undo the action of some antibiotics. Here, scientists set out to find the conditions that help individual bacterial cells survive in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin. The research team used Mycobacterium smegmatis, a more harmless relative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which infects the lung and other organs to cause serious disease.<Br><Br> In this video, genetically identical mycobacteria are growing in a miniature growth chamber called a microfluidic chamber. Using live imaging, the researchers found that individual mycobacteria will respond differently to the antibiotic, depending on the growth stage and other timing factors. The researchers used genetic tagging with green fluorescent protein to distinguish cells that can resist rifampicin and those that cannot. With this gene tag, cells tolerant of the antibiotic light up in green and those that are susceptible in violet, enabling the team to monitor the cells' responses in real time. <Br><Br> To learn more about how the researchers studied antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium, see <a href="">this news release from Tufts University</a>. Related to <a href="">image 5751</a>. 12/18/2020 4:30:09 PM12/18/2020 4:30:09 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 5752_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_22_R3D_final-1_S    Low 60 KB 3/28/2019 3:24 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{B047CD99-8652-40DA-9486-2419FB70E5F6}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3423463A white poppy.8/12/2020 6:24:02 AM8/12/2020 6:24:02 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poppy1_crop    High 1077 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{0DE7F87E-F4A1-4015-A809-CAD027BE3B61}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3458725This computer algorithm plots all feasible small carbon-based molecules as though they were cities on a map and identifies huge, unexplored spaces that may help fuel research into new drug therapies. Featured in the May 16, 2013 issue of <em><a href="">Biomedical Beat</a><em>.8/22/2020 7:17:19 PM8/22/2020 7:17:19 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Algorithm_L    Low 154 KB 6/3/2016 3:29 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C This computer algorithm plots all feasible small carbon-based molecules as though they were cities on a map and identifies huge, unexplored STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{BD5FBD91-00F8-4BDD-A62E-D08594363089}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3558672Luciferase-based imaging enables visualization and quantification of internal organs and transplanted cells in live adult zebrafish. In this image, a cardiac muscle-restricted promoter drives firefly luciferase expression (lateral view).10/5/2020 5:23:30 AM10/5/2020 5:23:30 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poss-zebrafish-03    High 488 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br>For imagery of both the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{609B0D19-64A4-46CE-8F68-348417AC7AFA}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2520144Ionic and covalent bonds hold molecules, like sodium chloride and chlorine gas, together. Hydrogen bonds among molecules, notably involving water, also play an important role in biology. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>The Chemistry of Health</i></a>.3/4/2022 8:07:52 PM3/4/2022 8:07:52 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Ionic_Bond_with_labels_S    Low 63 KB 9/7/2016 1:40 PM Varkala Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{9F762FC8-E8A7-4101-8994-5484E50DDCA8}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3720817This wreath represents the molecular structure of a protein, Cas4, which is part of a system, known as CRISPR, that bacteria use to protect themselves against viral invaders. The green ribbons show the protein's structure, and the red balls show the location of iron and sulfur molecules important for the protein's function. Scientists harnessed Cas9, a different protein in the bacterial CRISPR system, to create a gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9. Using this tool, researchers are able to study a range of cellular processes and human diseases more easily, cheaply and precisely. In December, 2015, Science magazine recognized the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool as the "breakthrough of the year." Read more about Cas4 in the December 2015 Biomedical Beat post <a href="">A Holiday-Themed Image Collection</a>.12/3/2020 8:52:01 PM12/3/2020 8:52:01 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Cas4_PDB_4ic11_M    Medium 377 KB 6/3/2016 3:39 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Read more about Cas4 in the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2943035F-E71B-47B6-B359-C2925A36BC57}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3559673Luciferase-based imaging enables visualization and quantification of internal organs and transplanted cells in live adult zebrafish. This image shows how luciferase-based imaging could be used to visualize the heart for regeneration studies (left), or label all tissues for stem cell transplantation (right).10/5/2020 5:27:55 AM10/5/2020 5:27:55 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poss-zebrafish-04_L    Low 35 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br>For imagery of both the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7E206F11-67B8-4B43-BEA6-8DD760F163C4}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6802965Colonies of bacteria growing despite high concentrations of antibiotics. These colonies are visible both by eye, as seen on the left, and by bioluminescence imaging, as seen on the right. The bioluminescent color indicates the metabolic activity of these bacteria, with their red centers indicating high metabolism. