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101490A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily (<i>Scadoxus katherinae</i>). This is one frame of a time-lapse sequence that shows cell division in action. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its chromosomes are much thicker and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue.5/9/2022 1:44:44 PM5/9/2022 1:44:44 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified lilymit4_S    Low 13 KB 9/8/2016 2:31 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{309B5B6A-0FB8-4D2F-8587-E48F1460DAC0}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
1334170Damage to each person's genome, often called the "Book of Life," accumulates with time. Such DNA mutations arise from errors in the DNA copying process, as well as from external sources, such as sunlight and cigarette smoke. DNA mutations are known to cause cancer and also may contribute to cellular aging. Appears in the NIGMS booklet <a href="" target="_blank"><i>Inside the Cell</i></a>.10/28/2020 8:21:25 PM10/28/2020 8:21:25 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified ITC_OldBook_Copy_M    Medium 42 KB 10/28/2020 4:20 PM McCulley, Jennifer (NIH/NIDCD) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{D01BC032-E5E3-4D63-BCF0-64EF5033F7A8}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2324171Inside the fertilized egg cell of a fruit fly, we see a type of myosin, related to the protein that helps muscles contract, made to glow by attaching a fluorescent protein. After fertilization, the myosin proteins are distributed relatively evenly near the surface of the embryo. The proteins temporarily vanish each time the cell's nuclei--initially buried deep in the cytoplasm--divide. When the multiplying nuclei move to the surface, they shift the myosin, producing darkened holes. The glowing myosin proteins then gather, contract, and start separating the nuclei into their own compartments. This image and a video are featured in the February 22, 2005, issue of <a href= target="_blank"><em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>.5/13/2024 6:57:19 PM5/13/2024 6:57:19 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Myosin_M    Medium 34 KB 6/3/2016 3:08 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C When the multiplying nuclei move to the surface, they shift the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{D0B60815-4572-45A7-8DC4-F158A73070F8}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2441196<i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis.7/20/2021 2:20:35 PM7/20/2021 2:20:35 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified D20_2931-2    High 416 KB 6/3/2016 3:11 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C I sent the images for that purpose STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{DA359322-34AC-40B3-98FF-849B276875E9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2442197<i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis.5/1/2024 8:30:38 PM5/1/2024 8:30:38 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified D20_2932-2    High 588 KB 6/3/2016 3:11 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C I sent the images for that purpose STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{AFEC3CCF-4521-4FBE-B588-7EF06ED5D31B}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2315235If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a movie worth? For researchers studying cell migration, a "documentary" of fruit fly cells (bright green) traversing an egg chamber could answer longstanding questions about cell movement. Historically, researchers have been unable to watch this cell migration unfold in living ovarian tissue in real time. But by developing a culture medium that allows fly eggs to survive outside their ovarian homes, scientists can observe the nuances of cell migration as it happens. Such details may shed light on how immune cells move to a wound and why cancer cells spread to other sites. Featured in the June 20, 2007, issue of <a href= target="_blank"><em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>. Note: You may need to download the free <a href="" target="_blank">Quicktime</a> player to view the movie. See photograph with ID <a href=><em>3594</em></a> in Image Gallery.10/29/2020 1:16:33 PM10/29/2020 1:16:33 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Fly_cells_live    High 706 KB 6/3/2016 3:08 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Historically, researchers have been unable to watch this cell migration STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{9EF4E331-1E97-4E81-B4E5-27948C0B22A1}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2439266<i>Hydra magnipapillata</i> is an invertebrate animal used as a model organism to study developmental questions, for example the formation of the body axis.5/1/2024 8:29:19 PM5/1/2024 8:29:19 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified D20_2925-2    High 1358 KB 6/3/2016 3:11 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C I sent the images for that purpose STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3E508158-607A-4F26-8ABD-D1325D56C6FC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2497267Body organs such as the liver and kidneys process chemicals and toxins. These "target" organs are susceptible to damage caused by these substances. