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  • 1502113239011875156611793135927129935PublicAssets/3400Blood vessels at the back of the eye (retina) are used to diagnose glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. They also display characteristic changes in people with high blood pressure. In the image, the vessels appear green. It's not actually the vessels that are stained green, but rather filaments of a protein called actin that wraps around the vessels. Most of the red blood cells were replaced by fluid as the tissue was prepared for the microscope. The tiny red dots are red blood cells that remain in the vessels. The image was captured using confocal and 2-photon excitation microscopy for a project related to neurofibromatosis.National Center for Microscopy and Imaging ResearchNational Center for Microscopy and Imaging ResearchPhotograph

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    CellsTools and Techniques

    Small blood vessels in a mouse retina

    Blood vessels at the back of the eye (retina) are used to diagnose glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. They also display characteristic changes in people with high blood pressure. In the image, the vessels appear green. It's not actually the vessels that are stained green, but rather filaments of a protein called actin that wraps around the vessels. Most of the red blood cells were replaced by fluid as the tissue was prepared for the microscope. The tiny red dots are red blood cells that remain in the vessels. The image was captured using confocal and 2-photon excitation microscopy for a project related to neurofibromatosis.


    National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research

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    National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research

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