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this image can be found in the <em> Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy</em> paper <a href="">“Novel aminoglycoside-tolerant phoenix colony variants of <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em>”</a> by Sindeldecker et al. 10/18/2023 2:59:29 PM10/18/2023 2:59:29 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Antibiotic-Surviving Colonies_M    Medium 191 KB 1/20/2022 1:26 PM Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2C4F99B5-84EA-444E-9ADF-97BFF7281A42}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3488665Shiga toxin (green) is sorted from the endosome into membrane tubules (red), which then pinch off and move to the Golgi apparatus.9/8/2020 11:05:30 PM9/8/2020 11:05:30 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Manganese    Other 94 KB 9/26/2020 10:23 PM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C We would like to add the image STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{05966EB7-4653-4C31-8BCB-559E2C254C44}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6985886<em> Drosophila </em> adult brain showing that an adipokine (fat hormone) generates a response from neurons (aqua) and regulates insulin-producing neurons (red). <Br><Br>Related to images <a href="">6982</a>, <a href="">6983</a>, and <a href="">6984</a>.12/19/2023 9:06:13 PM12/19/2023 9:06:13 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Since the images are too large to attach I have uploaded them at this google drive link and you should be able to download it the link STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{B16A02E1-AF2B-43FE-A6EC-37FF25432F66}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6850920A model of the molecule himastatin overlaid on an image of <em>Bacillus subtilis bacteria</em>. Scientists first isolated himastatin from the bacterium <em>Streptomyces himastatinicus</em>, and the molecule shows antibiotic activity. The researchers who created this image developed a new, more concise way to synthesize himastatin so it can be studied more easily. They also tested the effects of himastatin and derivatives of the molecule on <em>B. subtilis</em>. <Br><Br> More information about the research that produced this image can be found in the <em>Science</em> paper <a href="">“Total synthesis of himastatin”</a> by D’Angelo et al. <Br><Br> Related to image <a href="">6848</a> and video <a href="">6851</a>. 3/7/2022 9:11:07 PM3/7/2022 9:11:07 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified HimastatinWithBacteria_S    Low 15 KB 3/7/2022 2:12 PM Dolan, Lauren (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{C3545F09-F097-4469-B1CC-15E3DD7DF103}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3491596A protein called kinesin (blue) is in charge of moving cargo around inside cells and helping them divide. It's powered by biological fuel called ATP (bright yellow) as it scoots along tube-like cellular tracks called microtubules (gray).9/8/2020 11:21:32 PM9/8/2020 11:21:32 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Would you allow us to do so, and would you please let us know how you would like Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry Yale University SHMC-E25 333 Cedar STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{35B500A0-F314-4453-AED7-2C9A600F10D9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2791366Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 9:16:48 PM2/22/2021 9:16:48 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET743_withhydrogens2_M    Medium 15 KB 6/3/2016 3:17 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7E9FE313-7ECC-410F-8624-D1F7D0E636A4}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6983884Fat tissue from the abdomen of a genetically mosaic adult fruit fly. Genetic mosaicism means that the fly has cells with different genotypes even though it formed from a single zygote. This specific mosaicism results in accumulation of a critical fly adipokine (blue-green) within the fat tissue cells that have reduced expression a key nutrient sensing gene (in left panel). The dotted line shows the cells lacking the gene that is present and functioning in the rest of the cells. Nuclei are labelled in magenta. This image was captured using a confocal microscope and shows a maximum intensity projection of many slices. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href="">6982</a>, <a href="">6984</a>, and <a href="">6985</a>. 