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Findings</i></a>, February 2004.3/4/2022 8:26:58 PM3/4/2022 8:26:58 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Body_Toxins_with_labels_S    Low 54 KB 9/7/2016 1:35 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{8DF93BAE-2D9A-4E0A-96DB-788A2A9E23BF}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2502271Cells walk along body surfaces via tiny "feet," called focal adhesions, that connect with the extracellular matrix. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Findings</i></a>, March 2005.3/4/2022 8:20:49 PM3/4/2022 8:20:49 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Focal_Adhesions_S    Low 40 KB 8/24/2016 5:25 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{96397D7C-AB16-42A9-8E80-905153E00976}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2505273Influenza A infects a host cell when hemagglutinin grips onto glycans on its surface. Neuraminidase, an enzyme that chews sugars, helps newly made virus particles detach so they can infect other cells. Related to <a href="">image 2425</a>. Featured in the March 2006, issue of <a href= target="_blank"><I>Findings</i></a> in "Viral Voyages."9/18/2020 5:55:42 PM9/18/2020 5:55:42 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Hemagglutinin_with_labels1_S    Low 63 KB 8/24/2016 3:32 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{5E3B4A7E-3979-4209-A991-377E3D046EE6}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2601351A mouse liver glows after being tagged with specially designed infrared-fluorescent protein (IFP). Since its discovery in 1962, green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become an invaluable resource in biomedical imaging. But because of its short wavelength, the light that makes GFP glow doesn't penetrate far in whole animals. So University of California, San Diego cell biologist Roger Tsien--who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for groundbreaking work with GFP--made infrared-fluorescent proteins (IFPs) that shine under longer-wavelength light, allowing whole-body imaging in small animals. Featured in the June 18, 2009, issue of <a href= target="_blank"><em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>.10/30/2020 7:25:22 PM10/30/2020 7:25:22 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified mouse_liver_L    Low 8 KB 6/3/2016 3:14 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C A mouse liver glows after being tagged STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3E04E3A9-7D2D-4B67-ADEC-51710E5458B1}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2605354The human skin cells pictured contain genetic modifications that make them pluripotent, essentially equivalent to embryonic stem cells. A scientific team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison including researchers Junying Yu, James Thomson, and their colleagues produced the transformation by introducing a set of four genes into human fibroblasts, skin cells that are easy to obtain and grow in culture.10/30/2020 7:28:55 PM10/30/2020 7:28:55 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified skin_cell_pluripotent07_1_M    Medium 364 KB 7/27/2016 11:39 AM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{846B41F6-0AAB-4160-9A8B-EF6F0C6272D7}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3270442Human embryonic stem cells differentiated into dopaminergic neurons, the type that degenerate in Parkinson's disease. Image courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.12/22/2020 6:20:26 PM12/22/2020 6:20:26 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 3270_DopaminergicneuronsfromEScells_S    Low 110 KB 3/29/2019 10:39 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{992867E2-AB87-4E67-8FD6-29E7298CB4FC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2536471The G switch allows our bodies to respond rapidly to hormones. See images 2537 and 2538 for labeled versions of this image. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Medicines By Design</i></a>.10/9/2020 4:47:14 PM10/9/2020 4:47:14 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified The_G_Switch_S    Low 42 KB 8/24/2016 3:09 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{D9496E31-4B5E-4424-B18C-CBE535D4C526}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2537472The G switch allows our bodies to respond rapidly to hormones. G proteins act like relay batons to pass messages from circulating hormones into cells. A hormone (red) encounters a receptor (blue) in the membrane of a cell. Next, a G protein (green) becomes activated and makes contact with the receptor to which the hormone is attached. Finally, the G protein passes the hormone's message to the cell by switching on a cell enzyme (purple) that triggers a response. See image 2536 and 2538 for other versions of this image. Featured in <a href= target="_blank"><i>Medicines By Design</i></a>.10/9/2020 4:46:41 PM10/9/2020 4:46:41 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified The_G_Switch_S    Low 50 KB 8/24/2016 3:06 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C See image 2536 and 2538 for STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{24697F49-DC4B-4FD7-BE6B-757DE3616E6B}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2690486Scientists in Scotland were the first to clone an animal, this sheep named Dolly. She later gave birth to Bonnie, the lamb next to her.11/6/2020 9:18:25 PM11/6/2020 9:18:25 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2690_Dolly_the_S    Low 121 KB 3/29/2019 11:01 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7CB0B9E1-9479-48FA-A5E6-754A9DF7047A}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3252503Green and yellow fluorescence mark the processes and cell bodies of some <i>C. elegans</i> neurons. Researchers have found that the strategies used by this tiny roundworm to control its motions are remarkably similar to those used by the human brain to command movement of our body parts. From a November 2011 University of Michigan <a href= target="_blank">news release</a>.12/22/2020 4:35:10 PM12/22/2020 4:35:10 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Round_worm    High 2774 KB 6/3/2016 3:25 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Green and yellow fluorescence mark the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7A2F35B4-8E5E-4118-98BE-7AE80AC58462}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3290510The three neurons (red) visible in this image were derived from human embryonic stem cells. Undifferentiated stem cells are green here. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.12/22/2020 10:53:14 PM12/22/2020 10:53:14 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 3290_ThreeneuronsandEScells_S    Low 112 KB 3/29/2019 10:37 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{1F2909E8-5F2F-4014-BE3C-C7C752EC9DF9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3371519The cerebellum is the brain's locomotion control center. Every time you shoot a basketball, tie your shoe or chop an onion, your cerebellum fires into action. Found at the base of your brain, the cerebellum is a single layer of tissue with deep folds like an accordion. People with damage to this region of the brain often have difficulty with balance, coordination and fine motor skills. For a lower magnification, see image 3370. This image is part of the Life: Magnified collection, which was displayed in the Gateway Gallery at Washington Dulles International Airport June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015. To see all 46 images in this exhibit, go to 7:05:01 PM11/22/2022 7:05:01 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified NCMIR_cerebellum_zoom_S    Low 21 KB 9/14/2016 11:40 AM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{FB8E30FA-4B5D-4CC2-B17A-8B480C9F0F3F}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2608548The center cluster of cells, colored blue, shows a colony of human embryonic stem cells. These cells, which arise at the earliest stages of development, are capable of differentiating into any of the 220 types of cells in the human body and can provide access to cells for basic research and potential therapies. This image is from the lab of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's James Thomson.10/30/2020 9:27:06 PM10/30/2020 9:27:06 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified stem_cell_colony03_S    Low 80 KB 9/7/2016 2:29 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{6DE06F14-27DF-49C6-AFF0-B1FAF17F4F4F}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2635550A computer model shows how the endoplasmic reticulum is close to and almost wraps around mitochondria in the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum is lime green and the mitochondria are yellow. This image relates to a July 27, 2009, <a href= target="_blank">article in <em>Computing Life</em></a>.11/6/2020 9:05:38 PM11/6/2020 9:05:38 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2635_MitochondriaER_S    Low 39 KB 3/29/2019 11:06 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{D8A0E95C-0812-4C5C-B75C-0C20F648C0EB}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2637552A scanning electron microscope image of an activated mast cell. This image illustrates the interesting topography of the cell membrane, which is populated with receptors. The distribution of receptors may affect cell signaling. This image relates to a July 27, 2009, <a href= target="_blank">article in <em>Computing Life</em></a>.11/6/2020 9:07:57 PM11/6/2020 9:07:57 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2637_rblactiveshad_S    Low 85 KB 3/29/2019 11:05 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{421A90EE-2D34-4873-9436-3DCFB980CD0D}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2649553Fluorescent