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  • 624624125152312312197251491496297PublicAssets/3491A protein called kinesin (blue) is in charge of moving cargo around inside cells and helping them divide. It's powered by biological fuel called ATP (bright yellow) as it scoots along tube-like cellular tracks called microtubules (gray).Charles Sindelar, Yale UniversityCharles Sindelar, Yale UniversityIllustration

    Topic Tags:

    CellsChemistry, Biochemistry, and PharmacologyMolecular Structures

    Kinesin moves cellular cargo

    A protein called kinesin (blue) is in charge of moving cargo around inside cells and helping them divide. It's powered by biological fuel called ATP (bright yellow) as it scoots along tube-like cellular tracks called microtubules (gray).


    Charles Sindelar, Yale University

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    Charles Sindelar, Yale University

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