12/19/2023 7:15:52 PM12/19/2023 7:15:52 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified This image was captured using a confocal microscope and shows a maximum intensity projection of many slices STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3AA16265-C3FB-43F6-92DA-0F6B21B387B3}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2795370Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 9:13:50 PM2/22/2021 9:13:50 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET_743_2_L    Low 5 KB 6/3/2016 3:17 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{86C9B538-29A6-4393-97EA-0AFC5C537F94}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2797563Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 8:37:35 PM2/22/2021 8:37:35 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET_743_4_L    Low 5 KB 6/3/2016 3:18 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{5615C701-C08A-437D-B6E4-76C640712744}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3425465A red poppy.8/12/2020 6:27:27 AM8/12/2020 6:27:27 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poppy2_M    Medium 178 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{8CEC3946-F4C8-46CB-AFD9-91FF66C15706}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2519143Ionic and covalent bonds hold molecules, like sodium chloride and chlorine gas, together. Hydrogen bonds among molecules, notably involving water, also play an important role in biology. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>The Chemistry of Health</i></a>.3/4/2022 8:07:29 PM3/4/2022 8:07:29 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified _S    Low 51 KB 9/7/2016 1:38 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{B68ABE36-9603-48F3-853E-500DEDC03CA5}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3418459X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor. Found in the journal, Nature, Chemical Biology 8, 366-374 (2012). <a href="">image 3413</a> , <a href="">image 3414</a>, <a href="">image 3415</a>, <a href="">image 3416</a>, <a href="">image 3417</a> and <a href="">image 3419</a>.12/23/2020 11:12:00 PM12/23/2020 11:12:00 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified macrocycle4b_stick_representation    High 349 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{151298FF-60F5-42C1-8AA6-94F7FD3186DD}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3413526X-ray co-crystal structure of Src kinase bound to a DNA-templated macrocycle inhibitor. Found in the journal, Nature, Chemical Biology 8, 366-374 (2012). Series of seven images. Related to <a href="">image 3414</a> , <a href="">image 3415</a>, <a href="">image 3416</a>, <a href="">image 3417</a>, <a href="">image 3418</a> and <a href="">image 3419</a>.12/23/2020 11:02:46 PM12/23/2020 11:02:46 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified macrocycle4b_copy_M    Medium 66 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C WE are happy to give you STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{082D0675-FCFD-4E1E-9ECB-FE9441E456BA}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3483661For thousands of years, Chinese herbalists have treated malaria using Chang Shan, a root extract from a type of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal. Recent studies have suggested Chang Shan can also reduce scar formation, treat multiple sclerosis and even slow cancer progression.8/31/2020 5:19:41 AM8/31/2020 5:19:41 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Chang-san_L    Low 34 KB 6/3/2016 3:30 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C We would like to know if we can use the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{AFB3ACDC-59D9-45A3-B6A1-5E485B2620CF}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3477729This image is a computer-generated model of the approximately 4.2 million atoms of the HIV capsid, the shell that contains the virus' genetic material. Scientists determined the exact structure of the capsid and the proteins that it's made of using a variety of imaging techniques and analyses. They then entered these data into a supercomputer that produced the atomic-level image of the capsid. This structural information could be used for developing drugs that target the capsid, possibly leading to more effective therapies11/14/2023 1:23:33 PM11/14/2023 1:23:33 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Capsid_M    Medium 77 KB 6/3/2016 3:30 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C This structural information could be used for developing STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{4475C347-ACA7-4D71-B1A5-B70167940ACF}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3556670Luciferase-based imaging enables visualization and quantification of internal organs and transplanted cells in live adult zebrafish. In this image, a cardiac muscle-restricted promoter drives firefly luciferase expression. Lateral (Top) and overhead views (Bottom) are shown.10/5/2020 5:20:22 AM10/5/2020 5:20:22 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poss-zebrafish-01    High 416 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br>For