markers show the interconnected web of tubes and compartments in the endoplasmic reticulum. The protein atlastin helps build and maintain this critical part of cells. The image is from a July 2009 <a href= target="_blank">news release</a>.11/6/2020 9:09:17 PM11/6/2020 9:09:17 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 2649_endoplasmic_S    Low 166 KB 3/29/2019 11:04 AM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{20BB4B63-1487-4B55-B7AB-04CA407D26CC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2802568A rendering of an activity biosensor image overlaid with a cell-centered frame of reference used for image analysis of signal transduction. This is an example of NIH-supported research on single cell analysis. Related to <a href="">image 2798</a> , <a href="">image 2799</a>, <a href="">image 2800</a>, <a href="">image 2801</a> and <a href="">image 2803</a>.9/11/2020 4:25:46 PM9/11/2020 4:25:46 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified nih11BiosensorsArtistic_L    Low 133 KB 6/3/2016 3:18 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{74662892-4E9F-4C75-A089-54EB98B3D0BA}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
2803569Rendering of the surface of an endothelial cell; membrane curvature is color coded. This is an example of NIH-supported research on single cell analysis. Related to <a href="">image 2798</a> , <a href="">image 2799</a>, <a href="">image 2800</a>, <a href="">image 2801</a>, and <a href="">image 2802</a>.9/11/2020 4:32:59 PM9/11/2020 4:32:59 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified nih11Cell3Dcurvature_S    Low 95 KB 8/24/2016 3:37 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{18E989EA-5A20-427E-B31D-B838FCD2557C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3280572Motor neuron progenitors (green) were derived from human embryonic stem cells. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.12/22/2020 7:36:08 PM12/22/2020 7:36:08 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Motorneuronprogenitors_rs_M    Medium 286 KB 3/22/2021 6:38 PM Walter, Taylor (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{8BAAF0F3-413A-4B5C-9A33-5B02EA7D4C17}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3282574This image shows neonatal mouse heart cells. These cells were grown in the lab on a chip that aligns the cells in a way that mimics what is normally seen in the body. Green shows the protein N-cadherin, which indicates normal connections between cells. Red indicates the muscle protein actin, and blue indicates the cell nuclei. The work shown here was part of a study attempting to grow heart tissue in the lab to repair damage after a heart attack. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.12/22/2020 10:41:06 PM12/22/2020 10:41:06 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Mouseheartmusclecells1_L    Low 15 KB 6/3/2016 3:25 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C These cells were grown in the lab on a STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2079E69B-059B-4133-B12F-91B029528222}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3285577These neurons were derived from human embryonic stem cells. The neural cell bodies with axonal projections are visible in red, and the nuclei in blue. Some of the neurons have become dopaminergic neurons (yellow), the type that degenerate in people with Parkinson's disease. Image and caption information courtesy of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.12/22/2020 10:45:54 PM12/22/2020 10:45:54 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified NeuronsfromhumanEScells02_L    Low 13 KB 6/3/2016 3:25 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{8495E695-0C99-4852-B59D-AFED2299977C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3341579Embryonic stem cells store pre-activated Bax (red) in the Golgi, near the nucleus (blue) Featured in the June 21, 2012, issue of <a href=><em>Biomedical Beat</em></a>.12/23/2020 5:38:20 PM12/23/2020 5:38:20 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 3341_Overlay-nuc_6a7_M    Medium 30 KB 3/6/2019 4:59 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{78EA2033-6FD9-4517-B980-40AD723976C6}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3440587During embryonic development, transcription factors (proteins that regulate gene expression) govern the differentiation of cells into separate tissues and organs. Researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center used mice to study the development of certain internal organs, including the liver, pancreas, duodenum (beginning part of the small intestine), gall bladder and bile ducts. They discovered that transcription factor Sox17 guides some cells to develop into liver cells and others to become part of the pancreas or biliary system (gall bladder, bile ducts and associated structures). The separation of these two distinct cell types (liver versus pancreas/biliary system) is complete by embryonic day 8.5 in mice. The transcription factors PDX1 and Hes1 are also known to be involved in embryonic