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During embryonic development, transcription factors (proteins that regulate gene expression) govern the differentiation of cells into separate tissues and organs. Researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center used mice to study the development of certain internal organs, including the liver, pancreas, duodenum (beginning part of the small intestine), gall bladder and bile ducts. They discovered that transcription factor Sox17 guides some cells to develop into liver cells and others to become part of the pancreas or biliary system (gall bladder, bile ducts and associated structures). The separation of these two distinct cell types (liver versus pancreas/biliary system) is complete by embryonic day 8.5 in mice. The transcription factors PDX1 and Hes1 are also known to be involved in embryonic development of the pancreas and biliary system. This image shows mouse cells at embryonic day 10.5. The green areas show cells that will develop into the pancreas and/or duodenum(PDX1 is labeled green). The blue area near the bottom will become the gall bladder and the connecting tubes (common duct and cystic duct) that attach the gall bladder to the liver and pancreas (Sox17 is labeled blue). The transcription factor Hes1 is labeled red. The image was not published. A similar image (different plane of the section) was published in: Sox17 Regulates Organ Lineage Segregation of Ventral Foregut Progenitor Cells Jason R. Spence, Alex W. Lange, Suh-Chin J. Lin, Klaus H. Kaestner, Andrew M. Lowy, Injune Kim, Jeffrey A. Whitsett and James M. Wells, Developmental Cell, Volume 17, Issue 1, 62-74, 21 July 2009. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2009.05.012
James M. Wells, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Jason Spence and James M. Wells, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center