imagery of the overhead STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3D1F01B8-728A-4F3D-B381-CF2B50DEAA2C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3787770T cells are white blood cells that are important in defending the body against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Each T cell carries proteins, called T-cell receptors, on its surface that are activated when they come in contact with an invader. This activation sets in motion a cascade of biochemical changes inside the T cell to mount a defense against the invasion. Scientists have been interested for some time what happens after a T-cell receptor is activated. One obstacle has been to study how this signaling cascade, or pathway, proceeds inside T cells. <Br><Br>In this video, researchers have created a T-cell receptor pathway consisting of 12 proteins outside the cell on an artificial membrane. The video shows three key steps during the signaling process: phosphorylation of the T-cell receptor (green), clustering of a protein called linker for activation of T cells (LAT) (blue) and polymerization of the cytoskeleton protein actin (red). The findings show that the T-cell receptor signaling proteins self-organize into separate physical and biochemical compartments. This new system of studying molecular pathways outside the cells will enable scientists to better understand how the immune system combats microbes or other agents that cause infection. <Br><Br>To learn more how researchers assembled this T-cell receptor pathway, see <a href="">this press release from HHMI's Marine Biological Laboratory Whitman Center.</a> Related to <a href="">video 3786</a>.12/17/2020 7:19:29 PM12/17/2020 7:19:29 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified cluster_and_actin_L    Low 12 KB 6/3/2016 3:41 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C T cells are white blood cells STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3E41AE30-6072-43F1-86C1-6188D9BAAB8E}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3429398The molecule on the left is an electrostatic potential map of the van der Waals surface of the transition state for human purine nucleoside phosphorylase. The colors indicate the electron density at any position of the molecule. Red indicates electron-rich regions with negative charge and blue indicates electron-poor regions with positive charge. The molecule on the right is called DADMe-ImmH. It is a chemically stable analogue of the transition state on the left. It binds to the enzyme millions of times tighter than the substrate. This inhibitor is in human clinical trials for treating patients with gout. This image appears in Figure 4, Schramm, V.L. (2011) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 80:703-732.8/22/2020 4:01:05 PM8/22/2020 4:01:05 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified NIGMS image 24Sept12    Other 60939 KB 9/26/2020 10:28 PM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C Just so I?m clear: As STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3E693FD7-64E8-4C53-B80F-EEEB7E4C47B9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6982932Fourteen neurons (magenta) in the adult <em> Drosophila </em> brain produce insulin, and fat tissue sends packets of lipids to the brain via the lipoprotein carriers (green). This image was captured using a confocal microscope and shows a maximum intensity projection of many slices. <Br><Br>Related to images <a href="">6983</a>, <a href="">6984</a>, and <a href="">6985</a>.12/19/2023 7:12:13 PM12/19/2023 7:12:13 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified #1_Dilp ApoII_M    Medium 320 KB 12/19/2023 2:13 PM Crowley, Rachel (NIH/NIGMS) [E Please let me know if you STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{6519601A-B4F6-4AFB-89E6-4BA77ECF4F0A}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2506274The arrangement of identical molecular components can make a dramatic difference. For example, carbon atoms can be arranged into dull graphite (left) or sparkly diamonds (right). Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Findings</i></a>, March 2006.3/4/2022 8:16:57 PM3/4/2022 8:16:57 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Carbon_Building_Blocks_S    Low 59 KB 9/7/2016 1:28 PM Varkala Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{6D21758B-DEDF-4EB0-8B13-5ADDC3714D21}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3422462The atomic structure of the morphine biosynthetic enzyme salutaridine reductase bound to the cofactor NADPH. The substrate salutaridine is shown entering the active site.8/12/2020 6:20:42 AM8/12/2020 6:20:42 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Smith_Poppy_M    Medium 168 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C We have some very nice photos of opium poppy and other poppy species being studied here at STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{F48F09D7-1529-49B4-A341-C6071BA751CC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2687485A 3-D model of the alkaloid serratezomine A shows the molecule's complex ring structure.11/6/2020 9:17:27 PM11/6/2020 9:17:27 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2687_serraz_S    