development of the pancreas and biliary system. This image shows mouse cells at embryonic day 10.5. The green areas show cells that will develop into the pancreas and/or duodenum(PDX1 is labeled green). The blue area near the bottom will become the gall bladder and the connecting tubes (common duct and cystic duct) that attach the gall bladder to the liver and pancreas (Sox17 is labeled blue). The transcription factor Hes1 is labeled red. The image was not published. A similar image (different plane of the section) was published in: <b>Sox17 Regulates Organ Lineage Segregation of Ventral Foregut Progenitor Cells</b> Jason R. Spence, Alex W. Lange, Suh-Chin J. Lin, Klaus H. Kaestner, Andrew M. Lowy, Injune Kim, Jeffrey A. Whitsett and James M. Wells, Developmental Cell, Volume 17, Issue 1, 62-74, 21 July 2009. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2009.05.0128/22/2020 5:03:27 PM8/22/2020 5:03:27 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified e10-5_sox_hes_pdx    Other 26400 KB 9/26/2020 10:34 PM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C If so, and if it?s not STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{82850322-6E67-4E74-9AB5-AA92C974E1F0}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3491596A protein called kinesin (blue) is in charge of moving cargo around inside cells and helping them divide. It's powered by biological fuel called ATP (bright yellow) as it scoots along tube-like cellular tracks called microtubules (gray).9/8/2020 11:21:32 PM9/8/2020 11:21:32 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified cool_image_kinesin_L    Low 7 KB 6/3/2016 3:30 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Would you allow us to do so, and would you please let us know how you would like to STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{35B500A0-F314-4453-AED7-2C9A600F10D9}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3492597This tropical scene, reminiscent of a postcard from Key West, is actually a petri dish containing an artistic arrangement of genetically engineered bacteria. The image showcases eight of the fluorescent proteins created in the laboratory of the late Roger Y. Tsien, a cell biologist at the University of California, San Diego. Tsien, along with Osamu Shimomura of the Marine Biology Laboratory and Martin Chalfie of Columbia University, share the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on green fluorescent protein-a naturally glowing molecule from jellyfish that has become a powerful tool for studying molecules inside living cells.9/9/2020 1:51:26 AM9/9/2020 1:51:26 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified cool_image_colored_proteins1_M    Medium 103 KB 8/30/2016 12:30 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{82113CDA-7154-491B-8100-C43A4925AAC1}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3497600Wound healing requires the action of stem cells. In mice that lack the Sept2/ARTS gene, stem cells involved in wound healing live longer and wounds heal faster and more thoroughly than in normal mice. This confocal microscopy image from a mouse lacking the Sept2/ARTS gene shows a tail wound in the process of healing. See more information in the press release from Rockefeller University ( and the article in Science (<br<</br>Related to images 3498 and 3500.9/9/2020 2:55:38 AM9/9/2020 2:55:38 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Steller1    High 505 KB 6/3/2016 3:30 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br<</br>Related to images 3498 and 3500 STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{C569D568-2C7B-41A2-A222-B70E85E15374}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3571605A tomographic reconstruction of the colon shows the location of large pools of HIV-1 virus particles (in blue) located in the spaces between adjacent cells. The purple objects within each sphere represent the conical cores that are one of the structural hallmarks of the HIV virus. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="" target=_blank>PLOS Pathogens</a> article from January 30, 2014.10/5/2020 5:45:24 AM10/5/2020 5:45:24 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified HIV_in_colon_M    Medium 843 KB 6/3/2016 3:32 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C I hope this is the one you wanted STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{468C9090-81F9-46C4-AC94-3E8D40C64A9C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3576608Here, bubonic plague bacteria (yellow) are shown in the digestive system of a rat flea (purple). The bubonic plague killed a third of Europeans in the mid-14th century. Today, it is still active in Africa, Asia and the Americas, with as many as 2,000 people infected worldwide each year. If caught early, bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics. This image is part of the Life: Magnified collection, which was displayed in the Gateway Gallery at Washington Dulles International Airport June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015. To see all 46 images in this exhibit, go to 9:43:00 PM11/28/2022 9:43:00 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Yersina_pestis_1_H    High 4674 KB 10/5/2020 2:04 AM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C Br><Br> This image was part of the <em STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{1DA06FC3-2FA7-4A59-B108-BBB3DD8ACB3F}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3580609Industrious V. cholerae bacteria (yellow) tend to thrive in denser biofilms (left) while moochers (red) thrive in weaker biofilms (right). More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="">Biomedical Beat Blog posting</a> from February 2014.10/5/2020 6:16:25 AM10/5/2020 6:16:25 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified V_M._cholerae_biofilms_32    Medium 50 KB 6/3/2016 3:32 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{21F937D8-3F14-4784-AC98-9E76BB4A34A8}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3583610This video condenses 6.5 minutes into less than a minute to show how the toxin in bee venom, called melittin, destroys an animal or bacterial cell. What looks like a red balloon is an artificial cell filled with red dye. Melittin molecules are colored green and float on the cell's surface like twigs on a pond. As melittin accumulates on the cell's membrane, the membrane expands to accommodate it. In the video, the membrane stretches into a column on the left. When melittin levels reach a critical threshold, countless pinhole leaks burst open in the membrane. The cell's vital fluids (red dye in the video) leak out through these pores. Within minutes, the cell collapses. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="" target=_blank>Biomedical Beat Blog posting</a> from September 2013.10/5/2020 3:02:48 PM10/5/2020 3:02:48 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 3583_Bee_venom_toxin_destroying_a_cell_T    Thumbnail 93 KB 3/28/2019 4:10 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{DE9F9AD2-E71C-49E9-BCAE-696812BEA13C}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3678623This image shows the long, branched structures (axons) of nerve cells. Running horizontally across the middle of the photo is an axon wrapped in rings made of actin protein (green), which plays important roles in nerve cells. The image was captured with a powerful microscopy technique that allows scientists to see single molecules in living cells in real time. The technique is called stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). It is based on technology so revolutionary that its developers earned the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. More information about this image can be found in: K. Xu, G. Zhong, X. Zhuang. <a href="" target="_blank">Actin, spectrin and associated proteins form a periodic cytoskeleton structure in axons</a>. Science 339, 452-456 (2013).12/1/2020 6:12:00 PM12/1/2020 6:12:00 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified STORM_6_L    Low 121 KB 6/3/2016 3:38 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C It is based on technology so revolutionary that its developers earned the 2014 Nobel STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{07E6F1B1-F48B-44EC-BBB5-0AE4D78AE269}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5756638Pigment cells are cells that give skin its color. In fishes and amphibians, like frogs and salamanders, pigment cells are responsible for the characteristic skin patterns that help these organisms to blend into their surroundings or attract mates. The pigment cells are derived from neural crest cells, which are cells originating from the neural tube in the early embryo. This image shows pigment cells from pearl danio, a relative of the popular laboratory animal zebrafish. Investigating pigment cell formation and migration in animals helps answer important fundamental questions about the factors that control pigmentation in the skin of animals, including humans. Related to images <a href="">5754</a>, <a href="">5755</a>, <a href="">5757</a> and <a href="">5758.12/18/2020 4:53:41 PM12/18/2020 4:53:41 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified parichy-02_M    Medium 67 KB 7/13/2016 5:57 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C I’d be happy to make some high STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{09E26DA0-9005-49C0-A268-3998B5DA6C97}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5838643This image results from a research project to visualize which regions of the adult fruit fly (Drosophila) brain derive from each neural stem cell. First, researchers collected several thousand fruit fly larvae and fluorescently stained a random stem cell in the brain of each. The idea was to create a population of larvae in which each of the 100 or so neural stem cells was labeled at least once. When the larvae grew to adults, the researchers examined the flies’ brains using confocal microscopy. With this technique, the part of a fly’s brain that derived from a single, labeled stem cell “lights up.” The scientists photographed each brain and digitally colorized its