Low 64 KB 3/29/2019 11:02 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{5431257C-AAD9-40BF-9BAB-6E622A528FF6}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3557671Luciferase-based imaging enables visualization and quantification of internal organs and transplanted cells in live adult zebrafish. In this image, a cardiac muscle-restricted promoter drives firefly luciferase expression (overhead view).10/5/2020 5:19:11 AM10/5/2020 5:19:11 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poss-zebrafish-02_L    Low 20 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br>For imagery of both the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{E71A3B27-F195-440D-B17B-B07940F5C51C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3789699The nucleolus is a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that make proteins from messenger RNAs.<Br><Br> However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from difference in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let them readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments. <Br><Br>This video of nucleoli in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog Xenopus laevis, shows how each of the compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue) spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. For more details on this research, see <a href="">this press release from Princeton.</a> Related to <a href=""> video 3791</a>, <a href=""> image 3792</a> and <a href=""> image 3793</a>.12/17/2020 7:25:03 PM12/17/2020 7:25:03 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Composite_combo_label    High 746 KB 6/28/2016 3:33 PM Hall, Monique (NIH/NCI) [C Please let me know if you STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{8A8A26C8-4CB6-481F-972E-8E85FDE07585}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3547667An image of the area of the mouse brain that serves as the 'master clock,' which houses the brain's time-keeping neurons. The nuclei of the clock cells are shown in blue. A small molecule called VIP, shown in green, enables neurons in the central clock in the mammalian brain to synchronize. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="">Biomedical Beat Blog</a> posting from November 2013.5/13/2022 12:40:18 PM5/13/2022 12:40:18 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified VIP_protein_color_L    Low 49 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C An image of the area of the mouse STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{A9C06EAD-A1B6-4BCB-A865-C886100DF8C1}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2790365Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 9:17:13 PM2/22/2021 9:17:13 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET743_withhydrogens1_L    Low 7 KB 6/3/2016 3:17 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{EC7C5CD8-DB75-4FDD-BD22-2ADC6B5D21AE}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2793368Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 9:15:49 PM2/22/2021 9:15:49 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET743_withhydrogens4_L    Low 6 KB 6/3/2016 3:17 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{67AA09A5-FC44-4339-8633-DF8EB90ED651}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
6601904This animation shows atoms of the HIV capsid, the shell that encloses the virus's genetic material. Scientists determined the exact structure of the capsid using a variety of imaging techniques and analyses. They then entered this data into a supercomputer to produce this image. Related to image <a href="">3477</a>. 11/14/2023 1:23:27 PM11/14/2023 1:23:27 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Atomic-Level Structure of the HIV Capsid    High 20229 KB 12/10/2020 5:41 PM Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2C77B30F-B214-4301-B475-E0433A651C12}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5751705Antibiotic resistance in microbes is a serious health concern. So researchers have turned their attention to how bacteria undo the action of some antibiotics. Here, scientists set out to find the conditions that help individual bacterial cells survive in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin. The research team used Mycobacterium smegmatis, a more harmless relative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which infects the lung and other organs and causes serious disease. <Br><Br>In this image, genetically identical mycobacteria are growing in a miniature growth chamber called a microfluidic chamber. Using live imaging, the researchers found that individual mycobacteria will respond differently to the antibiotic, depending on the growth stage and other timing factors. The researchers used genetic tagging with green fluorescent protein to distinguish cells that can resist rifampicin and those that cannot. With this gene tag, cells tolerant of the antibiotic light up in green and those that are susceptible in violet, enabling the team to monitor the cells' responses in real time. <Br><Br> To learn more about how the researchers studied antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium, see <a href="">this news release from Tufts University</a>. Related to <a href="">video 5752</a>.12/18/2020 4:27:18 PM12/18/2020 4:27:18 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 5751_SSBGFP_RIF2_40ul_100313_17_S    Low 107 KB 3/28/2019 3:25 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{9AAEDFAF-443D-4710-BA88-4BEBD4E1B128}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2579415In 2007, the FDA modified warfarin's label to indicate that genetic makeup may affect patient response to the drug. The widely used blood thinner is sold under the brand name Coumadin®. Scientists involved in the NIH Pharmacogenetics Research Network are investigating whether genetic information can be used to improve optimal dosage prediction for patients.10/30/2020 4:31:09 PM10/30/2020 4:31:09 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2579_Warfarin_S    Low 81 KB 3/29/2019 11:07 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3569AB1B-0A8E-4231-BF44-BA1EB62A78C9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3424464A white poppy.8/12/2020 6:26:03 AM8/12/2020 6:26:03 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poppy1    High 981 KB 6/3/2016 3:28 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{1E728609-C5CB-477C-91EB-B5D1E575D633}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2526533To become products, reactants must overcome an energy hill. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>The Chemistry of Health</i></a>.3/4/2022 7:58:22 PM3/4/2022 7:58:22 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Activation_Energy_with_labels_S    Low 31 KB 9/7/2016 1:49 PM Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{5CB11D8B-EAB6-4B16-AD51-7A7D90DAA4DC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3480659The activator cancer cell culture, right, contains a chemical that causes the cells to emit light when in the presence of immune cells.8/31/2020 4:49:23 AM8/31/2020 4:49:23 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified CancerGlow_L    Low 23 KB 6/3/2016 3:30 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Mark Sellmyer should be credited if any STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{B5BE4C04-163A-404F-9CF3-7B951CA08E25}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2527534A drug's life in the body. Medicines taken by mouth pass through the liver before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Other forms of drug administration bypass the liver, entering the blood directly. See <a href="">image 2528</a> for a labeled version of this illustration. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Medicines By Design</i></a>.11/4/2021 7:07:50 PM11/4/2021 7:07:50 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology pharmacokinetics, PK, Pharmacodynamics, PD, Pharmacology, Drug Delivery STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{BEA06F2F-9683-4E82-9C56-768444839212}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2535470Kinases are enzymes that add phosphate groups (red-yellow structures) to proteins (green), assigning the proteins a code. In this reaction, an intermediate molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) donates a phosphate group from itself, becoming ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Medicines By Design</i></a>.3/4/2022 7:54:39 PM3/4/2022 7:54:39 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Kinases_with_labels_S    Low 35 KB 9/7/2016 2:18 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{ADD06B1C-BD34-4115-BD3F-80BC561D9BD9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2735359This network map shows the overlap (green) between the long QT syndrome (yellow) and epilepsy (blue) protein-interaction neighborhoods located within the human interactome. Researchers have learned to integrate genetic, cellular and clinical information to find out why certain medicines can trigger fatal heart arrhythmias. Featured in an <a href= target="_blank">article in <em>Computing Life</em></a> magazine.8/12/2020 6:20:49 PM8/12/2020 6:20:49 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified interactome    High 190 KB 6/3/2016 3:16 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C This network map shows the overlap STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{80D7AF32-601D-41D2-9352-A8BD0C90A035}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2794369Ecteinascidin 743 (ET-743, brand name Yondelis), was discovered and isolated from a sea squirt, <i>Ecteinascidia turbinata</i>, by NIGMS grantee Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois. It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. Corey and later by Samuel Danishefsky. It is being tested for the treatment of several types of cancer. Multiple versions of this structure are available as entries 2790-2797.2/22/2021 9:15:20 PM2/22/2021 9:15:20 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ET_743_1    High 32 KB 6/3/2016 3:17 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C It was synthesized by NIGMS grantees E.J. STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3571E897-569B-41FE-A346-675BCE8E754E}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131