lit-up area. By combining thousands of such photos, they created a 3-dimensional, color-coded map that shows which part of the Drosophila brain comes from each of its ~100 neural stem cells. In other words, each colored region shows which neurons are the progeny or “clones” of a single stem cell. This work established a hierarchical structure as well as nomenclature for the neurons in the Drosophila brain. Further research will relate functions to structures of the brain. Related to image <a href="">5868</a> and video<a href=""> 5843</a> 5/13/2022 12:38:45 PM5/13/2022 12:38:45 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 5838_droso_x10_crop from Utah BTRR--Chris Johnson_S    Low 166 KB 3/28/2019 2:31 PM Constantinides, Stephen STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{E35C7327-EDA4-46DF-B3D4-A0F7CF02CCC0}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5855646Superresolution microscopy work on ER in the peripheral areas of the cell showing details of the structure and arrangement in a complex web of tubes <br></br> The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous membrane that extends like a net from the envelope of the nucleus outward to the cell membrane. The ER plays several roles within the cell, such as in protein and lipid synthesis and transport of materials between organelles. The ER has a flexible structure to allow it to accomplish these tasks by changing shape as conditions in the cell change. Shown here an image created by superresolution microscopy of the ER in the peripheral areas of the cell showing details of the structure and the arrangements in a complex web of tubes. Related to images <a href="">5856</a> and <a href="">5857</a>.12/18/2020 8:47:02 PM12/18/2020 8:47:02 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Figure 3A_S    Low 73 KB 2/15/2017 12:24 PM Varkala, Venkat (NIH/NIGMS) [C br> The ER is a continuous STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{0F883DA0-7154-4D41-A93F-1F9B124B47EC}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
638865312/21/2020 5:16:51 PM12/21/2020 5:16:51 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified E. coli_M    Medium 203 KB 3/13/2018 3:59 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{52B9AB37-C0A9-4E84-9332-67CFB7D18183}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3486663Two healthy cells (bottom, left) enter into apoptosis (bottom, center) but spring back to life after a fatal toxin is removed (bottom, right; top).9/8/2020 10:48:30 PM9/8/2020 10:48:30 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 3486_ApoptosisRev_S    Low 69 KB 3/28/2019 4:28 PM Constantinides, Stephen (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{64ABA51E-60CB-4F0E-9323-84CF44A836DE}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3488665Shiga toxin (green) is sorted from the endosome into membrane tubules (red), which then pinch off and move to the Golgi apparatus.9/8/2020 11:05:30 PM9/8/2020 11:05:30 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Manganese    Other 94 KB 9/26/2020 10:23 PM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C We would like to add the image STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{05966EB7-4653-4C31-8BCB-559E2C254C44}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3547667An image of the area of the mouse brain that serves as the 'master clock,' which houses the brain's time-keeping neurons. The nuclei of the clock cells are shown in blue. A small molecule called VIP, shown in green, enables neurons in the central clock in the mammalian brain to synchronize. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="">Biomedical Beat Blog</a> posting from November 2013.5/13/2022 12:40:18 PM5/13/2022 12:40:18 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified VIP_protein_color_L    Low 49 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C An image of the area of the mouse STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{A9C06EAD-A1B6-4BCB-A865-C886100DF8C1}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3549668The green in this image highlights a protein called TonB, which is produced by many gram-negative bacteria, including those that cause typhoid fever, meningitis and dysentery. TonB lets bacteria take up iron from the host's body, which they need to survive. More information about the research behind this image can be found in a <a href="">Biomedical Beat Blog posting</a> from August 2013.9/27/2020 5:01:16 AM9/27/2020 5:01:16 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified tonb_klebba_L    Low 3 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Beat Blog posting</a> from August 2013 STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{64FA3C50-EBC9-4930-B1C5-3401B94D1191}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3558672Luciferase-based imaging enables visualization and quantification of internal organs and transplanted cells in live adult zebrafish. In this image, a cardiac muscle-restricted promoter drives firefly luciferase expression (lateral view).10/5/2020 5:23:30 AM10/5/2020 5:23:30 AMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Poss-zebrafish-03    High 488 KB 6/3/2016 3:31 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C br>For imagery of both the STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{609B0D19-64A4-46CE-8F68-348417AC7AFA}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3614679Yeast make bread, beer and wine. And like us, yeast can reproduce sexually. A mother and father cell fuse and create one large cell that contains four offspring. When environmental conditions are favorable, the offspring are released, as shown here. Yeast are also a popular study subject for scientists. Research on yeast has yielded vast knowledge about basic cellular and molecular biology as well as about myriad human diseases, including colon cancer and various metabolic disorders. This image is part of the Life: Magnified collection, which was displayed in the Gateway Gallery at Washington Dulles International Airport June 3, 2014, to January 21, 2015. To see all 46 images in this exhibit, go to 8:51:06 PM11/22/2022 8:51:06 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified 5_topleft_YeastBirth    Other 8217 KB 10/25/2020 9:33 PM Harris, Donald (NIH/NIGMS) [C STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{CC3CD326-D52E-488C-817D-0A2E2AE3C721}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
3792701What looks a little like distant planets with some mysterious surface features are actually assemblies of proteins normally found in the cell's nucleolus, a small but very important protein complex located in the cell's nucleus. It forms on the chromosomes at the location where the genes for the RNAs are that make up the structure of the ribosome, the indispensable cellular machine that make proteins from messenger RNAs. <Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows and maintains its structure has puzzled scientists for some time. It turns out that even though it looks like a simple liquid blob, it's rather well-organized, consisting of three distinct layers: the fibrillar center, where the RNA polymerase is active; the dense fibrillar component, which is enriched in the protein fibrillarin; and the granular component, which contains a protein called nucleophosmin. Researchers have now discovered that this multilayer structure of the nucleolus arises from differences in how the proteins in each compartment mix with water and with each other. These differences let the proteins readily separate from each other into the three nucleolus compartments.<Br><Br> This photo of nucleolus proteins in the eggs of a commonly used lab animal, the frog Xenopus laevis, shows each of the nucleolus compartments (the granular component is shown in red, the fibrillarin in yellow-green, and the fibrillar center in blue). The researchers have found that these compartments spontaneously fuse with each other on encounter without mixing with the other compartments. <Br><Br> For more details on this research, see <a href="">this press release from Princeton</a>. Related to <a href=""> video 3789</a>, <a href=""> video 3791</a> and <a href=""> image 3793</a>.12/17/2020 7:37:00 PM12/17/2020 7:37:00 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified Nucleolus23_L    Low 14 KB 6/3/2016 3:41 PM aamishral2 (NIH/NIGMS) [C Br><Br>However, how the nucleolus grows STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{2B6F28C6-3C26-44A7-8B84-F2F6B05584C2}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131
5729703The HIV capsid is pear-shaped structure that is made of proteins the virus needs to mature and become infective. The capsid is inside the virus and delivers the virus' genetic information into a human cell. To better understand how the HIV capsid does this feat, scientists have used computer programs to simulate its assembly. This image shows a series of snapshots of the steps that grow the HIV capsid. A model of a complete capsid is shown on the far right of the image for comparison; the green, blue and red colors indicate different configurations of the capsid protein that make up the capsid “shell.” The bar in the left corner represents a length of 20 nanometers, which is less than a tenth the size of the smallest bacterium. Computer models like this also may be used to reconstruct the assembly of the capsids of other important viruses, such as Ebola or the Zika virus. <br><br> The studies reporting this research were published in <a href=""><i>Nature Communications</i></a> and <a href=""><i>Nature</i></a>. <br><br> To learn more about how researchers used computer simulations to track the assembly of the HIV capsid, see <a href="">this press release from the University of Chicago</a>.12/18/2020 4:10:47 PM12/18/2020 4:10:47 PMType    Name    Media Type    File Size    Modified HIV capsid synthesis 222px_TransparentBackground-1_S    Thumbnail 127 KB 3/20/2017 9:21 AM Machalek, Alisa STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{C1FD6483-5B69-49FD-9F08-5665166A3E1D}Sharepoint.DocumentSet~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PublicAsset.js3131